Looking for sentences and phrases with the word tarried? Here are some examples.
Sentence Examples
Think of Jesus, in the Garden of Gethsemane, His disciples tarried and fell asleep.
A whole life-time before this have I tarried amongst you: will ye not then understand?
In a sense, the longer God tarried, the more humans took over his job of bringing about the perfect kingdom.
Even your companion of Urantia days, who took post-graduate electives as she tarried for you, was becoming eager to progress.
It was by this time the mirkest of the gloaming, for they had purposely tarried on the journey that they might enter Edinburgh at dusk.
But one left me awroth and went in unto thy table. I tarried, till his anger was blown out.
And Paul after this tarried there yet a good while, and then took his leave of the brethren.
For too long have we tarried in the dismal sunless cities of the East.
Iain tarried on regardless, however, and the Swiss roll cracked.
I tarried in the book section, impressed that there was so much to do besides write: book canvasser, cleaner, coverer, cutter, finisher, jogger, mender, packer, and sewer.
They tarried in the North for two months, visiting Wordsworth in the Lake District, and also one of his neighbors, a young poet just setting out on his career: Matthew Arnold.
Examples from Classical Literature
Still he tarried in his chamber with his wife, Kleopatra, by his side, and heeded not the hunger and the wailings of the people.
On the seventh day they reached the Gran Canaria, where they tarried to repair a leaky ship.
He was not wordy, and he tarried but a moment, yet he explained his paralysis.
He also bade them leave their fardels behind, as, if they tarried at York House, these could be easily sent after them.
It was her turn to grow angry now, and well it was for him that he had not tarried.
I tarried here long enough to smoke one cigarette and pay my devoirs to the noble profession of second-hand bookselling.
The ripe fruit that had tarried so late on the old tree, was shaken down at last.
I did but chance to pass and saw them at it, and so tarried a moment to see fair play.
Graciously He acceded to their request to remain, and tarried with them two days.
She was not fool enough to overplay her hand, so her greeting was still disdainful, but when he tarried she did not send him away.
They trooped after us, and never more while we tarried in Fayal did we get rid of them.
But after a minute or so he got up, thereby interrupting the blissfulness of sensation, for Maud would wonder why he tarried.
And the people waited for Zacharias, and marvelled that he tarried so long in the temple.
So long as they tarried at the old hotel, it was their private property.
He tarried so long that the nymph, or whatever it might be, came nearer.
For lack of wind they tarried at Foreland, and went to land for to refresh them.
Iff crept forward and tarried for a time talking to the boatbuilder.
And Peter went down from Judaea to Caesarea, and tarried there.
Patience tarried a moment to ask Rusha what had become of Emlyn.
We reached Fond du Lac in the evening and tarried for the night.
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Oh, why had I tarried so long, losing so many precious minutes!
Having reached the gate, they tarried there for a few minutes.
Would we object if, for a few moments, he tarried here by the roadside?
Pyncheon's message, the carpenter merely tarried to finish a small job, which he happened to have in hand, and then took his way towards the House of the Seven Gables.