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How to use turn into in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "turn into"? Here are some examples.

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A move to the relative anonymity of Los Angeles, where AA meetings turn into celebrity hang-outs, became inevitable.
Tussock moth larvae that are not killed by parasitic wasps and predators turn into brightly marked caterpillars.
I want to make all bullies disappear and turn into little weedy shrimps, so they can't bully kids smaller than themselves.
On the 5th February 1918 the convoy steamed towards the west coast of Scotland and began to turn into the North Channel.
Actually, the JLENS blimp is an aerostat, a blimp like vehicle designed to always turn into the wind and stay in the same place.
Some people can turn into ravening beasts under the light of a full moon but they aren't werewolves.
It would turn into a disaster for Tom as a problem made the car a real handful.
I've got some scrawled notes I took while watching the show, which I will turn into something resembling a recap tomorrow.
Designers are scouring the animal kingdom for exotic species to turn into bags, shoes and all manner of trendiness.
One of my childhood babysitters used to tell me that I'd turn into chocolate milk if I drank too much of it.
It will then turn into a swollen red giant, burning to a frazzle any life left here on Earth.
So anyone who does not think this is going to turn into a media circus is in la-la land, quite frankly.
Whatever it is I find it a relief to know you can be in your 40's and not turn into a boring middleaged yawn.
If they are indeed candidates, this election could turn into the battle of the 50-something alpha males.
He believes that children who do not regularly eat with or talk to their parents can turn into anti-social, undisciplined individualists.
Just hope you're better served than Christopher when your neighbors turn into brain-eating zombies.
He disappeared, leaving me to deal with a sore eye that would soon turn into a black eye.
On and off the field, there is ample evidence of another resurrection, and season 2004 could well turn into another annus mirabilis.
For young consumers intent on immediately customizing their new rides, that extra money might turn into the most powerful incentive of all.
He said he had entered the right hand carriageway to turn into Station Road and had been flashed across by other drivers.
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Examples from Classical Literature
Indeed, to these a settlement is so odious, that they either pay for land and turn into settlers, or, they become indignant at the legal invasion of their domain and hastily absquatulate.
All three assuaging their thirst in the lake, so to speak, made it at last turn into a pool.
While she should read well and wisely, the girl should not turn into a bookworm.
This marly deposit passes in its turn into beds containing green particles of a chloritic mineral, called the upper greensand.
At serving time turn into punch bowl with one quart of shaved ice or a big block of clear ice.
And a fifteen-minute coffee break could turn into a fifteen-hour romp around the town.
But he would not turn into the unkept road that led over the moor to the house.
The fraternization which is developing on the front can easily turn into such a trap.
The most beautiful damsel that ever lived she would without a moment's hesitation turn into a glyptodon or a Hippocrepian.
Can anyone imagine how a thought can turn into a steam shovel, or a steam shovel into a thought?
Does the Tsimshian Bear myth prove that the natives themselves turn into Bears, and become men again?
But our machine is so heavy that if we turn into the ditch I'm afraid we'll be mired.
They mummify before decay sets in and turn into a leathery brown, similar to the mummies of Egypt.
Why didn't you turn into my rooms the other night, when you came in from oriel?
Then the false mother had to turn into a panther again, lest she fall down.
Anyhow, you and I, Jean, have been too much persecuted to turn into persecutors.
I expect he may turn into a dragonfly, or maybe some kind of beetle or other.
I really have no mind to turn into a dilettante spiritualist.
Wy, eV' farm in the Tigmores is liable to turn into a zinc mine any night.
Fussy eating can be a problem for many parents as mealtimes often turn into the stuff of nightmares when you have a wilful toddler.
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