Then, elated with the tranquillity of aloneness, I sat upon dusty shoes extracting ideas from my brain to be written painfully into my journal. |
With a bit of imagination and a few dollars to spend a balcony can become a haven of green and restful tranquillity. |
To get in, you descend through a stair wedged in the cleft between the two retaining walls, to emerge in the tranquillity of the courtyard below. |
Guests at Prestonfield can enjoy rural tranquillity, strutting peacocks and lowing Highland cattle without sacrificing access to the Royal Mile. |
Though the centre is not immune from horn blare and tyre screech, a tranquillity hangs in the air, nurtured by luxuriant greenery and birdsong. |
The device was sandbagged, the area cleared and then the tranquillity shattered briefly as a sympathetic charge disposed of the shell. |
He was used to Kenny's mood swings and this enabled him to hide behind a mask of tranquillity. |
Precisely the kind of person you would expect to turn homespun tranquillity into turmoil and bedlam with her very presence. |
The dreamlike atmosphere of harmony and tranquillity beguiles you into thinking that nothing bad could ever happen in such a beautiful place. |
Half a glass into the bottle, I began to quite enjoy the privacy we enjoyed, and we leisurely perused the comprehensive menu in tranquillity. |
A reborn oasis of calm and tranquillity is springing up amid the hustle and bustle of Manchester. |
Renowned as a haven of peace and tranquillity, its mystique is increased by its exclusivity, high prices and celebrity clientele. |
He said the extra volume of traffic would play havoc with the rural tranquillity of the area. |
Needing time to recover, he sought out the tranquillity of his cousin's dairy farm in upstate New York. |
Domestic tranquillity interested her much more than converting the unfaithful. |
The scene's silence and tranquillity gave the impression that you were suspended in space, looking down on the earth. |
And so back to the cool tranquillity of the office with a sandwich that seems oddly less appetising than during its purchase 10 minutes earlier. |
The main reason people come to visit the countryside is because of its beauty and tranquillity. |
The moment you step off the boat, plane or helicopter, you are struck by the friendliness and tranquillity of the place. |
This is fabulous walking country, a land of far horizons and rare tranquillity with vast areas of rounded hills and heather moors. |
By paring components to the bone, Martin showed that even the smallest urban space can be a haven of tranquillity. |
The tranquillity that the limit will bring may yet be an economic boost for the Lake District, and not the threat that it is often portrayed. |
You could live atop a snowy peak with no one but tranquillity to accompany you? |
The Japanese can do without all those troublesome waves and sun, and still prefer the tranquillity of their onsen. |
Both peaceniks and warmongers can offer the bromide of tranquillity, and, for different reasons, both have. |
He lives in Vienna, his home a modernist oasis of tranquillity perched above the lush greenery of the Wienerwald. |
The lake is a personification of peace, tranquillity and unfathomable calm. |
The tramway, the kiddies' fairground, the open moor and tranquillity is really what families value most preciously. |
The remote glens of Scotland are the hiding places of those who seek some tranquillity and privacy. |
Elsewhere, the empire is generally considered to have been enjoying a golden age of tranquillity and prosperity. |
Parks should be places of peace and tranquillity where we can get away from the dirt and grime of everyday life. |
Her expression was pure tranquillity, so dispassionate and detached that she seemed to be in the depths of some daydream. |
A far wider use of the lake and its environs will fill any gap and bring increased income from those who seek peace and tranquillity. |
Usually, a hypoglycemic patient does not manifest a sense of mental equilibrium and tranquillity. |
Living in the Yorkshire Dales, it is still just possible to escape into a world of peace and tranquillity. |
As the day wore on the tranquillity of the afternoon is remembered as being almost unearthly. |
A light aircraft wheeled in a window of blue sky, then disappeared and tranquillity returned. |
Only a dog's faint bark or the occasional musical air-horn of a lorry at the junction would break the tranquillity. |
The tranquillity was shattered as Dr Sentamu finally knocked on the West Door with a wooden staff. |
The recent fall of snow, laid in a thick carpet, deadened any sound, adding to the tranquillity and pristine feel of the mountains. |
Things will never be the same again in a village renowned for its beauty and tranquillity. |
But, with the passing of years, gondolas on Windermere, Coniston, and Ullswater and steam trains to Lakeside have come to symbolize a bygone age of tranquillity. |
The practice of tranquillity meditation, or shamatha, is common to the teaching of both the sutras and the tantras, and it can also be performed within tantric practice. |
Nestling around the ruins of the abbey where Mary Queen of Scots spent her last night on Scottish soil, the village of Dundrennan is a picture postcard of tranquillity. |
Those in which rajas or tamas predominate make it hard to achieve the mental tranquillity necessary to worship effectively or achieve enlightenment. |
All the tranquillity he ever knew he enjoyed in his old age. |
He said the number of visitors also had a social impact, both on other visitors who went in search of peace and tranquillity, and on the local population. |
Sunday was still a day of tranquillity and gloom when the trains did not run, and shops and theatres were closed, as also were public houses in Wales and Scotland. |
A lovely feature of the garden is the showing of the River Shannon and its basin and estuary by flowing water, symbolic of peace and tranquillity. |
A beautiful walkway, a picturesque marina and an abundance of wildlife, gave a feeling of peace and tranquillity within a bustling rural village of Leighlinbridge. |
However, while sales of the machines are booming, critics claim they pose a menace to riders and pedestrians alike and are destroying the tranquillity of parks and beaches. |
The tranquillity of the image is a proclamation of Ireland's return to peace after long years of armed conflict, first with the British and then with its own intransigents. |
A population ravaged by disease retards economic development substantially, making it very difficult for the government to preserve domestic tranquillity. |
But urban front gardens are undoubtedly small, so letting the imagination run wild is best saved for the tranquillity and calm of the back garden. |
They slowed, and the rushing sound gave way to a hush that made the crystalline tranquillity complete. |
There's an air of calm about the place, an aura of tranquillity. |
The sound of children excitedly running around their school playground and the drone of passing cars are the only noises that disturb the tranquillity of rural life. |
His last years, lived by invitation in cottages in Sussex and Kent, fed and wined by beneficent admirers, provided a sort of rural coda of tranquillity. |
Tucked away at the top of the square this small hotel exudes tranquillity. |
There was a busy, bustling, disputatious tone about it, instead of the accustomed phlegm and drowsy tranquillity. |
I preferred her so rather than in that Madonna-like tranquillity which stirred the depths of my heart. |
They don't always come cheap, but often the expense is well worth the sheer relaxation and mental tranquillity that a week in the islands can so easily induce. |
Bedrooms here are blue and green with orange and yellow day rooms featuring pictures of still lakes and mountains, which promote a feeling of tranquillity. |
She brought with her that special presence and tranquillity as she sat speaking with his wife. |
The beginning of the poem images the self's divisions as the body pulls the speaker's ascending thoughts down from a scene of repose, tranquillity and safety. |
Since philosophy could never find any way for tranquillity that might be generally good, let every man in his particular seeke for it. |
This type of tranquillity is believed to bless those organisms which are unawakenable to the vicissitudes of experience. |
The day ended with a visit to the Copperlode Falls Dam where we drank tea and ate lamingtons while gazing out at the tranquillity of Lake Morris Water reserve. |
However, the fall of Thomas Cromwell, the chief political supporter of government by Councils, and the tranquillity of the western counties made it largely superfluous. |
Environmental groups and villagers keen to preserve the area's relative tranquillity secretly hope the nemetic powers of the mysterious old curse will not wane. |
Such a man, to quit the tranquillity and independence of his own fireside, and on the evening of a cold sleety April day rush out again into the world! |
If you are looking for a holiday where escapism and tranquillity come as standard, then Barrhead Travel recommend the stunning Caribbean island of Tobago. |
The Baha'i religious group has set up its first permanent Tranquillity Zone in the town. |
Tranquillity is one of the central qualities which define what the national park is all about. |
When trouble's brewing at Wandsworth prison, London, staff calm down stir-crazy inmates by serving up drinks with names such as Valerian Plus and Tranquillity. |