They sketch a normalization algorithm, which is based on computing logarithms of transition matrices which they approximate by power series. |
Changing the temperature from above to below the lipid phase transition shifted the band position to somewhat higher wave numbers. |
Moreover, its transition temperature and mechanical properties can be affected by oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and other common contaminants. |
The transition from diploblastic to triploblastic body plans hinges on the origin of mesoderm. |
This transition from home to the centre of the avant-garde is omnipresent in her painting style. |
He made a convincing transition from bored prince to a man in love, awakening his princess with an achingly tender kiss. |
Without him, it might not have been feasible to negotiate the transition from communism to democracy. |
We can describe the earth's transition from flatness to roundness and allow that it may change again. |
In a telling transition from B minor to F major, Delius calms the troubled man. |
His arrest is political and I fear we are in transition from democracy to dictatorship. |
The transition to sustainable living or development can be catalysed by a change in thinking and shift in values. |
According to Western physiology, perimenopause is the transition period leading up to menopause and can last for 1 to 5 years. |
These works necessitated smaller spaces and subdued lighting, thus making the transition somewhat awkward. |
However, the transition from cursorial to aerial locomotion and maneuvering was not as simple as growing large wings. |
Exterior landscape and architecture liquidly transition into shots of the actors. |
To promote the transition from dictionary articles to such further reading is no mean achievement. |
Social mobility will therefore be high during the transition period to a meritocracy and as society becomes more equal. |
My transition from the taken-for-granted God as the creator of the universe to a more agnostic position came through Rastafari. |
Over the last four years, Zipadelli has made the transition from mechanic to crew chief, team spokesman and den mother. |
He is able to assay the tricky transition from youthful to mature Hughes with body language and vocal modulation. |
In the end I think the transition won't be one from modern to postmodern but from relatively static to near constant cultural change. |
Marriage is the most important stage in a person's life, marking the official transition to adulthood. |
Must we always be a community in transition with high immigration and transient internal population? |
In Spain we did have a period of transition from a totalitarian regime to a democracy, just like you. |
The transition to a 3D world certainly taxes the Xbox's power but the game world is particularly vacuous. |
The aim of the Brothers of Charity is to support each participant in a successful transition from dependence to independence. |
It grades into a manganese-rich ilmenite that ultimately replaces the spinel phase near the transition to the garnet amphibolite. |
The shoaling trend is thought to reflect upward transition from prodelta to distal and then proximal delta front. |
Part of this transition will mean we need to transfer much of our activity from cold calling field sales to telesales and appointment selling. |
Centrioles have the same structure as basal bodies, but have no transition zone. |
Flowering transition is a major event in the plant life cycle that has to be precisely timed for reproductive success. |
I also think the transition from childhood to adulthood is generally more rocky than we've seen. |
Integration of these two data sets could provide a missing link in our understanding of the transition from aseismic to seismogenic plate motion. |
Good examples of a series of elements in the same family are the transition metals. |
The period saw the transition of British Army uniform from red wool serge coats to khaki cotton, and gaiters were replaced by puttees. |
Multiculturalists today still caution against stasis, and still counsel constant transition and interaction between cultures. |
Ecologically, it's a transition zone between chaparral and yellow pine forest. |
Transformation of the monolayers involves a kinetic transition to a metastable state, analogous to the kinetic formation of metastable liquids. |
In this section the barite zone occurs at the top of the first ridge, just above the transition from grass to bare shale. |
This suggests that reflex mechanisms are diminished during the transition to sleep. |
An arrangement of tiered brick platforms makes for an unexpectedly formal transition between each room. |
Since I had to redshirt my sophomore year, Wells devoted a lot of his time into helping me through the transition to shooting guard. |
Cotton's career parallels the rise in transition metal organometallic chemistry. |
The transition from the dominant to the tonic, while hardly original to our ears, is still effective, and one of the movement's strong points. |
Workers have suffered massive layoffs during the transition to a market economy. |
In initiating this exchange with his mother, Henry is likely to have been making a statement about his own autonomy and transition into manhood. |
This transition from the rheumatic and nutritional heart diseases towards atherosclerotic diseases is mainly because of a change in lifestyle. |
The transition from realty to personalty with the prospect of reincarnation as a corporeal hereditament does not seem to me to be relevant. |
The advent of capitalism involved a transition from self-employment to selling one's labour. |
The church is in a period of enormous transition with heroic attempts being made to adapt to new conditions. |
He's a sturdy kid coming off a solid transition season in the Western Hockey League. |
In that the transition function is smooth and continuously differentiable, standard nonlinear estimation techniques are also applicable. |
Earth is also the great transformer of chi often serving as a transition between two other elements. |
She's completely fresh, girlish, and accomplishes neatly the transition from kittenish innocence to energy and greed. |
All of the kiosks in the branch are designed to aid in the transition to online banking. |
Likewise, using the isopachs, transition of bare sediment to seagrass was noted. |
Network support can influence fathers' involvement by buffering men's stress during the transition to parenthood. |
In Glasgow, gang territories are in a state of transition as the alleged criminal godfathers who ran them have been scattered by circumstance. |
Upon heating, they undergo a reversible transition leading to a partly a-helical structure. |
The transition to the dome is achieved with trilobed squinches at the corners, mirrored with trilobed blind arches above the side niches. |
Officers will be able to transition without broken service under existing rules for inter-service transfer. |
Wet electrons, which occur on metal oxide surfaces, represent a transition point for electrons between solid and liquid states of matter. |
In fact, the transition is so steep that you can stand at the base and touch the coping with your elbow. |
The labour aristocracy made the transition to the factory floor more painlessly, taking on the task of foremen. |
The transition from socialism to communism is a terribly complicated matter. |
The Mamas and The Papas came onto the music scene at a time where popular music was making the transition from folk to rock and roll. |
The third strategy combines natural and artificial ventilation in transition spaces such as lobbies, foyers and the courtyard. |
Such a sharp change in input markets is bound to lead to a rough transition as producers try to adapt technology to the new price environment. |
The 1997 IRL champion has served as the modern-day role model for any open-wheeler looking to transition into stock-car racing. |
For the elderly, the late life period is not one of beer and skittles, but rather one of transition and adjustment to loss. |
However, while a few genes do show rather high transition bias, most of the estimates cluster tightly around the median value. |
The metachromasy was found to be independent of phase transition temperature of vesicles. |
What is dramatised is not only the margin, but also the movement to and fro, the passage, or transition between reality and representation. |
This transition coincides with an upsection increase in megaturbidite beds and increasing abundance of trace amounts of mafic igneous detritus. |
Like most films of its day, Little Caesar reflects the awkward transition from the era of silents to the new age of talkies. |
And of course, be prepared to make that transition from pop, rock, and blues to the Hindustani stuff. |
Biologists could examine the many living animals that represented stages in the transition from the invertebrates to the earliest jawless fishes. |
Since the decision was made, all former associate female members have made the transition to full membership. |
More recently, diesel-electric locomotives and many of the monster trucks used in mining have made the transition to electric drive trains. |
What we do need to find is a way to make their transition into the modern, competitive world as smooth and painless as possible. |
When you transitioned into your own sexual identity, how did your success in that transition inform you about the subject matter of this film? |
After greening and probable transition from heterotrophy to autotrophy, root growth rate was enhanced and growth followed a linear pattern. |
A belt pack can be a perfect transition into safer boating, especially for the boater who simply isn't in the habit of wearing a life jacket. |
And it is a transition characterised by a tilt towards Islamist conservatism, with all its geopolitical consequences. |
Specific carbohydrates are hypothesized to have a key role in the transition from the parasitic to saprophytic stage. |
This respondent throws into relief the transition he has made from one mode to the other. |
Each vertex of the graph represents a single opcode, and the edges describe the transition between instructions. |
It was not until 1969 that the first transition between two popularly elected democratic governments occurred. |
This dedicated mixmaster made the transition from bedroom DJ to live performer during his mid teens. |
Crowstep gables and a small gun port in the back wall are a structural reminder of the transition from fortified house to mansion. |
See the seamless transition from topic to topic, and the audience is soft putty in your hands. |
They want private accounts, big benefit cuts, and massive borrowing to finance the transition costs, and that's that. |
While heat treatment had little, if any effect of the modulus of elasticity of the composites, it did affect the transition into plastic flow. |
Grace has landed her own reality series, documenting her transition from a male to a female. |
The transition has happened gradually, in daily lessons that come through patience and careful scrutiny. |
I filled a couple of nail holes in a transition strip from tile to wood and then I polyurethaned the transition strip. |
The country's transition to capitalism has been uncertain, with the privatization of state-run enterprises proceeding slowly. |
The graduate glut is one more sign of how difficult it is for China to manage a smooth transition to a market economy. |
Iron and copper are the transition metal ions that are involved in the catalytic process of ROS generation. |
Rhodium can be classified as a transition metal, a member of the platinum group of metals, and as a precious metal. |
Tungsten is a transition metal, one of the elements that occupy the middle of the periodic table. |
Lumping all transition economies into the same academic pot has camouflaged important differences. |
It is an expected addition to the bulging league of comic book heroes that have made the transition to celluloid. |
As the protein concentration is increased further, there is a sharp transition from a disordered fluid to a hexagonally ordered crystal. |
Polymers have a glass transition point, a temperature below which their molecular chains are unable to move around each other freely. |
However, unlike regular metals, the transition elements can easily form extremely stable coordination complexes. |
We need a transition to leave behind horribly inefficient and contaminating systems and change to new systems that respect the environment more. |
The primary reason for this transition is that scholars and academicians in medical schools consider the data important and possibly valid. |
As stated earlier, the car was placed directly behind the transition dorm car, which is a bi-level Superliner car. |
In a small proportion of cases the illness may take a chronic course over many years with a transition into an enduring personality disorder. |
The transition is characterized by the occurrence of nodular, bioturbated limestones that indicate a decrease in accumulation rate. |
Rapid transition through multiple time zones causes jet lag, which can be prevented by melatonin. |
Natalie feels this was key to her successful transition and her amazing turnaround. |
Mallorca and the rest of Spain were going through the political transition from dictatorship to democracy. |
No barrier divides them, but the transition between gardened avenues and ramshackle Swazi township is stark. |
The effect was predicted to be very weak, but least weak with rare earth and transition metal ions. |
Adolescence is the exciting phase of transition when human beings start developing the cognitive ability to form abstract thoughts. |
For some the confidence of adolescence is replaced with questions and doubt, marking the transition to adulthood. |
Snowdrops and winter aconites herald the transition between winter and spring. |
Different pitches could also be obtained from the one string and the transition between these pitches was characterised by a delicate legato. |
The transition to axial locomotion occurs at near maximum sustained swimming speed. |
Successful readjustment to the school environment depends partly upon the quality of the transition plan. |
In this section of the trajectory, the transition probabilities for advancing toward the bulk are smaller than those for the reverse direction. |
Its relatively peaceful transition from apartheid to multiracial democracy was rightly hailed as a miracle. |
Treatment then continued with a transition to long term use of oral anticoagulants. |
In both experiments, glass formation occurred by transition from phase to phase, and from phase to an amorphous state. |
Because people now tend to have multiple careers, this transition period could come at any age. |
Iran has made the transition in the last twenty years from a nominal constitutional monarchy to a democratic theocracy. |
I can recall, when we first began the outsourcing process, the transition manger came on-site and fired up his laptop. |
This award-winning site has a number of sections relating to alkaline earth metals, transition metals, other metals and metalloids. |
At the time of transition the note had a life expectancy of just six months compared to the coin's 100 years. |
The Russian Revolution itself was but one episode in the transition from capitalism to socialism. |
Marx, after all, had predicted that revolution, and the transition to socialism, would occur first in the most advanced capitalist societies. |
While humans may experience the senses in some fundamental way, lingual evolution comes out of necessity and transition within specific cultures. |
A quick frisson marks the transition from the warm, languid flatness of late summer to the sharp chill of autumn. |
The meeting is symbolic of Coleman's transition from a top executive at a corporate monolith to founder of a bootstrapping software company. |
The graphics are very impressive as is the smooth, seamless transition between battle mode and exploration mode. |
During thermolysis of blood the erythrocytes transition from biconcave discs to spherocytes. |
The list of supplements and botanicals that can help ease the menopausal transition and offer disease protection doesn't end there. |
Stripe order can coexist with superconductivity, but it tends to be associated with a drop in the superconducting transition temperature. |
Periods of transition are underdetermined and our tools for the study of such processes are necessarily insufficient. |
The transition from sail to steam and the consequent reconfiguration of coasting figure prominently in the collection. |
Great to see he stayed close to his roots and didn't make the transition to Chelsea to hobnob with the celebrities, luvvies and Tory adulterers. |
And states in transition are more likely than either stable democracies or autocracies to become involved in wars. |
The Army's transition places a medium cavalry unit, the 2d Armored Cavalry Regiment, at Fort Polk. |
There are transition areas where you will change from biking to hiking or hiking to paddling. |
However, as speed increased, fin strokes gradually moved toward synchrony with no discrete transition point. |
Unlike earlier reductions, this particular transition requires a major design shift in stepper optics from refractive to reflective. |
In the works is a transition to full real-time processing, which is well underway. |
The constriction shown by a longitudinal section of the transition area between the mesenteron and the proctodaeum is the pyloric valve. |
Having done athletics and played netball the transition to rugby was not difficult. |
The transition from silent movies to talkies destroyed many actors' careers, as did the shift from black-and-white to color. |
Her hair had certainly made a transition from softly pulled-back to wind-blown. |
Physiologically, plant conversion or seedling development involves a transition from the heterotrophic embryo to an autotrophic plant. |
That marked the transition to sensible, practical footwear but she still had to have her swan song. |
Evidence that PP may play a dominant role in UV-induced transition mutagenesis has been obtained for bacteria and lambda phage. |
Among the system properties governing the transition from nonpolarity to polarity a prominent parameter is the rate of autocrine ligand release. |
I would love to eventually publish Radar as a biweekly, but how quickly we make that transition will depend on our financing. |
The transition from Republican administrations in the 1980s to Democratic ones in the 1990s caused no substantial change in its content. |
With precise motions, they unloaded bikes from vehicles and began to set up their equipment in the designated transition area. |
In a transition period, however, this may lead to a recessive pressure on the economy. |
It wasn't a victory for liberty, only a transition from one tyranny to another, because ANY system of governance is, to some extent, tyrannical. |
Last year's transition from winter to summer soccer meant that most of the matches actually took place in autumnal conditions. |
Recently, experimenters found that adding some tungsten to the compound could drive down the transition temperature. |
In this and many other annual and biennial species, bolting is the earliest manifestation of the transition to reproduction. |
This transition will not be easy as the forces of the androcracy are, and will continue, fighting back. |
The first bifurcation is shortly above the transition from the syncarpous to the apocarpous zone, the second bifurcation is somewhat higher up. |
They were designed to ease the transition to black majority rule, while avoiding the danger of social revolution. |
When Dylan himself decided to make the transition from folk hero to electric messiah, he found himself at the centre of a storm of protest. |
Education should be directed toward teaching parents when their child can transition to a safety belt. |
Examples of transition metals include vanadium, chromium, iron, cobalt, manganese, nickel, scandium, yttrium, zirconium, silver, and gold. |
The country has successfully weathered the painful transition from authoritarianism to participatory government. |
But he appears to have weathered the transition well, and this team should be stronger in the second half as it continues to jell. |
Westport's transition from punts to euro has gone smoothly for the first week, according to some of the large retailers in town. |
It has long been known that the rare transition element molybdenum is an essential micronutrient for plants, animals and micro-organisms. |
When we come back, Tim Russert on his new book, the influence of his father and his transition from politics to big league journalism. |
Plants require a range of transition metals as essential micronutrients for normal growth and development. |
It is proving a big leap, this transition from man-child to leading light in the athletics firmament. |
Most also speak English fluently, which has made the transition to American society easier for many Indian immigrants. |
Every effort to make the transition smooth and painless will be appreciated. |
This is the transition from sail to steam, in other words, and the owners of the sailboat cartel aren't very happy. |
There was also a transition from scattered village life to nucleated settlements. |
Yet, why is the transition turn from backstroke to breaststroke only used in high school swimming? |
We have made and characterized a new, erbium-doped tellurite glass that has high glass transition temperature. |
Since they are induced by light, they occur during the transition of the fluorescent protein through the laser spot. |
The pavers, mortared together for stability, create a transition zone between inside and outside. |
The GNAT compiler from Ada Core Technologies allowed a seamless and fluid transition from Linux to an Ada 95 system. |
At low concentrations, the transition between maxima of the bimodal distribution follows a hopping-between-maxima mechanism. |
This is an unusual example of a blocked phase transition inhibiting bioactivity. |
Muskets spanned the transition from matchlock, through wheel lock and flintlock, to percussion. |
The transition from print journalism to television can often be a very difficult one. |
This book offers for the first time a global perspective on the bioarchaeology of the transition to agriculture. |
He has presided over the transition of the team from one glorious generation to the next in exemplary fashion. |
The difficult time was the transition from one party to multiparty politics, but this was successfully done fifteen years ago. |
Also, because A and B have superuser privileges, we have to wait for them to say okay to this sleep transition before it proceeds any further. |
In an associative transition state a penta-coordinated phosphorus atom would be formed, in a dissociative transition a trigonal metaphosphate. |
Beaches are transition ecosystems between marine and terrestrial environments. |
There should be a smooth transition from community or junior colleges through course articulation. |
The transition into the moist prairie is heralded by scattered scouring rushes. |
But for MML the transition stage will be the railway equivalent of getting a quart into a pint pot. |
Sleep researchers generally agree that Stage 1 marks the transition from waking to sleeping states. |
As part of the general transition to a market economy, privatization laws for land have been introduced. |
I think they describe what the psychologists call life stage transition moments and these happen to everyone a number of times. |
The transition material is transposed intact down a fifth and leads to the tonic major for the remainder of this complete return. |
Most companies have not made the transition from being multi-region organizations to truly global operations. |
Little is known about the transition from diploidy to polyploidy but in some species, triploids are thought to function as intermediates in this transition. |
There were no obvious tool marks, chips or defects, and the finish was perfectly consistent down to the sudden transition at the base of every fold. |
For these other countries, postcommunism designates the period of transition and radical democratic changes that followed the end of communist rule. |
His transition from self-created victim to self-obsessed nouveau adolescent, to the gently compassionate man his family actually needs is an extraordinary metamorphosis. |
However, in the transition zone front blue to brown water, the perception of blue-water operations leads many aircrew to forgo thorough consideration of the divert option. |
Protective safeguards, such as import and export controls, quotas, subsidies etc, will need to be introduced over a clearly agreed transition period to all continents. |
The magnitude of the angular change associated with the transition from rigor to relaxation was similar for both light chains and amounted to less than 5 deg. |
By 2010 the transition to a blue-water navy would be complete. |
British India was undisputedly a Party to the General Act, but the parties disagreed over the nature of the transition process following independence. |
For males, we also found that their parental bond became somewhat less positive in the transition from the early to the middle phase of adolescence. |
Exactly when the transition to modern domestic creature took place, for a bird that is wild to this day, is controversial. |
We want to have a smooth transition when the new owners take control of the company. |
Back in England, Hitchcock made the transition from silents to sound with blackmail, Britain's first talkie. |
His own transition came via the quicksand of television soap opera. |
Many Salem cabriole legs have a noticeable indentation where they make a transition from the profile created by the sharp knee to the round lower part of the leg. |
However, Burns seems to feel that she made the transition to film without missing a beat, even to the point of acting as post-production supervisor. |
Enzymes catalyze reactions by interacting with and stabilizing the transition state so that the chemical reaction requires a much gentler push to clear the activation barrier. |
By opening our eyes to the crucial role the city's artists played in the transition from medieval to early renaissance Tuscan art, this major exhibition does just that. |
His apparently sincere desire to help me deal with my problems made his transition to exorcist Bob all the more jarring. |
Kahrl did not talk publicly about being a transsexual until after completing her transition in 2003 from male to female. |
This dress, representative of the transition from 1920s to 1930s styles, is made of unlined panne velvet and is accompanied by a waist-length jacket of the same material. |
The penumbra is the transition from the photosphere to the umbra. |
But in South Africa, the transition is even more dramatic because the growth of religiosity has been even more dramatic. |
This is the transition from the personal to the transpersonal. |
The Cambodians were in many ways the most tragic of all the victims of the hideous transition of Southeast Asia's states from colonial status to independence. |
The transition is short, alerting the reader that the news report is shifting to storytelling form and indicating the sources for the chronicle to come. |
As the dust clears and the sonic damage is assessed, the remaining feedback segues into a sober slide guitar, denoting a major transition in the song's emotional appeal. |
He held intrigue for journalists converging for the transition of papal power. |
As occurs in every economic transition some benefited some at the expense of others. |
Asymmetries in the character transition curves describing these zones suggest that Townsend's warblers have a selective advantage over hybrids and hermits. |
In 1993, the military eased its grip and offered a transition to civilian governance. |
The two bogies and their transition motors were also scaled down from this design, but at the builder's recommendation a more robust alternator was fitted. |
Graphite behaves like a two-dimensional metal because there is a transition point between its valence band and conductance band known as the Fermi point. |
Since Dad smokes like a chimney stack, I suspect there's a big filtration unit or one of those clean room transition chambers between his quarters and the main house. |
Stewart hit the deck, only to pop back up and seamlessly transition into a clap. |
The pretreatment by transition metal cations helps to adsorb DNA on mica because it neutralizes the mica surface charge and then weakens the repulsive pressure. |
A case of too fast a transition from feudalism to modernity? |
The other transition from being a songwriter with a normal life to first lady was tougher. |
We have demonstrated the utility of our approaches by examining developmental changes in the murine mammary gland during the transition to puberty. |
A number of interesting comparisons can be made between the specification, the two drawings and the maquette, showing the transition from design to the finished carving. |
He rallied behind the president-elect and we had a transition that went forward in a smooth way and I think we may be on the lip of such a situation here, not for certain. |
Be prepared for more oppressive heat during the next two months as the dry weather will likely continue before entering the transition to the rainy season. |
It represents the period of transition between unpowered bloomeries and blast furnaces, and will add a great deal to our knowledge of early iron working in the Lake District. |
The transition from fluvial aggradation to subsequent fluvial downcutting records base level lowering most likely associated with structurally driven surface uplift. |
This ecoregion is a transition zone between the boreal spruce-fir forests to the north and deciduous forests to the south, and forests typically are mixed conifer-hardwood. |
We also observed qualitatively distinct behavior between the alkali-earth metal ions and the divalent transition metal ions in their action on the charged viruses. |
He said many of them had trouble making the transition from stage realism to the more naturalistic demands of the screen. |
The last autumn sunlight caught in the yellow leaves of the larches feels right in tone, and the transition from those sunlit passages to the darkness below is smooth. |
The filmmakers really rushed the transition to arachnoid too quickly. |
So defined, the fin-limb transition has to be explained in terms of the evolution of the digital arch and the derivation of digits from radials in fins. |
While I admit I was ill-prepared for the transition from city to country, I've settled in after several years and love the country life and our homestead. |
Now the Saudis see an Arab world in transition from decades of lethargic stability to a chaotic future. |
During a transition period at midcentury, the largest warships retained masts and sails while adding steampower and either paddle wheels or screw propellers. |
And the transition will require railroads to make investments beyond new engines and LNG tenders. |
The coming transition also appears to be a sign of the waning power of President hu. |
The bottom of the rock has a layer of calcrete that tells us it was at one time exposed to air and it shows the transition between being exposed and becoming submerged. |
The temporal transition of a mucosal cell from a normal state to dysplasia and eventually carcinoma can be explained by the multistep theory of carcinogenesis. |
That civil administration will be composed of highly qualified technocrats with experience in government and a small political body to oversee the transition period. |
Protests are raging in Yemen, where anti-government forces have asked that the plan for a transition of power be annulled. |
Does she actually make the transition from sequined Barbie to leading lady? |
Eight residencies are awarded annually to promising young artists to facilitate their transition from formal school training to professional life. |
A local minimum near the transition state in the free energy profile suggests metastable states that are populated with a very low probability at equilibrium. |
Will the transition of power from one Kim to another become drenched in even more blood? |
His rococo pieces were obviously executed before the neo-classical ones, but the transition between the two styles in England spanned at least a decade. |
She acknowledges that the classic transition for presidents of liberal arts colleges is to move up to the next rung on the presidential ladder by running a university. |
Twilight is sacred to Shiva, as the transition point between sun and moon. |
Attachment behaviors are likely to be heightened, and transition stress will be magnified for those who lack a safe attachment to their family members. |
This transition is evident in a previously unpublished set of ten watercolors of about 1800 by an unknown designer of artistic metalware in Paris. |
Robert is longing for the cooler weather of fall, but I'm looking forward to the transition of the window boxes from caladiums to pansies, cheerful but short. |
While the transition from nameless minor leaguer to major league leader seemed to happen overnight, he knows it is at least partially a product of his many years of toil. |
When rekindling a fire from coals, placing a split log on the bed of coals produces a more successful transition from smoldering into flame than using an unsplit log. |
A key image for the film because it limns Kane's elusive real self, but also a key moment in film and literature for the transition from the modern to the postmodern. |
Since then, Kate has gone on to catwalk glory, managing a successful transition from Goldilocks to nouveau punk thanks to a Jimmy-inspired crop and colour job. |
Chaplin, with his unique popularity, was able to stretch his transition from silents to talkies over a decade and completed one successful talking film, The Great Dictator. |
When the rule of law and political transition fail to bring about change, disenfranchised and marginalized groups take up arms. |
We have the rare privilege of watching up close as a formerly socialist, autarkic economy peacefully attempts to make the transition to a market-based, rule-of-law economy. |
A semiclassical analysis of the electronic transition process indicates that a significant fraction of the S 1 population decays to S 0 at each crossing point. |
This second transition appears more profound than the first in that the distance traveled was greater and the full spectrum of semiaquatic locomotor morphologies was crossed. |
Since 1999, Baratta has successfully steered the institution through its transition from a public agency to a semiprivate foundation that relies increasingly on earned income. |
Not only does it give added spice to the transition to senior school, it reconnects primary and secondary teachers who are often more rivals than colleagues. |
Cleanses can also serve as a fresh start and a transition into a long-term, health way of eating, says sass. |
He believes his character transition has been for the best and maintains that he was unable to channel his pugnacity positively, rendering it a hindrance rather than a help. |
It is the added tonal dimension that occurs when two chords momentarily share properties, so that the transition has greater depth and mellifluence. |
Taking into account the conservation of atoms we may determine all transition atomicities and represent atomic channels as graphs of distribution of atoms. |
I have lived through the transition from the day when most Inuit were unilingual to the present day when the younger generations are multi-lingual. |
Recently, high-resolution pulsed EPR techniques have been developed that can reveal detailed information on the environment of the paramagnetic transition metals. |
These interconversions are reversible and occur at a fixed transition temperature analogous to the melting and freezing points which separate the solid and liquid states. |
The prerequisite for this is for the U.S. to postpone current efforts for some kind of political transition among Syrians. |
The country's transition would descend from a matter of managing change to managing chaos, especially as secessionist regions become a breeding ground for anarchy. |
But it is unlikely to make that transition itself, anymore than you could turn yourself into your neighbor, or an orangutan. |
National Laboratory explain the superconductor's exceptionally high transition temperature of 39 kelvins, as well as other puzzling properties of the material. |
Billie's mother is planning to transition from female to male. |
Sections of the flattened wire show a continuous rather than an angular transition from the flats into semi-elliptical edges practically without any stress concentrations. |
Until you do, you are reborn in a realm if the root cause for that realm drives you as you transition through the bardo, or the stage between one life and the next. |
This sound cue, which lasts for one-tenth to one-fifth of a second, marks the transition from a consonant sound to a speech segment beginning with a vowel. |