This time it's child protection workers reporting children suffering suicidal thoughts, depression and disturbed behaviour. |
In a rural area, the local psychiatrist once refused my referral of an actively suicidal patient with major depression. |
Within a month I had gained more than 10 pounds, had no energy and felt so depressed I was nearly suicidal. |
In fact, depressed or suicidal adolescents may be those least likely to obtain help. |
Volunteer effort has produced a booklet to help young local people who are depressed or suicidal. |
It's believed he was depressed and suicidal over fears that rival loyalist inmates were targeting him for murder. |
He interprets the moment of suicidal hesitation as a Keatsian yearning for transcendence through death. |
The student studied hard and aced the class, but when Hewitt saw him afterward, he was even more depressed and suicidal than before. |
The elder of the two thought Dr William Kerr was the only man with the key to curing the depression that made her suicidal. |
Fifty years ago, almost all gay men and women were closeted, and often they felt guilty and depressed and suicidal. |
We depend on a drug to help our pain so that we don't get depressed and suicidal. |
Years of hatred and enmity were unleashed in the suicidal battle over Mongolia. |
After a miserable couple of years where his mood has swung from depressed to suicidal, he is starting to feel more like his old self. |
The most vulnerable detainees, particularly the young, become severely disturbed, depressed and suicidal. |
Throughout my campaign for Dixie's justice, I was plagued with depression and suicidal thoughts. |
That would involve surveying survivors and suicide prevention workers to create character sketches of people with suicidal tendencies. |
If agitation, anxiety or suicidal thinking appears, parents and therapists must take immediate action. |
Aside from the obvious depression accompanying suicidal ideation, there has to be a sense of panicked hopelessness. |
It had been claimed that paroxetine could induce agitation and lead to suicidal thoughts. |
Furthermore, not all persons who express suicidal intent are depressed, nor do they all necessarily want to end their lives. |
Among the children who have sought our help, there were victims of mental, physical and sexual abuse and also those with suicidal tendency. |
All risk factors need to be evaluated and I always ask depressed people directly about suicidal thoughts. |
The benefits of exercise are obvious, but can overexercising be a sign of depression or suicidal inclinations in young women? |
Health advisors are meeting for a second day to look into whether antidepressants increase suicidal tendencies in children. |
The reality is that suicidal behaviour is usually a last resort when the person feels that all else has failed. |
At 17, Olga had the world standing up and applauding, daring and innovative, she at times went in for near suicidal routines. |
Court documents and medical records indicate that she would say she was suicidal or that her father beat her, and then she would recant. |
The window had been screwed shut, presumably to stop people fulfilling any suicidal tendencies. |
The reality is, though, a lot of people with major depression have suicidal thoughts and quite a number of them actually take their own lives. |
There is some suggestive evidence that it causes some people to have suicidal thinking and some suicidal behavior. |
Learning difficulties, aggressive behaviour, suicidal tendencies and drug abuse are common after effects. |
This can naturally get any woman down, causing clinical depression and even suicidal rages against her own body. |
We slogged around looking for suicidal prairie dogs and learned that hills and gumbo can overcome the best four-wheel drive trucks. |
The suicidal Beatrice who is now ready to step intentionally in front of an oncoming car picks out a man across the street to focus her resolve. |
He became suicidal, despondent about the end of his boxing career and his disfigurement. |
There are millions just like them, inhabiting the depths of poverty and hopelessness, suicidal and desperate. |
Archibald, Gilchrist and Muir had an information storage and retrieval system which required the services of a suicidal steeplejack. |
There's a surreal one-liner about a suicidal subway train that's worthy of Woody Allen's best stand-up. |
No doubt a well-timed psychiatric referral of a suicidal patient can sometimes save a life. |
They tend to misperceive and underestimate the lethality of their suicidal behaviors. |
Some medical experts claim that a leukotomy can help treat anorexia and suicidal depression. |
Because alcohol affects emotional centers in the limbic system, alcoholics can become anxious, depressed and even suicidal. |
Nowadays, no sooner is an asylum built than it is filled with maniacs, suicidal melancholics, or senile dements in need of care and treatment. |
It's around 1 p.m. and all I've really done is watch TV, and get through a suicidal amount of coffee. |
When the opponent is another charging horse, the result would be almost suicidal. |
Clay had come to town with a challenge to Liston that was looked on as downright suicidal. |
Independence doesn't necessarily mean isolation, which would be suicidal in the present world situation. |
Or maybe he would prefer something along the lines of suicidal confessions of a mind bordering on death and raving lunacy. |
A year ago I arrived at her door sad, depressed, suicidal, and tormented by my demons. |
Playing high balls into the full forward line was a suicidal tactic and the changes that were made on the sideline were strange. |
It is a suicidal folly to condone, much less encourage, any anarchic agenda, overlooking its disruptiveness in the national context. |
The government has no democratic mandate to effect such a draconian, even suicidal, change of policy. |
Alabama's Republican Governor Bob Riley is either politically suicidal or the bravest chief executive in the country. |
Such scepticism seems especially relevant where suicidal terrorists are concerned. |
An implicit appeal to eugenics persuades the reader that the innate badness of the suicidal killer can be known just by looking. |
A car filled with insurgents raced up and seven heavily armed men poured out in a suicidal rush. |
Even if he decides to abandon them, a possibly suicidal move, he has not got the capacity to capture the Rwandan rebels. |
A few miles up the track lies Mt Austen, where the Japanese defended their most important command post with suicidal banzai counter-attacks. |
She was listless, helpless, but not suicidal, and used cocaine sporadically. |
So try to forget the details of the life, the speculation of suicidal intent, his eventual fashionableness, forget all of it. |
Ovitz is now a spent force in Hollywood, having travelled from hubris to nemesis in just five years and two suicidal career moves. |
She concluded Aliah was suicidal but did not hospitalize her, referring her instead to an emergency clinic for further evaluation. |
The most common symptoms include feelings of anhedonia, guilt and suicidal ideation. |
The fact that a new open source competitor called Wordpress is looking really good has to mean that this is a suicidal marketing move. |
Aggressive or belligerent behavior would have undermined the objectives of the expedition and could well have proved suicidal. |
This thought makes some of us suicidal and homicidal, which is why it's good the month ends in the State Fair. |
It seems that sheeple have a suicidal tendency to roll over at the least sign of danger and surrender their liberties willingly. |
Despite some potentially suicidal defending from Celtic, Hibs failed to pull the game back. |
Depression causes anhedonia, self reproach, suicidal ideation, and indecisiveness. |
However, mystery still surrounds his death as his diary revealed no suicidal thoughts and he did not leave a suicide note. |
When generations of suffering respond with bombs, suicidal attacks, and biological warfare, who first developed these weapons? |
None of the other prisoners thought he showed any sign of being suicidal, although he was quieter on the night before his death. |
To attempt breaching the confines of the installation this way was suicidal. |
Set in a skid row hotel, Vacancy focuses on the chance meeting of a suicidal young punk and a garrulous tavern lifer. |
He admired her determination, but thought her survival tactics were a bit suicidal at times. |
An alcoholic and suicidal ad executive finds himself in a dive where a sleek girl in yellow is the cynosure of all the rowdy dancers. |
The crux of the film is how this doubting pastor can convince a suicidal man that God is there, and will protect him. |
But, once he stopped taking his medication, he didn't simply become unhinged or retreat into suicidal illness. |
According to NACRO, Joseph lived an unsettled childhood and exhibited clear signs of depression and suicidal thoughts. |
Pedestrians started walking across main roads without queuing at crossing points, a move that could normally be suicidal. |
Since then, no party has dared to get involved in family planning work, considering it politically suicidal. |
At a time which promised financial abundance and security we find ourselves, depressed, stressed, suicidal, darker and heavier than ever before. |
These open meetings are for people who are suicidal or suffering from depression, panic attacks, shyness, etc and it is anonymous. |
Like all industry chiefs, Oxburgh has a blind spot that conveniently overlooks how state-corporate power is relentlessly feeding a suicidal system of globalisation. |
Only someone already painfully unable to deal with abstraction would draw such a suicidal conclusion. |
Aubrey Lee Price disappeared in 2012, allegedly suicidal over the millions he was found to have embezzled from his banking job. |
The German Panzers fought with suicidal ferocity, storming the hill until it was rimmed with a bulwark of bodies. |
In a study of high school students enrolled in a California bilingual program, acculturative stress was significantly associated with both depression and suicidal ideation. |
But if there is something suicidal in Woolf's emotional attraction to this kind of loss of self, there is also something deeply readerly about it. |
She says one of her depressive swings left her suicidal during her freshman year. |
Twin and adoption studies have revealed that a disposition toward suicidal behavior is partially heritable. |
Recognizing those triggers or releasers of renewed suicidal urges that are present in your life will help you to understand when it happens and, that it can be reversed. |
I don't really think that Tom is suicidal, but I am concerned that he may have resolved on some form of action without thinking through all the consequences. |
Towards the end of Long Weekend, Marcia decides to opt out of Peter's suicidal scenario for toughing it out against Nature, and roars off alone in the van. |
Earlier this year, Seattle rapper freddy E live-tweeted his suicidal thoughts before apparently shooting himself dead. |
He's chronically depressed, sometimes suicidal, and a loose cannon. |
I wonder whether the woman seeking an organisation to join has considered joining the Samaritans and helping those who are depressed, lonely, anxious or suicidal. |
His wife, Khudeija, reportedly talked him out of his suicidal intention. |
At Stanford, so the story goes, he talked a suicidal student down from a roof. |
In Swaziland, girls who experienced violence were also at greater risk for alcohol abuse, depression and suicidal thoughts. |
Too many Colony kids ended up on drugs, in suicidal attempts, and with underachieved lives. |
He is a total basket case, almost suicidal and drinking heavily. |
His characters are prone to self-loathing and suicidal feelings. |
Can two suicidal Turkish Germans living in Hamburg find happiness together, or at least a reason to live, by entering into a sham marriage so she can sleep around? |
It would be suicidal to defy the central bank in shorting the bond market. |
We are issuing a brief reminder that reporting specific details about the method a person uses for suicide can be very triggering for others experiencing suicidal thoughts. |
Secondly, information on the efficacy of intervention from psychiatric services in reducing suicidal ideation and associated mental illness is unestablished. |
He condemned Brooke Shields for taking Paxil to treat her suicidal, post-partum depression. |
So when he became depressed and suicidal, it was not out of self-pity. |
Everyone in it is depressed and suicidal, even the kids are pretty morbid. |
Trevor, depressed and suicidal, blames Dave for his demise, but is persuaded to work at the Garage and soon becomes the best car salesman in town. |
There is also the risk of liver tumors, kidney damage, strokes, heart disease, and a change in personality that can lead to violence and suicidal tendencies. |
Any tendency toward suicidal impulse must be carefully evaluated as well. |
For many years I had suffered from depression and suicidal urges. |
Mr. Fitzwilliam said he monitored his wife's mood swings during her treatment on Prozac and believes that it caused suicidal urges which eventually led to her death. |
Hugo, who had intended to join his wife, Ida, in Naples but was not welcomed by her, returned to Weimar to spend a winter in a state of suicidal depression. |
Sacrificing the rook is suicidal and effectively throws away the game. |
He got there in the penultimate over from Fleming but two balls later he pushed to David Fulton at mid-off and was run out attempting a suicidal single. |
For U.S. readers, the galah is a colourful Australian parrot that has become a byword for stupidity because of its suicidal behaviour on some occasions. |
How can the story of a mentally defective kleptomaniac, a bookish nympho, a crippled FBI agent and a suicidal millionaire's son add up to anything but trouble? |
The Rat Man's guilt, arising from these oedipally murderous feelings, led him to deflect his hostility onto himself in the form of suicidal thoughts. |
We're very excited with the opportunity to base a game on this time period when pilots were counted on to perform heroic and often suicidal deeds. |
I assure you that any reasonable and thinking person reading this contretemps of lazy writing and outright stupidity may just harbor suicidal thoughts. |
Dr Page confirmed that the switch in drugs could cause increased anxiety, and that there had been press reports about the drug increasing suicidal tendencies. |
Although some aspects of suicidal behaviour might be interpreted as rational, the behaviour is contrary to basic biological principles of survival. |
This phenomenon is similar to suicidal defense against phage infection, or phage exclusion, programmed by prophages and plasmids, and may well play a similar role. |
Admittedly, these flights each followed bouts of suicidal despair. |
But Pollack says suicidal tendencies are not among the irrationalities of the Iranian leadership, who are not ''insane millenarians. |
The celebrated garden in which suicidal gamblers used to put an end to their troubles was overgrown with mesembryanthemum. |
We want no more suicidal women poets, no more suicidal women, no more self-destructiveness as the sole form of violence permitted to women. |
Call Handlers are regularly faced with calls for service where a person is feeling suicidal and has called the police for help. |
Strife today is also created. It generates because it is wished, giving expressions to paramaniac and suicidal tendencies in us. |
The bed was presented as it had been when she had stayed in it for several days, feeling suicidal because of relationship difficulties. |
Did I mention I volunteer at a squirrel-cide hotline? I talk suicidal squirrels off the ledge. |
While uncommon, cluster headache is a neurological disorder with excruciating pain that sometimes leads to suicidal thinking. |
To operate in the open desert without air supremacy proved to be suicidal for the Egyptian forces in the Sinai. |
Many, refusing to be part of a naval offensive, which they believed to be suicidal, rebelled and were arrested. |
At least that seems to be the general consensus of a phone-in I had the suicidal misfortune of tuning into last week. |
Neurocognition and suicidal behaviour in an Irish population with major psychotic disorders. |
Alex stated she is not suicidal nor does she want to hurt herself. |
Suicidal Behavior and Ideation Antiepileptic drugs, including FYCOMPA, increase the risk of suicidal thoughts or behavior in patients. |
What are not rare are feelings of inadequacy and even suicidal despair. |
From the matrixial angle, matricidal phantasy is akin to suicidal phantasy. |
Thus, the motives and psychodynamics of a potential suicidal act may provide clues to the choice of method for suicide. |
In the next few years, while Celtic continued with their suicidal youth policy, Stein made bricks without straw at Dunfermline. |
Many were despondent or even suicidal when they first arrived. |
Active suicidal ideators were defined as people who were seriously thinking, planning, or wishing to commit suicide. |
What's more, leaving Ms Hart on the backbenches would be perhaps the most suicidal act the new leader could commit. |
Wednesday, police received a report of a suicidal man who had left his home on Woodstone Place on foot. |
After losing his job, his wife, and his leg in a single week, he became suicidal. |
He knows that supporting a tax increase would be politically suicidal. |
He had roller-coasterish mood swings and would disappear for a few days at a time, isolating himself, feeling suicidal. |
But despite this suicidal behavior, the attacker was still held fully responsible for murder. |
Any assault on the Inca armies overlooking the valley would have been suicidal. |
Although the general public has held a stereotype of heavy metal fans being suicidal, depressed and a danger to themselves and society in general. |
His wife, Marta, will also appear in the production as Lady Rumpers, and RMT medical specialist partner Mike Gilbert plays the suicidal Mr Purdue. |
Hamlet is suicidal in the first soliloquy not because his mother quickly remarries but because of her adulterous affair with the despised Claudius which makes Hamlet his son. |
The study found that men from divorced families had more than 3 times the odds of suicidal ideation in comparison to men whose parents had not divorced. |
The Mourning After brings you a shiversome story from a suicidal teenager. |
His final stunt was to be a dangerous swim through the Whirlpool Rapids on the Niagara River below Niagara Falls, a feat many observers considered suicidal. |
Joiner's terminology, an individual must simultaneously experience thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness, which together generate suicidal ideation. |
Iona Carbarns as his distressed, near suicidal daughter, and Anne Marie Timoney as the meddlesome, man-hating therapist with a dark secret also make a strong impression. |
Their apparently suicidal mindlessness is clearly the result of bodily regimentation and psychic allegiance manifested as the groupthink of military order. |
The erythrophobia and the suicidal obsession, which did not yield to the influence of hypnotic suggestion, entirely disappeared and sank at once into the background. |
The Tories would not be so suicidal as to denationalise them. |
In a new meta-analysis, researchers explored how peer victimization is related to an increased chance of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among children and adolescents. |
A poignant, suspenseful memoir about the author's search for his suicidal twin brother, who in his late 20s mysteriously disappeared from Manhattan. |