In offering telepathy as an explanation he becomes hesitative and loses his tone of assurance. |
Get some rest and we'll start with telepathy and telekinesis in the morning. |
Andrea, who has Down Syndrome, has apparently displayed a sort of religious telepathy to the pilgrims who show up. |
Use your intuition and telepathy to decide whether either of these cards should take precedence over a non-trump Ace. |
So, any apparent success in the experiments must be attributed to precognition, not to telepathy. |
Yup, you guessed it, they wanted more information from me and I've had my telepathy switched off so I didn't know. |
Her telepathy would let her instruct him and like all other telepaths, would allow her to get a basic read on his thoughts. |
The explanation many people reach for involves mental telepathy or psychic stirrings. |
This categorisation has to be seen in the context of the place of telepathy and the occult in psychoanalysis. |
This is why psychic experiences, and telepathy in particular, are more interesting to me than beliefs about angels. |
I believe in the sixth sense, telepathy and rebirth as I have experienced it. |
Maybe there was some kind of telepathy she held, where she was able to secretly communicate with his parents. |
More importantly, how did one respond to telepathy without bringing attention to themselves? |
About half of Bulgarians believe in telepathy, the evil eye and black magic, and that dreams can be prophetic. |
They had perfectly mastered telepathy, empathy, creative energy work, and healing. |
Let us not trivialise this by saying that it is because of parapsychology or telepathy. |
If telepathy really exists, then telephone calls would provide a good way of revealing it. |
It works like mental telepathy where one person can read another's thoughts. |
This does not mean that there was no scientific evidence for telepathy a century ago. |
She wasn't sure if they were speaking aloud or communicating through telepathy. |
In her new book, she shows cat-lovers how to communicate with their pets through telepathy. |
Does this sentence refer to experiences in telepathy and non-verbal communication between you and him? |
By and large, psychical researchers failed to convince the majority of the scientific and academic worlds of the existence of telepathy. |
Sora, you can grow wings, but you also have the ability of telepathy and to become a potential scryer. |
The runes prevented him from teleporting, shape-shifting, and using telepathy. |
Spell-breakers had an arsenal of varied skills, mind-reading and telepathy being just the surface of the depths. |
About half of the population believe in telepathy, the evil eye and black magic, and that dreams can be prophetic. |
We wanted him to use the special powers of telepathy that he had to locate you. |
In 1969 he began to demonstrate his powers of telepathy and psychokinesis to small audiences. |
Most psychics trained in three disciplines, usually telepathy, telekinesis, and another one. |
The mediums demonstrated every variety of psychic power from clairvoyance and clairaudience to telekinesis and telepathy. |
An explanation in terms of telepathy was also favoured by the fact that the success rates depended on who was calling. |
I should also note clairvoyance or telepathy may be the reason why some people do significantly better than chance in guessing experiments. |
Price reports that significant fractions of Americans believe in astrology, clairvoyance, telepathy, and communication with the dead. |
Now some might call that telepathy, others clairvoyance or precognition, or others dub it a trick or coincidence. |
Students who score well on one type of ESP test, such as clairvoyance, are also likely to score well on another, such as telepathy. |
What we'll do is Dani will hypnotise you and keep you under while I use my telepathy to get into your mind. |
Despite this, Hon Shun followed a strict moral code, particularly with regard to telepathy. |
The mental telepathy that opponents often attribute to the Bryans is just the accumulated instinct of decades of teamwork. |
We're talking the Borg, not C3P0. As the Borg example makes clear, telepathy takes the concept of individual identity and schmears it. |
One of the explanations is that he received it through telepathy from another mind in the case the hypnotiser's mind. |
It seems to me that the imagination developed in mediumnity when linked with hearing gives one the power of telepathy. |
They may be cognitive, as in the case of clairvoyance, telepathy, or precognition. |
If this is a problem now, imagine what would happen if telepathy become possible. |
It is a kind of informational effect, which is called telepathy in parapsychology. |
Most of this information was received during the 80s by telepathy from the space people. |
In the hidden areas of the human psyche we can find the so called parapsychological abilities like telepathy and psychometry. |
Here, the suspension of disbelief is somewhat trickier, because a great deal of Smiley's data on these beasts comes from telepathy, numerology or astrology. |
They would now be able to understand such things as acupuncture, chi, orgone energy, telepathy, etc., as well as diagnose and cure whatever ails us. |
Further awakening of the inner potentials gradually bestows the supernormal powers of premonition, afflatus, telepathy, clairvoyance and prophecy. |
I'd go the other way, I'd start by trying to make your mind as open as possible and experience some spooky telepathy and spirit possession or whatever. |
It's got to the point where there's such a fusion between the pair of you now it seems as if you communicate via telepathy! |
All forms of communication have potentially redeeming features, but telepathy takes this a step forward. |
In 2008 there would be colonies on Mars and everyone would communicate through mental telepathy. |
Len Dodd's gaze became more intense, as if to convey a hidden truth to me by mental telepathy. |
The baby grew into boyhood, and through the special indoctrination he constantly received by telepathy, he showed great promise. |
And those channels that we have telepathy, sync, have a fluctuating color depending on the information they carry. |
These included attending around 20 seances, experiments in telepathy and sittings with mediums. |
So why nothing about, say, mental telepathy? |
Sohane didn't believe in mental telepathy, but it was mystifying to see how often they had the same thoughts and the same needs at the same moment, and how they shared the same emotions. |
While the existence of telepathy has not yet been proved, some parapsychological research studies have produced favourable results using such techniques as card guessing with a special deck of five sets of five cards. |
A proof of the reality of these waves is found in telepathy. |
Clairvoyance and clairaudience are also possible on mental levels, and we then call it telepathy, and the seeing of symbols, for all visioning of geometrical form is mental clairvoyance. |
For such a person, evolution becomes a supreme science of contact, expanding far beyond the mundane physical senses into the realm of the intuition and telepathy. |
The biologist and author, Rupert Sheldrake, has conducted experiments, and compiled evidence from other studies, on the existence of animal-human telepathy, including dogs, and an African Grey parrot, N'kisi. |
There are definitely times when we link up really well without even thinking, and I guess that's down to the fact we're sisters and have the whole telepathy thing going on. |
Therefore, he did not want his dogs to be too harsh, but rather meek in character, and with a pronounced closeness and understanding of their master, almost a telepathy? |
Mentalism is a branch of magic where the artist is supposed to have some extraordinary mental and intuitive skills, where he or she is capable of telepathy, precognition or clairvoyance. |
You'd cut your own nose off before you'd let me get the credit for solving robotic telepathy. |
Magola added that he is currently working with telepathy and healing to see how psychokinetic energy can be put to a use that will benefit mankind. |
Doyle and spiritualist William Thomas Stead were duped into believing Julius and Agnes Zancig had genuine psychic powers, both claiming that the Zancigs used telepathy. |