Even a UN security mission sent in to assess the situation had to turn back before reaching Mazar because it was too dangerous to proceed. |
Nothing I heard or saw on my travels offered a single, practical clue about how to turn back the global tsunami of anti-Americanism. |
One reactionary response, seen in most major religions, has been to turn back in time to once-prevalent orthodoxies or fundamentalisms. |
Some of the men refused to obey an instruction from a police officer to turn back from the pits, and were arrested. |
I turn back to Nicky, whose eyes have not left Lena's raven curls and curvaceous figure. |
Inspired by Strauss's hatred for liberal modernity, its goal is to turn back the clock on the liberal revolution and its achievements. |
We are not going to turn back the clock to a, probably mythical, Golden Age. |
So many times she wanted to turn back and seek solace in the comfort of her home and family. |
She wishes she could turn back the clock and return to the innocence of childhhood. |
Every attempt to turn back the time and, furthermore, to restore totalitarian communism is absurd. |
If she could turn back time, she would love to live that moment a thousand times over. |
When not at combat readiness, the mailed knight would unfasten his ventail, throw back his coif, and turn back his mittens. |
Our guide kept moving at the same pace, and didn't turn back to face us, or give us any sign that our destination was close at hand. |
He said the gangland murder could be one of the cases that police turn back to in years to come. |
To machine-stitch a blind hem, fold up the hem, then turn back the garment just below the hem raw edge. |
The editor was not an uncompromising ideologue attempting to turn back the clock. |
As you turn back from where you came through, you could see the entrance glowing in a silvery colour. |
Sit on this porch, persuade the few tourist cars that arrived that they really ought to turn back. |
I walk over to the speakerphone to shut it off and turn back to the canvas. |
I add this latest rejection slip from a literary magazine to my collection and turn back to the short story I had submitted. |
The shop keepers have to turn back many teenagers who come expecting to find mini music systems, cameras and electric razors. |
I headed out for a walk this afternoon, but had to turn back about 10 minutes into my amble. |
I made it to the corner but they opened fire on my first try, and shot at me, so I had to turn back. |
As I turn back towards home, my mobile phone beeps into life. A new year greeting sent from a different time zone, halfway across the world. |
They want basically to run out the clock on the ground and to turn back the clock on the Supreme Court. |
I turned round to look at everyone who had now sat down, and saw traces of jealousy drain from Jacob's face and turn back to a grin. |
Once they start down the road to assisted suicide, such a patient would find it difficult to turn back. |
If I could turn back time I would but I can't so it's time to look forward. |
The few barflies left in the joint turn back to their drinks as if nothing had happened. |
But once the bubble has burst they turn back to basics and begin studying exactly what companies and their profits are up to. |
We are not going to be able to turn back the clock, so let's be careful with what we have now. |
They become conscience-stricken when they hear the word, but they don't make up their mind to turn back. |
The pilot delayed making a decision as to whether to turn back or land when he saw that the weather was deteriorating. |
Once in Tierra del Fuego, we'll have to turn back at Cape Horn and take some tracks going North. |
Finally, we have covered all of 408 sqn, and turn back, with but three minutes to go. |
However, we are by no means less concerned about our ability to turn back the pandemic in the next 10 years. |
Through such efforts people should be asked to shake out clothing, check shoes before dressing and turn back bedding before retiring. |
Risk increases significantly when pilots decide to accept poorer conditions rather than turn back. |
Judas Iscariot also bore in his heart pain, anguish, and regret, but he could not turn back, for darkness had possessed him. |
When something you think may be unrighteous approaches, you should quickly turn back. |
This causes the water vapour to turn back into liquid, which is drained out and collected. |
Their lethal orgy ended, they turn back into spores and wait patiently to repeat the cycle. |
If the points show any signs of wear and tear, either replace or turn back to front. |
Remember to turn back the safety catch so that it is at a 90°angle in relation to the lift rail. |
Maybe evolution has endowed us with the ability to turn back our rheostat faster, to not always charge ahead after one all-consuming thing. |
Madras Road was virtually impassable to traffic, allowing only for four-wheel-drive vehicles and trucks, which could go up to a certain point and then turn back. |
Neither action will make us any safer, but fear fuels a futile desire to turn back time and freeze the world the way it was, or the way we thought it was, before the news hit. |
An aeroplane flown by airline Flybe heading to Dublin was forced to turn back after a bee became lodged inside its instruments. |
To repent, in effect, is not only to be sorry, it is also, and more profoundly, to turn back to God. |
She was left with an aching desire to turn back time and stop the progression of that clock. |
Rose could hear Laurie calling her, but she didn't turn back. |
For future reference, if a label doesn't come with written instructions, turn back to this care symbol checklist before attempting to launder your clothes. |
In the last year or 18 months, the country has actually made something of a genuine effort to turn back the Talibanization of much of its northwest provinces. |
Something made me turn back, I had to talk to the man who makes politicians, generals, statesmen, policy makers, backroom boys, show biz people squirm, simper, and sob. |
Why did the Norse not turn back and find a way to warmer climes, but instead map the North Sea and the coastline? |
It starts to sleet and the judge, Papa, and Grandpa want to turn back. |
Anyone who was broadsided because they forgot to look left before entering an intersection will tell you how they wished they could turn back the clock. |
It is a project that will help to maintain, modernise and ultimately turn back into profit existing historic structures. |
Kidman plays a prototypical bubblehead who is only smart when she decides to turn back clocks for breakfast or to magically change the spending level on a credit card. |
These must be clipped regularly so that they don't turn back into the flesh of the paw. |
If you start out on your journey and turn back, you should know that many women do just that. |
If the aircraft was making a contrail, the pilot was to turn back. |
It turns out that only when Muhammad Ali is in a boxing ring can he, or does he choose to, turn back the clock. |
Ambulances tried to evacuate patients but were forced to turn back by continued shelling. |
They want us to turn back the clock and fully restore the previous system of disability pensions. |
Cinderella III, planned for 2007, apparently endows the wicked stepmother with the power to turn back time and thwart the fairy godmother's magic. |
The progress of his small ships was hampered by the fierce winds and high seas he encountered, eventually forcing him to turn back to New Spain. |
And then turn back into the woods and start working on my next book. |
Like it or not, we are in a motor age and we can no more turn back the clock than we can unsplit the atom. |
Farm labourers are apt to turn back from their work and go to bed on meeting a car-handed neighbour, he says. |
Barentsz reached the west coast of Novaya Zemlya and followed it northward, before being forced to turn back in the face of large icebergs. |
As the pilgrims turn back home, the Merchant restarts the storytelling with Tale of Beryn. |
Her steering was damaged, causing her to turn back into the path of Goodenough's ships and she was hit by shells and torpedo. |
The ships in the van of the enemy fleet would have to turn back to support the rear, which would take a long time. |
If condensate has a higher heat-content than does saturated water at atmospheric pressure, then some of the condensate released from the trap will turn back into steam the moment it hits the atmosphere. |
Left alone, most habitat would slowly but surely turn back into woodland. |
Savings would be slightly negative in the event of the bond market selloff scenario, but quickly turn back into positive territory after three years. |
At work, all the dynamics of social life are reflected and, at the same time, new relations are created and exported in turn back into social life. |
And on its heels, comes the other side of the coin, when you turn back into a more-or-less ordinary person, one more citizen among the throng, or very nearly, slowly moving further and further away from the legend. |
Mr. Lewis will shave his moustache to turn back into Neil Hannon. |
People hexing others might see their hex turn back against them, which brought with it physical illness and the risk of seeing one's children die one by one. |
As my faults mounted during the test, I prayed that we would turn back toward the test centre before I surpassed the maximum level of acceptable faultiness. |
A chill coursed through me, but I resisted the urge to turn back. |
Two UN ships ran aground and were forced to turn back but the remaining ships, led by HMCS Cayuga, reached the city after a nerve-wracking passage through shallow, twisting channels on a pitch-dark night. |
So unless you are the ultimate doomsday theorist, believing we'll be punished for overconsumption over the years, what you must believe is when this all starts to take effect, the tide will turn back to economic growth. |
While the federal government has attempted to ameliorate the situation with back payments, it cannot turn back the clock and recover the lost economic opportunities because of this flawed equalization formula. |
When you splurge on credit, it becomes very difficult to turn back. |
Mrs. d'Allessandro got a concussion when she fell through the companionway in heavy seas, everyone was seasick and her husband decided it would be better to turn back. |
The conditions encountered on the way, however, were so bad that by April half the contingent was forced to turn back, returning home in a pitiable state. |
If the pilot had inadvertently entered the canyon at 9,000 feet, he probably would have been able to climb over the box-ends which are at the same altitude, or conduct a 180-degree turn back out of the canyon. |
If any turn back after this, they are perverted transgressors. |
Early in the war, many merchant ships were lost because the aircraft escorting them reached the limits of their flight capacity and had to turn back before the ships reached their destinations. |
Dawson has now written letters to his victims, claiming he is sorry for his one-man crime spree and wishing he could turn back the clock. |
Then if ye show obedience, Allah will grant you a goodly reward, but if ye turn back as ye did before, He will punish you with a grievous Chastisement. |
Talk of a demographic dividend may turn back into talk of a time bomb. |
They can carry on towards the far bank or turn back. |
I am afraid we are now too far into the process to turn back. |
That is why the countries of the world must support the restoration of democracy and help to defeat this new attempt to turn back the tide of history. |
Today, we know that we can, in fact, turn back the hands of time and restore men and women's hormonal balances to healthy states that previously seemed reserved only for the young. |
The expedition reached within ten degrees of the North Pole, but, unable to find a way through the dense ice floes, was forced to turn back. |
We turn back onto the main road and I'm relieved to not see any paps. They've got to be somewhere though. They don't just leave. |
Dias wanted to continue sailing to India, but he was forced to turn back when his crew refused to go further. |
Upon approaching the town, however, a local rebellion forced him to turn back. |
Click on OK to accept the translation and turn back to the previous mask. |
The expedition reached as far north as the Russian River before autumn storms forced them to turn back. |
Encountering ice packed along the north coast, they were forced to turn back south. |
Barentsz reached the west coast of Novaya Zemlya, and followed it northward before being forced to turn back in the face of large icebergs. |
In June 1647 he sailed down the river to the Arctic with 50 men in four koches but they were forced to turn back due to thick ice. |
The expedition reached the sea but was unable to round the Chukchi Peninsula because it had to turn back due to thick drift ice. |
It is also believed that if someone calls one from behind, never turn back and see because the spirit may catch the human to make it a spirit. |
Scramblers need to know their limits and to turn back before getting into difficulties. |
We had a terrible year so we agreed to turn back the clock and go on as if it hadn't happened. |
The European Union called for Russia to revoke its decision and turn back. |
But the CLA is a car you lock with the plipper, walk away from then turn back for one last lingering look. |
When you park, press the central locking plipper and walk away, it demands you turn back for one last comical look. |
We might not know but these reparative products will turn back time. |
Four Qantas jumbo jets have had to turn back because of various problems since an engine blowout on one of the airline's Airbus A380s near Singapore two weeks ago. |
Coast Guard ship Confidence which forced the activists to turn back. |
The parents said that they have no need of electricity at the cost of miseries of our children so the government should turn back the clock as soon as possible. |
If I could turn back the clock 18 months I would have done it then. |