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How to use texture in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word texture? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
It is important to work the dough until it is nice and shiny, as this gives it the al dente texture.
Summer-flowering bulbs such as dahlias, begonias and anemones bring variety, texture, unique color and long flowering times to summer gardens.
You can try wholemeal, but we find white is better, and the walnuts add the necessary colour and texture as well as flavour.
The leafstalks will be of poor texture and flavor and oxalic acid may have migrated from the leaf blades.
Subhedral to anhedral crystals of olivine occur as cumulus crystals which locally exhibit a crescumulitic texture.
All children are curious about the texture of the blood agar, and many have indicated an interest in touching it.
The Quartet improvised the notes of the raga Revagupti, each instrument showing its tonal texture.
Other equipment like discs and harrows can be used to roughen the texture of the soil on a slope.
A few students used the wrong side of the fabric to make a different value of a color or to vary the texture.
Applied to wet hair, it stretches out the wave to mimic the texture of relaxed hair.
Judged on taste, texture and presentation, the adjudicators deemed the entry by Iris to be the best.
It covers all the basic areas of general music, including rhythm, pitch, dynamics, tempo, texture, form and tone color.
The way you chop the ingredients makes a big impact on the burger's texture and juiciness.
Like other microhistories, this is a fascinating read, full of rich detail about the texture of urban existence.
Blow-dry while ruffling with your fingers, or for looser texture, let hair air-dry.
Rosewood and grapefruit are both mild astringents and will improve the colour and texture of the skin.
In blind taste tests consumers have rated the taste and texture of ostrich steaks equal to choice beef loin steaks.
The trick is to kill pest insects without killing the taste or texture of the food they infest.
I watched as his hand sailed smoothly across his page and how comfortable he looked as he carefully shaded and added texture to his drawing.
The architrave of a perfect Renaissance arch has rotted to the texture of old peach stone.
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Examples from Classical Literature
Curd, when ready to mill, should have a fibrous texture somewhat like the white meat of a chicken breast.
The robe of fine Milesian texture, was saffron-coloured, with a purple edge.
In fact, brands of Limburger are readily found which approach the texture and ripening of brick cheese.
These clays are closely allied to those used for brickmaking, but are somewhat finer in texture and more plastic.
Not only the forms, but even the shining texture of the Grecian bronze, is here copied in bucchero.
The stem is cartilaginous and continuous with the pileus, but of a different texture.
But steel of cementation, however carefully made, is never quite equable in its texture.
A fissile texture is occasionally assumed by clinkstone and other trap rocks, so that they have been used for roofing houses.
To illustrate the importance of texture as related to moisture, soil should be secured which is cloddy, or lumpy.
The nature of the bark is known by its splintery, fibrous, or corky texture.
Her hair was pretty in color and texture, but it was cut almost close, and just touched the collar of her covert coat.
The creamy texture of her skin had flushed to rosiness in the cold fountain.
The construction of the dasher has much to do with the texture of the cream.
The order is easily distinguished by the hard, dry, woody texture of the leaves and the dehiscent fruits.
Another result of the tight texture of goatskin is that depilation is not easily effected.
The posterior part lies partly upon and partly in the texture of the sacrosciatic ligament.
When salivation has been induced, serum is poured out, and the texture of the gums is loosened and rendered spongy.
The wood, upon a microscopical examination, is shown to be that of some dicotyledonous tree of a very loose and light texture.
The curing of cheese develops not only flavor, but texture and digestibility.
They resemble in their field and in the firm texture the saraband rug, the palm-leaf design being arranged throughout the field.
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