The apple symbolizes original sin and purity, simultaneously sensuality and innocence. |
The latter symbolizes that egoistic force of maya which deludes individuals and keeps them from knowing their innate nature as god. |
The cross counterchanging symbolizes the cross-cultural influence of both races upon each other. |
The matzah also stands in contrast to chametz which symbolizes false pride, absorption in our individual egos, and grandiosity. |
Every tantric system has its own mandala, and thus each one symbolizes an existential and spiritual approach. |
Actually, it's a cross between a soaring bird and a fountain pen, which I guess symbolizes how writers create things that take flight. |
This act of self-vulning, in which the female pelican pecks blood from her chest to feed her young, symbolizes Christ feeding the faithful. |
In the melee, the mace that symbolizes the authority of the legislature was carried away and was later found in a lobby used by parliamentarians. |
One member of our group was encouraged to try Peking duck, which symbolizes good wishes. |
The most powerful sign in the Chinese zodiac, the dragon symbolizes intelligence, wealth and tenacity. |
The colour white symbolizes a lot of things, and one is that it represents purity and innocence. |
The quilt symbolizes the need to preserve the country's folk art, which is in danger of dying out. |
The amrit that it holds symbolizes the divine consciousness, which is the true source of immortality. |
The humanist notion symbolizes for me our basic human needs and personal achievements. |
Please wear black or yellow to symbolize unity, or wear clothing that symbolizes your loved one? |
Allheal symbolizes peace, prosperity, healing, wellness, fertility, rest, and protection. |
The gold wreath symbolizes the unit's goal of continued excellence and achievement. |
The traditional kora, a stringed calabash instrument, symbolizes the singing poet tradition in the country. |
The majuscule letter V symbolizes a daughter of the Mother Goddess or the Mother Goddess as a virgin. |
But, thanks to Heaney's artistic taxidermy, the story and all it symbolizes will endure well into the new millennium. |
A commitment to legalism can never substitute for a commitment to the ideals law distortedly symbolizes. |
It symbolizes not only her social status but also the psychological particularities of her character. |
The right edge of the khanda symbolizes freedom and authority governed by moral and spiritual values. |
The key often symbolizes a mystery about to be penetrated or a stage on our pathway to discovery and enlightenment. |
Furthermore, this portrait symbolizes the patriotism felt in this country with the three American flags waving in the background. |
This level symbolizes man's highest achievement and is reached when all facets of learning and experiences develop normally and integratedly. |
To well-off businessmen, the lighting of firecrackers and fireworks, to this day, symbolizes their expectation of wealth for the coming year. |
Find a photo that illustrates, demonstrates or somehow symbolizes each word given. |
The first lamp symbolizes divine effulgence, while the other lighted lamps represent the light in individual hearts. |
Although Om symbolizes the most profound concepts of Hindu belief, it is in use daily. |
The dance consists of a ceremonial procession and symbolizes the unity of the kingdom. |
In the divine realm, fire symbolizes the universal conflagration of the apocalypse which will destroy men's sinful bodies. |
The picaro's constant movement symbolizes his desire for social improvement, or perhaps even for escape from an island-prison. |
It symbolizes the commitment he and his wife made to run that business sustainably. |
Depicting a horse chestnut, the sculpture symbolizes the fruits of a rural community and its potential for growth, energy and community. |
In Tibetan iconography, physical nakedness symbolizes this naked unbounded state of mind. |
Wherever the other planets may be placed in the horoscope, the Sun symbolizes your essential self and who you are struggling to become. |
In the homiletic writings, Jacob symbolizes the spiritual, and Esau the secular. |
Blue symbolizes a cat's eye gem, with the meaning of strength and happiness, angels watching over and protection. |
He symbolizes the new political aristocracy that includes corporate suborners and media patronizers. |
This reception also symbolizes and makes real our union with the whole Church. |
One of the most familiar forms of fortification, the castle still symbolizes the entire medieval world and seems to define its military outlook. |
In very appealing reasoning it is also argued that the complete unbroken circle, symbolizes the Buddhist wheel of life. |
But he also symbolizes hope for the Udmurt, because Leonid has become a believer in Jesus Christ. |
The visit symbolizes the normalization of relations between the two nations. |
The abandonment of the Neronian legionary fortress at Usk in South Wales in favour of a reoccupation at Gloucester symbolizes the retrenchment. |
This neighborhood symbolizes luxury, an irreplacable treasure that brings together the worlds of business, media and artists. |
It is up to us to collect the pieces of this mirror, which symbolizes consensus in our present-day world. |
The Balinese checkered cloth symbolizes the balance of good and evil. |
Therefore, same-sex relationships should not be included within an institution that symbolizes an inherently procreative relationship. |
The matzo symbolizes both the Hebrews' suffering while in bondage and the haste with which they left Egypt in the course of the Exodus. |
It is a cherished prize that symbolizes the highest achievement in Canadian sport. |
The lion symbolizes the lion of Judah and strength of purpose and character. |
The snowy owl represents a watchful guardian spirit whose flight symbolizes many possibilities arising from movement in different directions. |
The love knot or endless knot, infinite life and felicity's knot symbolizes the eternal love. |
The king of the animals symbolizes the sign of the zodiac with the most self-esteem. |
His inevitable destruction symbolizes the ultimate victory of good over evil in the messianic era. |
The straight symbolizes the absolute way, absolute time and space, nonlinear space i.e. without personal conscience. |
That train, the one that so symbolizes the reckless, extraordinary act of defiance with which we created our nation. |
The company already owns Blackpool's Tower, the landmark that symbolizes the town, its three piers, an opera house, a sealife centre and a wax museum. |
In Chinese culture, the tiger symbolizes power, braveness, good luck and a bright future. |
In this short film the forest symbolizes the animal and vegetable kingdom and city symbolizes human beings. |
The salamander symbolizes courage and indestructibility, hence our willingness to stand up against existing structures. |
Yet he is drawn to probe boundaries, and the square's apparent untouchability, he said, symbolizes the state's desire for untouchable power. |
After this time of self-reflection, the offender may decide to throw away the mask because it symbolizes the bad person from the past. |
The white of the fried egg symbolizes the possibility for a reaction to some volitional act. |
In other words, the yolk of the fried egg symbolizes a possibility for self-will. |
The spatial logic of this pericope symbolizes the ultimate achievement of the sought-after or desired benefit: rain. |
The number twelve here symbolizes the fullness, totality and maturity of God's plan: the New Jerusalem. |
If a roulette wheel symbolizes your justice system, you have issues. |
It is my belief that the log symbolizes the precariousness of Existence, while the tiny feeler represents Man's essential powerlessness. |
The menorah is represented by a candleholder with seven branches that symbolizes the burning bush as seen by Moses on Mount Sinai. |
A statue showing Medea about to slaughter her children symbolizes the reproof of infanticide. In this case, death is clearly shown as a contained force, even a holy force. |
The key symbolizes protection of information, while the lightning bolt represents communication and electronic warfare. |
Not only is it a tremendously beautiful animal, it also symbolizes the kind of industry and sheer niceness about being Canadian. |
Poltrona Frau is the brand name that symbolizes luxury and universal elegance. |
This Celtic pentacle with interlaced designs symbolizes the close relationship between life and infinity. |
The inverted pentacle symbolizes man dominated by the power of the 4 magical elements. |
Sent by God, the angel Gabriel himself answers the question: the ram symbolizes the Medo-Persian Empire. |
The Vallebona theatre, built during the Augustan Age, symbolizes the role of the town during the Roman period. |
The three maple leaves allude to the arms of Ontario, and to Canada generally, while the circlet symbolizes a wall around a garden. |
The combination of Rage motifs symbolizes the resistance against villainy and anger. |
The gold buckle in base is an ancient type of belt buckle, which symbolizes the chivalric honour legacy of the Middle Ages. |
Gold symbolizes sincerity of purpose, liberality in judgment, purity in life and generosity in mind, heart and commitment to mankind. |
The gridiron symbolizes the martyrdom of St. Lawrence and Mr. St-Laurent's surname. |
The sword is in the same style as the emblem used by Trent University, and symbolizes that ancient characteristic of gentility and gallantry. |
The green maple leaf symbolizes the Canadian character of all whose lives revolve around the church steeple. |
It symbolizes the insight, ideas and innovations of a company that has been reborn to create it. |
In the next scene, Rick finally embraces his daughter and the future she symbolizes. |
Gianni Versace, together with a handful of names, symbolizes the success of Italian fashion all over the world. |
The boardroom symbolizes the engagement of not just local residents but also Canadians at large. |
An ensign refers to the flag that identifies or symbolizes a unit or organization's history and heritage. |
Amorosa symbolizes beauty, love and the eternal youth of the body and mind. |
At the bottom centre of the border, the Hiawatha Wampum symbolizes formation of the Iroquois League. |
The laurel wreath, which symbolizes excellence and achievement, dates back to competitions and combat in ancient Greek times. |
The laurel wreath, which symbolizes excellence and achievement, has its roots since Ancient Greece in competition or combat. |
The subset without element, the neutrino, is represented by the obstructed circle Ø that, in mathematics, symbolizes the empty set. |
The grenade refers to the regiment's fusilier status, while the word CANADA symbolizes the regiment's deep Canadian roots. |
The vair pattern represents the skins of animals, and thus symbolizes the fur trade that stimulated the early settlement of the Canadian West. |
The hyena symbolizes knowledge, wisdom, and the sciences of inferior humans to the divine wisdom evoked by the lions and the buffoons. |
This change symbolizes PMAC's vision of the future of our profession, a more strategic and global value proposition. |
The trefoil symbolizes the linking together of members of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. |
The Olympic flame has a sacred history and symbolizes principles of peace, friendship and respect. |
The main form symbolizes gathering, depicted by a stylized G, encompassing the territory in one movement. |
Her story symbolizes the repression and arbitrary legal system in the country. |
Do not allow your heart to become vain, because your heart symbolizes the flame of eternity from where everything emerges and comes to life. |
Each portrait is accompanied by a background photo that symbolizes how the individual touches, or is touched by, the blood system. |
The ritual takes place once every 60 years and symbolizes the renewal of generations. |
In some cultures, the giving and receiving of gifts symbolizes the establishment of a relationship comparable to consent. |
The topic is still a new one, in spite of the fact that it symbolizes farmers' daily life in these times of lowered prices. |
The moment where they enter the spirit portal symbolizes their evolution from being friends to being a couple. |
Wild jujubes, a type of fruit widely seen in north China, symbolizes the straightforward, faithful and resolute character of northern Chinese represented by Shanxi merchants. |
The hollow of the bell symbolizes the wisdom cognizing emptiness. |
The film is humorous at times, yet it ultimately symbolizes something more serious, namely the fine line between white admiration and white appropriation of black culture. |
The bullet fee well symbolizes the harshness of a brutal police state that cloaks itself in the trappings of religion. |
The fleur-de-lis symbolizes France, where the unit saw its first combat experience during World War I, while the feathers denote the conflicts in which the unit participated. |
Yet his ubiquity symbolizes the dissolving of more barriers between gay and straight. |
The veil symbolizes the idea of modesty and conveys the lesson that however attractive physical appearances may be, the soul and character are paramount. |
The green lion symbolizes an emerald or an oriental sapphire and means stature and robust person, wealth, cool and courageous, stable and sincere, unconditional love. |
These historians believe that the Taj Mahal symbolizes the tyranny of a powerful ruler exploiting his subjects and flaunting his magnificence to the world. |
This disguise symbolizes one of the most common themes in Dogon rituals: fecundity and renewal of the land and, by extention, of the Dogon people. |
The string itself is not the information, it merely symbolizes the information and therefore this symbol must be correctly interpreted for it to be useful. |
South Carolina symbolizes more than a litmus test for conservatism. |
Marriage, as it stands, is a societal institution that represents, symbolizes, and protects the inherently reproductive human relationship for the sake of children born of such relationships. |
In its exoteric sense, this Arcanum symbolizes the return of past things, of old and even forgotten Karmic issues that come back and that must be solved before the final integration represented by the Arcanum of the World. |
I carry with me the image of the book refusing to yield itself and its learning to the flames because it symbolizes the indestructibility of thought. |
It symbolizes that woman or her spouse is a sympathizer of pious parties. |
It includes Batoche, the site of the final battle of the Métis uprising in 1885, Fort Carlton Provincial Park, Duck Lake Regional Interpretive Centre and the bison antiquus that symbolizes St. Louis. |
He symbolizes South Africa and the rest of the African continent through his self-confidence, pride, hospitality, social skills and warm-heartedness. |
The Métis flag, which emerged in the early 1800s, symbolizes the creation of a new society with roots in both Aboriginal and European cultures and traditions. |
Baptism is an outward expression that symbolizes the inward cleansing or remission of a person's sins which has already taken place at salvation. |
It symbolizes serenity, faith in God and optimism. |
He constructed a stage whose main staging idea creatively symbolizes a distinctive scenic style through the use of lights, slide projection and architectural design. |
The Loyalist military coronet symbolizes Mr. Milliken's Loyalist heritage as a descendant of Charles Rose, who fought in the American Revolutionary War in the King's Royal Regiment of New York. |
Package Manager symbolizes a new standard in mailroom automation and enables companies to monitor every mailing item across the company and to check status of delivery to clients. |
The upraised hand symbolizes answered prayer, pleasing to God, just as the oblation offered up on the altar, or the incense offered in the sanctuary, is pleasing to him. |
This theme symbolizes the individuality, optimism and creative freedom of those slightly rebellious people who use bold self-expression to move things forward. |
Some of his hands form mudras, hand gestures that symbolizes religious concepts like protection, wisdom, or teaching. |
Brand identity is fundamental to consumer recognition and symbolizes the brand's differentiation from competitors. |
It symbolizes the cultures in our societies where individuals interact and use it to communicate between each other. |
Children run past, including the girl from Test Card F who symbolizes the death that has been stalking Sam since the beginning. |
The turtle symbolizes a navigator that can find his way home time after time. |
Gilles Jobin takes to the philosopher Karl Popper the image of the black swan which symbolizes an extreme destabilization of our perception of the reality. |
Ever since, we have been working with local municipalities and other partners to produce a festival that symbolizes and expresses our quintessentially northern way of life. |
Towards the world, the country symbolizes beauty and tranquility, and it also functions as the cradle of some of the world's best baseball stars as well as famous merengue, bachata and reggaeton composers. |
The plough, the rifles, the feathers and the wheat sheaf are all yellow, a colour that symbolizes generosity, work and perseverance for the Carrières. |
The apple tree symbolizes her heritage orchard as well as her work in the preservation of the environment and Ms. Pepino's love of nature: being outdoors and gardening. |
The ropieur symbolizes a young insolent resident of Mons, drenching passersby with water from the fountain. |
The Osaka branch in Nakanoshima is sometimes considered as the structure which effectively symbolizes the bank as an institution. |
A Christmas ritual of baking fruitcakes symbolizes the story of Buddy and his eccentric, elderly cousin. |
Among the Akan of Ghana, a name symbolizes the appearance of an individual who bears it. |
A wreath symbolizes eternity or eternal life. |
I agree that such a reptile symbolizes the shadow of the Eternal One, but that it allegorizes our psychological defects, frankly seems to me incongruent. |
The circlet of garbs represents the traditional agricultural economy of the township, and the steer's head symbolizes the ongoing importance of the beef industry. |
The arm in armour, garnished with a snowflake, and grasping a scimitar, symbolizes the family's military service in Canada since the middle of the eighteenth century. |
The red ribbon that we wear symbolizes our support for the cause to help those with HIV and AIDS to live a full and productive life in society without giving up hope. |
The shield symbolizes the city's beautiful setting and fine climate, with the gold sun shining in the sky and across the lakes to create sparkling water beside the gold sands of the beaches. |
The castle's enflamed gate or portcullis symbolizes the instrument of torture used on St. Lawrence: a gridiron propped above a bed of burning coals on which he was martyred. |
It symbolizes the ineffable and records the unutterable. |
The number 8 signifies the sentence for the impious and the reward for the righteous, and symbolizes accomplishment and the Advent, hence its Marian nature. |
The intertwining of the three elements symbolizes the unity and strength of Canadians and their loyalty, dedication and sacrificeenduring values that will sustain Canada in the future. |
This rock is split down the middle, and he commented that this symbolizes you must let the world break your heart before you can forgive and be truly reconciled. |
American Buffalo takes place in a junk shop that symbolizes the evils of American capitalism, recounting the dishonest dealings of a numismatist who is after a rare coin. |
The façade overlooks the Sasso Barisano, and is dominated by a rose window representing the Wheel of Fortune, which symbolizes the alternation of ups and downs of life of every person. |
The hand press symbolizes the production of fine books, while the books themselves refer to writing, publishing, reading, book collecting, book binding and the encouragement of the arts associated with literature. |
His presence today, clearly in fine health and spirits, symbolizes the resilience of his young nation, which responded so maturely to that terrible event. |
The border, using two of the school's colours, red, white and black, symbolizes its coeducational character and its original and present campuses. |
Red symbolizes blood and wealth, white mourning and spiritual purety, and blue features high social status. Very nice polychromatic decor, shells and ribbons made of pearls. |
The smiling emoticon symbolizes access authorization. |
The laurel wreath symbolizes excellence of achievement while the lightning bolt and quills represent communication through writing and electronic means. |
Produced by playing with the ring, that almost sounds like vocalizing voice, and with a sustained resonance, it symbolizes purity, heavenly character, quietness, serenity and meditation. |
Anything other than marriage segregates us as second-class citizens and further symbolizes the inequality and injustice we experience by being denied the right to marry our loved one. |
The chrismation effects as well as symbolizes the gift of the Holy Spirit. |
The first symbolizes the undulatory transformation of the electron. |
It symbolizes the furthest point he reached in his second voyage of discovery, undertaken on behalf of King João II, to find a sea route to India by circumnavigating Africa. |
The timelessly contemporary case accommodates the manually wound caliber 215 PS movement with small seconds. It proudly displays the coveted Geneva Seal that symbolizes the ultimate in craftsmanship. |
He explains how The Man With Two Hats symbolizes many dualities. |
An instrument usually symbolizes a music, and like guitar stands for rock musicians or loud bass for starving funk addicts, vibraphone seems to become post-rock's flagship instrument. |
Above it is the flag of the governor general as it was in 1952. Over it, the Royal Cypher symbolizes the role of the governor general as Her Majesty's representative in Canada. |
The raven symbolizes several additional diplomatic assets: dissimulating when necessary, playing tricks as needed, and speaking on behalf of or as someone else. |
It also symbolizes, the lumber industry, one of the original industries of the area and also the regreening efforts of the past quarter century, the effect of which will be most evident in this century. |
White, a colour that symbolizes innocence, is the traditional colour for baptismal clothes, which are often embroidered with flowers and trimmed with ribbon and lace. |
The passenger pigeon, once quite common in the area, notably on nearby Île-aux-Tourtes, symbolizes the municipality's duty to remember and its concern for preserving its territory for future generations. |
East also symbolizes the Garden of Eden that was situated at the east. |
The worship of the Eastern churches symbolizes the heavenly worship. |
The program kicks off in January with kumquats, an edible fruit that closely resembles an orange and which symbolizes good luck in China and other Asian countries. |
Unfortunately Mugabe who symbolizes the political leadership, was not ready to read his political obsequies or was he just abstrusely stubborn to make a paradigm shift. |
The Peace Arch symbolizes a long history of peace between the two nations. |