In the film, the story's narrated through flashbacks, motivated by Stefan's reading the letter before the duel. |
From songs neatly woven into the story's fabric to the dances that are performed with athletic ferocity, Minnelli's name is stamped all over it. |
The story's piquancy, after all, depends on the fact that, though they move in criminal circles, the characters are just folks, like you or me. |
And if the public has a big reaction against something, the story's going to stay for a while. |
Despite the precautions, the production team has occasionally reshot small portions of coming episodes to repair lapses in the story's logic. |
The film drew loud protests when it was being shot in Guinea due to the same-sex relationship which formed the story's basis. |
The final outcome of his scheming, however, remains unknown because of the loss of the story's last six chapters. |
Sofi is the story's manic pixie dream girl there to provide the pulsating literary Old World heart to Karen and Ian's just-the-facts rationality. |
Included with the disc is an illustrated book that serves as a scorecard of the story's major characters and events. |
The story's bear belongs to it and roams through it, and does not lumber out at the end collared and tagged. |
But the basic story's a hoax newspaper article from Chicago which people don't realise is a hoax, and that's what starts the whole thing off. |
Characters in a story operate to make the story's movement visible and concrete, in a way that engages a reader's interest. |
Yet the story's emotional center is Evangeline's boozy husband, Warren Slote, a soul-ravaged World War II veteran. |
Thus, his restatement is paragraph two of the story, not the story's negation. |
The story's entire foundation is based upon a plot hole so gargantuan that anyone not suffering a brain cramp will identify it at once. |
The ambient sights and sounds, work culture, and common vernacularisms are the story's setting. |
The rest of the story's 2,000 words or so comprise an extended rehash of all the family's real, imagined and inflated sins. |
Much ink and accusations of plagiarism have been spilled over the story's origins. |
Chris is one of the story's truly good-natured personalities even though he submits to the fleshly desires of the wayward physician Diane. |
The game's biggest weakness is its lack of any levity or humor to counterpoint the story's overwhelmingly serious tone. |
Whether or not credible information existed to substantiate the story's claims is still a mystery. |
And the story's darkness and moral ambiguity increase the film's power and appeal. |
It almost appears as if his story's rejection of faith is also, ironically, an espousal of predeterminism. |
He has made substantial elisions and revisions to the facts for the sake of the story's flow. |
This is highlighted by Woolf's description of the story's interlocutors who are modeled on a typical Bloomsbury circle of metropolitan artists and critics. |
Much of the story's richness lays in the explanation of the unwritten rules of the powder room, which has a hierarchy as deeply ingrained as any office or prison yard. |
But if you think about it, the story's unlikeliness is pretty apparent. |
The results are made available free to news organisations, though the latter can secure temporary exclusivity by providing half of a story's funding. |
From the original to the remake, they seem to have completely changed where the story's going, because the backstory to the child is completely different. |
Without giving away too many spoilers, even though we are deep into the story's endgame by this stage, I'll give you a rundown of what has been added or changed. |
In the literary ghost story, at least in many of its classic manifestations, the ghost is all, and the deliberate arousal of fear is the story's primary purpose. |
The Oedipus story's, I think, the grimmest of all oracle stories and it's the one where the freedom of the person consulting the oracle seems at its lowest degree. |
Did the story's technological wrinkle throw the Times into a tizzy? |
The story's complete lack of factual basis and substance saw it die a quick death, although not before it did some damage to the party's standing leading up to the State poll. |
However, the similarity lies in that they both describe mysterious and supernatural events as they occur, both of which remain resolved at the story's end. |
The ensemble playing that provides the story's milieu has an organic feel, but is often fussy and gauche when what's required is brisk, broad caricature. |
A myriad of historic details adds to the story's verisimilitude. |
The story's based on the memoirs of collotype expert Adolf Burger whose idealistic determination to sabotage things put everyone's lives at risk. |
As the primary sense of motivation, this desire is reflected even in the scenery depictions and the story's overall mood. |
The details of the ancient oral performance and the story's conversion to a written work inspire continual debate among scholars. |
This repetition is not redundant, but adds an air of continuity only befitting the story's scale and grandeur. |
As one of the story's many proliferating details, the potential incest narrative. |
It has no title in the original manuscript, but has become known by the name of the story's protagonist. |
Huxley was commissioned by Walt Disney in 1945 to write a script based on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and the biography of the story's author, Lewis Carroll. |
Five years before the story's events, Adler had a brief liaison with Crown Prince of Bohemia Wilhelm von Ormstein while she was prima donna of the Imperial Opera of Warsaw. |
Verbinski approached Rush for the role of Barbossa, as he knew he would not play it with attempts at complexity, but with a simple villainy that would suit the story's tone. |
The design strategy was to boil down the story's 17 pages to simple language, 5 sing-along songs and 5 games, with about 100 total clickables throughout the program. |