Mitchell has managed to develop his part into the leading character, or was it Willmott who devised it that way? |
To a fellow judoist the actions are not violent, but to a lay person they appear that way. |
I assumed that the author wrote them in that way in order to raise a laugh. |
But what if it didn't happen that way and the Neanderthals were the ones left around? |
They remained that way for quite some time, long after she was out of tears and just continued to let out dry whimpers. |
I was concerned, of course, that she'd be a ratbag for the rest of the day, but strangely, it didn't work out that way. |
This is all the theory anyway, anyone who's frequented a pub knows that it doesn't really work that way. |
It is saying that the only way in which we, as a group of reasonable people, were able to interpret the provision was in that way. |
Brighton, for all its airs and graces, is a very provincial town, and I like it that way. |
My apartment has been pretty small, and continues to be that way, since there's extra clothes and an air mattress floating around now. |
While you may believe your ideas have been well received, it may only appear that way. |
Well, I have felt he's been a wise guy for some time and it certainly appears he's being that way now with his interlocutors. |
I have seen some kinnikinniks out in the wild that do have some pretty good trunks on them, but I have no idea how long it took to get that way. |
With blazing and scornful eyes she fairly withered him by demanding whatever he meant by speaking to respectable people that way. |
Now I know, as God is my witness, unless I'm senile no 5 year old is going to be talking to me that way. |
Looking at the way the relevant paragraph is worded, I can see how it might be read that way. |
All these figures are worked out at the time you first apply for a basic state pension and they will stay that way for five years. |
So she decided she would climb out of the window onto a low roof and get down to the yard that way. |
This is a realistic story about two people who meet as strangers and remain that way, told with an elegant, refined grace. |
Presumably the USB controller is doing a refresh or something which triggers the display driver to behave that way. |
I had wanted to major in creative writing, but was told I could never make a living that way. |
So I figure that, if I carry on in that way, I should be allowed to continue to make records, providing the industry allows me to. |
But the true power in this album is that she laid the tracks down live and left them that way. |
When none appeared, it dawned on him that the Almighty didn't work that way. |
Australia's current target is two percent renewable energy, and under the Howard plan it'll stay that way. |
If he doesn't present himself, we're going to root him out, and we'll defeat him in kind that way. |
You save more lives that way, even if the wilfully ignorant of the chattering classes get into a lather because of it. |
The only problem is that I have to walk with my legs apart and I look like an idiot that way and everyone looks at me and laughs at me. |
I asked the insurance company not to pay it, but they did because it was cheaper to settle it that way rather than going to law. |
Though I didn't expect that it would always remain that way while I was still in residence here. |
I go to a kind of Anglo-Catholic church now that I've been going to for the last three years, but I haven't really been raised that way. |
In fact, she seems to prefer it that way, so I've left her be, but I know that at least I've made an effort. |
It sounded about right but I'd never really thought of him in that way before. |
Liz gets angry at him and tells him that if he feels that way about the family, what difference would the truth make anyway? |
Empty the litter box, line it with a garbage bag and either leave it that way or put in a little aquarium gravel. |
Things certainly moved quickly with Felix, but summer romances tend to be that way. |
Sure, you can see the conclusion coming, but most movie romances are predictable in that way. |
I haven't read the work in question, but this seems like a respectful way to talk about an emotionally loaded word, and how it got that way. |
We made films about army ants in 1954 but we were only able to film in the full sunshine and very few things behave in that way. |
I took out the tuner, and began tuning it just a smidge sharp, because I like the sound of it better that way. |
But the fact that people want to shop that way on the Web sort of threw us for a loop. |
Why not call the police brutal, sadistic or even murderous when they act that way? |
Referring to his attire, Mbeki said he was dressed that way because he was going to work at some of the schools. |
I know plenty of couples who are childless by choice, and will remain that way. |
And yes I did lose a loved one that way, so I admit to being rather more than averagely concerned about the issue. |
Just seeing that clip go through, I was cracking up and I think Cate's such a good sport to send herself up in that way. |
They were designed that way, lengths of bronze tubing, with columnar supports butted to the sides of the coffin. |
Wrinkled and scarred though they were, she could tell these arms were his own and that in reality he wanted them to stay that way. |
But in recent years more decisions have been delegated to planners in the back office, until 43 per cent are done that way. |
People are too intelligent for us to direct their minds and tell them go this way or that way. |
She just stared ahead and nodded a bit and laughed in that way you do when you've just run 21 miles of a marathon. |
Within our company I do the writing, my partner does the technical support, and in that way we're a balanced team. |
He passed that way a second time two days later, on his way back southward to Fort Lyon and thence to Denver, where he received a hero's welcome. |
However, although this sounds good in theory, in practice it never quite seems to work that way. |
So there you go, I had a family crisis towards the end of the weekend, but it doesn't feel that way now. |
Because they were civilians, their response to the order was neither prompt nor orderly, but the group did begin to drift that way. |
But I can't quite express why it seems that way, and it may just be that they've gradually merged in my own memory. |
If she had thought better of her brother then she might have thought it was planned that way. |
It's been that way since I wore a yellow shirt and a baseball cap in third grade. |
The statement is made with a common-sense matter-of-factness that resonates, even as part of me says it doesn't work that way. |
Doesn't mean we have to be that way or do those things but, barring intervention, we're likely to. |
They had gotten used to fairly regular meals since moving here, and he wanted to keep it that way. |
But he was certain that Mr H didn't look at it that way now that he'd made his pile. |
I couldn't do seiza but I could sit with my legs crossed and I trained from there, in that way. |
We're not selective in that way to what reaction people should or shouldn't have. |
I think that I avoided self-pity and sentimentality about it because I didn't feel that way about it. |
She thought she caught a flicker of movement out of the corner of her eye and turned to peer intently that way. |
I think we may well find ourselves walking out that way quite a lot in the months to come. |
People who are cruel to animals often go on to be cruel to children and most serial killers begin that way. |
He hypothesized that lightning behaved that way because it was just a bunch of electricity. |
Whatever it is, they like it that way, and bleary-eyed and torpid they fin, in just enough slow motion to keep themselves in accurate alignment. |
The first thing a person does when he lies down to bench press is plant his feet, and Simon can no longer anchor himself that way. |
It has a certain shabbiness now, and that's unfortunate as it is only a very small proportion of the population which makes it that way. |
Suddenly it clicked, she could teach Summer the spell, channel her magic through her, and work the spell that way. |
It was a little unorthodox that they did it that way, cutting out the middleman. |
It began to fill with peasants and nobles, mourning for those who had fallen in battle all that way from home. |
It's a lot more fun that way and, besides, I'm entitled to expect people to make allowance. |
His new flute lay across a pile of sheet music on the bed, deliberately set out that way. |
In that way that makes older people remember the good old days of manners and blokes opening doors for sheilas. |
She walked that way too, her feet making no sound as they padded along the hardwood floor. |
Six months in jail would certainly remind those handling the minutiae of our lives that what's private should stay that way. |
Why would you not construe it that way knowing that there is a miscellany of arrangements in the States? |
When you see miserably unhappy adults who punish themselves with alcohol and unhappy relationships, you know they didn't get that way overnight. |
But it has spectacularly misfired in France, where they simply do not do things that way. |
We all felt that our centre was a very efficient operation, and it's a tribute to the workforce that it's stayed that way right up until today. |
In that way, Costa Rica, which owns the organism, protects itself from biopiracy and must be consulted for any further supply. |
I like to say that I dumped him of course, because that way I at least get to keep a shred of dignity. |
My dad had been a trumpeter, too, but became a pianist because it was easier to make a living that way. |
In other words, I spoke broken English and broken Blackfoot and I still speak that way. |
That's right, when he makes that noise, it means yeah-that's-good, and when he twists that way, it means he's getting close to his limit. |
Instead, we are given a medieval morality play where each character is a virtue or vice and stays that way throughout. |
Continue to lead me and guide me in that way by the blessing of your Holy Spirit. |
All the profiles are from real singles seeking sincere relationships and will always remain that way. |
Some breeds and certain bloodlines within breeds are friendlier and more adaptable to training because they were bred to be that way. |
She began to unclamp the test tube to set it in the waiting tray, but it didn't happen that way. |
Having a passport is a fundamental right of New Zealand citizenship and should not be mucked around with in that way. |
I don't really think he meant to blurt it out that way, but he was nervous. |
The acting isn't all that way, because we're sometimes treated to underacting as a change of pace. |
I'd also point out, to all those superior skinnies, that it's a lot easier to stay skinny than to get that way. |
He speaks under protest, pleading that he has so far managed to avoid being photographed or profiled and would quite like to keep it that way. |
My father and his buddies would have choked on their boilermakers to hear it put that way, but would have appreciated the tone. |
It stayed that way for a decade, using bunchers, skidders, delimbers and slashers to bring ready-to-saw material out of the bush. |
You're going to do the same thing those slaveholders did, put a money price on something that can't possibly be quantified in that way. |
The naked, starving, unhoused Griffin would, logically, seem to be that way not because of any fatal flaw in his science. |
An uninspired second-half display took the gloss off a promising opening period, but pre-tournament warm-up matches often end that way. |
You might think it looks more impressive that way, but it's just irritatingly illegible and uninterpretable. |
Denying unlovingness has felt necessary to keep a positive sense of self, but it hasn't worked out that way. |
But if you're bored stiff with your job and you feel you're just drifting along because it's easier that way, then think again. |
You have a rather unorthodox style of law enforcement, if I can put it that way, Sheriff. |
I seemed to score a lot of boundaries and it doesn't always happen that way. |
The conclusion is that it is natural, and therefore inevitable, for people to behave that way, too. |
I put on my clothes and leave my hair to dry naturally because it goes curlier that way. |
They relate to the provision of public sewerage in areas hitherto unserved in that way. |
Not like the typical wild untamed people, he was someone different, and depicted in the media over quite an extended period of time in that way. |
But other than that, remember folks, it's been a huge success and anybody who doesn't see it that way is a nattering nabob of negativism. |
Thus criticism of the Historical Critical Method as historicism is incorrect, even though the method has been misused in that way. |
It really did appeal to a wide range, and in that way showed that opera is not just an upper-middle-class passion. |
Depending on how well your TV upscales standard-definition video, the image may look better that way. |
If you want us to stop thinking of you that way, you could try going and being successful at something. |
One should really feel sorry for people whose egos are so weak as to need propping up in that way. |
Visitors today see a green and verdant forest on the slopes of Mount Tom and assume it has always been that way. |
Robert Frost once classed poetry that way, free verse against formal verse. |
New London may have proceeded in a bullheaded fashion, and ideally voters can evict officeholders who behave that way. |
Of course, the reporter spun the story that way to make it seem like Mr. Bush is a fanatic under the spell of religious zealots. |
If people start using it in that way, suggest an upgrade to the non-personal edition might be appropriate. |
It sounds perfectly reasonable, but not everyone in Australia will see it that way. |
It may seem that way, but their dialogue is not written for a particular cadence. |
Not everybody sees it that way, she said, nodding in the direction of Upstairs, but she doesn't give a stuff. |
No need for hair of the dog and standing against accusations of being an alcoholic that way. |
And it certainly appeared that way, with no shortage of banter and camaraderie. |
In that way it was seen that the medical expenses incurred by the father could also be recovered if the father was legally obliged to pay them. |
Her own personality and obsessions continually inform her work, and she likes it that way. |
Default options are the dirty options and because of status quo bias they are likely to stay that way for a while. |
But if you're going to break up, do it now, before the summer, that way you won't have this hanging over you any longer than you have to. |
He was warm, gentle and considerate, always sticking his neck out for others, and I think it would be good for him to be honoured in that way. |
I did think this time around would be different, but it hasn't worked out that way at all. |
In fiction, we become fascinated with rogues and heathens if we understand how they got that way. |
I just thought of her that way whilst writing that and have come over all strange and nauseous. |
I had never worked in that way before and it was great fun although it was stressful because it was different. |
It must be in that order of magnitude because think of the billions of dollars that have been sent that way, billions. |
Would we look at old magnetic rocks of various orientations and wonder, why did they solidify that way? |
The band was always a mixture of punks, skins and herberts and we liked it that way as we have always been all about unity. |
Most lonely people remain that way, only occasionally lifted out of their hermit-like social life to experience bitter disappointment. |
We owe it to ourselves as much as we do to the people who died over the past few days to act that way. |
By all means take your time, and if he doesn't see it that way, c'est la vie. |
It amazed him how much these people had to discipline themselves to stay that way. |
But almost anyone who has tried to reclaim her waist can point to weeks or months when it doesn't seem to work that way. |
Post by recorded delivery, that way there are no excuses and you have a record of posting it for insurance purposes. |
I'll just keep it that way and make everything else so much bigger that I'll look wasp-waisted and cartoonish. |
Conservatism and caution can become complacency and quietism, even though they don't start that way. |
Whizzing along on the train, there was a sense of achievement recalling how we had cycled all that way only 48 hours earlier. |
Hey, you know Sellersville isn't all that far from Philly, for anyone who's down that way, and I will be there too. |
This time I don't feel that way so much, the wriggling and jiggling and tickling inside feels more like a reassurance that all is well. |
In that way a far healthier outcome could well be achieved from all points of view in the long run. |
We think it is a miracle anyone is still talking about these finer points of appropriationist art anymore and we bet not even the artist is trying to frame them that way. |
Dr. B. loved it and would scrunch up his face in that way that made his moustache wiggle when I'd launch into the description of the annual Miss Antler contest. |
But he didn't because he had never been that way, he had never boomed and he had certainly never slapped anyone on the back with anything approaching heartiness. |
It that been that way from the moment in the fourth minute when Ferdinand became the first of nine bookings by Andy D' Urso for a silly hack at William Gallas. |
I really value the comments from the people who live up that way. |
He still feels that way, but his keen focus on becoming mayor of his hometown has dulled somewhat now that he's started a family and established roots in Houston. |
He can be excused for feeling that way as he was not the only one trying to work out what had changed the team from two-time losers to sudden winners. |
They walked down to the car that way, Aaron's keys jingling in his pocket. |
Just because there is a lot of ignorant, uneducated, unmotivated Bahamians jonesing on the streets of New Providence, doesn't mean that it has to be that way. |
Something traumatic causes a person to truncate himself or herself in that way. |
As prisons go, it is rather tame, and warden Kevin Jones likes it that way. |
We really do seem to have two voting blocs here that are basically stuck in concrete and are going to go, it looks like, right up to the wire that way. |
Donald Sterling apparently sought to ensure it stayed that way by including a confidentiality clause when he settled the suit. |
And you can answer many questions about nature versus nurture in that way. |
People have fought on land and at sea for millennia, but some see space as a pristine domain, unsullied by human conflict, and want to keep it that way. |
She was so tired and haggard looking, it hurt him to see her that way. |
Yep, staring down the barrel of a 30th b-day is good that way. |
We're trying to correlate the human perception with the physical stimulus, so that way we can customize the feel of a car to match its brand image. |
Ahalt and his peers in the supercomputer community are hoping it stays that way. |
He turned around, his eyes searching hers in that way he had, their crimson depths revealing nothing but a deathly shimmer and a redolence of something lost. |
We will be redoubling our efforts to make sure it stays that way. |
Did supermassive black holes like the one in M87 get that way by eating stars? |
They would go to pc Bang, a gaming cafe, for blocks of time because it was cheaper that way. |
And if you feel that way then you will look at every deviation as betrayal of fate, calling, etc. |
It would be a pretty bodgie public policy if it operated that way. |
The film believably portrays why so many carers feel that way. |
But to stop thinking that way and to see the show through a directorial lens is, I think, a good thing for the piece. |
I suppose it's understandable for an east-coaster to view things that way, coming from a world of no public wilderness areas, just an unending concrete hellscape. |
What is distressing, however, is that our political system does not work that way. |
They did not appear that way in the artist's rich rendering. |
We counter sunk our touch holes or used the ones that are made that way. |
Why do you think Nora reacted to the life-like dolls of her family that way? |
One of my favorite sax solos on the record was cut live that way. |
In that way, it incorporates both classical physics and quantum theory to explain the most general range of phenomena yet. |
One could define it coarsely in terms of satisfaction or truth conditions, but understood in that way the representationalist thesis seems clearly false. |
To the non-theistic scientist, the objective universe is what it is, and the question of how it got that way is just one more thing to investigate. |
The author wrote under the pseudonym Sera N. Noosbig, an anagram of his name, because the article would be better received that way, Burkholder said. |
It's a little shallow that way, but yet one of our guiltiest pleasures. |
In our film, Emad is using a language that does not wallow in suffering and in that way he becomes a powerful inspiration. |
Still, there was the risk that it mightn't turn out that way. |
The war is an entrancing possibility, but not yet a reality, and it remains that way throughout the novel. |
She was pretty much a social leper anyway, and she liked it that way. |
Yes, you can hold on and fade the ball that way, but it is very limiting. |
Perhaps it always seems that way at the time, but surely we face our fair share right now. |
I thought maybe that was for the best because that way if I made a fool of myself and fell off or something, at least Ben and the other guys would not see it. |
Does that mean that the fourteenth Amendment permits states to define marriage in that way? |
They were both sopping wet and they looked like they had come out of someone's apartment or something, but I couldn't think of who they knew well enough, down that way. |
Many others certainly don't see it that way and are adamant that the late politician was largely to blame for having an eye for the vision but scant regard for the detail. |
If your opponent is really good at defending the armlock, for example, you may be able to switch to a quick wristlock and get a submission that way. |
There have been personal vendettas pursued that way, though they are rare. |
But she wants to stay in the rough so I should just leave her that way. |
Ray was oblivious to my cunning and sly plan, and I kept it that way. |
A squeaking noise at the door made him look that way, swaying, and when he saw the woman shoving the wheelchair into the room he plopped back onto the edge of the bed. |
At least that way we could pick up on points that we have learned in the first year and have a good run at developing the project further over two, three, four or five years. |
Children who are not getting the attention they want from their parents often act out or misbehave because they are assured of being noticed that way. |
My strip is a low-tech, one-man operation, and I like it that way. |
When she wasn't lustfully nuzzling up to him, wanting to make love, she was spending her time in the Lonely Place, or at least it seemed that way at times. |
And there are those who are happily ignorant, and prefer to remain that way. |
You have to be mad, you have to be insane, to despair in that way. |
As in classical music, the same favourite pieces are trotted out, whilst new work and developments are for those in the know, who prefer it that way. |
It's all very well saying that a worn and tatty book got that way because it's been well used, and continues to be well used, but they don't look good on my new shelves. |
The difficulty I am pointing to is an unsatisfactoriness involved in accepting an ' externalist ' theory and claiming to understand human knowledge in general in that way. |
Through brute necessity, we realized that there are a lot of things you can fix, commandeer, or re-tool on the fly, and that sometimes the best stuff happens that way. |
I don't think there's a line of Shakespeare I can't recognise at least or even place, but I never felt that way about Milton even when I was steeped in him. |
He used his role as a journalist to meet high school chicks, and the nation is outraged, simply outraged that a journalist would manipulate someone in that way. |
She has taken 6,000 small cubes of Turkish delight in different colours, and pinched them with short sticks on a styrofoam board, that way creating a splendid mosaic. |
In that way it's like playing a natural trumpet without valves. |
Why waste time moping over the fact that he's not into you in that way? |
This was hardly an ad hominem assault, though West interpreted it that way. |
Paul Bowles put it that way in Let It Come Down, a title taken from a Shakespearean assassin just before he strikes. |
But things have not turned out that way, like so much else in this bedeviled relationship. |
When one plays life that way, one in a way awakes creative vital energies in oneself that otherwise are not available. |
In that way, this return to The War Room feels like the bookend to the political dynamic it helped set in motion. |
Professor Penelope Leach told The Daily Beast it was ludicrous to monitor young children in that way. |
In that way that was cathartic too, to sort of stitch up all those pieces and see how that is. |
No one before the Industrial Revolution would have raved in quite that way, and no one would in our information age. |
Finally Anton held her up by the scruff of her neck and she drew her limbs in, responding to some kitten memory of being carried that way by her mother. |
The inner essences of things were identified in their definitions, and distinguished in that way from accidental properties they exhibited under various circumstances. |
Today, even if some people have reasons to disappreciate her project, it is not the totality of humanity that feels or reasons that way. |
The bulk of this humor was pure corn, but as hillbilly material it was meant to be that way. |
The crumpled pieces of paper were used as packing because they took up much more space that way than when they were flat. |
Those pink-satin evening slippers simply lose all their display value when you stick those red-kid bed-slippers right up ferninst them that way. |
However, it is doubtful Columbus actually signed the original letter that way. |
Other languages, like English, have variable stress, where the position of stress in a word is not predictable in that way. |
Sandra liked to buy blueberries that had been quick-frozen, since she thought that their taste was better preserved that way. |
The building was rebuilt to the same height but with three storeys instead of five and remains that way today. |
No change, he reflected ruthfully a moment later, was to be got from Empson that way. |
It was an unfortunate slip of the tongue, and he did not intend it that way. |
I recommend you set your paging file to a fixed size so you can defragment and keep it that way. |
I always wanted my life to be that way, and it became that way. |
Ruth Ann clenched her hand around the hairbrush and felt like smacking Ashley upside the head with it. She knew better than to talk that way. |
In that way, the voltages and current are measured at the primary circuit of the main transformer and electromotor drive of the drive axles. |
It's an old saying that if you can't measure it you can't manage it and farm book keeping works that way. |
It may be just because you're momentally in such a state of mind where you perceive the piece of art that way. |
It's more a metrosexual thing, and in that way I think we have something in common with gay guys. |
Sand and grit in a zipper can cause it to stick, but it doesn't have to stay that way. |
I think everybody is real nervous about Talladega and, hopefully, everybody drives that way, and we don't have any big pileups. |
Maybe he was just pointing out that many police feel that way. |
I have the tools for catching the bus, just not the nerve. Soft suicide I can do. Take some pills, no problem. But never do I succeed that way. |
I've got my crocodilian spike back, that way I write lyrics about everything but nothing specific. |
That was my first experience of telling a story before I started using my dad's 8-millimeter movie camera and telling stories that way. |
Driving remains the dominant mode of transport in the Unites States and will likely remain that way for a very long time. |
Because they wouldn't let him die, why not let him stay that way, in his morphine-padded womb, with his various and light umbilici. |
Are we still investing that way, or have we eaten the seed corn? |
I do talk like a valley girl, though, so I can write that way. |
In addition we scan all the pre-ops, and that way we have a complete record of the patients hospitalization. |
She kicked the ball up, which is to say, she kicked and in that way caused the ball to move upwards. |
Mr. Schultz didn't want to be lordish about it, he showed great tact that way. |
Usted is also used that way as well as between parents and children in the Andean regions of Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. |
The lucrativeness of the business was unquestionable, but it was unethical to make money that way. |
The rhythm for both fast and slow hornpipes is very even and should be executed that way by the dancer. |
In that way Nolan keeps his personality and point of view in every aspect of the film. |
Yahoo's systems are based heavily on Open Source. If Microsoft keeps them that way, it will lose credibility with customers. |
The sound of Mistress Affery cautiously chaining the door before she opened it, caused them both to look that way. |
Now it functions essentially as a bonus for a poet who usually is teaching at a university and earns the bulk of his or her living that way. |
Dinosaurs became increasingly dominant, abundant and diverse, and remained that way for the next 150 million years. |
The watershed of the Rhine reaches into the Alps today, but it did not start out that way. |
If you look at it that way, you can reinterpret all the old evidence so that it supports the new theory. |
The movement of the AAIW is predominantly northward due to the Ekman volume transport mostly directed in that way. |
They attached the long hunting knives in the barrels of their muskets and that way they fashioned makeshift spears later called bayonets. |
After drying, peat is used as a fuel, and it has been used that way for centuries. |
She was going that way anyway, so she offered to show him where it was. |
I use reduplicate to mean redouble, though both words should mean quadruple, but English is funny that way, so hold off on the hypercorrecting gotcha! |
Pregnancy, for most women, is a straightforward, happy and healthy time and American Mission Hospital aims to keep it that way by providing pertinent antenatal check-ups. |
Therefore, people who did not wish to buckle up would defeat this system by fastening the seat belts with the seat empty and leaving them that way. |
If raising our game is more your raising our game is more your thing, look at the groundbreakers, thing, look at the groundbreakers, the rebels, that way success lies. |
In that way, the shape and the texture of the bubble of glass is determined by the design on the interior of the mold rather than the skill of the glassworker. |
It has been suggested, and partly proven, that zolpidem disinhibits the globus pallidus interna, and in that way increases the thalamic excitatory role on the frontal lobes. |
Where he had used to rob and spoyle those that passed that way. |
The thing made a big stir in the town, too, and a good many come out flatfooted and said it was scandalous to separate the mother and the children that way. |
They can chat for hours that way, provided they restrict their words and phrases to those in the thesauruses, or set lists of words, on her machine. |
He later said it was tough to beat such a great friend that way. |
Pluto was officially demoted in 2006 to dwarf planet status, and despite the New Horizons' mission, Stojkovic believes Pluto will remain that way. |
In that way, they were able to diversify a large part of the risk away. |
They went all that way just to be in some overblown conference? |
Feeding the crew from the L shaped galley shouldn't be a drama with twin burner gimballed cooker and the 100-litre top opening icebox will ensure the coldies remain that way. |
Some other trees like the cactus and aloe veras, have other means of protection or feel no need for it and they grow much faster and easier that way. |
Better that way than a forced jollity or a bad-mannered show. |
Theatergoers found that way more entertaining than the movie. |
Second, in an essay of 100 words or less, describe the egg to Cotton, how PAAS products helped you decorate it, and why you chose to decorate it that way. |
They've even got my lazy eye in, it's kind of pointing that way. |
If he backs off that way too much, it de-energizes his game. |
In that way, each peak acts as a so-called NOT gate, or a component whose output always has the opposite value of its input, the scientists report in the June 14 Science. |
We are the Great Lakes State, and as Speaker Pro Tern of the Michigan House of Representatives, I along with my colleagues, are determined to keep it that way. |
In that way the original unity of the Church could be made visible again. |