A space station is a biosphere that provides basic human needs to sustain life. |
Let us defend and sustain one of our time-honored institutions against the attack of a weak and effete generation. |
Civilization rarely penetrates far into the sandy and stony depths of the desert, for there is little to sustain it in the barren reaches. |
The bank has also helped set up a community-owned butcher in the town, sustain a local abattoir and buy a dolphin-watch boat. |
It is difficult to foster and feed the kind of balanced, equal relationship that can sustain us into the future. |
This non sequitur is even harder to sustain when considering the Asian minority, a minority that has had its own historical hardships. |
How can majoritarian politics durably sustain policies harmful to majority interests? |
Even if the sheet is thick enough to sustain tapping, it may actually be more economical to use self-clinching fasteners with gaugeable threads. |
If the directors, scenarists, producers and major artistes make a firm resolve only to do quality films in future, they can sustain this trend. |
The speaker's words mirror that disorder, the inability to sustain coherent thought, dwindling to glossolalia. |
It is possible to think of a number of ways in which reciprocity might sustain medical altruism. |
Halloween isn't a film that requires gory entrails and jets of blood bathing the lens to sustain interest or tension. |
Parents sustain themselves during incubation on energy stored as body fat and lipid-rich stomach oil in the proventriculus. |
To sustain this kind of stamina, they are exquisitely adapted to the rarefied mountain air of their high-altitude stomping grounds. |
Only in very special circumstances could either castle or bourg flourish in the absence of nearby manors to sustain them. |
What Jones has discovered is that we have to work harder and harder to sustain growth through innovation. |
However in hard economic times Irish emigrants had sent remittances home to sustain their families in Ireland. |
The paramilitaries by unspoken agreement, sustain each other's existence and excesses. |
Corn is a heavy nitrogen depleter and requires extensive fertilization to sustain it. |
For the first time, we are hearing of fresh concepts and ideas that will sustain a new system of governance. |
My temperament is equal parts nester and quester, but I need the former in order to sustain the latter. |
Hot dogs and bug juice may be necessary to sustain life, but physical comforts are an essential ingredient to sustain emotional health. |
Athlete behavior is meant to be exemplary and virtuous and sustain the rags to riches myths of successful sports stars from humble origins. |
I concluded that the economy is not designed to sustain the profitability of agriculture. |
To sustain economic growth, and global competitiveness Singapore needs to constantly renew and upgrade its workforce. |
On the one hand, it was a powerful tool to enhance or sustain personal and corporate power, wealth, and status. |
To sustain operational tempo in the near term, spare parts are cannibalized from working equipment. |
Unlike the Pyrrhonists, however, whose aim is to sustain antinomies, Bayle tries to resolve them. |
We saw Army forces deploying from operational depth and are looking at new ways to sustain these forces in a highly mobile, changing environment. |
It sought to ascertain the elastic limit, or maximum stress that such materials could sustain without damage. |
How long can we sustain the environmental and social degradation that consumer culture perpetuates? |
Many investors were hoping for the Goldilocks scenario of just enough growth to sustain earning but not enough to stir inflation. |
The ouroboros eats its own tail to sustain its life, in an eternal cycle of renewal. |
The most complicated process was the process of getting enough uranium to sustain a chain reaction. |
Include steak, lean ground beef or roast beef in two of your five or six daily meals to sustain testosterone levels. |
The fuel to sustain such commitment is in our theology and Christ's examples of charity and justice. |
He overreached himself, living out the image of a global media tycoon without the substance to sustain it. |
The surplus is stored away in the honeycomb to sustain the bees throughout the flowerless months of autumn and winter. |
Be sure to bring enough food and water to sustain oneself and wear suitable rainproof clothing. |
The ideology that did most to sustain capitalism was humanism, the belief in man as the free, autonomous origin of history. |
Rhyme, in particular, lay on a major NE-trending fault and local igneous activity may have provided the energy to sustain the hot springs. |
The number-one reason most people sustain injury to the hip is due to muscle weakness or inflexibility. |
She did not sustain any serious damage in the Baltic Sea where the water is too cold for ship worms to survive. |
Did people in the inner circles of evangelical life utilize these alternative moral visions to sustain their support of secession and war? |
A division's ability to fight is based on its ability to sustain and replenish itself. |
In fact, I would be supportive of reasonable and proportionate measures to sustain and promote it. |
The risk was that he might not execute his dive properly and so sustain injury. |
And then the book tries to approach the idea that you need to permanently sustain that cycle of creative constructiveness. |
A capping and topsoil layer will then be used to cover the whole site to ensure containment of waste in the long term and to sustain vegetation. |
But the key error I see in the argument is about our ability to sustain containment over time. |
The typical suburban gardener won't sustain any real harm from these creatures and may benefit from their presence. |
The ennui among young Germans is such that couples cannot be bothered to procreate in numbers sufficient to sustain the population. |
Part of what will help sustain such arguments is a demonstration that our programs are responding to the students who populate our institutions. |
Yet most analysts of the Indonesian economy agree that a consumption rally alone can't sustain recovery. |
The motive is to destroy all those in the south who might threaten the oil revenues that sustain the regime's grip. |
For almost three decades he has helped to build and sustain a transnational epistemic community dedicated to the study of the diaspora. |
I expect that the traditional qualities of the Australian digger, resolve, strength and compassion, will sustain us in the testing days to come. |
If distractedness breeds emotional turmoil, the ability to sustain our gaze, to keep looking, can bring greater clarity and insight. |
This could sustain the German market even if global demand wanes or the euro rises again. |
Particular groups of senior managers re-aligned in order to sustain their power base. |
Erik told them that such a meal if eaten regularly could sustain them across even the most arid and desolate lands. |
We have ample sunshine in Australia and 10 minutes outdoors is enough to sustain vitamin D levels. |
From a production standpoint, the album is crisp enough to sustain the songs, yet lacking just enough fidelity to complement his ragged delivery. |
With any luck, they'll be able to sustain this level of quality when the gang end up in Arizona. |
Critical mass is the minimum mass of fissionable material required to sustain a nuclear fission reaction. |
These invertebrates provide food that sustain both resident and migrating birds. |
The residual income derived from these investments would be enough to comfortably sustain me for the rest of my life. |
It is also precisely what we need to sustain us during our sojourn in the groves of Academe. |
The elaborate subterfuge is often ingenious, but not enough to sustain an entire movie. |
There is nothing here that controverts a finding which is the barest minimum finding to sustain the charge. |
The Filipino operational center of gravity was the ability to sustain its force of 100,000 irregulars in the field. |
But requirements should be changed over time to make them more meaningful to executives if initial levels don't sustain their attention. |
Previously, through coppicing and replanting, estates were able to sustain their timber supplies into the indefinite future. |
Even marginally warmer seas will bleach, and then kill, coral reefs, which sustain the greater part of marine biodiversity. |
Only a very strong, perhaps only a globally dominant, power can sustain informal empire in the long run. |
But Daley couldn't sustain his efforts, and never developed a permanent, salary-earning career as a journeyman writer. |
In the first, navigable waterways fueled endless migrations and the resources to sustain human ingress. |
Among persons that continued to sustain arrests in Manhattan, both licit and illicit substance use tended to persist throughout mid-life. |
Ample food and a couple of flasks of coffee or tea are also a good idea to sustain the inner man during the long periods afloat. |
Staff may sustain serious injury if loose equipment is dislodged during a journey, or while loading the transport systems. |
The court ruled that the bureau can release water from its dams and reservoirs when needed to sustain silvery minnows and the dying river. |
They settled in coulees and river valleys where permanent water and wild hay grew and could sustain them year-round. |
When the evidence came to the select committee, he found that it did not sustain his fond beliefs. |
While there is jockeying for control among these clans, the overall effect is for them to sustain one another in power. |
Mother did not sustain any serious injury and the assertion of mild concussion is over-stated. |
However, the actors are able to sustain the trials of the text without losing momentum. |
The Predators still didn't sustain much damage, and soon all three Nemesis-class battleships were shieldless. |
We need to sustain a coalition of nations that cooperates bilaterally and multilaterally with us in the counter terrorism mission. |
Set against estimates of the infrastructure needed to sustain GDP growth at about 8 per cent, the sum is trifling. |
But the resources necessary to sustain that increase could be multiplied only arithmetically, adding only a fixed amount every year. |
Amidst this unnerving display of journalistic cussedness, some Gujarati newspapers tried hard to sustain professional standards. |
Belted occupants sustain an impact from the unbelted person next to them. |
This multiculti crew of increasingly self-defined individuals allows the series to poke into a variety of plot-corners, as well as sustain extended arcs. |
The calories sustain guests who spend inordinate amounts of time outside, particularly at night, when the northern lights are out. |
Throughout her career she helped sustain medical interest in mycology. |
A cessation of hostilities will be impossible to sustain without a political process, he added. |
Though books never really went out of circulation, the stores in the past couple of years have innovated a new marketing strategy to invite and sustain the readers. |
Chippenham Town are currently 16th in the premier division of the Dr Martens League and are hoping to sustain their playoff push over their five remaining games of the season. |
It just can't sustain a momentum that is completely unmodulated. |
Perhaps the extension has gone too far and at least a pause or corrective action is required to sustain longer-term bullish market health. |
The World Wildlife Fund has released a report that assesses our ecological footprint, or the amount of productive land and sea needed to sustain current lifestyles. |
So Nollywood burns bright and threatens to use up all the oxygen that the Ghanaians and others across Africa need to sustain their own film cultures. |
If you love what you do, it will sustain you when you get a disappointing grade on your math test, get cut from the hockey team or don't get the audition callback. |
Meanwhile, strong octave Bs in the bass, along with the lengthy pedals necessary to sustain them, create the tremendous resonance this passage requires. |
Goffman successfully shows that all members of society employ complex repertoires of interaction skills to control and sustain ongoing social relations. |
As a consequence, these muscles sustain a pull at their ends: the lower end of the cervical segment and the upper end of the lumbar segment. |
The fact that aphids can ingest and egest for fairly long times with no interruptions, supports the idea that these vectors can sustain positive or negative pressure in the precibarial pump. |
However, he was basically outworked and couldn't sustain any offense. |
Do you think that there is enough support to sustain the exploration? |
The infotech sector in the country is expected to sustain the momentum in the coming quarters as Indian IT firms enter new markets and gain business. |
The true figure is clearly not enough because so far on tour this Fijian side has looked promising in bursts but cannot sustain any threat throughout 80 minutes. |
Two to three weeks after a complete section of the spinal cord at Tl 3, cats can make plantigrade contact and sustain the weight of their hindquarters. |
Some of the carbon is given off as carbon dioxide gas, but much of it remains locked up in organic molecules that help sustain the rest of the food web. |
Mast cell degranulation releases vasoactive substances, including histamine, which sustain the reaction by depositing additional immune complexes. |
Solids can sustain both longitudinal and transverse waves because compressions can generate lateral distortions which may maintain transverse forces. |
When the synapses of these inhibitory neurons are blocked by drugs, the excitatory network can sustain a chain reaction leading to an epileptiform discharge. |
Yet you still desire to do your bit to sustain nature and to protect the environment and climate. |
This is to sustain the current low level and prevent a flare-up as a result of the risk factors. |
May God protect him and sustain through him the munificence of the people and of the country. |
A superior form of arginine designed to engorge your muscles with blood, improve nutrient delivery to muscle cells, and sustain whole body pumps. |
And finally, oxygen therapy given to sustain the lives of premature infants can cause retinopathy of prematurity, causing permanent vision loss or blindness. |
Everybody knew those levees were built to sustain a Category 2 at most. |
We cut the lead down to four, but we just could not sustain it enough to pull ahead. |
Without anyone actually making a policy choice to go that route, it would simply come about as a result of lack of money to sustain capabilities. |
I think quite a lot about how politicians manage to sustain themselves in their chosen profession, given its utter relentlessness. |
The impact caused the friend on watch on the Silver Challenger II to fall, sustain injuries, and to lose consciousness. |
To succeed where so many others fail, you must sustain the good habits that allowed you to lose the weight in the first place. |
That includes radical fringe groups that exploit the issue to raise the money they need to sustain their globe-trotting lifestyles. |
The main methods are tariffs and quotas to limit imports, plus production subsidies and export subsidies to sustain farm activity and disperse the output. |
We expect to sustain our legacy of strong organic and acquisitive growth as these markets continue to evolve. |
The pilot was not able to sustain height and the glider crash-landed on top of a wall several miles from its target, killing or injuring several of the men. |
Lattice girders stiffened the outside formwork in both vertical and horizontal directions so that it could sustain wind loads while being repositioned. |
Most women grew vegetable gardens primarily to sustain their families. |
Charisma is difficult to sustain and so tends to become routinized. |
One of the more attractive features of savings groups is that they quickly become independent and able to sustain themselves. |
Beckham, in contrast, is a galactico, a man around whose appearances television deals are struck and who has helped to sustain his club's global image and fame. |
We believe this level of reporting is within reach of most departments if they sustain steady progress. |
He did not sustain any immobilizing or incapacitating injuries during the crash. |
The impact forces were within the range of human survivability, and the decedents did not sustain any immobilizing or incapacitating injuries. |
The compact under multiculturalism is that each community within a society must have the freedom to sustain its own identity, traditions and culture. |
While some poets and commercial enterprises gamely attempted to sustain pastoralism, many predicted that the discourse of nostalgia would be met with cynicism. |
You could sustain a small war with the range of weaponry on sale. |
This will support Canada's beleaguered export sector and sustain the uptrend in commodity prices. |
The world has a real opportunity to rebuild Haiti better, we must sustain the outpour of support now and tomorrow. |
They will look down upon Dharma friends and sustain the special pride of being a special person. |
If we don't sustain it, we're going to be back here in five to ten years having just as much fervid and impassioned debate. |
Responsible decisions sustain and enhance the value of the environment we bequeath to future generations. |
May its vision and hope sustain us in our moments of darkness. |
We have made a choice and we would like to stick with it. However, we need to be able to sustain this level of investment in the years to come. |
To create and sustain change, school superintendents need to know their schools and the needs of their local communities. |
The man who claims his business would go to pieces without him, but is satisfied to let others throwaway life and youth to sustain that business. |
Indeed, if we are to sustain a high standard of living, all Canadians must be well versed in financial literacy, a language unto its own. |
In 1 Kings 19:4-8 we read how Elijah wanted to give up and die but God provided 'bread from heaven' to sustain him. |
Food and beverages are usually consumed by an average person to sustain or maintain life, to allay hunger or thirst, or for enjoyment. |
The larger purpose of the principles of an eventual arms trade treaty must be to promote and sustain international peace and security. |
However, integrated learning and a self-directed study approach will be advocated to maximize the learners' success and sustain their interest. |
A threenote sotto voce unison motif in the strings and an ornamented turn in the piano sustain the entire movement. |
Put in crude terms, the chances of individuals meeting up and procreating becomes just too infrequent to sustain the species. |
The management of a property will in many instances need to sustain intangible qualities through their tangible expressions. |
But this campaign helps sustain public acquiescence in a massacre of the welfare state. |
It was therefore vital to build and sustain solid financial markets in order to underpin financing for development. |
My mother is a businesswoman, and the little money she gets goes to sustain us. |
A winning team may pack the stadium, but you need that packed stadium to get top recruits and sustain victories. |
India was able to sustain its dynamic growth, though at a slightly slower pace than in comparably developed economies in the region. |
Although it makes no health claims, it is not drunk simply to sustain or maintain life, to allay thirst, or for enjoyment. |
Thomas Jefferson and James Madison believed that territorial expansion would sustain the egalitarian economic basis of republican political institutions. |
They avidly seek nectar from flowers to fuel their migration and to build up a critical fat reserve to sustain them through the winter. |
A gas hydrate sample synthesized in a Georgia Tech research lab from tetrahydrofuran can sustain a flame as gas is released from the structure during heating. |
This is a species that is proliferating and one that can sustain a hunt that is just that: It is sustainable. |
Patients were instructed to sustain their breath-hold if possible or to continue shallow breathing. |
The genetic diversity needed to sustain healthy food crops in the future, is contained today in the wild relatives of our cereals, pulses, fruit and vegetables. |
The rarefied atmosphere of the categorical imperative can seldom sustain life for long. |
In order to sustain public confidence, the conduct of auditors should be above suspicion and reproach. |
The wheelchair can sustain visibly undetectable damage as a result of a heavy collision or hard blow. |
What tax level does the ordinary family have to meet in order to sustain this ill-gotten bill? |
Watching out for one's own best interests does not create the internal cohesion needed to create and sustain effective reform practices. |
A cautionary note was provided regarding starting something without being able to sustain it. |
You are looking for skilled workers, you are looking for people to sustain the economy that is starting to rev up. |
The Release parameter specifies how long it should take for the sounds to drop from the sustain level to inaudibility. |
On the external level, worldwide activity is fated to remain healthy and it is expected to help sustain European exports. |
To sustain an airplane in the air it is enough that the lift be equal to the weight, but for an airplane take off the lift must be bigger than weight. |
A goodwill offering was expected but since these were relied upon to sustain the temple, it was unlikely that they were as voluntary as the officiators pretended. |
Through JCI Operation Hope, JCI Members can reach across the globe and donate funds to sustain the ongoing recovery of the nation. |
Can Kylie bear the weight of fantasy required to sustain such a role? |
Some of the worst damage a textile can sustain is caused by insects such as the dermestid beetle, or carpet beetle. |
The Association of American Railroads freight car design requirements are to sustain a compressive columnar load of at least 1Â million pounds. |
A nation simply cannot hope to sustain economic growth and alleviate poverty without a literate and numerate population. |
Thereafter, the parents will take eight to ten weeks to rear their young, before the new birds can sustain their own wellbeing. |
Yet how can anyone speak about the 'waters of life' if these waters can no longer sustain life? |
They have a rich history and have struggled against long odds to sustain their democracy. |
It's important to keep on exercising to sustain improvements. |
If you want the sustain pedal to be off when it is not pressed, make sure the pedal is not pressed when you power up. |
To sustain this thesis, this essay explores three interrelated issues. |
Important as the study of phenomena of this type obviously is, it must be recognized that pressure waves are born within domains that sustain the combustion reaction. |
The overarching objective of any policy on francophone immigration should be to sustain a viable francophone population in Canada as a whole. |
To keep things going, the partners must join forces to sustain a viable and functional committee. |
I have plugged a sustain pedal into my M-Audio keyboard, but it works the wrong way around. |
With so much to lose, inland waters must be managed not just for their supply of freshwater but also to sustain the abundant life within. |
This child might race around like a one-armed paperhanger, but could not possibly sustain the stock and bond markets on his or her own. |
Yet now we need banks to lend more to deserving customers to sustain recovery while simultaneously reducing their gargantuan size. |
Instead others sustain that the origins of the cognomen derives from an individual of short dimensions and very able. |
For example, foreigners are said to bring family values to a culture that cannot sustain them due to New-World mobilities, sexualities, materialisms, and freedoms. |
So many grouse-guzzling hen harriers thriving in the area meant the grouse population was reduced too far to sustain a commercial shoot. |
As a jury member I will receive a deeper understanding of the commitment that Solvay and its employees make to sustain innovation. |
That's lucky, because the works would be hard put to sustain interest otherwise. |
I too feel that we must do everything we can to sustain these small in-shore fishing fleets. |
Veterans' achievements and sacrifices in times of war, military conflict and peace have helped to shape and sustain our modern country. |
The Roundtable is pursuing tax incentives for increased equity investment and risk capital to help build and sustain capacity. |
The abundance and variety of life our ecosystems sustain are miracles of a breadth and depth that is nearly impossible to fathom. |
For the time being, concerns over energy supply and the ability to sustain economic growth around the world have been put off. |
Not a bad fraction of the desideratum, but one that will be hard to sustain in the face of the world's economic difficulties. |
At the same time, I called on the international community to provide the necessary support to sustain the current political momentum. |
But the question remains to know what well-being we wish to sustain exactly. |
National development protects and assists all citizens only when its goal is to nurture communities and the economies that sustain them. |
The Guide is a basic resource for individuals and organizations who wish to build, strengthen or sustain a network. |
It will also be important to sustain wage moderation, ensuring that the rate of unemployment in Luxembourg remains low. |
This guide also offers would-be leaders of change some advice about how to create and sustain this milieu. |
This is a forum which above all needs political leadership if we wish to sustain the opportunities that are opening up before us. |
The goal of space security should be to secure and sustain freedom in space for all. |
At least 50,000 families in the Andean highlands rely on herding alpaca for income and to sustain themselves. |
If the debtor is subsequently ordered to settle the debt, the judge will also sustain the claim for extrajudicial collection costs. |
A community-driven vision was created that chose to respond rather than manipulate the environment in order to sustain its standard of life. |
The media sometimes are used to build and sustain economic systems that serve acquisitiveness and greed. |
This somewhat portentous designation refers to the four provincial federations that are able to resource and sustain functioning offices and executive personnel. |
Many Spaniards, however, believed that their resources were being used to sustain a policy that was not in the country's interest. |
In the 2000s, only a few hard rock bands from the 1970s and 1980s managed to sustain highly successful recording careers. |
The Merchant Venturers aim to play an active role in education to help improve and sustain the quality of educational provision within Bristol. |
This, although the government believed it could sustain millions, instead could sustain very few. |
These constructs have survived for centuries, with no use of mortar to sustain them. |
Philippine waters also sustain the cultivation of pearls, crabs, and seaweeds. |
Yet at the same time the Republic had no other option than to sustain the imploding German Protestant forces financially. |
Agriculture has failed to keep pace with Nigeria's rapid population growth, and Nigeria now relies upon food imports to sustain itself. |
Fertile soils from weathered volcanic lavas have made it possible to sustain dense populations in the agriculturally productive highland areas. |
Scientists are often skeptical of scientific theories that rely on frequent, unsupported adjustments to sustain them. |
Older unburnt areas on their own appear unable to sustain a quokka population. |
To maintain relevance and sustain marketable skills, IT professionals must reskill and reskill and reskill. |
The officer in command of the Zurichers instantly marched to sustain the post. |
Dharma, according to Van Buitenen, is that which all existing beings must accept and respect to sustain harmony and order in the world. |
Studies show that cardiac blood flow provides sufficient O2 to sustain lipolytic pathways during dives, remedying their hypoxic challenge. |
These observations conclude that pup muscles are less able to sustain both aerobic ATP and anaerobic ATP production during dives than adults are. |
With better health care, the Inuit population grew too large to sustain itself solely by hunting. |
The latest innovation in irons, the Ultimate Autoclean with a self-cleaning soleplate, is helping to sustain demand, though sales have been held back by the steep fall in the American, Russian and Turkish markets. |
We strongly want to sustain our thousand days of resistance, the thousands of voices that are crying out from each corner of the world to give courage and spirit to our hopes. |
This could enable identification of a representative selection where protection, management and local community committees may all combine to sustain the forests. |
Providing an insight into the Secretariat's experience, she explained that it could not sustain the previous pace and that additional people needed to be found in order to maintain the quality of the first year's results. |
Any accident could result in damage to your bicycle, its components and, more importantly, could cause you or a bystander to sustain severe personal injury or even death. |
We need greater virtues to sustain good than evil fortune. |
In addition to helping manufacturers of substitute materials, they effectively sustain the lucrative asbestos removal industry, which takes advantage of the lack of distinction between friable insulation and asbestos cement. |
We should exert our full efforts to sustain this momentum. |
Furthermore, corporate ethics are the cornerstone of career satisfaction and managerial efficiency, since personal and corporate values must be in harmony to sustain individual commitment and motivation. |
Operating within an industry which requires data privacy compliancy to be met, drives the need to sustain a reliable, highly trusted and secure network. |
Knowing that completeness and exactness are two important factors in efficient work, the good worker develops the ability to sustain his interest until his task is completed. |
Stuff that will sustain you through whatever may happen. |
Because Kevin is so relentlessly average and because Malloy has thrown everything into making Kevin's averageness convincing, the story is sacrificed to sustain that limited perspective. |
We are moving away because the place where we are cannot sustain our continued inhabitance, especially for us small islands and atolls in the world. |
The First Nations we visited have a vision of their development and have begun to build the institutional arrangements that can sustain their economic activities. |
So, for example, the frequency of unkept appointments with social welfare workers is not, as welfare workers claim, a loss of the final points of reference but a sort of act of resistance in a bid to sustain an identity. |
However, this was also a period during which the industrial production system of western countries began to run out of steam and could no longer sustain the pace of productivity gains of past years. |
Medium to long-term challenge: Managing future oil receipts to fence off well-known resource curse effects, to promote the structural reform agenda to sustain private sector led growth and to strengthen economic governance. |
The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. |
The rest of parameters as silence and the sustain of the notes in the air also benefit from this filter but more dependently from the system in which it is inserted. |
To sustain this momentum, the Government established peace committees and enacted good neighborliness codes in the areas hosting and re-integrating the returnees. |
Eleven-person teams operate in four-hour shifts and sustain themselves on rationed freeze-dried food as they endure temperature swings from below freezing to 40 degrees centigrade, high winds and 10-meter waves. |
A basic element of the animistic belief system is that these souls must remain in harmony to sustain health. |
It takes a certain personality type to sustain working mobile. |
Linguistic duality is an important institutional framework for all Canadians to build and sustain a common bond with each other-from coast to coast to coast. |
The winds of change, with all the exciting experiences of joy and transformation raised the church to a level where the need to sustain the fire of evangelism became a permanent challenge. |
Our warranty states that our product will not crack, rot or delaminate, will not sustain a flame and will resist damage caused by hail or insects. |
No one had to be told of the domestic consequences that would follow if Canada could not sustain that productivity through exports abroad after the war. |
A strong agricultural community, based on the Perth clay plain, helped sustain the local economy as the lumber frontier moved farther up the Ottawa Valley. |
Although dance companies operate in a resource limited environment, the field should consider whether it can responsibly sustain an approach to career transition that ignores the problem and externalizes the costs. |
Though Camby is capable of being a loping, leaping force when he is healthy, he seems unable to sustain a semblance of salubrity for long periods of time. |
The european earth heritage, unknown and suffering from the escheat of construction and maintenance techniques, and the associated knowledge, is getting smaller each day, or sustain irreversible alterations. |
Can governance then hold fast and sustain it? |
Infants in their first year, who begin to learn to sustain attention and refrain from touching a prohibited toy, are likely to have effortful control at 22 months. |
To remedy matters healing processes were enacted which included the expurgation of bad sprits and evil, the isolation of factors which brought illness, and the appeasement and recognition of factors which sustain good health. |
A client who believes that a delay, mistake or bad condition of the goods will make him sustain a loss can threaten the company with whom they placed the order and request compensation. |
In this case there is also difficulty the Crown penalizing a firm that it has paid to set up and is prepared to subsidize in order to sustain production. |
As soon as they learned of the arrest of one of their number, they rallied round, organizing visits to the prison and arranging comforts of all sorts to sustain and hearten him. |
Mutual sustain moral and affective, profoundness. |
Serious concerns were also expressed about the lack of ability on the part of poor countries to sustain systems already put in place, especially those that provide prevention services. |
Everyone and everything is destined to reach fullness at the end of time, but for now, we have to bet on dynamics that generate and sustain this life. |
For the blessing the two assistants ascend the predella, and during the blessing they sustain the cope. they afterwards descend with the celebrant and kneel with him on the lowest step whilst the Divine Praises are said. |
Canada's armed forces should have been called out to assist in public protection when it was so obvious the RCMP did not have the personnel to sustain full guard duty. |
Is it just a place where people are gathering together to fraternize, or is it a place where they preach the Word of the Living God and where they sustain every single priciple for which Jesus-Christ died? |
Two sites will demonstrate approaches used on the Canadian prairies to rehabilitate denuded grasslands and sustain rangeland for livestock production. |
These efforts include reestablishment of civil administration, short-term and long-term economic development activity and infrastructure development to sustain economic progress. |
This will mean greater stringency in how we develop our people, sustain their employability and grow the capabilities of our high potential and high professional experts for current and future roles. |
Viewed by the Elizabethans as both a cause of and cure for melancholy, music thus played an important cultural role, serving both to sustain dark moods, but also to ennoble them and indeed even to heal them. |
We need to add fuel to our efforts and sustain our gains. |
Partial suppling up on export restrictions in Argentina, instated in 2006 in order to restrain inflation in the country, should sustain this expansion. |
Even if DND could cobble together an adequately equipped and militarily significant force right now, we would not have the resources to sustain it for a prolonged and indefinite period. |
On the other hand, key informants have argued that the amount of funding does not cover the needs in the academic world to sustain the social dialogue on labour issues. |
Given current economic pressures, that signal now needs to ring out loud and clear if we are to sustain the gathering pace of structural reform under the Lisbon agenda. |
For British and French leaders, the 1956 Suez fiasco and their crumbling empires drove them to clutch at nuclear deterrence to sustain their great power status and influence. |
Smallholder farmers, who make up the majority of the world's rural poor, often occupy marginal lands and rely on rainfall to sustain their livelihoods, making them particularly vulnerable to climate variability. |
Not only did the Mounties enforce the law to the benefit of all, but they also ensured that essential services were available to sustain the newcomers against the hardships of a frontier existence. |
In summary, we pay taxes to collectively support the public programs, services and infrastructure that were instituted to sustain our communities based on the values of fairness and social equality. |
A Carrack can sustain an incredible amount of damage, and 5 crew counters along with generous grapeshot ability should be enough to repel any assault. |
As a result of these combined handicaps, European manufacturers have been losing ground and are finding it difficult to sustain the levels of investment and innovation that are needed to remain competitive. |