Ducks, coots, teals, terns, gulls, cormorants, waders, egrets, plovers and herons are some of the birds that assemble here. |
Arctic terns, Mew gulls, scaup, shoveler, buffleheads, baldpates, yellow legs and various passerines were observed. |
Today the island is home to a large colony of little terns and is the only insular colony in Ireland. |
Most common are bears, orcas, sea lions, seals, otters, eagles, terns and cormorants. |
At the pond there were a few white-winged terns, a black-crowned night heron, a purple swamphen, and some blue-cheeked bee-eaters. |
Rich fish stocks make it the only avian rookery in North America for sooty terns, masked boobies and frigate birds. |
Perhaps hobbies follow prey south to tropical Africa in the same manner that skuas follow terns. |
Galapagos Penguins have been observed foraging with boobies, terns, and shearwaters. |
Hook them through the belly and they'll swim up, but that will only feed the skimmers, terns and gulls wheedling overhead. |
North Deer is recognized worldwide as having an outstanding concentration of colonial nesting birds, including skimmers, gulls and terns. |
Burkett said there are thousands of avocets and skimmers on the Bolivar Flats now, as well as white pelicans, terns and other coastal species. |
In late summer, numerous egrets and herons appear, along with common, roseate, least, Forster's and black terns and maybe even a black skimmer. |
Egrets, terns, mallards, pelicans, eagles, tundra swans, and herons browsed amid thickets of 10-foot-tall bulrushes known as tule. |
There's always the chance of a minke whale, too, while terns, fulmars, guillemots, puffins and shearwaters come as standard. |
Unlike seabirds like terns or shearwaters, which can rest and feed along the way, the curlews will drown if they land on the ocean. |
Elegant Terns sometimes breed in mixed colonies with other terns or Heerman's Gulls, where their nests are packed closely together. |
Around the rocky shores sea birds such as gulls, terns, cormorants, gannets and puffins nested in the cliffs and dunes. |
Reports from South Beach, Chatham, indicate extraordinarily high numbers of terns and shorebirds. |
Young little terns become highly mobile, making short excursions from the nest within hours of birth and soon becoming widely separated. |
Lone Little Gulls are often found amidst flocks of Bonaparte's Gulls and terns. |
The waters surrounding Pigeon Island offer great fishing for sea birds including gulls, terns and the brown booby. |
Virtually every conservation body in the land controls foxes to stop predation of a range of birds from terns to avocets to grey partridges. |
The sandwich terns nesting at Cemlyn have migrated from Africa to raise their young at the colony. |
Volunteers are planning to make decoys and place them on the island to attract roseate terns in time for next year's nesting season. |
Colonial nesters, young common terns have been ringed in considerable numbers in Norfolk for many years. |
They include tundra swans, arctic terns, northern fulmars, black guillemot, and various loons, ducks, geese, gulls, jaegers, and alcids. |
The Humber Estuary supports more than 150,000 birds each year including knot, lapwing, golden plover and breeding little terns. |
I could go on and on about the many herons, egrets, gulls, terns, and various and sundry other species we spotted yesterday. |
With so many people here involved in the fishery, they tend to have a great respect for the terns, and for nature in general. |
In roseate terns, kleptoparasitism is widespread, having been reported in England, Australia, Puerto Rico, and the United States. |
Flocks of terns and cormorants fished offshore, while fronds of kelp writhed in the surf like the flailing arms of sea monsters. |
Birds as diverse as parakeet, egrets, ducks, terns, and plovers were plummeting in numbers. |
Mark and Alex took the lead in the kayaks, harried by pale glaucous gulls and the quick, forked-tailed arctic terns. |
Caspian Terns are less gregarious than other terns, nesting in smaller colonies, although this is changing in Washington. |
Do not let it run free on coastal islands because terns, eider ducks, puffins, and storm petrels are ground nesters. |
His observations revealed that Foula's sheep target unfledged Arctic terns. |
The cocktails parties were long sessions during which we talked about birds, especially terns, mixed with much folderol. |
It was an amazing sight, covered with hundreds of arctic and little terns and white-capped noddies with their chocolate-brown bodies. |
I watched the gulls and terns and a congregation of plovers who fed against the color-soaked sky. |
Gulls, hawks and vultures soar, swallows and terns skim the surface of water. |
The Common Tern colony of the Carleton sandbar represents the second largest concentration of terns in the Gaspé, with over 840 pairs. |
Clare glances toward the calm sea and its white filigree of sudsy surf, where terns are diving toward tiny frightened mackerel. |
On the beach we saw some willets and gulls but no terns or sanderlings. |
In the early part of the century, terns almost disappeared because of the demand for their white feathers in the millinery trade. |
Other notable characteristics include an exceptionally powerful head and neck and unusually long legs, which distinguish them from other terns such as Arctic terns. |
Each autumn flights of Arctic terns from northern Europe and Siberia journey south, soon entering the North Sea and passing the East Anglian coastline. |
Throughout the isles you'll come across throngs of Arctic terns and both species of skuas, as well as black guillemots, gannets, shags, and Storm and Leach's petrels. |
Other birds of the region include species of cormorants, pintails, gulls, terns, sheathbills, and pipits. |
Tongan waters attract several varieties of seabirds such as noddies, terns, frigate birds, and mutton birds. |
Some 245 species live here, including swans, ruffs, gulls, terns, a few species of ducks and grebes, cormorants and geese. |
They are typically small in size and can be the prey of birds such as the yellowlegs, kingfishers, terns, and Great Blue Herons. |
There are five species of noddy terns, or noddies, belonging to the genus Anous. |
We saw bonito tuna in schools jumping while noddy terns dove into the water. |
In the early 1980s, the sector's only known bird colony was a colony of Black terns in a bulrush marsh on Ile aux Sternes. |
Species such as gannets, boobies, pelicans, and terns use the impetus derived from plunging vertically into the sea to carry them underwater. |
Approximately 150,000 birds utilise the atoll, including the largest South Atlantic colonies of sooty terns, brown noddies and masked boobies. |
Most species of gulls, terns, boobies, and jaegers can be surprisingly aggressive near the nest. |
Without herring or hake to feed their chicks, desperate terns may resort to larger butterfish. |
Gradually, the troubles of the terns are likely to ripple up the food chain. |
The relationship graphic shows how operations and phases relate to each other in terns of time. |
People who live near or use the sea for work or pleasure must take care to protect the terns and their habitat from contamination. |
All tidal plains within this area form extremely important resting areas for the sandwich and common terns. |
Some fish spawn around these islands, which are also used as nesting sites by ducks, gulls, terns and some shorebirds. |
Many seabirds, such as storm-petrels, terns, and jaegers, feed at the sea surface, seizing prey in flight. |
There are also ducks, terns, gulls, herons, waders, as well as rare species such as knights and volpoche of Italy. |
Nevertheless, a number of rare and protected birds such as kea, the New Zealand falcon, rock wrens, black stilt, wrybills, and black-fronted terns can be observed. |
Noddy terns, in contrast, have plumage that repels water better, and they are often seen flopping onto the sea, able to rest comfortably far from land. |
You may also observe jaegers, terns, and petrels as they make their long ocean journey and be rewarded with views of flying fish and the occasional humpback whale. |
The estate is home to a variety of bird life, from breeding common terns, nightingales and tufted ducks to vast numbers of wintering birds, such as wigeon, smew and goosander. |
The largest of the terns, the Caspian Tern is one of the most widespread tern species in the world, occurring on every continent except Antarctica. |
In gulls and terns, differences in chick survival may be more affected by compositional changes in the amount of lipid or protein in the eggs than by overall size of the egg. |
Unlike many larger terns, the Common Tern does not have a crest. |
In this lagoon, brown pelicans, double-crested cormorants, great and snowy egrets, and numerous terns and gulls forage for fish and other items of food all day long. |
Predators of barracuda include such birds as bald eagles and terns. |
Although terns are closely related to seagulls, sharing a general black-and-grey pattern of plumage with their cousins, they have slim silvery bodies and deeply forked tails. |
The abundance of gulls, terns, skuas, guillemots and puffins has long been a prime tourist attraction, as well as of global wildlife significance. |
As the dinghy approaches the shores of North Avon Island, flocks of sooty and noddy terns swirl up and wheel above the dinghy, squawking loudly at our intrusion. |
Other birds on the island include boobies, fairy terns, frigate birds, and a good-sized population of friendly ground doves, a species classed as internationally vulnerable. |
Birds such as terns were hunted for their feathers, which were used in the fashion business. |
Many seabirds breed on the island, including Arctic terns and Arctic skuas. |
It is home to terns, plovers and loons, as well as many species of hawk. |
At the mouth of the lough are several small rock and shingle islands which are of importance to terns. |
And in the spring of the year when you're out fishing for terns and ducks or whatever, if there is a pan of ice, there is a seal on it and a codfish alongside with the belly eaten out of it. |
The very little natural vegetation consists of tabaibas, prickly pears and gorse, while the native fauna is represented by the lizard would do, the blind crab, shrikes, hawks and terns. |
Among the bird that can be seen in the marshes are grebes, dabchicks, cormorants, cranes, common spoonbills, geese, ducks, ralids, shorebirds, gulls and terns. |
Alewives are eaten by many species of fish and birds including striped bass, salmonids, smallmouth bass, eels, perch, bluefish, weakfish, terns, eagles, ospreys, great blue herons, and gulls. |
In 2000 the RSPB began providing wooden house-shaped nesting boxes in terraces for the roseate terns. |
At the mouth of the lough are several small rock and shingle islands which are breeding areas for terns that feed in its shallow waters. |
Many of these water areas will yield spotted sandpiper, greater yellowlegs, green-winged teal, northern pintail, Lincolns and song sparrows, merlin, and common and arctic terns. |
Sandhill cranes, Sabine's gulls, Arctic terns, jaegers, and raptors like rough-legged hawks and gyrfalcons all take advantage of the excellent summer habitat. |
Other Migratory Nongame Birds: Auks, auklets, bitterns, fulmars, gannets, grebes, guillemots, gulls, herons, jaegers, loons, murres, petrels, puffins, shearwaters, and terns. |
This bank, just south of the village of Kirkcolm, is an important breeding ground for terns. |
Flocks of noddy terns and other birds serve to guide Hawaiian fishermen to schools of tuna, and the numbers, kinds, and behaviour of the birds may also indicate the size of the fish and the size and depth of the school. |
Most terns become sexually mature when aged three, although some small species may breed in their second year. |
Some large sea terns, including the sooty and bridled terns, are four or older when they first breed. |
These nesters include species of albatrosses, petrels, skuas, gulls and terns. |
Some species have consolidated their status here as rare birds but regular visitors include the white spoonbill, the wood sandpiper, the osprey and even whiskered terns. |
Sooty terns feed at night as the fish rise to the surface, and are believed to sleep on the wing since they become waterlogged easily. |
The marsh terns normally catch insects in the air or pick them off the surface of fresh water. |
Adults may be robbed of their catch by avian kleptoparasites such as frigatebirds, skuas, other terns or large gulls. |
Lice are often host specific, and the closely related common and Arctic terns carry quite different species. |
Much smaller creatures, like the Arctic ground squirrel are common and bird watching is excellent. Birders enjoy many species rarely seen in the south: Arctic terns, tundra swans, snowy owls and ptarmigans. |
Others have long but pointed wings, such as the terns. |
It is also displaying to the sandwich terns and we may have some hybrid chicks. |
Roseate terns are medium-sized sea terns that superficially resemble the common tern, a species with which it invariably nests in the Northeast. |
Similarly, piping plover and roseate terns are unlikely to be found in the 1 km wide Preferred Corridor as they nest and rear their young on open sandy coastal shorelines and offshore islands and islets. |
The marsh terns, Trudeau's tern and some Forster's terns nest in inland marshes. |
The beach is home to nesting Arctic terns, who are fiercely protective of their young. |
The Bee-eater, terns, sand martins herons, gulls and duck species all rely on the area s mixed habitat features. |
With the exception of the cormorants and some terns, and in common with most other birds, all seabirds have waterproof plumage. |
The loss of essential patchy-sand habitat that common and roseate terns in the area require for nesting has hurt their populations. |
We also spotted royal terns, their wispy black crests making them stand out among the seagulls. |
Scientists have known for at least 50 years that Arctic terns migrate farther than any other animal. |
Sandwich, common and Arctic terns all had a fantastic nesting season last year, with a good survival rate of the chicks. |
At Birsay, a little island off Mainland, Orkney, there's a small sea stack just off the shore which sometimes has a colony of Arctic terns. |
Their work involves the monitoring and protection of the migrant roseate, common and Arctic terns during their breeding season. |
Peregrine and gyrfalcons nest here along with upland species such as snowbuntings, horned larks and plovers, and seabirds such as loons, guillemots, terns and murres. |
Most terns breed annually and at the same time of year, but some tropical species may nest at intervals shorter than 12 months or asynchronously. |
Peruvian and Damara terns have small dispersed colonies and rely on the cryptic plumage of the eggs and young for protection. |
Important concentrations of migrating snow geese, sea ducks and shorebirds stage in the marsh and mud flat areas while gulls and terns concentrate in the upwelling areas. |
Black terns use wetlands for their nesting grounds. |
The eggs of most gulls and terns are brown with dark splotches, so they are difficult for predators to spot on the beach. |
Most famously, frigatebirds and skuas engage in this behaviour, although gulls, terns and other species will steal food opportunistically. |
Several species of terns have been implicated as carriers of West Nile virus. |
In the West Indies, the eggs of roseate and sooty terns are believed to be aphrodisiacs, and are disproportionately targeted by egg collectors. |
Because of their sensitivity to pollutants, terns are sometimes used as indicators of contamination levels. |
On a smaller scale, terns in Sierra Leone have learned to fly towards the sound of gunfire to collect the fish stunned by hand-grenades used by fishers operating from dugout canoes. |
Three species, the Inca, Damara, and river terns, are expected to decline in the future due to habitat loss and disturbance. |
This authorisation is valid three years from the publication of the minutes of the general meeting of 13 June 2005 and may be extended for identical terns. |
Heavily worn or aberrant plumages such as melanism and albinism are much rarer in terns than in gulls. |
After breeding, terns moult into a winter plumage, typically showing a white forehead. |
Gulls have moderately long legs, especially when compared to the similar terns, with fully webbed feet. |
The majority of sea terns have light grey or white body plumage as adults, with a black cap to the head. |
All species of terns join together to threaten and mob invading predators. |
One study of part of the cytochrome b gene sequence found a close relationship between terns and a group of waders in the suborder Thinocori. |
Yet Arctic terns are not as tough as all that. |
Within the order, the terns form a lineage with the gulls, and, less closely, with the skimmers, skuas, and auks. |
The terns are birds of open habitats that typically breed in noisy colonies and lay their eggs on bare ground with little or no nest material. |
Most terns breed on open sandy or rocky areas on coasts and islands. |
Through my binoculars I thoroughly enjoy watching a pair of sandwich terns canoodling on a sand spit and parading their new found partnership up and down the beach. |
The species most often composing aggregations, in addition to terns, were Great Egret, Snowy Egret, Glossy Ibis, Great Blue Heron, Laughing Gull, and Least Tern. |
Gannets, boobies, tropicbirds, some terns and brown pelicans all engage in plunge diving, taking fast moving prey by diving into the water from flight. |
Sea terns often hunt in association with porpoises or predatory fish, such as bluefish, tuna or bonitos, since these large marine animals drive the prey to the surface. |
Indeed the Cemlyn lagoon, on the north coast of Anglesey, boasts more sandwich terns than anywhere else in the UK and has become a haven for all kinds of wildlife. |
On the nearby marsh, where salt and fresh water channels mix, terns, avocets and marsh harriers are buoyed by mid-flight coastal breezes, to the delight of wildlife watchers. |
Birds such as Arctic terns can migrate pole to pole, but not nonstop. |
Species such as walruses, Arctic foxes, sled dogs, muskoxen, lemmings, Arctic terns, Ross's gulls, belugas, hawks, squirrels are splendidly photographed. |
Migratory terns move to the coast after breeding, and most species winter near land, although some marine species, like the Aleutian tern, may wander far from land. |
They give clear descriptions of physical characteristics and habitats and even provide a handy species checklist to record your loons, grebes, rorquals, terns and albatrosses. |
Newcastle University is also doing pioneering work geo-tagging Arctic terns so we can monitor their migration journeys when they leave the Farnes this year. |
Most terns hunt fish by diving, often hovering first, and the particular approach technique used can help to distinguish similar species at a distance. |
As a result of these conservation actions, Camp Pendleton is home to about one-quarter of all California least terns and over one-third of all least Bell's vireos. |
Marsh terns construct floating nests from the vegetation in their wetland habitats, and a few species build simple nests in trees, on cliffs or in crevices. |
The genera Anous, Procelsterna and Gygis are collectively known as noddies, the Chlidonias species are the marsh terns, and all other species comprise the sea terns. |
Terns can be recognised by their characteristic black heads and red spear-like bills. |
Recreational boating on nesting lakes, which can flood nests, may also have a negative impact on populations of Forster's Terns. |
Terns and eiders had been disturbed, while eiders had been doubly hit because the pickers were depleting the mussel beds on which they feed. |
Terns skipped along on the breeze, pausing to hover over the shallows and occasionally to dive, emerging sometimes with a silver flash of sand eel in their beaks. |
Terns of several species will feed on invertebrates, following the plough or hunting on foot on mudflats. |
Arctic Terns are a beautiful species and epitomise a true summer migrant, covering thousands of miles in their annual journey. |
A simple structural method to reduce road-kills of Royal Terns at bridge sites. |
It was mixing with a flock of post-breeding Sandwich Terns but it could be picked out by its thick, gull-like black bill. |
For instance, Sandwich Terns arrived in March and departed in November or December. |
Terns are seabirds in the family Laridae that have a worldwide distribution and are normally found near the sea, rivers, or wetlands. |
Terns have a worldwide distribution, breeding on all continents including Antarctica. |
Terns are treated as a subgroup of the family Laridae which includes gulls and skimmers and consist of eleven genera. |
A couple of Arctic Terns were very late visitors to Holyhead, while Pale-bellied Brent Goose numbers near 200 in Beddmanarch Bay. |
Terns are normally free of blood parasites, unlike gulls that often carry Haemoproteus species. |
Pen y Gogarth hosted Tree Pipit, Redstarts, Whinchat and Yellow Wagtails at the weekend, while Ruff, Sandwich Terns and more Redstarts were at RSPB Conwy. |
Terns have sometimes benefited from human activities, following the plough or fishing boats for easy food supplies, although some birds get trapped in nets or swallow plastic. |
Predation by Kelp Gulls Larus dominicanus at a mixed-species colony of Royal Terns Sterna maxima and Cayenne Terns Sterna eurygnatha in Patagonia. |