A move to the relative anonymity of Los Angeles, where AA meetings turn into celebrity hang-outs, became inevitable. |
Tussock moth larvae that are not killed by parasitic wasps and predators turn into brightly marked caterpillars. |
I want to make all bullies disappear and turn into little weedy shrimps, so they can't bully kids smaller than themselves. |
On the 5th February 1918 the convoy steamed towards the west coast of Scotland and began to turn into the North Channel. |
Actually, the JLENS blimp is an aerostat, a blimp like vehicle designed to always turn into the wind and stay in the same place. |
Some people can turn into ravening beasts under the light of a full moon but they aren't werewolves. |
It would turn into a disaster for Tom as a problem made the car a real handful. |
I've got some scrawled notes I took while watching the show, which I will turn into something resembling a recap tomorrow. |
Designers are scouring the animal kingdom for exotic species to turn into bags, shoes and all manner of trendiness. |
One of my childhood babysitters used to tell me that I'd turn into chocolate milk if I drank too much of it. |
It will then turn into a swollen red giant, burning to a frazzle any life left here on Earth. |
So anyone who does not think this is going to turn into a media circus is in la-la land, quite frankly. |
Whatever it is I find it a relief to know you can be in your 40's and not turn into a boring middleaged yawn. |
If they are indeed candidates, this election could turn into the battle of the 50-something alpha males. |
He believes that children who do not regularly eat with or talk to their parents can turn into anti-social, undisciplined individualists. |
Just hope you're better served than Christopher when your neighbors turn into brain-eating zombies. |
He disappeared, leaving me to deal with a sore eye that would soon turn into a black eye. |
On and off the field, there is ample evidence of another resurrection, and season 2004 could well turn into another annus mirabilis. |
For young consumers intent on immediately customizing their new rides, that extra money might turn into the most powerful incentive of all. |
He said he had entered the right hand carriageway to turn into Station Road and had been flashed across by other drivers. |
But traditional lightning rods can become saturated with electricity and turn into magnets for lightning. |
I've often heard people wondering how these students, notoriously wild, turn into pillars of responsibility and reliability. |
While the recollections of participants are a lode of information, without corroborating sources, many interviews turn into self-serving pieces. |
A 3 day road trip could turn into a 3 year road trip because you would take us round and round in circles. |
The Mongols were very far from their bases, and any reverse could quickly turn into a rout. |
In a yacht you can turn into a storm and beat away, but you can't do that in a rowing boat! |
Their bodies are nearly indestructible, and can twist and turn into any design, like taffy. |
I'm always reluctant to do so because I don't want this blog to turn into autobiography by other means. |
This creates slightly harsh, overexposed areas of light that most video scalers tend to turn into a blob of crawling noise. |
When two or more people are living under the same roof these somewhat trivial things can quickly turn into issues of mammoth importance. |
Children hoot in merriment as they ride their water scooters or turn into birds gliding across the sky while they para-sail. |
When examiners turn into mere markers, they often produce a grid called a mark analysis sheet. |
I ate so many dates stuffed with almonds or marzipan, I felt I was going to turn into one. |
The secret to maintaining this balance over the long haul is to avoid letting moderation turn into monotony. |
The result is endless to-ing and fro-ing as three-point turns turn into eight-point turns. |
Then, like a line of dominoes, the nines turn into zeros as we carry one back and back. |
This is a three-ring circus that may well turn into a witch hunt, with pitchforks and torches available at the concession stands. |
Normal polite, generous people seem to turn into very selfish, self-centred individuals once they light up a cigarette. |
There were fears before the event that it could turn into a Christmas beer festival. |
And if you tilt your camera to take a picture of a building or a monument, vertical lines will converge and rectangles turn into trapezoids. |
Seniors, who quickly turn into mentors to the students, only require patience, a sense of humour and an empathy towards children. |
Players turn into disappointments, teams underachieve and the managerial merry-go-round starts anew. |
She would show Lord William that she was not about to turn into a weepy-faced toady over him. |
The main wheels can be toed out allowing the aircraft to turn into the wind while the decklock harpoon remains engaged. |
Every Wednesday I watch in amazement as rigid, gay-weary men turn into man-hugging metrosexuals over the course of a day. |
Those travellers have now moved on from the site, which developers want to turn into shops. |
Any Army marching to battle with this as their battle cry would turn into a bunch of berserkers. |
Everything on the market seemed to turn into those bendy, rimless shards sheened with that bluish, rather offensively reflective stuff. |
I hope this shindig doesn't turn into a super shindig because I lost my whole family at a cowboy dance last year. |
Tiny meteors, commonly called shooting stars, hit the earth's atmosphere and turn into fiery streaks. |
He and others believe that downtown, despite years of missteps, may yet turn into a community. |
The only trouble was, this was starting to turn into a showcase for Virgin Trains rather than tourism in York. |
Obscure stocks can turn into little-known money pits, or they can transform your portfolio into a source of enduring pleasure. |
The Finance Committee, meanwhile, voted to recommend against the church's purchase, saying it could turn into a money pit. |
Garry said they drove from Darwen town centre towards Ewood and for some reason Sean missed his turn into Branch Road. |
The pack journalism of Super Bowl week always has the potential to turn into a giant game of telephone. |
The decision infuriated residents, who saw their once well-kept verges rapidly turn into wilderness. |
The wine of conservatism continues to slowly turn into the vinegar of tribal ideology. |
Right before you turn into the cemetery, there's a little side road, unnamed, that's made entirely of dirt and pebbles. |
No one could have foreseen that so many of the financial innovations would turn into black swans. |
To accommodate narrow gauge engines, three-rail track must turn into four-rail before reaching the turntable. |
They can easily turn into mobs, stoning everything in sight, private vehicles not excluded. |
Old people want to be loved and respected, otherwise they turn into tyrants. |
How can we categorise the blogosphere and where do common generalisations fall down or turn into misconceptions? |
They will turn into chrysalises and, after a few weeks, into butterflies or moths. |
Since outfielders tend to play deep at this stadium, bloopers that are caught in other cities often turn into singles. |
The residents don't want the area to turn into a sink estate, and who can blame them? |
And a growing body of evidence suggests that multitasking can easily turn into multislacking. |
So a broad driving a Mercedes is bogarting her way across traffic to make that important turn into the entrance closest to Bloomingdales. |
As the anthrax example demonstrates, our own investment in weapons of mass destruction can easily turn into our own undoing. |
It seems that I turn into a bolshy, opinionated and entirely spoilt six-year-old kid at moments like this. |
How can a man so confident till that point turn into the stereotypical mushy cornball? |
So a sheet is a rope, a tack is a turn into the wind and the boom is the spar along the bottom of the sail. |
His motorbike is believed to have collided with the rear of two cars that had slowed so a third could turn into a farm. |
And with some early models now coming in at under a thousand smackers, our love might just turn into obsession. |
They say the boto can turn into a person, that it shows up at fiestas to seduce men and women. |
The sniffles turn into a really sore throat, you start to cough up green or yellow coloured phlegm and you begin to run a fever. |
Someone has to straighten these people out before all of our kids turn into sniveling, whining, spoiled brats. |
In about a month the stunning neckbeard I already provide a home to could turn into a cascading waterfall of hair. |
But as our experiences show, innocent fun can soon turn into danger for the unwary. |
It has been part of his strategy to attract soft supporters which the National Front then hopes to turn into hardcore members. |
I begged him not to say anything to Mother, knowing the way such things could and did turn into small town brouhahas. |
Producing movies does not totally fulfill my desire to see us turn into a spacefaring civilization. |
He says criminologists note the ease with which public hysteria can turn into vigilantism. |
It is completely impossible for this bear market rally to somehow turn into a new bull market. |
Should it turn into a disorderly rout then there would inevitably be a spillover into other markets and into the real economy. |
Forecasters predict the winds will ease later today and the heavy rains will turn into squally showers. |
If Scroffles the mangy mutt could turn into the beautiful Sam, then there really is hope for all the stray canines. |
All I have to do is to turn into a brutal fascist pig and angrily rip the covers off their bed while screaming at them. |
Today's windmills are entirely computerized, with sensors that allow them to turn into the wind to harness energy as efficiently as possible. |
The harried becomes the harrier, and what starts as a friendly disagreement can turn into a struggle for life and death. |
But without the proper rules, healthy capitalist markets turn into sluggish oligopolies, and that is what's happening in media today. |
But as the night wears on and the alcohol from the cash bar starts flowing into my brain, they slowly turn into masterful actors. |
Then the large orange blossoms appear and eventually turn into small round orbs. |
A nice little puppy can turn into a hellhound over night and kill the mailman. |
And with intoxicated minds, nationalism can easily turn into chauvinism when it comes to judge other cultures. |
This isn't fatal, but grants him the ability to turn into a big, dumb green guy whenever someone cheeses him off. |
I do not wish to turn into a gibbering homicidal maniac, especially just before Christmas. |
Then, for one night, the seamstresses turn into princesses for a unique beauty pageant. |
A plain child with swarthy features, she would turn into an auburn-haired beauty with dimples, large blue eyes and long, slim legs. |
He gives humanity and pathos to a character that a lesser actor might turn into a complete buffoon. |
Don't let this beautiful historical village turn into a faceless urban sprawl. |
Pin is incredulous that rolling over loans that had been on the books for years could turn into a criminal activity. |
Make sure that your work surface is perfectly dry or else the filo will stick and turn into mush. |
It's an unattractive sight, like watching a fender bender turn into a forty-car crash. |
After that, they all turn into grating in-jokes, funny to the filmmakers, but infuriating to the average moviegoer. |
He hears countless movie pitches, and is responsible for filtering out the twelve movie ideas that his studio will turn into features every year. |
Should however the revolution turn into the directorate, the consulate and then the empire, you may come round and lynch us. |
The restaurants turn into an ideal venue for the tourists who have come from several countries to meet each other and exchange pleasantries. |
Too, in the casual encounter that may turn into commitment, the contingent nature of existence can be clearly shown. |
People turn into snails and violent and gruesome deaths seem to be the only way to escape the grisly vortex. |
Then you go further south and the huge mountains turns into rolling hills and the rolling hills turn into flatlands. |
In any case, his tirade illustrates how easily what were once mere irritations of daily life now turn into political crusades. |
These spots turn into raised lesions that begin to darken in color and then take on a corklike appearance becoming rough to the touch. |
And I've seen a small group of men turn into a lynch mob like a light switch had been flipped. |
They have plowed billions into the project and are keen to ensure it doesn't turn into a costly flightless bird. |
I marvel at everything from a three-handed cowpoke to a lasso that can turn into a bridge. |
No matter how tight the American grip on this trial, there's a risk that it will turn into a Frankenstein's monster. |
Yes, they say that your future partner is your best friend and that friendship can turn into love. |
And, if you think that once you become a mom, you suddenly turn into a frump, you are in for one very dull ride. |
A shy New York artist fears she may have descended from a family of cursed women who turn into panthers when turned on. |
Does a pound sign, followed by the numeral 1 and nine consecutive noughts give rational human beings the right to turn into irrational moaners? |
However, it's impossible to police everyone in the gallery, or tournament golf would turn into a police state. |
If this task simply ends up becoming paperwork, the law will turn into a dead letter. |
More exciting for David was a visit to Colour World in Kilkenny to watch as his design rolling off the presses and turn into a card! |
Unfortunately, it is often not enough and the final designs that we turn into deliverable software are still not as good as they should be. |
I was about to turn into a crazy psychotic lunatic and there was nothing I could do to stop myself. |
It was a scent she couldn't recognize, and it made her skin turn into gooseflesh. |
Dry white wines are made by allowing all of the grape sugar to turn into alcohol. |
This could turn into a tight match with Queenstown possibly slight favourites with their home ground advantage. |
Johnny, they might have given you a heads up that I might turn into a crazy fan here and just gush for a few minutes. |
Criticism can so easily turn into apathy, as disillusioned people become convinced that nothing can be done. |
I turn the boat and we simply run down the line at an even pace and turn into the fish as we get nearer. |
Many families also have unused sports equipment sitting in their garage gathering dust, which we can turn into cash. |
They will turn into a dustball for motorcyclists to scramble in and this will cause a nuisance. |
However, Adrian points out that even the most docile, harmless household pet can turn into a monster. |
What stinks worse is the concept that people don't suddenly turn into bad guys, or conceited double-dealers for just one case. |
Painful spots or blisters turn into open sores, which scab over and heal. |
If I don't work out, I turn into a puddle of unsightly pudge. |
How does an ordinary, obedient child of the 1950s and a beneficiary of the economic miracle of that era turn into a terrorist, an accessory to murder? |
It starts with symptoms that look a lot like a common cold, which then turn into weeks of uncontrollable coughing. |
Now put the chufas in a blender until they turn into a soft paste. |
The Boston Marathon bombings reminded the world how quickly a celebration can turn into a conflagration. |
I then ransacked the studio for a cardboard box that I could turn into a cigarette box and happily, my prayers were answered in the shape of an empty box of A4 paper. |
Plastic was also verboten as it would turn into chemical lava. |
One rat's nest can turn into a colony of 50 rats in six months. |
In such a way, from a source of national pride, malandragem, samba, and syncopations would turn into a damnation, an unbreakable fate or an inescapable karma. |
Instead, he says, the fund is destined to turn into a money pit. |
Once I get going I'm sure it will turn into a selling obsession. |
For years they give you not a jot of trouble, then, wham, they turn into wilful risk-takers who fall in love with little regard for the consequences. |
It is one of the great unsolved contradictions in life that a people so universally helpful, friendly and cheerful should turn into churls when at the wheel of a tractor. |
Giant jerry cans turn into receptacles for rainwater harvesting. |
Without wanting this to turn into some sort of awards ceremony, I'm just raising my head above the parapet here to say a big thanks to Tom for the past week's writing. |
Although the football of the first period was easy on the eye, there was little to suggest the match was about to turn into the humdinger that it became. |
When their dreams are dashed, they hook up and turn into con artists, coming up with grander and grander schemes to milk some poor man of his hard-earned money. |
He is a raconteur extraordinaire and an interview with the dogged reporter can rapidly turn into a delicious gabfest. |
He wanted to partner with me but I gave him some things to think about and told him we would talk again this week, so maybe that will turn into something. |
In 45,000 million years from now, it will turn into a small dead globe. |
The oscillations of the scalar field around the flat angular direction of the scalar potential turn into longitudinal oscillations of the physical gauge field. |
If those 3s turn into 2's and 1's, then it will be clear that this whole program was a giant, wasteful mess. |
A mile later I flick on my left blinker and turn into the plaza. |
These bizarre screeching sounds turn into horn samples, which, though they never quite resolve themselves, manage to work up an atmosphere of a nauseated euphony. |
If I eat any more tins of tuna fish, I'm going to turn into a dolphin. |
I could take on a crew and sail to Canada in my own boat instead of booking passage, or turn into a rover of the sea, going where I please and doing what I like. |
I expected it to turn into a full-blown cold or even flu over the weekend but, apart from the odd sneeze here and there, no other symptoms have materialised. |
Caught in a maelstrom of sensations, I hardly noticed impetuous spring turn into raging summer, blazing heat into the balanced temperature of fall. |
The supermarkets understandably turn into madhouses the day before a hurricane's arrival, but I wonder about the grocery lists of some of the customers. |
Those substances, when mixed with the right amount of sunlight and heat, turn into smog. |
Even the waiters, prim and proper and offering excellent service during the day, turn into veritable fleet-footed dancers in the evening, even dragging guests on to the floor. |
In that split second of my unleashing the wrath of God on this poor soul, she became covered with copious body hair, grew fangs and proceeded to turn into Mrs. Jekyll. |
As Sclavis and Collignon explore the first of several ecstatic improvised conversations, whirling folk dances turn into warp-speed vocal scatting against electronic echoes. |
Reverse parking into small spaces is also a must as it would not do to keep the purchasers waiting as simple manoeuvres turn into a protracted disaster. |
He will not turn into one of these schmoes if he joins the NBA in June. |
How did a normal Friday night with friends turn into 18-year-old second-year Hannah Graham running past a Shell station alone? |
The bottom of my bags usually turn into a potpourri of sticky gum, tobacco, half eaten cough drops and pennies that are slimed in a foreign substance. |
It takes only about 14 days for a bamboo shoot to turn into a tall tree. |
Three stray dogs saunter out of our way as we turn into a residential area lined with trailers and graffiti-sprayed stop signs. |
For most of the day he'd be the genial, bonhomous, fruity old wine-slurper you see on television and then at night he'd turn into a raging paranoid misanthrope. |
They were going to suck up this problem and turn into the solution to the other problem, which was the meat shortage. |
He was known as a ruthless man whose anger could turn into a raging fury. |
A good guy with a gun can turn into a bad guy due to one slip up or a simple misunderstanding and an itchy trigger finger. |
As a council worker there have been a number of issues that threatened to turn into disputes, but concessions have been made by employers to avoid them. |
Strangely enough, recent research has proven conclusively that the majority of people donning such headgear instantly turn into annoying pillocks. |
One of the things that makes an orderly demonstration turn into a melee, is when people aren't orderly, and when the police actually fear a melee. |
Proust was almost uniquely self-abasing, seeming to believe that the nature of friendship demanded that he turn into the most compliant and self-denying of figures. |
He didn't turn into anything except human, whoo hoo big deal! |
Then we turn into a driveway-width water-lane, drifting along under arching tupelos and willows in new leaf, startled only by the emphatic song of prothonotary warblers. |
When battles do occur, they usually turn into confused melees. |
A baby animal might seem cute but potential owners should remember that a nine-inch baby lizard could well turn into a dangerous beast five or six feet long. |
The downside to this is that you turn into a cautionary cynic, not trusting anything that comes out of a publisher's mouth and avoiding anything with a sniff of hype. |
It's also important to strike while the iron is hot because it doesn't take long for the price tags to start dipping as the days turn into weeks in free agency. |
For presence to turn into influence, the untidy and unsymmetrical details of the relation between a dead writer and a living one must become intense and formal at some point. |
When DHT is produced locally within the hair follicle, it causes regular hairs to turn into miniature hairs, eventually killing the hair follicle. |
We could all turn into size eights by giving up those naughty hamburgers. |
And Everman is hoping that e-billing will actually turn into a moneymaking proposition as customers visit their local cable website to pay their bills. |
I shower daily, but if I shampooed every day my hair would turn into a nasty dry mass of stiff split ends, like one of those old-fashioned straw brooms. |
It was negotiated as a final peace deal the last time the simmering dispute had threatened to turn into an all-out trade war between Europe and America. |
While a normal whitehead would rupture and go away, milia have developed a thin cover of skin cells that causes them to harden and turn into cysts. |
Endowed with an insatiable appetite for milkweed, and almost always in close proximity to the plant, these larvae eventually turn into butterflies and continue flying north. |
The trees themselves are so thick they'll never turn into millable timber. |
Some of the women were opposed to a public forum and felt such a meeting could turn into a free-for-all and there would be no structure to the meetings. |
Among the scores of bystanders watching their small town turn into war zone was a marine veteran who was close with Stone. |
If that isn't working your Windows 8 phone is going to turn into a brick. |
Like far too many bottom-of-the-barrel comedies, this one eventually decides to take a left turn into treacly melodrama, which is about the worst move it could possibly make. |
If they turn into 4's, then the program's supporters will triumphantly point to them as evidence that the loans worked. |
When all you do is have big fun, you usually turn into a degenerate. |
Once the bee dies, maggots eat the carcass, turn into zombie flies, and buzz off in search of their next host. |
It is like a magic trick, those wands which turn into bouquets. |
The combat is certainly much better than it was last year, so it's a shame that some of the boss battles turn into wars of attrition with petty single-hit attacks. |
The police are chasing us! Quick, turn into that side street! We've got to shake them off. |
How did that potty-mouthed little banshee with the bad extensions and rap sheet turn into the style star she is today? |
The microfoliant is actually tiny grains which turn into an exfoliant when mixed with water. |
Be yourself from the get-go so popular by association doesn't turn into guilt by association. |
Whether this is a small or large amount of money, can be analyzed, but if the euros turn into denars, it is a matter of over 12 billion denars. |
I don't know what that's going to turn into when he matures. |
Traffic mugs, may your wheel-nuts turn into camel dung and your car into a kibbe. |
Manning is too easy to turn into a poster boy, an easy icon, a cause. |
We don't want this to turn into one of those pie-in-the sky bizzos where you aim too high and then never end up doing it. |
Otherwise, this step towards energy independence could turn into a stumble that forces early-adopters to turn their backs, stymieing potential. |
Will Generation XL become kippers and finally turn into clinically obese, heartsink patients on a surgery waiting list? |
No matter how many times it mutates, it does not turn into a different species. |
However, Melville is keen that two so-called phantom withdrawals do not turn into an epidemic hence his letter to the tracks yesterday. |
Use the solstice to shine a light on any deals that need sorting out and turn into a moneymaker not a penny-pincher. |
Evolving from tropical depressions, they turn into tropical storms, then hurricanes, as they increase in wind speed. |
Kind of like a '72 AMC Gremlin that could turn into an intergalactic battle cruiser complete with food court. |
Even in bear markets, investors can take comfort in knowing they are buying shares at low prices that may turn into higher values in the future. |
The Colombian conflict is one where, all too often, victims turn into victimisers and victimisers become the victims. |
It is an occupational hazard that, yes, can turn into tragedy. |
Yet, the process or processes by which non-living organic molecules turn into life are still unknown to science. |
I think our beaches would turn into cesspits riddled with disease that humans can contract if we trusted lazy dog owners to have access. |
Revealing himself a sappily emotional romantic, Smith even has an affecting rooftop dance lesson turn into a complete musical production number. |
It is unlikely that the groom will turn into Groomzilla, so obsessed by wedding details that he drives even the bride crazy. But it does happen. |
Cadoc delivers them as demanded, but when Arthur takes possession of the animals, they turn into bundles of ferns. |
Here, OPERA's scientists told their colleagues in Kyoto that they have spotted a so-called muon-neutrino turn into another, tau-flavoured one. |
By the turn into the 20th century the number and sophistication of folklore studies and folklorists had grown both in Europe and North America. |
Under proper conditions, peat will turn into lignite coal over geologic periods of time. |
Jellyfish may also benefit from saltier waters, as saltier waters contain more iodine, which is necessary for polyps to turn into jellyfish. |
North Pacific areas that do not have sea otters often turn into urchin barrens, with abundant sea urchins and no kelp forest. |
Any other answer would cause the mermaid to turn into a raging Gorgon who would drag the ship to the bottom of the sea, all hands aboard. |
On sandy soils, the thick woodlands turn into savannas where the aforementioned species prevail as well as species like Jacaranda mimosifolia. |
When written quickly with a pen, these tended to turn into rounder and much simpler forms. |
I want to watch me some Manimal. A guy that can turn into animals, that's so cheeseball. |
British television viewers had seen how proceedings in US courtrooms can almost turn into a three-ring circus during the OJ Simpson trial. |
If we were riding for Nidhug's lair, I didn't need to turn into a wolfsicle along the way. |
In contrast, if shippers become committed to their carriers, they turn into loyal customers both attitudinally and behaviorally. |
For some transformer action, the Hip Talkies are walkie-talkies that turn into FM radios. |
It's my resolution to remain a non-smoker and maybe to drink a little less but don't get me wrong, I'll not turn into a wettie. |
Some folk don't know when to haud their wheesht, to stay silent and neither spread gossip nor comment on things that could turn into hearsay. |
But viewed in the infrared, they turn into supergalaxies, seething with a hidden fire. |
The apparent exaltation of the body can quickly turn into a hatred of bodiliness. |
But history shows us that things touted as boons often turn into boondoggles once government takes over. |
In the wake of its uranium exploration, Deep Yellow has discovered an iron ore body that may turn into a viable mining operation. |
Soon the beauty of the rainforest will turn into the starvation of humans and heat of the desert. |
One thing is for sure though, that same joy ride can turn into a death ride. |
Sometimes artificial light becomes an evolutionary trap as the age-old biological imperatives of a species, which helped it survive for eons, turn into liabilities. |
Would But I'm a Cheerleader magically turn into Oscar fodder were it chopped into a dozen frames, re-mastered for Sensurround, and accompanied by scratch-and-sniff cards? |
De-moralizing the subject can be, quite simply, demoralizing, as stirring statements of ideals turn into persnickety rules with exceptions crying out to be loopholed. |
When he talks about petty crime and a waste of police time to investigate, I say it's at that level they want cracking, not wait until they turn into bank robbers. |
The crowd hurls pebbles at her, which turn into little cakes. |
If you don't look after our children, they will turn into ignorance and want, the two ideas, like thuggishness and greed, and he personifies it in these two waifs. |
Over the next 40,000 years or so, the three knots of gas will turn into young stars, creating a gravitationally bound quadruple star system, researchers report in the Feb. |
Because of their ability to turn into any cell, stem cells may create a kind of tumor called a teratoma, a mass of cells that can contain many different tissue types. |
It had two rock-hard yards that were used for hockey and netball and we had one scrabbly bit of grass that in the summer they tried to turn into a long jump and sprint track. |
It remains to be seen if the seventh inning stretch will turn into the seventh inning e-mail download, but River Cats fans and management are pleased with the new service. |
If all of the picofarads in a feature turn into microfarads during our PC-to-Mac handoff, and we don't catch it, we hear about it the day the magazine arrives. |
Elsewhere in his remarks, Jalili pointed out that commonalities between countries can turn into opportunities for them and boost their relations on the international stage. |
Although setting up a public demonstration can be a set-up for a PR pratfall, even apparently negative incidents can turn into positive publicity. |
It remains to be seen whether the current softness in the oil market will turn into a price war because each member country is expected to fight for its market share. |
You see, when it comes to buying a car, people who'd haggle with the milkman turn into sadsters with 'empty my wallet' writ large on their foreheads. |
When not hopping about in a dance train, Jep typically sits back at such venues and listens, as the glitterati and culturati turn into vulturati, tearing into one another. |
Statistics show that a large percentage of women worldwide have ovarian cysts and that when not detected early, they could turn into cancerous tumours, the doctor said. |
But some of them are multiplying fast, and those dismissed as trivial today, because they only infest a few road verges, may well turn into triffids tomorrow. |
I'm about ready to turn into a pumpkin. You can stay up later if you want. |
Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh aren't suddenly going to turn into reasoning pragmatists, even-handedly comparing economic models and different proposals for school reform. |
Not coincidentally, my essay indicts the racial exclusionism of critics of American literature at the turn into the twentieth century, beginning, of course, with Howells. |