This number of re-marks can't simply be blamed on one examiner because there are so many stages in the key stage for checking. |
It opens up the possibility that some grand coalition of socialists and rightists might wield political power there. |
I argued at the time altruism was being discussed that there is no pure altruism. |
Are there any other animal examples of this type of social structure where altruism seems to play a part? |
The camera is there when the women finally return to inspect the remains of their homes. |
Excavations revealed the remains of many individuals buried there over a long period. |
When I was working with landless peasants in Brazil, there was an occupation of land that we accompanied. |
I remarked on how strange it was that none of them was there at the reunion. |
Here he witnessed how the Irish were treated not just by the army but also by the landlords who owned the land there. |
In some parts there are basically too many landlords chasing too few tenants, which is pushing down rents. |
For cold weather wear there was a navy blue cape. The normal Yeoman's rating badge was worn on the jacket's left sleeve. |
When London needed yeomanry, police, militia or regiments to suppress the United Irishmen, the Fenians or the IRA, Orangemen were there. |
By 1901 there were 230,000 volunteers, augmented by the Royal Navy and Royal Artillery Volunteers, the militia and the yeomanry. |
My impression is that there have been a significant number of re-marks and that it has been growing each year. |
Initially, there seems to be nothing remarkable about a group of investment bankers being mentors. |
Sometimes there are unexpected opportunities that you may find remarkably profitable. |
Yer right, I suppose. He lay there, staring at the ceiling until he eventually fell asleep. |
According to Oxfam there are some 50 to 100 victims of landmines and unexploded ordnance every week. |
Sunsets were glorious and golden, setting over our yellow and white military house, right there in the Land of the Rising Sun. |
Is there a remediable property loss beyond what will be litigated in now-privatized licensing cases? |
So blaming itself is a very satisfying emotion, but there is no remedial benefit from it. |
Therapeutic and remedial massage helped in the short term with or without essential oils, but I felt there was more needed. |
Had there been enough money at Jack's school, he would have received remedial math help. |
James told the teachers that if they accelerated their skills, there will be no need for remedial classes. |
If the figures being thrown around this week are any indication, there are a lot of people in need of remedial math lessons. |
Is there any major problem lacking a current remedy for which Washington could plausibly offer a solution? |
I decided that the best remedy for this sensory overload was getting out there to explore this amazing city. |
Of course, if the Secretary of State gets it wrong in refusing to entertain the application, there would be a remedy by way of judicial review. |
The whole area's been landscaped now, there's a square there now, a park and a fountain. |
Today there are landscaped terraced gardens extending to an acre with flowering shrubs and trees. |
Staff at the estate agents spent today and yesterday contacting owners, but there are still a number of people they have been unable to speak to. |
Early yesterday morning there was an insurgent attack to the north of our base camp. |
If we are ever together again, we must always remember that there are to be no unkind words, thoughts or gestures. |
Throughout this period, there had always been a minority of rebels who challenged the rule of the clock. |
There may be more television work in the future, but there will always be football. |
It will never be over in my heart though because she will always be there, forever and ever. |
We should always act in such a way to make certain there will always be a human future. |
Then there was the obligatory annoying kid that you always get in these movies. |
As usual a request would crop up for a song from Johnny Kelly and always there had to be a repeat. |
While this is all good and well there is something that we always miss out on. |
Before there was always something missing that prevented the analogy from being complete. |
Failing this there is always the marvellous views of the French Alps to look forward to. |
Failing that, inside the house there is always at least one space we turn to by way of retreat. |
This cruise is definitely not for the always-on generation, as there is no internet access aboard ship. |
Is there a link between flu shots and an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease? |
I hid me in the bushes by the gate yesternight, for I saw Christophero waiting there. |
Deep divisions are already there that may yet hinder the effectiveness of the Nice Treaty. |
He said there was no justification in using the land for employment as it would simply replace jobs in the city centre. |
The north-east is a strategic area and yet coverage of events there is pathetically meagre. |
So many changes to the town and surrounding lands have already taken place and yet there are many more to come. |
How many of us live close to a beach yet never take the time for a solitary daily walk there? |
I took him back there to a home he was used to living in and put him back in a school he was used to. |
The list goes on to include a large number of words no longer actually in use, which leaves you wondering why they are there. |
In this there is no difference from the use of the mind by any other professional. |
Justice Lee found there to be a right to possession, occupation and use of the land. |
However, at the same time there has also been a progression in the number of ways athletes are able to hide their drug use. |
Yes, the use of heroin and harder drugs has also risen steadily there over a similar period. |
I would expect that there will be new ways in which trade unions can be of use to society. |
I know there are a lot of loopholes for these people to make use of and to make money. |
She had been a perfect amah and servant since her employment there began only a few years before. |
When there are six or less boats entered in a class, the crews race for lanes on the day before finals. |
It was furthermore shown that there is at atmospheric pressure very strong tendency for mercury to amalgamate iron. |
By 1928, again through the process of absorptions and amalgamations, there came to be only 12 factories. |
As I'm learning more and more about Judaism, I'm finding that there is an amaranthine well of knowledge for me to uncover. |
This method yielded excellent results because there was improvement of 15 to 20 per cent each time a teacher repeated the exercise. |
Neat, compact, there was something about her vaguely reminiscent of a seal pup. |
I think there is a great deal of potential for new languages and modes of communication to be developed on the net. |
There are free pardons, there are conditional pardons, there is the remission of sentence, there are a range of options. |
Without the shedding of the blood of Jesus there could have been no remission of sin. |
More specifically there are discussions of his language and poetic style as well as of the topics and ideas in his work. |
However, there is a severe shortage of people able to draft bills in the correct legal language. |
You can invest in anything, you don't need government approvals, you can remit your profits out, and there are no equity restrictions. |
For the tribunal to be able to fulfil its remit, there were many legal difficulties to overcome. |
He is writing letters in code, there would be no reason for that unless he had something to hide. |
Indeed if ever there was a case for the open sourcing of program code then this is it. |
In many states, there is a criminal code which tabulates criminal offences. |
Sir, my research indicates that there is no code of dress prescribed or agreed upon for attorneys appearing in the magistrates court. |
She gave a little yip of panic when I crawled up under there with her, then relaxed a fraction as she saw who it was. |
And for the first time there will be cash prizes for the leading players who will join forces with amateurs in the team event. |
So I think where there are worthy alternatives in the minor parties and independents, people are having a very serious think. |
On the next wall, there is a clutch of figurative drawings from the early 1990s, some beautifully conceived and others unwieldy and amateurish. |
Let me just say, the work is consistently, consistently amazeballs in there. |
I know for a fact that there are simply far too many good Kiwi websites that are languishing through lack of adequate promotion. |
Everything seems to billow, there are clouds of this and drifts of that, totally in harmony with the languor of a drowsy summer day. |
However there is a hardcore of yobs and vandals who don't give a monkeys about fox hunting. |
I can't understand people with young children allowing these yobbos to get in there. |
Still, there seems to be a kind of secretive admiration of the Amazons by the male myth makers. |
The ancient Greeks believed that there had been Amazons and celebrated their victory over them. |
From time to time there is an undercurrent of remorselessness, and it is obvious here. |
However, there are some unusual Russian and Balkan sauerkrauts tinted amber with quince and pink with beetroot. |
First, there are various pieces of evidence about monkeys being eaten in the remote past or in primitive cultures in more recent times. |
It is ridiculous to suggest that this relationship would become more remote if there were single-seat constituencies. |
And she'd been stupid enough to believe there was even a remote chance he might actually like her as a friend? |
Is there even a remote possibility of a person who hadn't seen his four previous films, plus his comics and website, understanding the film? |
The Mining Scout decided to check out the abandoned vessel, on the remote chance that there may still be people aboard. |
Five hundred and sixteen other patients who also had surgery there have been warned of the remote possibility of exposure. |
Nervously, I knew that there was a remote chance that Alex was here, and that Alex had Andrea somewhere. |
They spent almost a billion dollars sending a couple of remote-controlled cars to Mars to find something they already knew was there. |
I never tire of the climate and the ambiance, and after so many trips, I have many good friends who live there. |
Due to the remoteness of Siula Grande, there would be no way to arrange a rescue. |
Today, there are countless remote sensing, information fusion, and surveillance capabilities available for incorporation into the toolbox. |
Each man had about five horses and a herd of remounts always followed the armies to ensure that there would be a sufficient amount of horses. |
Although I'm ambidextrous, there are few things I do equally well with either hand. |
It worked perfectly well, but there are those of us who like to be able to shoot ambidextrously in an emergency without impediment. |
Therefore, they recruited the Hmong and the Lao forces to sort of replace the operations for the United States there. |
The result of giving the words their ordinary meaning is not absurd or unreasonable, nor is there ambiguity or obscurity. |
In my opinion, since there is no ambiguity or uncertainty, the application of this rule does not arise. |
It is true that there is some ambiguity in the clauses in question, as submitted by Mr. Jones. |
Had it been seen abstracted from that context by the US public, there would have been a more ambiguous reaction. |
Forgiveness was the punctum I found in Unforgiven and which is already there in the text, if ambiguously. |
Things had been left so ambiguously, and I didn't want there to be a hint of negativity left between us. |
No fully rational man would try to pass there, particularly on the final lap of the final race of the season. |
With the competitors lapping once every three minutes and racing in total for over an hour there is plenty of spectacular action. |
The fire altars symbolized the universe and there were three types of altars representing the earth, the atmosphere and the sky. |
The mathematics given in the Sulbasutras is there to enable the accurate construction of altars needed for sacrifices. |
Superstition more than prayer and piety characterized popular religiosity there. |
Interesting water birds and several species of ducks and warblers nest there. |
Areas scraped out for the embankments filled with water over the wet winter and birds are already nesting there. |
I also wonder whether there is a term in psychoanalytic theory for this perception of our body's radical alterity. |
Is it even remotely possible that there will be a grand macro change without significant micro alteration here? |
Despite the public altercations, there are many signs that East Asia's two great powers are edging closer together. |
A psychiatrist advised the police that there was no generally accepted psychiatric disease which would permit a person to blame an alter ego. |
It seems, then, that there is uncertainty from the start as to whether the apparently original self or its alter ego is the double in question. |
Their lawyer told the court that, since they had relinquished any claim to the child, there was no purpose in continuing the application. |
What allows the eel catfish to flourish there is its elongated body and ability to feed on both land and water. |
And there was no sign of the promised red onion relish which might have given it that zing. |
Alternately, it is possible that there is a defect in macrophage production in these animals. |
The tuna there were not the giant bluefins but the smaller yellowfin and albacore. |
And marlin, wahoo and yellowfins, there to dine on everything he mentioned except those massive sharks. |
Here the river is fabulous, clear and convoluted, with ponds jammed with yellow flag irises where there are springs or oxbows. |
Permanent 6m grass margins ensure there are plenty of nesting sites and feeding areas for other birds such as whitethroats and yellowhammers. |
At times one could be forgiven for thinking that there would be no more land left to stake a mineral claim on. |
The fishponds there were generally small and sited on marginal lands unusable for agriculture. |
All but one of the crew were picked up by the Mevagissey lifeboat and landed there. |
Mrs. Thatcher once famously remarked that there is no such thing as society. |
Then there were the marine corps and army infantry who waded ashore or were landed by air on island after island. |
From there we stopped at the tiny islands of Providencia and San Andres, finally landing in the rain forests of Panama. |
However, there are salads, drinks and relishes for meat that also incorporate this prairie fruit. |
The pilots tried to land the aircraft on a nearby clearing but could not as there were other firefighters standing on the site. |
Even though you have landed the aircraft, there are a lot of things to be done before you can start patting yourself and your crew on the back. |
In there, you have to pay close attention to how you simulate landing a Soyuz spacecraft. |
Suddenly this giant brick landed in front of us then we turned around and there was one behind us. |
Where such data are not available, there are alternative ways of securing suitable information. |
Organisers have also made sure there will be alternative traffic routes available. |
Our task is to ensure that there are real alternatives from which people may choose. |
It is not as if there is some ready alternative available to citizens carrying out official duties. |
Teenagers at the meeting said they hung around on street corners as there were no alternatives for them. |
Are there no alternatives that might provide better options for gay people? |
If you don't want to go the whole hog by designing and building your own house, there are alternatives. |
Because we've been there before, we've endured yesterday's men and yesterday's ethics. |
When he thought it was safe to come out, he hopped a fence onto another street, only to find his attackers waiting there. |
I then hopped over to Amazon, my online music retailer of choice, and found the album there as well. |
Large windows to the side provide attractive views over the rear garden, to which there is direct access through glazed yellow pine French doors. |
The walnut and yellow pine step-back open cupboard was found in Alabama and appears to have been made there about the same time as the chairs. |
So if he has a job in Naas, he hops in the helicopter and flies there from Galway. |
It hardly oozes charm now, although there have been a few attempts to gentrify it. |
The Scout group has ten Cubs and 16 Beavers, both boys and girls, and there is a waiting list for new members. |
However, there are also swimming crabs and land crabs, and the range of sizes and configurations is huge. |
However, there is some reluctance by men and women to do away with the old system entirely. |
By the 1880s, however, there were quite a number of women in the profession and the Association reluctantly admitted them as members. |
With subdivision of landholdings there are few jobs left in the villages for agricultural labourers. |
And in a combat glider, where there was only one chance to land safely once the pilot committed to a landing, there was no turning back. |
She met and married her husband, Lou, and remained there for the rest of her life. |
If the Court pleases, there are nine matters remaining for me to deal with. |
In fact, I am not altogether sure that there is much truth at all going around Camps Bay these days. |
Unfortunately, there is no official list of those Australians who served on the ships and landing craft during the D-Day landings. |
Heck, we have beaches especially for dogs, even horses and separate beaches where there are boat landings. |
We'd go through the main door of the museum, then we went down the first lot of stairs to a landing and then there was another flight. |
Between the yowls there was whimpering and barking and whining and yelping and the odd snarl directed at a feisty neighbour. |
When I looked, sure enough all you could see was landing nets stretching, there was always two or three in action at any one time. |
Within the scheme, there is also provision for a boat landing stage, that could be readily used by people in punts and other river craft. |
They may both be remakes of better films, but there is no denying that the American versions of these Japanese classics now command a very strong position in the marketplace. |
Mrs Bewers, 54, said there had been a marked increase in drunken yobbery in the town centre in the past couple of years mainly at night and weekends. |
But there are drastically fewer forces left in Europe available to be called upon in such an event. |
Is there a picture out there of you in your drawers that you are worried about? |
He drained the wine from the tumbler and turned away from the window, and there was no self-pity in his gravelly voice. |
He was there in seconds to return all the horses to the remuda. |
Then there was the story of the semipro ball player who used cannabis for pain control. |
Moreover, while China has discussed developing a rudimentary space station, there is no evidence of the development of spacecraft, like landers, needed for lunar missions. |
Here and there deer wandered, and rabbits hopped through the fields. |
Today, there are no limits when it comes to explicit language and content in self-published erotica. |
The newspapers, in full swing of yellow journalism, want to see violence in the yards between the scabs and the striking workers, but there is no violence. |
Now I don't get Down Under too often, so this is a good shot at having me hop the Pond to Australia while I'm there, as well as going to other place in EnZed. |
From there she compiled a book of horoscopes for women, and it was only a hop, skip and jump to convince her publishers to let her write nincompoopish novels aimed at women. |
First thing I really observed was how very much closer these places are when you're on your own, when it's simply a matter of hopping in the car and going there. |
Andrew Aitchison, Mackintosh's land agent in Scotland, said there had been a succession of fires of which at least one could have ended in tragedy. |
The high yields of the stock market can be exploited either by letting individuals invest their money in the market or by having the government invest it there for them. |
Is there an innate, yet dormant capacity within the elderly to actually reverse their ailments if only given the right signals? |
For these self-righteous and thin-skinned folks, there are apparently limits to the liberal virtue of tolerance. |
And there are others that let people make use of downtime more efficiently. |
In the amaranthine blackness, there were no days, and there were no years. |
It was still early enough in the morning for there to be the hint of a land breeze, and on that day there were hordes of dainty white and yellow butterflies everywhere. |
So there were plenty of places I could doss when I was young, free, and single. |
Will any of this lead to more reforms of Wall Street like there were after the dotcom crash a decade ago? |
And like narcosis in deep-diving, there is the ever-present spectre of altitude sickness that affects the climber's ability to correctly assess the environment around him. |
The American titled aristocracy was short-lived, though there is still an association of descendents of landgraves and cassiques in South Carolina today. |
Your interest is called a remainder interest, and it comes after your stepmother's life estate, which gives her the right to live there rent free for the rest of her life. |
Now there is only a handful remaining inside the city walls. |
So there has to be some causal connection, however remote, though, does there not, between the acts done and the race of the person who is offended? |
The carpet had been there for yonks and people had commented on it. |
While a code of secrecy applies, there also exists a pool of top homeowners willing to sell their properties if the price is right, even though they are not on the market. |
Make sure there will be enough space for removal vans at both addresses. |
Let there not be a repeat of what has happened in nearby Zimbabwe where thousands of squatters have been forcibly removed from illegal settlements. |
Presidential historians are sitting there thinking, yippee, that's great. |
The lines scratched in the desert, however, are much longer than airplane landing strips, and the soil there is much too sandy and soft to be used by airplanes. |
Appropriately, given that the instability of the ground was the main reason the project failed, we were prevented from getting there by a landslip. |
Ships' captains needed skilled seamen not unskilled landsmen, there is no doubt that the great majority of pressed men were seamen, usually from the merchant marine. |
Not only may they be purposely babbling and coding their conversations to confuse the eavesdroppers, but there are also the complexities of language itself. |
But eventually you're out there playing shows all the time, and you amass enough material, and you think it's time to sink or swim and take it seriously. |
It is an area of some archaeological interest, for it is believed that there are significant archaeological remains from the Roman and Mediaeval eras. |
It is tempting to say that the feudal-dynastic element had been removed from foreign policy, but there was to be a significant revival of dynastic policy under the Stewarts. |
Will there be future developments that will once again force us to review the age at which we see a foetus as a human capable of independent survival? |
Of course, there is the catch that Nancy has always been a bit more cunning and self-centered than Piper. |
The extreme right wing British National Party has its first four representatives while there are three Greens and an independent on the new council. |
The clock was always there and was a terrific landmark for the town. |
I don't know if it was just normal nerves or if he was afraid a stripper would chase him down the sidewalk and give him a lap dance right then and there. |
It is estimated there are around two million computers in use in Scotland. |
If flowers can be used to say thank you, there is a language of flowers. |
Certainly there has been no fundamental alteration in the basic law. |
So going into this game against Uruguay, there was none of the usual English self-deprecation. |
In fact, there are now many empirical studies, both clinical and nonclinical, on religiousness and spirituality that are being published in top-tier research journals. |
I was dreading that moment, because there I was thinking I was wasting all of my money and I would have no more savings. |
I think it's a good sign that there is so much amateurish material. |
It amazes her that there is no union or association for models. |
Doolittle, who at 25 has been performing live gigs for a decade, is confident there is plenty more material on the horizon. |
Considering the original source material here is more than three decades old, there was obviously a significant amount of care taken in remastering the picture here. |
In the back of my mind I was wondering how much time we had before there might be an ominous knock at the door. |
Take up meditation and yoga so there is minimal steam to let off. |
So from my point of view, yes, I understand there have to be sometimes corporate policies, but at the end of the day I know my business better than the centre does. |
In this case, we were sitting there for over fifteen minutes until one-by-one, cars began swinging into U-turns to backtrack to an alternate route. |
If your Honour pleases, yes, it is even more strongly stated there. |
And there was the door-to-door campaign moment that left his mother in tears. |
With a multiallelic locus, there are more independent equations than the parameters to be estimated. |
With Perl in particular, a former makeup artist, there is a sultriness to her metallic eye shadow and her painted lips. |
However, there is one lot at Phillips de Pury that would make even the most jaded art collector do a double take. |
Are there any tip-offs to remediable causes of impaired mobility? |
If people say there loved one is dead, they are doubly traumatizing these people. |
And there is evidence that the reverse is true as well, that physical activity levels respond to the dopamine system. |
While there was no nudity, the photo was still deleted and she was suspended for 24 hours. |
It's doubtful there would have been enough fortification and firepower under any circumstances. |
Typically, that means there is an even possibility that it will downgrade the credit of these countries within 90 days. |
In the U.K., for example, there is a unit doing that work at 10 Downing Street. |
Over into Nepal there are distant views of the Kangshung face of Everest, Makalu and Lhotse, as well as extensive views into Sikkim and Bhutan. |
Tony Blair's shame is that for the first time in history there are now more bean counters and bureaucrats than nurses. |
For any women's libber wondering why she wasn't there, the Mother, of the Mother and Child statue outside Boots, couldn't get a baby sitter. |
But there was a lot of raw violence in the humor of the time. |
It won't be so easy for Dottie Sandusky to visit her husband there. |
Caving has long been popular in Utah, and there are dozens of caves locally and throughout the state to thrill the Batman or Batwoman in you. |
Even though we are rock-bottom there are still loads of points to fight for, although we will have to improve big-style. |
In heterodox economics, there are limits to substitution at the theoretical level, with preferences generally seen as being lexicographic. |
Last year, there was an horrific incident at another UK zoo when a bear cat cub was ripped apart by a pair of lions. |
In reality, there is nothing to celebrate about an industry which ritualises the mass slaughter of birds for sport. |
Is there something wrong with trans people that drives us to self-harm? |
We are of the view the children just fainted and there was a ripple effect throughout the school. |
Bean counters claim there may not be enough cash to pay for three wise men. |
The California law says the data owner or licensor is responsible for notifying individuals when there has been a compromise. |
This weekend there are again roadwork warnings as Newport Road is closed inbound for three nights and City Road is shut for one. |
But there was plenty of complacency and self-congratulation on display. |
That is a childhood dream, but there are a hundred other Damien Lewises and Idris Elbas out there. |
When his own Lewis Gun failed him, he rushed the nearest post and killed the men there. |
And don't be without pillarbox red Lewisia, or the rosette-shaped saxifrages, of which there are dozens. |
Interacting with media persons, veteran actor Rishi said the film is purely a crime thriller and there are no useless things in the film. |
So there must be a level playing field to protect the people who provide the money, the British taxpayers. |
Dhoni We're going to have to apply ourselves but Dhoni and Kohli have shown that it is certainly very battable out there. |
Two Cardiff MPs say there should be tougher regulations to stop minors getting their hands on imitation weapons like BB guns. |
Hunley argues that it's wrong because there is no such thing as rocket science. |
Rugby sevens is a hybrid rather than a real sport and shouldn't be there and women's beach volleyball is basically a spectator sport for blokes. |
Despite UK producers agreeing to follow the new rules, there is no guarantee that your weekly shop will be free from battery cage eggs. |
If there was anyone who thought otherwise, he left no historical record. |
Leaving the colony of Adelie, Gentoo, King and Rockhopper penguins behind, there is plenty more to enjoy at SeaWorld. |
A life estate would give your daughter partial ownership of the house and the right to live there until she dies. |
Trading in a bear market can be tricky for new traders, but there are plenty of opportunities to be had by spread betting and short-selling as the markets fall. |
A basso continuo ensemble is joined in the ritornellos by equal treble instruments, minimally two solo violins, and there are no independent instrumental pieces. |
There is reading corner with beanbags and there are cozy couches. |
You can put a bazillion people in seats to sit there and watch what's going on in the network and try to do cyber recognition and figure out if this is a bad guy. |
But there was no backing down from Bazza as he and his Ibrox mates geared up for this week's crunch clash against Norwegian minnows Molde at Ibrox. |
Not only is depletion of dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra seen in PD, there are also Lewy bodies present, which are abnormal protein inclusions. |
The progression of rivalrous activity can be described similarly in the perfect competition scenario, yet there remains a question of fixed costs. |
Councilman Bernard Parks said risk management should be among the duties of every department head, plus there is already a division in the CAO's Office. |
Whereas once the paddocks at the front of the stud would be flecked by the sight of mares and nursing foals, there are now pockets of dark, beady-eyed cows. |
This cross-referencing is very thorough and a great asset to the work, though there are some inconsistencies, such as when representing variant forms of the same lexeme. |
The ship's commanding officer, Lieutenant Commander Simon Kelly, is a Newcastle man and there is disappointment and regret that the ship has been unable to make the visit. |
As well as live paintings, there will be break dancing, DJs, live illustration battles, beat box battles, B-Boys and other innovative and engaging visual art forms. |