To date this has been the exception rather than the rule, resulting in children becoming therapeutic orphans sometimes with tragic consequences. |
The death of any relative is devastating but to lose three grandchildren in tragic circumstances is more than most of us could bear. |
There is thus a mixture of the comic and the tragic, the virtuous and the villainous, the young and the old, the male and the female. |
Darius, of course, casts himself in the tragic rather than the comic mould. |
Or are they just using these tragic AIDS deaths to further their own cynical, and often juvenile, beefs with the Church? |
This ripping read chronicles the tragic results of a loveless marriage and a passionate affair. |
We have to remember that Athenian audiences would sit through nine hours of tragic performance. |
The entire area is deeply shocked and saddened by this untimely and tragic death. |
The excellent cast manage to tease out the humour of the play without undermining its tragic elements. |
As bottle-blonde Maureen, the requisite tragic heroine, Reilly must appear naked in various tableaux vivants. |
Seeing the work as a crude forebear of Elizabethan tragic drama effaces its status as an instance of de casibus literature. |
For Mulholland, it would be tragic or comical for our students to choose another African language such as Sepedi as a second language. |
He laughs, mocking the pose a Shakespearean actor might take during a particularly tragic scene. |
Our area has suffered recently from tragic accidents and our local Garda are appealing to all to drive with caution and take care. |
He was the icon in an era of icons, but like Shakespeare's tragic heroes his fatal flaws cut short a certain glittering career. |
He points out to tragic dramatists that what is seen on the stage makes a deeper impression than what is only narrated. |
I know it's a bit tragic I could remember, that I took so long to do it, and that I actually bothered trying to remember. |
Gay icons usually have some tragedy in their lives, but I've only had tragic haircuts and outfits. |
The tragic blunders of the era of reconstruction came from the lack of such magnanimous politics. |
This is the Buenos Aires I have fallen in love with, full of inconsistencies, bedeviled by its tragic circumstances. |
Toward the end of high school, you had a political awakening when something tragic befell your family. |
Mince pies become my life once December begins. Well, maybe not my life. I'm not quite that tragic. |
That reminds me. I'm going out to dinner at Isabella's tomorrow night. See? I'm not so tragic after all. |
If we are going to claim sexual equality, we can't throw our hands in the air and play the tragic victim when things go awry. |
What I don't understand is why this tragic case should be an occasion for the partisan hatred which currently bedevils our public life. |
She is convinced that the teenaged couple are about to reenact the tragic love affair of her youth. |
The Bradys sport the same tragic early-seventies quiffs, boast wardrobes packed with polyester flares, and talk in absurd sitcom gagspeak. |
Living in this world is Luchino, a seventeen year old girl with a tragic past and hidden telepathic abilities. |
I don't like sport, but partaking in an empty bout of national whooping and cheering simply for the sake of it would be utterly tragic. |
Noted Manipuri poet, writer, novelist, literary and cultural activist, he passed away on July 13, 2003 in a tragic jeep accident near Imphal. |
Most shamefully of all, she hid behind the tragic parents of the girl, who she exploited. |
This young man, at the tender age of 24 years, was the victim of a tragic accident. |
The Left in two of its three forms in the UK is suffering badly from this whole tragic mess. |
Also the killing of these animals is only the last atrocity that they have to suffer throughout their short, tragic lives. |
It is his difference from societal norms, not his choices, which mark him out for his eventual tragic fate. |
The tragic lives of parents are never a reason to repeat the tragedy upon their children. |
Medications like thalidomide or isotretinon can cause tragic birth defects. |
The author never loses sight of the delicate reality at the center of his character's almost theatrically tragic life. |
The agony goes on for the parents of the tragic four-year-old as doctors remain baffled as to how he died. |
The sister is married and living in the same apartment where her tragic parents once resided. |
The devastated parents of a tragic two-year-old girl who died after choking told of their heartache last night. |
What happened to her was tragic and awful, but she managed to maintain a level of happiness and refused to be bowed by her illness. |
In the tragic senarius the divisions of the sense normally coincide with the main divisions of the metrical structure. |
Early today, they did not believe there were any suspicious circumstances and said they thought it was a tragic accident. |
An explosion which killed a retired couple at their home was a tragic accident, an inquest heard yesterday. |
The consequences for these most vulnerable members of society have been inevitable and tragic. |
Her early, self-inflicted death gave a tragic dimension to all that came before. |
It must be their tragic flaws that make them fail to measure up in our eyes. |
Four men met their deaths in a tragic accident as they worked on the West Coast Mainline at Tebay, in the early hours of Sunday morning. |
That night I returned to the scene where young Darragh met his tragic death. |
This is a plea to all bar owners and councillors to help make Bolton a place to be proud of and to prevent these tragic accidents happening. |
There have been a couple of tragic accident deaths over the weekend, and the congestion is bad on a daily basis. |
He is too subtle for drama, and it's the tragic misdirection of his talents that propels much of the novel's action. |
The shockingly tragic video from the report galvanized not only the British public, but the world. |
It was there that he had a tragic accident with a saw in which he lost his left hand. |
When I came back to thinking about horseracing 30 years later, it was by means of a horse who had avoided all those tragic mischances. |
Is it possible that she really intends to defend the ridiculously tragic misadventures of our embarrassing Commander in Chief? |
They have warned those looking after children to keep them away from garages and factory sites before there is a tragic accident. |
Everyone at the school is extremely shaken and saddened by the tragic accident. |
We must not let the politicians and big business hide behind these tragic events to attack the working class. |
Hundreds of mourners bid a tearful farewell to the tragic teenager and friends donned specially-made replica England shirts bearing his name. |
He seeks symbols for his tragic inner transmutations in the external world. |
It could have been a tragic accident, or there could have been third party involvement. |
Three educational institutions have adopted two brothers and a sister who lost their parents in a tragic fire accident. |
Mat Maneri plays some lonesome violin, letting strings weep in blank, tragic beauty, plucking and wailing and sounding like a dying dog. |
I hope this tragic case can send out a wake-up message to all those people who make this kind of idiotic call. |
Anyway, the author made it abundantly clear that the tragic event should not be undermined or forgotten. |
The tragic death has shocked and saddened the local community and shattered his family. |
He is the quintessential tragic music teacher, wild hair and too many kittens. |
Keeping with the theme of the play, the experience was tragic in more ways than one. |
Is the train of tragic events that follows a manifestation of its destructive nature? |
Her tragic flaw, depending on who you talk to in the family, is either stubbornness, selfishness or a love of suffering. |
The ordeal began as the result of a tragic accident when a rail worker died after slipping and falling on to the live rail on the main line. |
Communism, for all its tragic flaws, was at least western in its conception, ideals, and desires. |
This a tragic misunderstanding of wherein the threat to the rule of law lies. |
Nothing they told us suggests that this was anything other than a tragic accident. |
Police are treating the death as a tragic accident and the coroner has been informed. |
The association can rightly claim to have made a world of difference to many tragic young lives. |
To me, it sounds like a gradual, maybe even lifelong, struggle between greatness and tragic flaws. |
Most appropriately, she looked like a wraith, thin and stooped, with dark, tragic eyes. |
They almost oscillate between the witty and tragic, and I found myself laughing and then writhing with discomfort. |
There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. |
My tragic flaw is that I'm not clever enough to figure out if I'm being made fun of or not. |
In the past three years, eight young people from the general area have lost their lives in tragic accidents. |
It is also possible to view Williams as a tragic figure, cursed like the house of Atreus or Kennedy. |
It's a tragic reminder of the reality which all of us in this House, and in the Lords, have to deal with in considering these matters. |
I just didn't want to add my voice to the din of noise that has filled the public square regarding this tragic woman's fate. |
But first, a look at his controversial predecessor, who achieved great things, but also had tragic flaws. |
Although tragic and lamentable, the story is about one rich man who lost control and lost everything as a result. |
Even more tragic is the loss of thousands of cultural and historical relics. |
It was also apparent that an early morning tragic road accident in Monasterevin was to delay its progress. |
I have the greatest sympathy for this poor woman in her tragic loss, but just think about it! |
As well as being a cricket tragic, I am a keen, enthusiastic but erratic golfer. |
Prince Unleashed tells the story of Holly, a young girl forced to live with relatives after a tragic family accident. |
Hubris, the fatal flaw of a tragic hero which blinds him to the reality of the world, is not exactly in short supply at the present. |
It's an amazing, tragic story of a player who, having just YouTubed him, I can safely say was like no other in the history of football. |
One was left, at the end of the play, with a sense of pity for him, which was more due to his performance than the tragic figure he portrayed. |
Luckily, the discovery of a latent talent for ventriloquism was soon to change his seemingly tragic fate. |
By replaying the traumatic events that lead to a tragic conclusion, Carter aims to prevent the inevitable. |
It looked as though the record, like the opera, was to have a tragic finale. |
It may not be his most original play but it is his most unrelievedly tragic. |
Safety rules for school trips are to be tightened up in a bid to reduce the potential for tragic accidents. |
It would be wonderful to find the route to cures for these tragic diseases. |
They don't have categories for best actor in romantic role or best actor in a tragic role, so why comedy? |
It was a tragic accident, and in the U.S., no matter how tragic, most accidents are not crimes. |
This passionate proximity combined with a tragic distance is the core of fandom. |
A young boy has died in a tragic accident after he was pulled unconscious from a swimming pool. |
The passionate retelling of Shakespeare's tragic story is set in the Italian city of Verona during high summer. |
We analysed the plot movements within the parables, distinguishing between tragic and comic parables. |
Myshkin is a later, more riddling and more tragic figure of lost absolutes. |
In Racine's tragedies, confusion often reigns, and from it a tragic reversal takes place. |
To intensify the tragedy of King Lear, Shakespeare has not one but two tragic characters and four villains. |
Rather, just one of those tragic moments which can blight people's lives anywhere, anytime. |
Then again, it's a theme of war films to make tragedies all the more tragic, isn't it? |
The Play of King Lear is a great tragic play that many tragedies try to compare to. |
In Norma, forbidden love rears its tragic head as a Druid High Priestess falls for a Roman officer. |
He has magic feet but those who lament rather than lionise him say that he is a hostage to tragic attitude. |
The opening of the second season moves at full speed, delivering a series of heavy emotional blows both touching and tragic. |
The tragic, or Shakespearean, version of the story runs something like this. |
A sports day at a school turned tragic when a starter's pistol turned out to have a live bullet in it. |
Just a few months after finishing the roof job, our roofer, a young man with a family, was killed in a tragic motorcycle accident. |
Or to put it a nicer way, they are engaged in a torrid yet tragic love affair. |
Coroner Nicholas Rheinberg said the accident arose from a chain of tragic incidents. |
It was a tragic end to what started as a call to arms to defend the country's sovereignty, to perform a state duty. |
All he needed was a few tots of spirits to loosen his tongue and tell one of his adventures, some pleasant, others tragic. |
There is too much distance, a tragic remoteness in our fellowship. |
Our knowledge of his tragic end adds an element of pathos to the story of his early success. |
It was a tragic irony that he made himself sick by worrying so much about his health. |
A longtime Big Three economist on why the automaker crisis would be funny if it weren't so tragic. |
TopsyBy Michael Daly A tragic tale of a circus elephant who fell victim to human competition and avarice. |
She says she regularly thinks of the tragic fate that befell many of those who have come before her. |
It might have been another tragic statistic in the Brazilian-traffic body count. |
The opera charts the tragic tale of butterfly waiting in vain for her husband to return to her. |
Two brothers from Calcutta face divergent fates, one tragic and one beholden to that tragedy. |
Camus answers that the absurdity of our tragic nature is actually benevolent. |
A number of passengers had been catapulted through the windows, in one instance with tragic results. |
It always ends with death whether it is the death of our prey and our subsequent feast or the tragic death of a pack member, caught by the horns of an elk or trampled by deer. |
But for all of her comic relief, Blankenship became a tragic figure in the Mad Men mythos, dying silently at her desk. |
Afterwards, we retired over the road for a really tragic Italian meal. |
You can see all of that condensed down to a few minutes and in HD in this video, from the showgirls to the eventual tragic end. |
Anyone who has been to destin knows how spectacular its white beaches are and how tragic the idea of them covered in oil is. |
He plays the role with a well placed tragic regality befitting someone who feels he is above everyone, yet below really people, a strange place to be indeed. |
It seems the artist took great technical care and sensitivity in portraying the beauty and nobility of the Xhosa despite the tragic circumstances of the story. |
The Minukku Vesham of the Brahmana, who laments the tragic deaths of his children before Arjuna, is one of the masterpiece roles of the sexagenarian actor. |
They act as a poignant reminder of the tragic incident seven days ago. |
This is tragic situation and this young girl seemed a capable young lady. |
But for those tragic policy decisions one must blame every president dating back to Dwight D. Eisenhower. |
Thus it is that the whiteness of white men resides in the tragic quality of their giving way to darkness and the heroism of channeling or resisting it. |
But it does raise the possibly tragic question of how her sexuality, addictions, and eventual death are entwined. |
Ashtarte Productions produce a breathtaking revival of this tragic play. |
It was, notwithstanding the ultimately tragic fate of the Soviet Union, the historical antipode to capitalist barbarism, and the beacon for future generations. |
And their respective physical appearances, which have become objects of fascination for their legions of fans, were tragic. |
On stage it rollicks and sparkles, at once deeply funny and tragic. |
Forty additional men were lost either from gunfire or tragic mishap. |
Forsberg attended the school's homecoming pep rally and assembly as a show of support to the students still recovering from the horrible events of that tragic day. |
Actor Cory Monteith's tragic death at age 31 is a gutting loss for countless reasons. |
The man who failed to help a little girl in the hallway of his building, to tragic end. |
In one tragic incident in 1965, a man named Bob Restall passed out in the shaft and fell into the water. |
Hartmann, author of the new memoir So Far Away, describes how she dealt with this tragic reality. |
Within minutes, it seems, of the disclosures of these tragic events, large numbers of people chose a side and stuck to it. |
There will be tragic stories and heart-warming stories and everything in between. |
The tragic temple shooting in Wisconsin has brought the usually low-profile religion of Sikhism into the spotlight. |
That star would all too famously implode with her tragic death from a heroin overdose at a mere 27 years of age. |
What was so tragic was to know that, through no fault of their own, they are caught up in the awful atrocities being carried out in their homeland. |
Benjamin Hudson, the solo violinist in the Haydn concerto that opened the evening, splendidly carried forward the tragic final interplay between violins and cellos. |
The tragic hero, we are told, still treats the ethical as his telos or goal, even if this entails subordinating particular duties to its attainment. |
Greta Garbo played tragic lovers, exotic temptresses and steely heroines. |
By late August it looked like stalemate was almost certainly the tragic outcome of the years of war. |
The first programme revisited the tragic story of Ann Lovett, a 15-year-old schoolgirl who died giving birth to a baby boy at a Marian grotto in Granard, Co Longford. |
The recent and tragic story of what happened to Isabel Stapleton was, of course, outrageous, indefensible and unforgiveable. |
A jury has recommended that hand rails or banisters be installed in houses at an inquest into the tragic death of a former member of Dervish on Christmas Day. |
There are plenty of tragic and inspiring choices, but the most obvious legacy Castro will leave behind is the broken family. |
Their lives are falling apart, but they intersect in interesting, tragic, and instructive ways. |
The tragic death of Mr. Shane Fitzgerald, from Kilmacleague, Dunmore East, last week was felt all over the barony of Gall Tir including Passage and surrounding areas. |
Nobody who knows the tragic history of 20th century Ireland, let alone the Middle East now, could disagree with his judgment then. |
Shortly after the tragic incident people started to notice that every night a large fox with a black brush would come and lay across the old woman's grave. |
Greta Garbo played tragic lovers, exotic temptresses and steely heroines, anchoring many mediocre melodramas and haughty period pieces like a pro. |
He does a lot of gritty dark melodramatic flicks where hundreds of guys get shot down in crazy action scenes, then all the good guys die horribly in a tragic ending. |
What happened last week in Kyrgyzstan was certainly tragic, and the verdict is still out on who did what to whom, and why. |
We get hundreds of begging letters and hear some terribly tragic stories, but I tend not to respond because there is such a volume and you just can't check them out. |
Their deaths are so tragic that several minutes are spent on their horror. |
Hampshire police have described the incident as a tragic accident. |
There was no evidence it was anything but a very tragic accident. |
Each of the two have tragic flaws, that result in their downfall. |
It was a tragic accident, but accidents happen in demolition all the time. |
The parents of tragic Robbie are celebrating the birth of a baby daughter. |
We did see some great outfits but there were a few tragic ones, too. |
Miss Wilson can't even control her tragic 70s hairdo let alone a class. |
I'm a model cinephile, sure, but beyond that, my God, I'm tragic. |
The action starts at 2 pm, and as a political tragic, I can hardly wait! |
It's like being ambushed by a rugby tragic who can recite meaningless statistics and All Blacks anecdotes with all the subtlety of a rolling maul. |
This reassured me somewhat though it also made me feel like a tragic since I would never ever have thought it was acceptable to bring a book to the pub. |
If pop music, as a genre, has a tragic flaw, it is that despite its placement across time, it does not provide any substantive narrative, replacing it instead with repetition. |
He is an extremely talented man but he has the tragic flaw of hubris. |
Too much updating may be the tragic flaw here, as lines of dialogue clearly meant to signal fatalistic woe are delivered in knowing, modern tones that undermine the drama. |
Their tragic flaw, of course, was the relatively arbitrary assignment of these functions to areas, and the belief in the corresponding shape of the skull. |
Tragedy is a story or play that has a significant conflict of morals, with a noble protagonist displaying a tragic flaw that is their strength but leads to their downfall. |
The potential tragic loss of 239 human lives is ultimately overwhelmed by our hunt for titillating clues and explanations. |
I just had a town hall meeting yesterday in Tucson and the people who were affected by the terrible, tragic shooting there. |
The only way to honor our tragic histories is to create a future for our children free of manmade tragedy. |
In the mining industry, the tradeoff between productivity and safety can have potentially tragic ramifications. |
But if mare Nostrum ends, it could be a tragic day for migrants making the perilous crossing. |
It's all treble and no bass, tragic potential utterly untapped. |
It would also rectify an ironic, and tragic, distortion of history. |
Mickey has a tragic back-story that suggests the two will collide in a most messy fashion. |
A ROAD where a young dad died after a tragic motorbike accident has been re-marked after a coroner wrote to a council requesting the work. |
Seeman studies Spanish activities in Florida and particularly Jesuit interactions with Amerindians and their tragic end. |
The plays were, however, tragic in the strictest definition, even though they were not necessarily sad. |
Though commonly understood to be the antagonizing force in Paradise Lost, Satan may be best defined as a tragic or Hellenic hero. |
After his accidental demise, the play suddenly becomes serious and takes on a tragic tone. |
He makes the choice to kill, not because of a tragic flaw, but because of circumstance. |
Romeo and Juliet borrows from a tradition of tragic love stories dating back to antiquity. |
Romeo and Juliet belongs to a tradition of tragic romances stretching back to antiquity. |
Seneca's tragedies greatly influenced the growth of tragic drama in Europe. |
Instead, they wrote Latin versions of tragic themes that the Greeks had already handled. |
The chapter 'The Wanderer' fully reflects a tragic, manic depressive temperament in bathyorographical imagery. |
The story of Medea, in particular, caught the imagination of the tragic poets. |
A PENSIONER with dementia has died in tragic circumstances after using poisonous stain remover to make coffees for himself and his wife. |
The principal, Orlando Gober, an inspiring black man of incredible strengths and some tragic flaws, is at the center of the tale. |
By this time Annaple, with a brow like a tragic volume, had hobbled towards him, and caught his horse by the bridle. |
It's definitely not a tragic ending, but it's not chocolate-box happy either. |
It takes the form of an online hate campaign targeting the Welsh with racial slurs and trivialising the tragic deaths. |
Uzziah was the prophet's king, therefore his lord and master, and perhaps his hero too, in spite of his tragic end. |
Both Mr Coates and Elton were then hit by another car at the side of the road in a tragic accident which killed the cyclist. |
Before the tragic suicide of Ian Curtis in 1980, Sumner was the guitarist in legendary Manchester miserabilists Joy Division. |
Still, I worry that a simple traffic stop could have tragic consequences. |
Thomas Rymer, for example, condemned Shakespeare for mixing the comic with the tragic. |
However, given the tragic fate of the four the two unaccounted-for MQM activists, namely Sohaib and Zia-ur-Rehman, are also feared dead. |
Ciara Flynn is fatally enticing as the tragic Alice, masking a tortured soul with her schoolgirlish glee. |
Her best friend is much scattier and a bit of a hot head, who has had a number of tragic but romantic relationships. |
Most of tragic McQueen's fortune will go to his Sarabande charity and may fund grants for budding fashion students. |
It's a tragic position and, while the Scots regress, even the Luxembourgers are going forward as we appear to be backtracking. |
Her second affair was far deeper, tragic and, in its effects, everlasting. |
The assault was followed by the tragic and fatal mauling of a six-day-old baby, ElizaMae Mullane, by an Alaskan malamute in Wales. |
The Public Should Become Airwise. The whole question of accidents is a very tragic and deeply interesting one. The public does not understand it. |
What drives the human impulse to ascribe divine meaning to tragic events? |
When a heroine's tragic flaw takes the form of uncontrollable love for an outlaw, the paths of momentary glory can lead but to defeat. |
In this play, Shakespeare adds a supernatural element to the tragic structure. |
The control-freak instinct runs too deep.... This runs the risk of becoming a tragic flaw. |
Wearing certain types of jewelry and throwing signs can lead to tragic misidentification as a gang member. |
However, Reuters had reported in November last year that Aabar was swithering on its commitment to the project after the tragic crash. |
This is because the plot was, more often than not, simple and therefore not a major point of tragic interest. |
Human Rights Watch in its 2015 report described the situation of a Shia majority as more than tragic. |
In World War II, due to its art treasuries and the presence of the Vatican, Rome largely escaped the tragic destiny of other European cities. |
The detective painstakingly collected clues to piece together what happened that tragic night. |
The tragic playwrights Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides took most of their plots from myths of the age of heroes and the Trojan War. |
Another notable tragic event is the 1994 Rwandan Genocide in which an estimated 800,000 people were murdered. |
Often the protagonist of the play has a tragic flaw, a trait which leads to their downfall. |
The story had at its centre a godfatherlike figure of larger-than-life stature, and all the elements of a tragic drama. |
There have been several false steps made on the campaign trail, none tragic. |
Some we already knew, like Casimir Ava the tragic actor with his pale eunuchoid-velvet complexion and studied poses. |
He was an outstanding actor in both comic and tragic roles such as Wozzeck. |
One landed harmlessly in the Castle grounds, narrowly missing the Civic shelter, but the other three had tragic consequences. |
Pantomimus combined expressive dancing, instrumental music and a sung libretto, often mythological, that could be either tragic or comic. |
Love poetry, often of a tragic or regretful nature, prominently figures in many folk traditions. |
A classic gold rush had been set off that would have tragic consequences for the Caribbean's indigenous people and cultures. |
He would like to be something of a popular entertainer, and be able to think his own thoughts behind a tragic or a comic mask. |
Here is why, for Frye, all literature, even the most wretchedly tragic, the most cynically satirical, and the most alienatingly ironic, can teach us about desire. |
And if that wasn't enough they're bringing along Belgian brutalists Aborted, who have also undergone a radical line-up shift, although not under such tragic circumstances. |
The only good news is the effect the Tom and Jerry show is having on Labour, at their first test, the byelection, following the tragic death of Michael Meacher in Oldham West. |
The final twist in this tragic tale is that it has revived the crusade to licence chang'aa so that it can be purified like the Uganda Waragi or the Tanzanian Konyagi. |
Footy's back and as I'm a footy tragic it means I'm one very happy man. |
The film hurtles toward tragic inevitability like Vanishing Point, the classic carsploitation film that Death Proof revises with the triumph of the collective. |
In another tragic case, Hugo, another of the Alaskan Malamute pups who arrived at the centre alongside Malakai, saw vets struggle in vain to save his life. |
Perhaps the consumer base will find the image of a well-groomed spokesmodel apparently asleep in a satin-lined casket to be bottomlessly tragic and compelling. |
Welfare Ministry Secretary Upali Dahanayake, his elderly father, daughter, and a cousin sister died on the spot in a tragic accident in Mahiyangana yesterday. |
His tenure as manager ended in tragic circumstances two weeks later when he was found dead at his home on 27 November, having apparently committed suicide. |
It has its roots in the panic of the Battle of the Bulge, and the conclusion was sometimes comic, sometimes tragic, but always an impediment to operations. |
I will never make mileage out of the recent tragic deaths in this family. |
Though he can't deny that he deals mostly in the dirty laundry and tragic wreckage of once private lives, Colbert denies that he is a sleaze-merchant or ambulance chaser. |
A ranger on Winter Hill constructed two cairns on the moor to commemorate the alleged tragic death of two young men on the site many hundreds of years ago. |
It is a tragic story of undying love much like the later Romeo and Juliet, which was itself said to have been inspired by a Latin version of Layla and Majnun to an extent. |
Of Tragedy addresses the question of why humans enjoy tragic drama. |
The year 1912 was a tragic one for Russian explorers in the Kara Sea. |
And so the Guardianista is prepared for a tragic story of injustice and retribution, brought about by the evil that stalks the dark corners of cyberspace. |
In the course of this meditation the lyric speaker achieves an insight, faces up to a tragic loss, comes to a moral decision, or resolves an emotional problem. |
After the tragic events of Desperado, El Mariachi is reluctant to fight. |
The tragic image of the blues that originated in the Mississippi Delta ignores the competitive and entrepreneurial spirit of the bluesman himself. |
The stableboy rode off while the huntsman mulled over this tragic news. |
This tragic discovery can be seen in Homer's, Iliad as well. |
Critics such as Charles Dibdin argued that Rosaline had been purposely included in the play to show how reckless the hero was and that this was the reason for his tragic end. |
Suspicion of modern medicine due to beliefs about illness being due to witchcraft also continues in many countries to this day, with tragic healthcare consequences. |
It is quite lovely and melodic, with ample cantabiles and cabalettas, but seems inappropriate for this tragic story of a cursed man and the woman who will die for him. |