However the trade in 2001 was distorted due to the foot and mouth outbreak. |
Sadly, many students, once qualified as professionals, turn to the burgeoning tourist trade in order to maintain a better standard of living. |
An important puzzle is the balance of trade in capital goods and industrial supplies and materials, excluding oil. |
As a result, the nation's balance of trade in chemicals, a rock-steady surplus for 80 years, has become a deficit. |
Sadly, most of the exalted class of 1990 have become journeyman club players, plying their trade in the lower leagues. |
The project aims to bring the children back to civilian life by giving them a trade in carpentry, masonry or metal work. |
He ran an amiable trade in insights and mots justes, which he would oblige you to exchange, whether you were up to it or not. |
He believed it would have adverse effect on business and trade in the community. |
So, what would happen in a free market where anyone could ply their trade in a cab? |
For reacquainting me with that pleasure, I want to thank everyone who pushed for deregulation, privatization and free trade in electricity. |
This fear thankfully has not become a reality, in fact trade in this area is up. |
The rikishi then return to their dressing room where they trade in their ceremonial kesho-mawashi for their regular coloured fighting mawashi. |
As the European trade in the 1800s introduced the Akan to synthetically dyed yarns, kente designs became more colorful. |
The trade in souvenirs made of sea turtle shells has reached an alarming level. |
The exhibits cover production of medicinal cod-liver oil, barrel manufacture and the preparation of, and trade in, salted fish and klipfish. |
In addition to the trade in grain, Berwick ships regularly carried eggs, potatoes, pork, woolpacks, leather and dairy produce. |
The regular trade in woolpacks between Berwick and Hull made similar demands on internal carrier networks. |
Small groups of working girls are gathered along the street, paced evenly, plying their trade in the gloom of the night. |
But, it might just be worth opening an account to trade in these last couple of weeks. |
The Dover tragedy has refocused attention on Britain's immigration and asylum laws, and the worldwide trade in human trafficking. |
Still, Congress relaxed the embargo recently to allow trade in food and medicines, and a new day may be coming. |
Modern feminists don't want to trade in their femininity for drab power suits and a brief case. |
Manila became the centre for a trade in Chinese silks with Mexico, in return for Mexican silver dollars. |
Since the end of the Second World War, we've liberalized trade in most areas. |
In the 1990s, outrage about the continuing manufacture and trade in anti-personnel weapons steadily grew. |
Kidman is actually quite adorable as the love-struck sorceress, desperate to trade in her broom for a groom. |
Hawass says global efforts to stem illicit trade in antiquities are starting to bear fruit. |
The good news is that there's a lot boaters can do to conserve fuel on their own, without having to trade in their ski boats for sailboats. |
The cocaine trade in Central America flourished when the US administration was backing the Contras to fight the Sandinistas in Nicaragua. |
I don't know about you, but I'm not about to trade in my minivan for a buggy and a team of horses any time soon. |
As well as being victims of slave takers, some Mandinkas carried on extensive trade in slaves. |
Urbanisation accelerated, and with it Africa's international trade in manufactures and services. |
Seventh Heaven bakeshop in Soi Seven is doing a roaring trade in English style breakfasts and light meals. |
That I just might find a friend from barter and trade in no way argues that the store is hospitable to the establishment of friendships. |
While U.S. soybean meal exports to Mexico have been smaller than soybean exports, trade in soybean meal has started to grow very rapidly. |
Working with a meatpacker in a neighboring community, the co-op has begun a brisk retail trade in beef halves, quarters and wrapped cuts. |
The burgeoning trade in bones and body parts for use in folk medicines threatens tigers and other big cats. |
Its international activities began with trade in the Persian Gulf in different commodities besides merchant banking. |
Its charter granted monopoly rights to trade in lands whose waters drained into Hudson Bay. |
Hackney carriage drivers are only allowed to wait for trade in designated ranks but they can be flagged down for journeys. |
Certainly it would appear that the club has a crop of players that will sooner or later be plying their trade in the top flight. |
There must somehow be a basis for international trade in goods and services. |
The other top priority agenda in Hong Kong is the general agreement on trade in services and non-agricultural market access. |
The explosion of global trade in the postwar era is usually attributed to the lowering of tariffs and other trade barriers. |
This foreign exchange speculation now outstrips global trade in goods and services. |
The programme was set up in July 1999 to promote international trade in Europe. |
The creation of a complex global economy has had effects way beyond the international trade in goods and services. |
The retail liquor trade in New York state in those days was burdened by antiquated laws and corrupt officialdom. |
The industry, services and trade in the city should have the gumption to gang up against the political parties. |
The daily trade in currency exchange alone is more than 50 times the value of world trade in goods and services. |
Free exchange of trade in goods and services, and trying to energize a more market oriented set of arrangements in countries. |
These include trade in services, intellectual property, e-commerce, investment and labour standards. |
Their son, also named Alexander, took over in 1974 and has seen the trade in bespoke suits decline ever since. |
If there is open trade in minkes you will open the door to trade in other whale species. |
It came, instead, on a fishing trawler plying its trade in the unforgiving waters off the west coast. |
If a quick health check at the bar uncovers some bad news, the pub will do a roaring trade in stiff shorts. |
Although, as is the case with so many of the foreign contingent plying their trade in this country, perhaps he was simply misquoted. |
They are particularly proud of their healthy tuck shop, which does a roaring trade in toast and orange juice. |
In the battle against bird flu, international health authorities must handle a thriving legal trade in live birds and chicks. |
The paper reports that there is a thriving trade in black-market exam papers and implies this might have motivated the creation of the virus. |
As a general rule, these companies were given a monopoly on trade in a region. |
The resilience of its merchant groups in deflecting the European efforts at monopolizing the carrying trade in the Indian Ocean was impressive. |
The pub trade in York is now mourning the loss of a good licensing officer who bitterly regrets the part he played in his own downfall. |
It also undermines their ability their ability to trade in the peak Christmas season. |
The other part of the story is how it has thrived, and that was mainly through its canny trade in woollen goods. |
Britain had outlawed the slave trade in 1808, and her colonies were not allowed to render assistance to slavers. |
This figure does not include the Arab slave trade nor the flourishing trade in slaves within Africa. |
The Strathclyde source also revealed his associates have been trying to muscle into the drugs trade in Edinburgh and Glasgow. |
The world in general, and the book trade in particular, is unfair, unjust, and patently absurd in its workings. |
In this case, the defendant, a dyer, had given a bond to the plaintiff not to exercise his trade in the same town for six months. |
Allowing big investors to trade in mutual funds after hours is simply against the law. |
In response, Savage and her team started a program where children could trade in their slingshots for a stuffed animal of the cottontop tamarin. |
The illegal trade in small arms and light weapons has been identified by the UN as one of the world's greatest challenges. |
Poachers illegally trade in snakes such as the Indian python, slaughtering the snake for their skin. |
There are tricks of the trade in bricklaying, and the learning curve can be steep. |
Though, personally, I prefer the story of the Dalston traders who did a roaring trade in bushmeat. |
World production of, and trade in, apple juice and apple juice concentrate has expanded dramatically. |
He believed it would have an adverse affect on business and trade in the community. |
Direct trade in grain to foreign ports was never very significant for Northumbrian farmers. |
Finally, I decided I'd trade in the cabriolet and invest in another secondhand car. |
Visitors can find trade in both modern products and traditional crafts, such as bamboo and wood handicrafts. |
A quick Internet search reveals a thriving trade in just about every species of primate, from capuchins to chimpanzees. |
There are plenty of good ole boys who trade in this form of macho posing as well. |
I have asked many married couples I know whether they would, if given the option, trade in their marriages for a civil union. |
What does exist is an international trade in surpluses of grain, cereals and meat dumped primarily by rich countries and corporations. |
In 1939, George became a barnstormer pilot flying a Waco, learning all the tricks of the trade in stunt work and aerobatics. |
Local trade remained important and the export of gum and hides developed parallel to the trade in slaves. |
Once defeated, the Zulu king became subservient to British rule and lost control over the trade in the kingdom, including the trade in beads. |
In short, Britain's trade in services is a huge success story which is scarcely ever told, and it extends to Asia. |
It seems that recent events have damaged the tourist trade in Sri Lanka and other areas hit by the tsunami. |
And as the winter months drag on, many of us are dying to trade in cashmere sweaters for terrycloth sundresses and bikinis. |
I'll trade in my sandals, shorts and sunnies for a hip flask of brandy and a gnarly old jacket which can't quite keep the wind out. |
The demand from drug gangs for firearms has created a trade in cheap lethal weapons, easily imported, often even sent by surface mail. |
He had a wide circle of friends in the book trade in Ireland, the UK and the United States. |
As the last surviving clipper built for the China Tea trade in 1869, the Cutty Sark is also a major part of Britain's Maritime history. |
Shares in the club were 1.5 pence higher at 286.5 pence by the close of trade in London on Thursday. |
I am puzzled by all those who think that a closing time of midnight will spoil the tourist trade in Thailand. |
But trade in illegal software over peer-to-peer networks remains a grey area. |
I could write about the political consequences of fair trade in the developed world. |
There should be no greater legal impediment to the movement and trade in one case than in the others. |
These were occupied not only by agriculture, but also in mining and trade in copper and salt against European goods obtained from the Portuguese. |
But he may trade in his Piaggio moped for a company car if he passes his driving test later this year. |
We no longer have to think of trade in terms of complete finished products but in terms of component parts. |
The final conclusion with respect to the effects of the transition to state-owned trade in the 1930s is vague and inconsistent. |
Most traders trade in a pit, sitting almost on top of each other where everyone can be seen and heard and all calls traced and deals marked. |
Even without the GATS treaty, it's plain that global trade in services is already testing our notions of national sovereignty. |
Ocean shipping carries nearly 80 percent of the world's international trade in goods. |
This technique deals with inter-regional trade in a more comprehensive manner. |
This is no easy task, since migration of people and trade in goods tend to be closely interrelated. |
More importantly, they want control of the contraband trade in drugs and arms in the area. |
Excise duty, in particular, has become one of the major contributors fuelling the illegal trade in cigarettes and oil. |
An Iron Cross and a Waffen SS peaked cap are just the sort of prizes sought by the international trade in Third Reich insignia. |
This meant that forest economies, including the trade in wild rubber, copal, wax, ivory, and timber, were effectively circumscribed. |
The Corn Exchange opened for trade in 1861 but was soon being used as a community venue. |
Major problems confronting CITES have resulted from the highly lucrative trade in the ivory from tusks of elephants. |
Since the ban on the trade in ivory in 1989, elephant populations in Africa have generally stabilised and in some areas are increasing. |
Three years on, it has become the centre for trade in contraband and counterfeit goods. |
In March it banned trade in chicken from West Java and South Sulawesi provinces after bird flu killed thousands of fowls there. |
One thing the article doesn't mention is the potential for cross-border trade in Asia. |
Banks may soon get a screen-based platform to trade in foreign currencies free of cost. |
Bring many buyers and sellers together, and use the tools of e-commerce to let them trade in a nearly frictionless manner. |
The discovery of that full-grown tiger in a Harlem apartment has made a lot of people take notice of the trade in exotic pets. |
The BBC reported in July that there is a flourishing trade in the furs of endangered animals in Afghanistan. |
In North America Europeans conducted a huge trade in furs and skins through native peoples and enlisted them as allies in their wars. |
Perhaps tired of being another Swedish retro garage band, Caesars trade in the guitar fuzz for danceable pop-rock on this release. |
Their businesses range from condensed dairy milk to trade in chemical products. |
Melvin learned the tools of his trade in Milan at an actual old-time gelateria. |
Although currently regulated, trade in hippo ivory is not banned, and enforcing trade quotas remains a prickly problem. |
Whether you decide to trade in your car or sell it privately is a personal choice. |
We have also noted that trade in Hindu slave dancer girls contributed to development of western dances. |
The cases date back to the 1920s, when Prohibition created an illicit trade in alcohol. |
It deters people from buying new bicycles, while at the same time there is a lucrative trade in stolen models and this has to be examined. |
They've come south to graze their cattle and trade in the dry season from time immemorial. |
Disgust at this treatment of Africans led to demands for emancipation of the slaves and the abolition of the slave trade in the 19th century. |
Credit markets continue to trade in a dislocated manner and look quite vulnerable. |
A distaste for meddling in free trade in art remains strong, as does our desire for visual contact with an original. |
The provision was initially put in place to protect trade in neighbouring towns. |
The Chamber of Commerce would like to extend season's greetings to all and look forward to a bumper Christmas trade in the town over the coming month. |
I soon clicked with the old shop owners who used to trade in the Transkei. |
Instead the programs associated with Alexander Hamilton introduced a system of mercantilism, discarding free trade in favor of tariff protection for manufactured goods. |
Today there is growing trade in services and intellectual property. |
I think guns do kill people, though I suspect hate-mongering white supremacist groups that trade in fear and ignorance have something to do with it as well. |
Rebels in Africa trade in children to fund their conflicts and obtain child soldiers. |
By the Middle Ages, the trade in macaroni and vermicelli was already well established. |
The second half of the twentieth century witnessed the development of transborder production and associated intra-firm trade in a number of industries. |
Although the county sheriff's office was just a block away, their bootleg business allegedly dwarfed their trade in seed, feed and gardening equipment. |
Fourteen years later, Norway is preparing to resume the international trade in whale meat with a 10 ton shipment of meat and blubber from minke whales destined for Iceland. |
And yet there was Saraswati, ordered to trade in the saffron robes for an orange jumpsuit. |
Although Latinos control the cocaine trade in the Downtown Eastside, officers have been vilified by advocacy groups for shaking down suspects on skid road. |
The diminutive history teacher turned soldier once said he learned his trade in the bush. |
However, the Russian fur trade in this area was threatened by Yankee traders, who not only collected furs, but brought shiploads of rum and guns for the local Indians. |
Last year, the UK-based Environmental Investigation Agency took a closer look at the tiger trade in China. |
Commercial trade in human remains is illegal in Burundi and is protected by the same laws, which prohibit human trafficking. |
The trade in human kidneys has grown by leaps and bounds among the poor. |
The director of Amnesty International UK has appealed to the people of west Wiltshire to support the charity's campaign against the worldwide trade in deadly weapons. |
Has the tiny nation of Burundi become ground zero for a new global black-market trade in human remains? |
The agreement lessened the stranglehold India-Pakistan tensions had put on trade in the region for decades. |
If you're still reeling from the low-fat, high-carb craze of the 1990s, you may be wondering why you should trade in pasta and potatoes for rib-eyes and pork rinds. |
This means that the EU's trade in agricultural products with third countries is regulated by a series of customs and import restrictions and export subsidies. |
Even a riggish French noblewoman could hardly throw a glamour of romance over so prosaic an interest as the Franco-American trade in fish-oil and salt cod. |
The stunt motorcyclist hero of his black-and-white video Wall of Death relentlessly dares the crash-and-burn of his trade in an assault on the frontier of centrifugal force. |
Shops do a roaring trade in Union Jack and St George banners. |
The army of car washers do a roaring trade in cleaning the interiors too, with many people are happy to leave their car unlocked for them while they go shopping. |
He is doing a roaring trade in excellent meat pies, a range of scrumptious sausages and the most authentic Scotch eggs we have tried, Scotland included. |
All trade in Greek wine ceased in the late 15th century, when, after the fall of Byzantium, the Ottoman Turks occupied the Peloponnesian shore and drove out its inhabitants. |
We visited the corn exchange to see the opening of the morning's trade in agricultural commodities as diverse as soya bean, cotton, pork bellies, wheat and oilseeds. |
Indonesia is also a haven for the international trade in endangered animals, an illegal activity that ranks only behind drug trafficking in lucrativeness. |
The crime families that formerly controlled the drugs trade in Britain have been ousted by a new breed of cleanskin individuals with no criminal record. |
The wide distribution of viticulture, the extensive trade in wines, their distinctive flavours, and the influence of French kitchen practice have all contributed to this. |
Another ecological incentive for using vegetable ivory is that renewed trade in tagua nuts could help protect endangered rain forests in Ecuador, Colombia and Peru. |
These same groups that trade in animals are also shuttling weapons, humans, and other illicit goods across national lines. |
Taken from another perspective we have to look at trade in the non-tangible and non-physical sense, it's all in the creation of value added in a digital economy. |
She recently attended a conference on international trade in Germany. |
Mr. Kneisel was held in great esteem in Waterford, and indeed throughout the jewellery trade in Ireland, where his skills and craftsmanship were highly thought of. |
The Company lost its monopoly on Indian trade in 1813, and its charter for Chinese trade was removed in 1833, after which it ceased to be a trading concern. |
Mr Moore, 59, employed to promote tourism and trade in London, said the 8in brass bell was clearly identifiable as his name was engraved on one side. |
In almost every sphere of life, the trend is to trade in ownership for access. |
In my opinion, this will enormously enhance our trade in the entire region and would prove highly favourable to future generations of school-leavers in particular. |
The issue was the trade in wild game, or, as Africans call it, bushmeat. |
Described as a blueprint to crack down on the trade in fake goods, the scheme involves closer inter-agency co-operation in the fight against pirates and bootleggers. |
I funded my habit by roaming the streets and beaches looking for glass softdrink bottles that I'd trade in to the dairy for two or four cents each. |
Every time you pick up the phone, go shopping, do your banking, use the Internet, or watch a movie, you're spinning the wheels of trade in services. |
Ironically Gourlay now spends much of the year plying his professional trade in Australia and is expected to base himself Down Under in the not-too-distant future. |
There was also concern that the car boot sale could be used to fence stolen goods and market stalls may further damage existing trade in the rundown town. |
Just 13 percent of smartphone users trade in their old handsets, according to a July npd survey of 1,000 consumers. |
Cycads should be a distinctive feature of Eastern Cape flora but due to the illegal trade in these plants, the number of wild plants has been severely depleted over the years. |
The black market trade in fossils stolen from the richest Cretaceous fossil locality in the world has prompted a crackdown. |
They learned their deadly trade in Syria, where they offended Arab sensibilities by sunbathing naked and practicing free love. |
Before the war, international rules were established to try and curtail the opium trade in the east. |
Merchants began to trade in sugar from India, which was considered a luxury and an expensive spice. |
The Mossi would eventually enter the slave trade in the 1800s with the Atlantic slave trade being the main market. |
The extent of slavery within Africa and the trade in slaves to other regions is not known precisely. |
Venetian traders from Italy held a monopoly on the spice trade in Europe, distributing cinnamon from Alexandria. |
Italian and Venetian would become important languages of culture and trade in Dubrovnik. |
Part of the aim for ASEAN integration is to achieve food security collectively via trade in rice and maize. |
It is also affected by the absence of political will and popular agitations and lobbying against free trade in domestic politics. |
As the examples above show, a trade in the vowel of the verb stem creates a different verb form. |
Branches of wealthy Bermudian merchant families dominated trade in the area's ports. |
As early as 1651, the English government had sought to regulate trade in the American colonies. |
It soon became an important center of industry and trade in the Great Lakes region and a popular immigrant destination. |
In 1617 the British East India Company was given permission by Mughal Emperor Jahangir to trade in India. |
It does not specify the actual rules that govern international trade in specific areas. |
Arab merchants dominated trade in the Indian Ocean until the arrival of the Portuguese in the 16th century. |
Economic historians see the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846 as the decisive shift toward free trade in Britain. |
There is also less archaeological evidence of large settlements and trade in the area. |
The Hanseatic League stimulated trade in the region, and the period saw the erection of many Gothic cathedrals and city halls. |
In the middle of the 13th century, Venetian bankers began to trade in government securities. |
Soon thereafter, a lively trade in various derivatives, among which options and repos, emerged on the Amsterdam market. |
During the 1980s and 1990s, a major growth sector in financial markets was the trade in so called derivatives. |
There was a brief upturn in trade in the 1860s, but the decline continued after that. |
This and the local ironstone were promptly exploited by Stephenson, who set up a company in Clay Cross to trade in the minerals. |
He had been apprenticed to his father, a watchcase engraver in the watch trade in Spon End. |
Lisa Zeeman, manager of The Cottage pub in St Mary Street, Cardiff, said sport was an important driver of trade in the city centre. |
And divers in 1993 discovered possible proof of this early form of international trade in the mouth of the nearby River Erme. |
Mr Haycock said the council had to look past simple economics in a bid to boost trade in the city centre. |
She will never trade in the coquettish kitten heels for a sensible pump. |
Second only to the export of indigo from India was the trade in what has been variously called dyewood, red sandalwood, or red sanders. |
The value of free trade in ideas does not depend on the assumption that there is an objective, perdurable truth to be discovered. |
Thus their already immense wealth from trade in gold and kola nuts was vastly increased. |
Ex-glamour model Heather, 39, led a PETA campaign to ban the trade in dog and cat fur before her split from 64-year-old Sir Paul last May. |
So it's not surprising that numerous outlets have reported brisk trade in fedoras since Victoria was pictured in a natty orange number. |
The prison had identified trade in divertible medication as a significant issue and had taken robust action to address this. |
Lubeck was once one of the most influential cities in Europe as the capital of the Hanseatic League, which controlled trade in the Baltic Sea. |
Commercial trade in alligator skins and skins from other crocodilian species, such as caimans, requires CITES permits and tags. |
In July 2001, the United Nations convened a panel focusing on the black market trade in small arms and light weapons. |
Through news reports and the film Blood Diamond most people are aware of the trade in diamonds in order to support military conflict. |
The company also operates foreign flag dry bulk carriers, which trade in the international commercial market. |
Some British zoologists say trade in African bushmeat should be regulated rather than banned. |
New Real Madrid signing Cristiano Ronaldo first boosted the trade in tiny shorts when he was pictured in a skin-tight pair last month. |
This is an enthralling account of the slave trade in Zanzibar in the nineteenth century and of the attempts of one man. |
Down Elgin Street West, Jim's Restaurant is doing a brisk mid-morning trade in eggs over easy, homefries, toast and endless cups of coffee. |
Or, if you're really trying to watch the pennies, you could seize the opportunity to trade in your old gas guzzler for a fuel-efficient model. |
Local and regional livestock auctions and commodity markets facilitate trade in livestock. |
The Shrewsbury Drapers Company dominated the trade in Welsh wool for many years. |
The retail trade in Cork city includes a mix of modern shopping centres and family owned local shops. |
Porthcawl town, once possessing a small dock, abandoned the trade in favour of tourism. |
Shipping movements varying from a couple of movements to 10 or 12 per tide, with trade in timber, oil, scrap and containers. |
That week saw the culmination of increased trade in Dublin Port, as the company's figures for the first quarter of 2010 would eventually reveal. |
It shows the ecological and economic effects of both legal and illegal trade in construction sand. |
Starting with trade in coarse woollen fabrics, the Hanseatic League had the effect of bringing both commerce and industry to northern Germany. |
It is an important centre for maritime industries and maritime trade in Europe. |
The churches' earnings from their land also dropped so much that the Hanseatic traders dominated the city's foreign trade in the 15th century. |
By the late 14th century, Bergen had established itself as the centre of the trade in Norway. |
Global trade in walrus ivory is restricted according to a CITES Appendix 3 listing. |
Fish markets are marketplace used for the trade in and sale of fish and other seafood. |
A rising rivalry followed between the Arabs and Chinese for control of trade in the Indian Ocean. |
A growing trade in various components exists, including GPS units from other countries. |
The 18th century saw an expansion of England's role in the Atlantic trade in Africans taken for slavery to the Americas. |
Traveling through the major city of Glasgow, it was an important river for shipbuilding and trade in the British Empire. |
In West Africa, the decline of the Atlantic slave trade in the 1820s caused dramatic economic shifts in local polities. |
The Automotive Products Trade Agreement of 1965 opened Canada's borders to trade in the automobile manufacturing industry. |
Under John II's watch, the gold and slave trade in west Africa was greatly expanded. |
Finally, the Portuguese Crown sought a share in the lucrative West African trade in slaves and gold, and India's spice trade. |
William Wilberforce's Slave Trade Act 1807 abolished the slave trade in the British Empire. |
The slave trade in Europeans in other parts of the Mediterranean is not included in this estimation. |
The national and international trade in ivory of threatened species such as African and Asian elephants is illegal. |
In most US States, the possession of or trade in parts of game animals is subject to some degree of regulation. |
Herrings, especially kippered, were what brought about the blossoming of the town's trade in the Middle Ages. |
The Phoenicians originally expanded from Canaan ports, by the 8th century dominating trade in the Mediterranean. |
Nordic foreign trade in goods, measured as the average of imports and exports, amounts to more than one fourth of GDP in the Nordic countries. |
International standards have made trade in goods and services more efficient. |
The British, French and Dutch joined in the slave trade in subsequent centuries. |
In 1443 Prince Pedro, Henry's brother, granted him the monopoly of navigation, war and trade in the lands south of Cape Bojador. |
The city was a major centre of the slave trade in the 15th and later centuries. |
In the first half of the 7th century, Ragusa began to develop an active trade in the East Mediterranean. |
Genoa was guaranteed the right to trade in the eastern imperial lands, a new and profitable market. |
In addition, the heavy governmental regulations placed on trade in France discouraged settlement. |
Cabotage rights are the right of a company from one country to trade in another country. |
They built a flourishing trade in flowers and beads on the West African coast. |
Afonso V appealed to the Pope for moral support of Portugal's right to a monopoly of trade in lands she discovered. |
With the bull the Portuguese had a monopoly for trade in the new areas in Africa and Asia. |
Decline in the slave trade in the 19th century resulted in an economic crisis. |
In 1469, King Afonso V of Portugal granted him the monopoly of trade in the Gulf of Guinea. |
He also received a monopoly of trade in guinea pepper for another yearly payment of 100,000 reais. |
By the seventeenth century, most trade in West Africa concentrated on the sale of slaves. |
Overland he reached Nyangwe, the centre of a lawless area containing cannibal tribes at which Tippu Tip based his trade in slaves. |
There is a brisk trade in European iron nails, cloth, beads and crucifixes in return for American amulets, spears, parrots and monkeys. |
They commend Cabral's actions against Zamorin's Calicut, and invite the Portuguese to trade in their cities instead. |
Their mission was to conquer Socotra Island and build a fortress there, hoping to close the trade in the Red Sea. |
Their aim was to conquer Socotra and build a fortress there, hoping to close the trade in the Red Sea. |
Five years after that initial contact, Ayutthaya and Portugal concluded a treaty granting the Portuguese permission to trade in the kingdom. |
In the 18th century Ternate was the site of a VOC governorship, which attempted to control all trade in the northern Moluccas. |
He provided an enticing report to other Portuguese on the lucrative trade in China. |
In return, Macau Government would cooperate with Hong Kong's smuggling trade in Indian opium and China would profit from imposing customs taxes. |
They prospered on this trade in potential disease among the devout, and the population grew. |
Manila became the most important center of trade in Asia between the 17th and 18th centuries. |
Spanish trade in the Far East would give Acapulco a prominent position in the economy of New Spain. |
Community markets and trade in local products continued long after the conquest. |
Almost all trade in and out of New Spain had to be with Spain except for some limited trade authorized with England and other Spanish colonies. |
Soon, the Dutch would fully take over the spice trade in and around the Indian Ocean. |
It allowed religious toleration, encouraging Settlements spread, and trade in deerskin, lumber, and beef thrived. |
The combination of these canals made the Hudson River one of the most vital waterways for trade in the nation. |
During the 1650s, the colony experienced dramatic growth and became a major port for trade in the North Atlantic. |
Precisely the kind of vessel CETA would allow into trade in Canada permanently. |
The strong trade in CFCs is but one example of a growing international environmental crime problem. |
In Bangla Desh they'll curse the West for never ever stopping The cheapjack trade in factory goods that keep us happy shopping. |
But the persistent trade in illegal CFCs is only one sign that ozone recovery is far from a sure thing. |
Now does this mean that we should trade in our pointers, flushers, and retrievers in favor of mutts? |
Registered trade marks enable the owner to control who uses the mark in trade in connection with particular goods or services. |
Colombia has had a significant role in the illegal drug trade in Latin America. |