But it is important to note that substantive discussions of issues rarely entered into Five Points political contests. |
Where they got the law from, and how they did it, is the whole story of the emergence of substantive common law. |
But I don't see how either of those substantive views I hold counts as a basis for recusing Justice Scalia. |
This concept is manifested in two substantive requirements for the specification and claims. |
I'm feeling abnormally pessimistic about the absurd lack of substantive leadership we are receiving. |
As your Honours have seen the substantive provision of the Act is one which uses the abstract noun. |
If farmers are adhering to good farming practices, as most of them are, then there will not be any substantive change. |
This process argument is distinct from the substantive argument about whether peer-review reduces the amount of junk in law reviews. |
If the substantive law of security could be more rational, so too could the terminology. |
Rather it will remain as an empty shell of formal jurisdiction, without any substantive reality. |
They are based on the false assumption that the substantive offence requires proof of a fact that life is endangered. |
There has been no shortage of reflection on the substantive nature of the post-Cold War order. |
Although permission was refused on some grounds, the case did proceed to a substantive hearing. |
A seemingly prolibertarian procedural rule may thus lead the law to develop in antilibertarian substantive directions. |
India's fear that substantive negotiations will reopen the state's accession to India is unreal. |
Moreover, it is not my role to challenge the legality of every substantive decision on the part of the Council. |
Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the arbitral tribunal may rule on its own substantive jurisdiction. |
By cloaking these characters with so many layers of artificiality, the movie kills any chance that we will see them as substantive. |
In so far as it was concerned with substantive law, it was mainly concerned with the law of war. |
He should heed his own statement from today and save his breath until he has something substantive to say. |
It's refreshing also to see Posey grab hold of a role like this, seeing as she hasn't had anything substantive to sink her talents into of late. |
Early medieval Latin also allowed for the possibility of a dependent substantive clause with finite verb and subject in the nominative case. |
Criminality and punishment beatings were only adjuncts to the substantive talks in December. |
Will we become sensationalists, or will we become intellectuals supported by listening to mentors and by producing substantive work? |
What philosophy was to provide was the means to substantive methodological self-reflection. |
Thank you all for the notification of the various typos that occurred in the draft and one or two more substantive suggestions. |
We must note that the substantive role of the senators is to protect the national interest. |
Finally, although many had strong political beliefs, they did not see themselves as upholders of any particular substantive political orthodoxy. |
There were several breakout hits, films that commanded both critical kudos and broad audience appeal, assuring substantive box-office numbers. |
We ought to, obviously, solicit the views of the other commissioners on any major substantive issue. |
This effort is the burden of his most substantive work to date, Theology and Social Theory. |
If one focuses on what those interests are, in my submission, they are substantive legal interests. |
Both sides agreed to negotiate further, the first substantive talks since the stare-down began several weeks ago. |
Rather than substantive debate, political leaders are still adhering to a failed strategy of spite, obstruction, and conspiracy theories. |
But beyond the collection of curiosities and oddments, nothing extensive or substantive remains from what he said. |
We could not approach industry for substantive new funding with the minister's initiative in the offing. |
The substantive motion was then voted on, and carried by a massive majority. |
There is not too much substantive legislation on the stocks that has lasted for that period of time. |
Jack, a man she meets in the striptease parlor where she works, is more substantive. |
On the Internet Napster and MP3.com have so eloquently proven that he who hesitates is lost even in face of substantive adverse legal findings. |
Even though the Queen is the titular head of the government, her role is more ceremonial than substantive. |
Its subject matter appears to be procedural and evidential rather than substantive. |
This phenomenon is not based on ideological considerations or substantive issues of national concern. |
His recuperative perception, in other words, is the substantive basis of a dramatic engagement. |
Parties are unstable and hard to distinguish on the basis of substantive issues. |
These similar trajectories, however, mask important substantive distinctions. |
I instinctively like empowering political interest groups, which despite their flaws do articulate important substantive visions. |
Yes I think decision making institutional issues are far more important than substantive reforms. |
If the Government is committed to meaningful and substantive talks they have to show that. |
Elections are not the sole gauge of democracy, but they are, of course, important, substantive milestones. |
Choice likewise provides a substantive basis for parental and student buy-in. |
Hence, if there is no valid or substantive argument on the basis of the application itself, there can be no grant of an exemption. |
And now it's time for the White House to help bring the parties together to get real, meaningful, substantive tax relief done. |
Nothing has a substantive existence apart from everything else and exists only in the context of everything else. |
Temporary promotion to the higher rank is for specified period and limited to one rank higher than the member's substantive rank. |
In many cases they could not have been appointed to a substantive NHS post. |
We believe that before any British troops are involved in military action there should be a substantive motion and a vote in parliament. |
The European Parliament should be lobbied for more concrete and substantive resolutions that are beneficial to Taiwan. |
But even apart from the reactionary content of their politics, the dearth of substantive analysis brands them as charlatans and imposters. |
I don't think I'm oversensitive to interpret your comments as saying my work is devoid of substantive content. |
We need to develop substantive policies that consider both civil liberty and public health protection as equally valued national priorities. |
Isn't privacy analysis based on substantive due process an example of illegitimate, activist judicial review? |
Insights from a number of different theories will be drawn upon to give meaning and coherence in the substantive sections. |
And with that simple revelation somehow all art was transformed from the imitative and derivative to the wholly substantive. |
We must therefore always be aware of the substantive issues that come before the Court. |
This latter task is to comprehend and interpret the substantive topic under study. |
A revised Plan Colombia must be directed toward substantive, flexible, and pragmatic peace negotiations with the insurgent groups. |
This type of work can range from copyreading a text for flow and proper grammar to substantive editing. |
The present research was designed to explore substantive issues relating to levels of burnout among New Zealand primary school teachers. |
All too often we see positivism written about as if it is a substantive theory of human behavior, which it is not. |
She defended the common-sense fact that substantive adherence to the law requires the Court to avoid an absurdly formalistic approach. |
The defendant has entered a substantive defence pleading justification and qualified privilege. |
As substantive policy issues become more difficult to explore, journalists are more likely to probe such information. |
And you do not defend bigots by attacking people who refuse to listen to bigotry pretending to be substantive discussion. |
Good substantive arguments, which are only delegitimized by the overheated and irrational introduction. |
He raised substantive issues and demonstrated a strong desire to get involved in the public government system. |
The previous chapter discussed the substantive law that governs malpractice cases. |
This group continues to make assertions without grounds or substantive proof. |
There are no ellipses or brackets indicating that substantive edits have been made to the interview transcript. |
Rumors of dirty dealings had always clung to him, but Nixon had always managed to keep substantive proof of corruption out of the media. |
Compositors often introduced changes in spelling and punctuation, and sometimes made substantive emendations as well. |
In Mexico however they entered my life once again in a more substantive way. |
To the best of our knowledge, the taxonomy of motivational domains above has not yet been tested empirically as a gestalt, through a substantive sample of emigrants. |
This imbroglio is emblematic of the mainline's difficulty with articulating a substantive vision of family life and family ministry in recent decades. |
In that time, we have had no substantive policy change, no sustained national movement, no turning of the page. |
Greer never recounts Crist actually governing or even engaging in any kind of substantive policy battles. |
They still just distract us from generally more substantive topics in need of our attention. |
This is in addition to the campaign we launched in August 2001 to recruit consultants and general practitioners from around the world into substantive posts. |
Monday, while the Washington Post front-paged a major substantive article about Clarke's charges, the New York Times buried its coverage of the subject on a back page. |
Although these articles together make an important substantive contribution to this new understanding, they certainly do not constitute the last word on the subject. |
While the anecdotes and inside jokes are enjoyable enough, the banter does wear a bit thin and listeners are left wishing for more substantive comments. |
Other presumptions, including irrebuttable presumptions of law, such as the age of criminal liability, belong more properly to the substantive law. |
Her substantive and entertaining synopsis of classical references to Druids should serve both as an introduction to laymen and a useful refresher for Celticists. |
Nothing short of substantive and meaningful improvement in the material well being of ordinary South Africans will overturn this tide of distrust and scepticism. |
In such a case he is in the same position as a party to arbitral proceedings who challenges an award on the ground that there was no substantive jurisdiction. |
The study was still undergoing substantive editing in order to incorporate the suggestions of the lawyers and public policy analysts who reviewed its preliminary drafts. |
Offices within the Central Intelligence Agency have been very proactive in the expanded use of outside substantive experts to generate and test analytic assumptions. |
The court may, on the application of a party to arbitral proceedings, determine any question as to the substantive jurisdiction of the tribunal as a preliminary point. |
He softened the rhetoric here and there, but if you decode his substantive words, he said nothing new. |
In general, however, since the Preamble does not create obligations, it is notably more ecocentric than the substantive articles, which reflect more anthropocentric concerns. |
This, and only this, is the key to driving real, substantive change in America. |
Now, blog posts can be substantive, and I think I've written plenty of wonky blog posts about tax policy in particular. |
Let your substantive argument, not pejorative adjectives, do the job. |
Healthcheck encourages distrust of medical professionals, and the lack of substantive evidence in many of its reports muddies the issues at stake. |
Grover also claims that truth is not a substantive or naturalistic property, but this claim is compatible with truth being an insubstantial or nonnaturalistic property. |
These are reactive, not proactive, stances, and they do little to offer substantive solutions. |
The rancor between de Blasio and Moskowitz has at least some roots in substantive education policy disagreements. |
If pop music, as a genre, has a tragic flaw, it is that despite its placement across time, it does not provide any substantive narrative, replacing it instead with repetition. |
No other land is in sight, only an ocean without end and its own billowy breath rising as cumulus clouds that seem far more substantive than the tiny landforms below. |
In all this, the Army's position remains that there is a need to maintain a substantive Legacy Force in order to hedge against such uncertainties. |
Only substantive civil laws can be operated retrospectively, if the statute specifically prescribes it or there exists large interest of the public as a whole. |
Some students of the media have developed a notion of the game schema model, where tactics and strategy are now more important than substantive issues. |
Because of the hybrid nature of the elements, the imagery on these pieces has often been characterized as decorative and dismissed as lacking substantive meaning. |
Nearly every letter on alternative energy drew a substantive reply from him or his aides. |
We have learned to see photographs, not so much as substantive objects, but as flat, dimensionless, even transparent windows that give view to other places and times. |
It constituted the first important dialogue on substantive nuclear issues between the two self-declared de facto nuclear weapon powers of the world. |
The submission there is that one needs primary statutory backing before a power to make procedural rules can affect substantive limitation periods. |
The whole thing is a substantive sop to the GOP right wing wrapped in a prettier package. |
This fact was underscored by the failure of the recent climate talks in Doha to achieve any substantive deal. |
Not all dyes need mordants to help them adhere to fabric. If they need no mordants, such as lichens and walnut hulls, they are called substantive dyes. |
Nonetheless, the methodology to which these elisions point has substantive implications. |
Governments of Quebec, federalist and sovereignist alike, have generally not adopted substantive positions with respect to reform of the Senate. |
Western leaders wrung their hands but took no substantive action. |
Take this terse evasion of offering anything substantive, for example. |
Few writers are able to demythologize historical icons while retaining a substantive empathy for their subj ect's humanity and achievement. |
Frick's evidence derives from substantive archival searches and from diaristic accounts of the period. |
However, there are also difficulties with the comparative approach, some of the substantive arguments, and the choice of periodisation. |
I found Tonya's speech heavy in Coulterisms but lacking in substantive arguments. |
The change to Old English from Old Norse was substantive, pervasive, and of a democratic character. |
The Huguenots were unable to win a substantive victory, but were able to keep an army in the field. |
This was Burke's first call for substantive change regarding imperial practices. |
In political theory, sovereignty is a substantive term designating supreme authority over some polity. |
Both substantive and procedural limitations are enforceable in the Courts by judicial review. |
Under Article 27 of the UN Charter, Security Council decisions on all substantive matters require the affirmative votes of nine members. |
In addition to these substantive requirements the derogation must be procedurally sound. |
Conceptually, civil law proceeds from abstractions, formulates general principles, and distinguishes substantive rules from procedural rules. |
The latter also suggests more substantive borrowing from Brehon Law into canon law. |
In addition to substantive law, other legal aspects appear in both, such as the propensity towards use of analogy. |
The procedure was based on that of the civil law, but the substantive law was recognised to be English, and peculiar to the Court of Chivalry. |
An attempt to pervert the course of justice is a substantive common law offence and not an inchoate offence. |
Mississippi and Missouri have notice requirements regarding nonrenewal of the franchise agreement, but no substantive requirements. |
The substantive verb is used when the predicate is an adjective, adverb, or prepositional phrase. |
Fasti is the plural of the Latin adjective fastus, most commonly used as a substantive. |
To attempt to remove the armaments before removing these substantive conflicts of interest is to put the cart before the horse. |
Academics have said that the Commentaries were crucial in changing English Law from a system based on actions to a system of substantive law. |
However, the substantive distinction between law and equity has retained its old vitality. |
This trend has been strongly evident in federal substantive due process and Commerce Clause decisions. |
In the procedure of the legis actiones the actio included both procedural and substantive elements. |
The style amendments were not intended to make substantive changes in the rules. |
At both the federal and State levels, the substantive law of Australia is largely derived from the common law system of English law. |
Instead, criminal procedure in California is codified in Part 2 of the Penal Code, while Part 1 is devoted to substantive criminal law. |
Although the substantive content is largely similar, some states have made structural modifications to conform to local customs. |
The quorum for divisions is three Lords on a procedural vote and thirty Lords on a substantive one. |
Some of these readings are usually formalities rather than substantive debates. |
In the UK, substantive patent law is contained in the Patents Act 1977 as amended. |
Her last books, sacred and profane, are the substantive Scenes and Hymns of Life and National Lyrics, and Songs for Music. |
Strength and magnitude are qualities which impress the imagination in a powerful and substantive manner. |
He considered how sufficient and substantive this land was to maintain itself without any aid of the foreigner. |
As noted in the last chapter, you should tighten up your argument and prose when you revise the first draft for substantive change. |
Since television has come to dominate our culture, political campaigns have largely become beauty contests devoid of substantive content. |
All have the same status, except London which has substantive devolved powers. |
In a substantive, long-term review of listservs, Harasim suggested that several characteristics were unique to this mode of communication. |
Later, when Mill began to warm to the Saint-Simonian philosophy, he made it clear that his debt was only partial and formal, not substantive. |
In the Broomcorn Broom case, a NAFTA panel had to deal with both procedural and substantive questions of law. |
As mentioned above, deflationists say that ontological debates are not substantive. |
The 1974 counties have been retained as preserved counties for various purposes, notably as ceremonial counties, albeit with substantive border revisions. |
The earliest surviving substantive illuminated manuscripts are from the period 400 to 600, produced in the Kingdom of the Ostrogoths and the Eastern Roman Empire. |
Whether is lignorum a noun substantive proper, or a noun substantive common? Lignorum is a noun substantive common because it is common to more sticks than one. |
In other words, when you receive criticisms, deconstruct them, take out the substantive parts and use the pieces of information that you gain in building up the industry. |
In times where allocational decisions have only slight and unthematic substantive impact, then jurisdictional policy would have strong normative force. |
Our fundamental value in the law of wills is freedom of testation, but the inner tendencies of civil jury trial put our procedural system in conflict with our substantive law. |
Almost all of his more substantive works, whether in verse or prose, are preceded by prefaces of one sort or another, which are models of his caustic yet conversational tone. |
Twinning is a formal, substantive collaboration between two organizations. |
He left the service with the substantive rank of squadron leader. |
He went so far as to change substantive policy decisions after they had been leaked to the press in order to undermine the leaker and embarrass the leakee. |
Ersatzgas, Ersatzpfennige. Ersatz has become a brave word in Germany. As a substantive it means War Reparations. As part of compounded words it means substitute. |
The extent of action of the verb may be expressed by a substantive of the same meaning as the verb, accompanied by an oblique adjectival predicate. |
The law implied that substantive changes in plans would jeopardize grandfathered status, but it left an open question about exactly what would constitute a substantive change. |
Alternatively phrased in terms of reasonableness, commensurateness, or the like, this is the basic substantive standard governing all self-help law. |
So far, the results of embedding, detachability, and the substantive character of the EPC's meaning contribution point to its status as a conventional implicature. |
Carnap's official phenomenalism was very ambitious and this brings out the point that the more substantive the base, the less interesting any scrutability thesis becomes. |
The restyling does not make substantive changes to the rules. |
After concluding that the Court lacked jurisdiction in the case, the further review regarding the substantive issues presented was arguably improper. |
With their immature kidneys, young infants fed fresh goat's milk are at substantive risk of hypernatraemia and azotaemia, particularly with dehydration. |
Over the course of the 20th century some common law systems began to place less emphasis on the historical or institutional origin of substantive legal rules. |
There are several chronicles of Portuguese India written by contemporaries and historians, which provide substantive descriptions of the various armadas. |