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How to use turn back in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "turn back"? Here are some examples.

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Even a UN security mission sent in to assess the situation had to turn back before reaching Mazar because it was too dangerous to proceed.
Nothing I heard or saw on my travels offered a single, practical clue about how to turn back the global tsunami of anti-Americanism.
One reactionary response, seen in most major religions, has been to turn back in time to once-prevalent orthodoxies or fundamentalisms.
Some of the men refused to obey an instruction from a police officer to turn back from the pits, and were arrested.
I turn back to Nicky, whose eyes have not left Lena's raven curls and curvaceous figure.
Inspired by Strauss's hatred for liberal modernity, its goal is to turn back the clock on the liberal revolution and its achievements.
We are not going to turn back the clock to a, probably mythical, Golden Age.
So many times she wanted to turn back and seek solace in the comfort of her home and family.
She wishes she could turn back the clock and return to the innocence of childhhood.
Every attempt to turn back the time and, furthermore, to restore totalitarian communism is absurd.
If she could turn back time, she would love to live that moment a thousand times over.
When not at combat readiness, the mailed knight would unfasten his ventail, throw back his coif, and turn back his mittens.
Our guide kept moving at the same pace, and didn't turn back to face us, or give us any sign that our destination was close at hand.
He said the gangland murder could be one of the cases that police turn back to in years to come.
To machine-stitch a blind hem, fold up the hem, then turn back the garment just below the hem raw edge.
The editor was not an uncompromising ideologue attempting to turn back the clock.
As you turn back from where you came through, you could see the entrance glowing in a silvery colour.
Sit on this porch, persuade the few tourist cars that arrived that they really ought to turn back.
I walk over to the speakerphone to shut it off and turn back to the canvas.
I add this latest rejection slip from a literary magazine to my collection and turn back to the short story I had submitted.
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Examples from Classical Literature
We must turn back and try to outflank them and join the rest of the patrol.
To turn back, however, meant miles to water, and we had just sighted the tank car.
First of all, it was evident that he must turn back if he was to save his eyesight.
There was nothing to do but turn back to rathole and see if some other way could not be found.
If you have read this interview hastily and have missed the patroller joke on page three, turn back and read it now.
He told me that if I would let him ride one verst more with me he would then turn back.
The Ao-chung man was their leader, and once they had opened the Sahibs' tinned foods and found that they were very good they dared not turn back.
Therefore I was obliged to turn back, as our horses were done up.
But you'll turn back and have a quart of beer wi' me on the strength o't, Pa'son Tringham?
Sew up the sleeves and underarm seams and turn back the cuffs.
Folsom had a talk with Red Cloud, and tried to induce him to turn back.
What made that great bunch of Yankee boys turn back the Hun hordes?
Chagrined and surprised, they were obliged, though unwillingly, to turn back, for no shelter was nearer than their own house.
He was afraid the adventure on which he had set out would be spoiled, that he would lose courage and turn back.
It is pleasant to turn back to Bernards lovingness and mercy.
Several times I essayed the right-hand entrance only to turn back as though warned by some strange intuitive sense that this was not the way.
No cress could she find, so she thought she would turn back and go home.
In a few more minutes he could turn back and be sure Sim was downstream.
When we reached the top of the fjeld, Josephine wanted to turn back.
Before we had been an hour on the road I should have called to the driver, and should have told him to turn back.
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