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How to use symmetry in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word symmetry? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
With neat transatlantic symmetry, it is known as the Press Association, PA for short.
The echinoderm body plan has pentameral symmetry, a water vascular system and a ring-shaped nervous system.
In fact, mathematicians and physicists were among the last to latch on to the importance of symmetry.
Maybe inserting a monosyllable here would have ruined the poetic symmetry of his sentence.
A lot of research has gone into answering that, and determining the earliest stage at which the blastula breaks symmetry.
The photo passes tests of symmetry that the painted chandelier fails, Stork says.
Each molecule has on average six neighbors, generating a six-fold hexagonal symmetry.
Less frequently, crystals are found with various habits that suggest holohedral symmetry.
There is a nice symmetry of arm and dress that adds uncomplicatedness to the scene.
The symmetry of its economic system rests on some very unsymmetrical myths and illusions.
In winter when these trees are needleless, you can really appreciate the whorled symmetry of conifer trees.
These quartz crystals from Cumberland appear to possess normal hexagonal symmetry.
The judges were more interested in size than overall balance, proportion and symmetry.
There is concern with symmetry and abstract patterns, together with the simplification or elimination of background detail.
From the want of symmetry in the base of the specimen, I suppose it to have been the pectoral spine of some huge siluroid fish.
The triangular habit suggested trigonal symmetry and a possible identification as hilairite or a contact-twinned form of gaidonnayite.
In this case, the c-axis, or axis of trigonal symmetry, is vertical with respect to the organic substrate and hence to the wall itself.
These are, in order of decreasing symmetry, the cubic, hexagonal, tetragonal, trigonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, and triclinic systems.
However, Rayor suspects that for webs with radial symmetry, the answer is a matter of biodynamics.
This symmetry is related to the concept of isospin, and is not the same as charge conjugation.
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Examples from Classical Literature
This interchange in certain cases probably resulted from the needs of glyphic balance and symmetry.
Should we, then, in order to maintain the symmetry with human anatomy, first study the forearm in the position of supination?
Perpendicular to the hexad axis are six dyad axes of two kinds and each perpendicular to a vertical plane of symmetry.
The elements of symmetry are a tetrad axis with a plane perpendicular to it, and a centre of symmetry.
Obviously, Pan-Americanism cannot aim at precise symmetry or theoretical consistency.
Here there are two pairs of vertical planes of symmetry intersecting in the tetrad axis.
In external form these crystals are cubic with inclined hemihedrism, the symmetry being the same as in blende and tetrahedrite.
In crystals of this division of the hexagonal system the principal axis is a hexad axis of symmetry.
The principal axis of symmetry is sixfold by a combination of rotation and reflection.
The gyrostatic system might have been constituted of two gyrostatic members, but four are shown for symmetry.
The group work at the square tables is now especially beautiful, both when forms of symmetry or object forms are constructed.
In the metaphase it is the last to come into the equatorial plate, possibly because of its lack of symmetry.
But unipolar symmetry with diverging outgrowths leads us to the next category which may be called radial symmetry.
Figure 206 shows a design varied from formal balance over a central axis of symmetry or an inceptive axis.
The elements, in substitutional symmetry, are then simply means of introducing variety and action.
A factor of considerable importance in determining boiling-points of isomers is the symmetry of the molecule.
It cannot be denied that he leaves imbedded in his fabric lumps of unshapen material, which mar the symmetry of his art.
It crystallizes in the orthorhombic system, and has three directions of perfect cleavage parallel to the three planes of symmetry.
The society of the Dark Ages had been perfect in its symmetry and compactness.
It is a two-layered organism, with a form varying from cylindrical to oval, and usually a radial symmetry.
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