People are asked to please take note of the temporary change of venue for the meeting. |
Some twirled around while others puddled about forcing some of the pedestrians to stop and take note of their revelry. |
China should take note here and apply diplomacy to foster good neighbor relations. |
He looks straight at the camera and forces you, the viewer to take note of him. |
Personally, I only take note of clarinet players, what with their tighter embouchure and greater tongue control. |
Regular strollers take note that a 10 km charity walk takes place in Lisselton on Good Friday. |
Open stopes extending upward to grass roots are not uncommon in the area, and hikers and tourists should take note of this danger. |
The Gods witness oaths, and will take note of how the oath-taker regards that oath. |
The mostly male executives running corporations across America would do well to take note. |
Some of us are happy that upcountry columnists at least take note of what is happening or not in our corner of the country. |
We take note of the brutality of the conditions and the inevitable backwardness of the semi-rural area. |
More and more governments are having to step in and override these magistrates who arrogantly refuse to take note of public disquiet. |
All card players should take note that there will be a card game as usual in the O'Brien hall on Christmas nights. |
Meanwhile, dairies that employ mechanical refrigeration units can take note of recent advancements in those systems as well. |
James Cagney was a screen toughie, but the poor guy had to dance and sing for the Academy members to take note of him. |
They will watch and take note, and they will record it all on film and video. |
If you're videoing a central character or object, take note of the background and avoid unbalancing elements such as trees or poles. |
I hardly take note of the geometrical dimensions of the table or its spatial location with respect to the points of the compass. |
Parents, most of whom have so far been very indulgent about the cola-swigging habit of their offspring, have been forced to sit up and take note. |
But lest I be accused of favoring nuclear war, please take note that the consequences of nuclear war would be horrendous, nuclear winter or no. |
The combination of solid musicianship and quality vocals made this a band to really take note of. |
The self-styled patriots should take note of the fact that their acts and misdeeds can no longer remain hidden. |
Women, in particular, should take note of the Census results because there's a screamingly loud wake-up call in there for them too. |
Business leaders are finally starting to take note, as a whole range of corrosive emotions begin to erode productivity. |
It pays, though, to take note of these things and, in the main, to abide by them. |
Why, then, don't the avant-couriers who praise the piece as one of Schoenberg's greatest take note of this outbreak of tonality? |
A matchmaker would take note and alert the single men about her availability. |
The organisation urged the international community to take note of the dangers posed by the current arming of the civilian Katangese population. |
Nature lovers take note, the area is home to the grey wolf, Blandford's fox, the sand cat and the ibex, as well as 110 recorded species of birds. |
Writers no longer take note of the assists credited to a shortstop or second baseman. |
Please take note in your diary that there is a change of night for this week's whist. |
He strapped on his watch, so he'd take note of the time all day, and finally reached for his cell phone. |
Where to place groundskeepers and refreshment vendors is another factor to take note of. |
One way to trace liberty is to take note of occasions when people consented to those who governed them. |
We listen to their music, evaluate their stage-banter and take note of their haircuts, shoes and general sense of foxiness. |
Users should take note of the deprecated features which are to be completely removed in future versions. |
He was dependent on his backers to provide the money for the building of the factory and had to take note of their opinions. |
House leader also requested a take note debate, but the government is denying all take note debates. |
Please take note of the following information when you visit your relatives. |
I think it's something that we really should take note of now because it's all correctable and it certainly has potentially significant adverse consequences in the long term. |
Their direct action has forced their government to take note. |
And French fans take note, tickets are already selling like proverbial hotcakes! |
A motion, even on a take note debate, it seems to me is an amendable motion. |
We also urge individual countries in Europe to take note of this significant, well-reasoned development. |
In any case, please take note to the dimension tables of our general delivery programme. |
However, now that UK regulators have seen Australia take such a dim view of Reckitt's mountebank marketing, they may take note. |
Fifthly, we take note of the discussion on the veto power of new permanent members, having frequently expressed critical views on this issue. |
Should you on your journey be startled out of your reveries by marauding dogs snapping and barking at your heels, take note of these guidelines, they may be of help. |
For anyone who wants to buy me lingerie, take note of that measurement. |
It is important, then, to understand the ins and outs of the issue at hand and to take note of the rights and obligations of each party. |
These two teenagers had the presence of mind to take note of the license plate on the vehicle in which the suspect fled. |
Given the obvious impossibility of reducing differences among the main parties concerned, we take note of the decision to suspend the talks. |
Such pragmatism is now habitual for the American authorities and Ashkhabad will certainly take note of this new orientation with satisfaction. |
Politicians must take note of these effects and counteract them by means of various policy measures. |
The Commission may wish to take note of this initiative by the Working Group on Minorities and encourage other working groups to follow suit. |
Lastly, it saw no reason to take note of a preliminary estimate for upcoming bienniums. |
Investors should especially take note of any factors regarding their particular situation. |
As a result, most often the epidemics are first reported in the media before health services take note of them. |
In this type of culture, the conscience is simply invited to take note of technological possibilities. |
The EU noted that its member states are undertaking significant reductions and proposed that the SBI conclusions take note of the report. |
Review the shipping information listed on the website and take note of shipping timelines to make sure your package arrives in time. |
Today as then we take note of the People's Republic of China as the sole and lawful government of China. |
They might begin to take note of the fact that their self-absorbed and self-referential works over the past two decades in particular have made almost no impact. |
We take note of the reprieve in attacks, and we sincerely hope that it becomes permanent. |
In addition, take note of any switchplates that are discolored. |
I know he approached the government House leader with the initiative of a take note debate. |
And, take note, these are not questions that people in Japan are supposed to ask. |
And part of the answer depends on whether the rest of the world will take note. |
Also, for those who like weird little inside jokes, take note that most of the incidental police characters are named after members of the production team. |
So, again, I hope the Democrats in the Senate take note of the dominoes that are tumbling here because they stood together. |
If he lasts long enough to have impressionists take note of him, his impression wouldn't be that different to John Major, just with a slightly different voice. |
He must get the public to take note of these brand-building messages, whether they be contained in website pages, printed literature or elsewhere. |
The attack is always directed to the creative mind, and when we take note as we do today, it always seems to be snowing. |
And we take note that the Haida people have won another court victory. |
Is it too much to ask of someone to actually take note of their surroundings, these people can all walk, breathe and eat a Greggs pasty at the same time without dying. |
The Parties take note that the present Agreement does not apply to the procedures for issuing visas by the diplomatic missions and consular posts of the Kingdom of Denmark. |
In 1980, DMSO re-emerged in the media, causing the public and even Congress to take note. |
To say I am cheesed off is an understatement I hope authorities involved will take note of. |
I also take note of the line taken and presented in the report on the relationship between the internal market scoreboard and the consumer scoreboard, and that the scoreboards should be kept separate. |
As we visit this notion that government communications today may be taking liberties with taxpayers' dollars, let us be honest with ourselves and take note that it has always been problematic. |
Campers in the outback take note and remember to lock your doors! |
That this Committee take note of the on-going crisis in Darfur. |
You have made your clarification and we take note of it. |
Those great givers of lessons, those wonderful preachers, those people who wag their index finger continually under other people's noses, should simply take note of this. |
With respect to the third rail package, we have to take note of the fact that the railway networks and their development greatly differ in the various member countries. |
During the entire duration of use, the user is obliged to determine the compliance of the required occupational safety measures with the current valid rules and regulations and also take note of new regulations. |
However, feed grain users should take note that Prairie feed grain inventories are being gradually trimmed, meaning a higher price trend may eventually emerge even out west. |
However, there are now a number of bicoloured Ypsilons to take note of which could be already showing the way ahead to miles of frugal fun. |
Constituents on the alert for hypocrisy, take note. |
On the basis of the national strategy, the Commission should take note of the national strategic reference framework and take a decision on certain of its elements. |
I would be remiss, however, if I failed to take note of the outstanding help and support provided by the staff of the Privy Council Office over the last twelve years. |
Such difficulties may not only dissuade complainants from coming forward, but may also tempt employers to ignore the law as they take note of the long odds against being caught. |
Records of the voyages of the Carthaginian Himilco take note of the islands of Albion and Ierne. |
Another aspect of the budget that I would encourage my hon. colleagues in the House to take note of is the greenhouse gas technology investment fund. |
In complete partnership with the mill, C. F. I. A. will take note of the origin and of the quality of wheat, the types of produced flours and will enquirer itself on the potential outlets of the mill. |
A take note debate is really a pat on the head for Liberal backbenchers. |
If it was published, take note of the parts that were edited out. |
It is time to take note that the government s decisions affect care professionals to the utmost extent as public sector employees, but also as citizens. |
Don't hesitate to take note of them and discuss them. |
We take note of his statement and will discuss this with the secretariat. |
But guys take note, especially single guys, this thing is better for stirring up conversations with pretty woman than a cuddly sheep dog on a long leash. |
The mean-spirited husband who takes exception to the perfectly reasonable Christmas gift request from his wife should take note. |
The tender offer is compelling and open to all shareholders, but take note that Kudelski will not overpay for an asset it has controlled since 2007 and whose value is at significant risk. |
After this festive occasion in our chapel, almost a hundred people joined in the final barbecue, making sure to take note of the details of a similar programme for next year. |
The European Parliamentshall deliver its opinion within such time as will permit the Council to take note of it and to act within the stipulated time limit. |
On the basis of the findings of the mission, the Committee may wish to take note of these recommendations as well as of the recommendations made by the Bureau. |
Once the reading is complete, a meeting is organized for a group discussion under the guidance of one or two evaluators who take note of the participants' observations and comments. |
We take note of this question, and we shall reply in due course. |
All of these approaches merely take note of or deplore the existence of poverty synchronically, without understanding either its dynamics or the process whereby it arose. |
The Advisory Committee recommended that the Fifth Committee should take note of the preliminary estimates, on which it had provided further information in the annex to its report. |
Ministers are invited to discuss and take note of the document. |
Delegates agreed to take note of the report. |
Please take note that the invoices need to be paid as soon as possible. |
The pace of life is still slow on the corner of CharrĂșa and Coronel Alegre but now the passers-by pause to take note of the goalpost-inspired sculpture where Laurent scored his historic goal. |
Under taller shrubs and roses plant good ground cover perennials such as wild geranium or Alchemilla mollis, and take note of the atmosphere you want to create through colour. |
It takes a lot to get the cynical old musos to sit up and take note, but once the wheels roll into motion, something overwhelming becomes inevitable. |
It is important for medical practitioners to take note of the indications for oocyte cryopreservation, which may be both oncological and non-oncological. |
American mercantilists who want a devalued dollar might take note. |