Other barriers faced by homeless citizens can be attributed to unfair stereotypes associated with the homeless. |
They had no qualms about putting on an act, playing on ethnic stereotypes people enjoyed to get audiences. |
Alex Sonson complained that merely introducing the bill raised harmful stereotypes about Asians. |
Recently, I wore a kanzu with the intention to break stereotypes and traditions among society. |
I only saw the 1,000 or so sweaty gamer stereotypes posing with wigged models. |
What's worse, the story seems to reconfirm literary stereotypes about women while vaguely insinuating that it is doing the opposite. |
But Gee uses this as an excuse to replay some tired stereotypes which undermine the genuine satirical quality of her writing. |
We broke through all the stereotypes, all the barriers, and we all experienced a real aliyah together. |
Eliot represents the Jew in Daniel Deronda as a dichotomous figure, adapted from conventional stereotypes circulating in her culture. |
My aim is to revisit their insights in order to call for a renewed revaluation of polka against the continuing stereotypes that besiege it. |
This feminist agenda led to an examination of how editorial policies contribute to perpetrating sexist and misogynist stereotypes of women. |
She defined herself as an engaged cinematographer fighting misogyny and role stereotypes. |
Singleton strikes the difficult balance between recapitulating stereotypes and ridiculing them in broad burlesque. |
Back then, he struggled to rise above racial issues and stereotypes that suggested that a black man couldn't or shouldn't succeed in that field. |
The stereotypes may seem rather weary, but they linger on because, well, because they're still there. |
The second aspiring revolutionary I met was a representative of all the stereotypes. |
I think the fact that it's mostly men making the mistake shows that those old stereotypes have had their day. |
If you want to escape the sartorial stereotypes, you often have to pay a little more. |
Not surprisingly, it's a delicate issue for Native Americans, considering the once-prevalent stereotypes of Indians as marauding savages. |
The least they could do is not to continue the stereotypes that anyone interested in 'women's lib' is a man-hater. |
What we get are incredibly evil criminals who brandish weapons and shoot wantonly at our heroes, along with exaggerated matriarchal stereotypes. |
These are rich, seductive, deeply sympathetic images aimed to counter tabloid stereotypes. |
Trite stereotypes aside, folk artists seldom get the coverage they deserve. |
The thudding old-fashioned screenplay abounds with hearty slogans and mild avian puns mouthed by shopworn British stereotypes. |
To me this stereotype, like many, if not all stereotypes, was nothing but a self-fulfilling prophecy. |
Cultural stereotypes, expectations and self-images play a significant role in the vicious circle of poverty. |
This could be because of the lack of clear, visual, stereotypes of such beings. |
As a consequence, the use of stereotypes can breed racism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry. |
In the United States, sexual stereotypes are powerful and have helped guide the creation of military policies and regulations. |
She loud, she's brash and she's winding up po-faced moral guardians by subverting sexual stereotypes. |
They are also accused of trading on cultural stereotypes and of lacking any real substance. |
I wish the money-hungry media sharks all too eager to exploit and enforce stereotypes to fill up their wallets would see that. |
To be fair, the stereotypes abound as much as fake flowers on expensive millinery. |
But slowly it dawned on me that it was, perhaps, more about the most classic of misbegotten South African stereotypes. |
Perhaps of even more concern, these stereotypes may lead people to misread or misinterpret another person's emotions. |
There are a number of misleading and just plain wrong stereotypes floating around about jazz. |
The reality that confounds these mistaken stereotypes is that our religions have more in common with each other than with other religions. |
There will also be a stereotypes workshop covering the issues of biphobia, transphobia, and homophobia. |
This short comedy pastiches common conceptions and stereotypes of blackness and the black male. |
She is impishly marrying stereotypes of black and white beauty, placing blackness in a predictably white setting. |
The lead characters' brisk professionalism makes them seem as blankly anonymous as the collection of stereotypes surrounding them. |
It's hard not to warm to these men, who are nothing like the ugly, violent stereotypes we expect them to be. |
This ensemble piece plays like the worst situation comedy, bordering on farce and venturing well into the realm of stereotypes. |
If you look beyond the dehumanising stereotypes to the hard facts, it emerges that females in jail are not conniving slags. |
Phoebe and Audrey were trapped within stereotypes of the flouncing young miss and the buxom slattern respectively. |
Their answer seems to be a sloppily sewn-together quilt of stale stereotypes and untimely political references. |
Blues has tended to suffer because a narrow definition stereotypes the format as depressing where songs entail losing women, jobs and dogs. |
The findings were as disturbing as they were unsurprising, pointing up old stereotypes of circuit queens. |
Obviously there are individual differences in sensitivity to the effects of negative stereotypes on performance. |
They had no intentions of conforming to frontier stereotypes by living in primitive log cabins and wearing buckskin clothing. |
Studies in the workplace find that women's nonconformity to feminine stereotypes leads to negative evaluation by both men and women. |
Four abject stereotypes with guns chase him down corridors, spraying bullets and whooping with redneck glee. |
They have allowed these anti-Victorians to be cabined in Victorian stereotypes. |
History should be about forcing people to challenge their perceptions, not reinforcing hackneyed stereotypes of the past. |
The script is hackneyed, riddled with stereotypes and offers nothing that hasn't been seen in every single gangster film ever made. |
So when we talk about race, we're torn between stereotypes ruthlessly deployed and seeking out the particular. |
Also, I'm sure that the Australian brothers won't be complete ocker stereotypes, judging by the provocative, thoughtful title. |
A person in this stage also participates in transforming racial and cultural stereotypes, biases, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. |
This suggests that negative stereotypes are not widely held or are at least cloaked in external civility. |
Done badly, they can reinforce racial stereotypes and increase the prejudices they were designed to reduce. |
Editors had a growing body of feminist literature on which to draw, but stereotypes persisted. |
They're employing people and creating commerce, and they're dispelling old stereotypes about gay business owners. |
When racial and sexual stereotypes are mixed in, personal fear becomes public hysteria. |
They also stressed the need to promote a positive approach to ageing and overcome the negative stereotypes associated with it. |
It's a stretch, but maybe the editors are showing the interplay between racial and sexual stereotypes. |
I think it transcends the ideas, stereotypes and societal expectations of what it means to be a man or a woman. |
There are a lot of misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding feminism and feminists. |
Americans' attitudes towards the elderly still fit the traditional stereotypes. |
His stories have been heralded as great folk storytelling and lambasted as perpetuating racial stereotypes. |
But the characters are mostly one-dimensional stereotypes with little engaging depth. |
The script also lays out a plethora of supermodel stereotypes for quick laughs. |
The lantern-jawed hero comes standard-issue, as do the lazy ethnic stereotypes in the supporting cast. |
The two leads are better than required, and the rest of the cast are perfect stereotypes. |
In fact, the film begs for a cheesy poster, setting out its cast of two-dimensional stereotypes. |
She comes across as very different from the stereotypes of the bitter single career woman or the strident female in power. |
It's so busy attempting to draw comparisons to male stereotypes that it can hardly avoid making its female characters into cartoons as well. |
In the popular press there are a lot of stereotypes that depict Africa as a place full of famine and civil strife. |
Lin has defended his film by claiming it counteracts the overgeneralizations and stereotypes typical of depictions of Asian-Americans. |
Popular impressions of the British soldier during the Georgian era continue to be dominated by hoary stereotypes. |
These stereotypes have proven to be oversimplistic, with the result that the hypothesis is increasingly criticized. |
These stereotypes extend to cognition, with men reported to be systemisers and women empathisers. |
Yes, modern woman is here in all her many stereotypes, although who is to say that cliches may not sometimes be true. |
Migne's printers set older editions in close-packed, double-columned reprints from stereotypes on steam-driven presses. |
They also act according to the stereotypes promoted by the bourgeoisie of the time, including talking in comic-book cockney. |
Surely I won't surprise you by noting that those stereotypes are mean, misogynist, and no fair. |
Perhaps it's partially the combination of personification and blatant gender stereotypes. |
L knows full well that the abject takes on a very different meaning when it collides with our stereotypes of the black underclass. |
In contrast, African intellectuals generally believe that this usage reflects the usual European or colonially derived stereotypes about Africa. |
But to imply that this is some kind of permanent or natural state for gay men just furthers the stereotypes and misinformation about us. |
Euro-American stereotypes about native people arise from prejudice and insensitivity. |
Even the war films that do not make use of these stereotypes are, for the most part, possessed of an inherent conservatism. |
Eager to please, it goes for easy laughs, reinforcing rather than challenging stereotypes. |
These results suggest that stereotypes of older persons as not interested in sexual intimacy are wrong. |
Yet a closer look at his record suggests that he is just a convenient scapegoat for a lot of people's stereotypes. |
We have a solid body of literature detailing the damaging aspects of racial stereotypes and the invisibility of minorities. |
For the many real world victims, the realities of domestic violence flatly contradict such stereotypes. |
So we try to poke fun at stereotypes and the way the North and South view each other. |
It is really dangerous to apply stereotypes on such immensely diverse community. |
The film bridges old drag stereotypes and an emerging wave of films that take gender issues seriously and offer genderqueers who are fully human. |
The dialogue is self-consciously clunky, the characters are stereotypes and each section is fronted with a pretentiously redundant quotation. |
They can open a window on the inner workings of ivory tower, debunking stereotypes of academics as detached from the real world. |
So for any woman to engage this dynamic is to go against social decorums and stereotypes in such a way that she may find herself beyond the pale. |
They help build true partnerships across cultures, breaking down stereotypes of nationality, profession, and gender. |
While there are certainly a lot of silly stereotypes being promulgated on both sides, the silent ban on expression is perhaps even more damaging. |
As such, one side may try to demonize the other by using cognitive stereotypes and simplifications while making their own side appear just. |
Nearly a century later, the media is rife with accounts that similarly depend on public prurience and stereotypes of women as victims. |
Almost every reference to them employs demeaning and derogatory stereotypes. |
They sound as if they've turned out to be fine people despite all the press stereotypes of them as good-time party girls. |
The gradual desexualization of the mother is based on unfortunate, limiting stereotypes. |
Watching the actress goof on the various stereotypes of the servant character is gold. |
In short, their personalities have been pulped by a system of entrenched gender stereotypes. |
Anything seen outside of the stereotypes is seen as detrimental and won't get a chance. |
Refrain from insults, put-downs, and expressions of disgust, and avoid generalizations which are not only stereotypes, but often hurt. |
Future film attempts to portray Arabs objectively must challenge the stereotypes of an Arab persona that is diametrical to accepted values. |
Advertising, too, has targeted the stereotypes to sell everything from energy drinks to banking services. |
The author explains that she is collecting erotica from Indigenous writers in order to counteract stereotypes and misconceptions. |
This group tends to value independence, refuse consumer stereotypes, and appreciate exclusive products. |
And if I can help explode stereotypes and misinformed beliefs, so much the better. |
Of all the journalistic stereotypes regularly committed to celluloid, none has been more expressive of its times than the war correspondent. |
The tableau of five candidates on stage at first seemed more like a set of high school stereotypes than a political debate. |
A third way to counter the negative stereotypes is to provide a bit of comparative historical context. |
I had to cast aside my objections to the portrayal of some stereotypes. |
Her work examines notions of racial identity and cultural stereotypes. |
George Zimmerman pulled the trigger, but a larger ethos of devaluing life and the stereotypes of criminality loaded the gun. |
In contrast, her examination of the spirituality of Muscovite women finds that gender stereotypes helped shape women's religious experiences and piety. |
Let's show the world that we can be lucid and enthusiastic explainers of recondite ideas, not merely the flamboyant show-offs that unfair stereotypes so often paint us to be. |
There's a spy, a Frenchy villain played by John Malkovich and a slew of stereotypes and loblollies to round off a brisk and very silly little movie. |
This is the starting point for a barrowload of stereotypes about feminine sensitivity and womanly feeling to be wheeled out into the courtroom, and indeed the media. |
This is a dramatist whose art consists of little more than pulling a string of cliches from a cast of stereotypes in an utterly contrived setting. |
Despite numerous campaigns among players and fans to try and tackle racism, the game is still submerged in a sea of stereotypes about foreigners and alien cultures. |
Hollywood and the media promote positive images of older people, but it would be surprising if society's stereotypes of beauty were to be reoriented towards images of old age. |
It tries to produce stereotypes, to define faces and to arrange them hierarchically in space, based on the ontological and utilitarian criteria of representation. |
But Payne continually undermines this approach with repeated cheap zingers at Middle American stereotypes, and the allegedly incredibly dull, cookie-cutter existence of same. |
The cast themselves are a delicious collection of familiar stereotypes. |
Outside of his main characters, most of King's dramatis personae tend to be little more than cliches and stereotypes who exist only to move the story forward. |
In the 1950s a distinct and historically specific value was attached to the valorization of traditional gender stereotypes within the working classes. |
Watching these distinguished gentlemen operate, we feel certain that the old stereotypes of Italian-American men as Mafiosi, brutes, sexual predators, or idiots are behind us. |
In the process, many of the residents who live there have been reduced to statistics, or at best portrayed as stereotypes of addicts, prostitutes and poor people. |
Both peoples continue to draw on traditional Balkan stereotypes, which were reinforced in the recent Socialist era but which stem from much older folk memories. |
Yet every day in British newspapers, on television and on the radio, I hear the same tedious stereotypes about loud and stupid American gunslinging bullies. |
Some critics say that the movie reinforces negative stereotypes about the military. |
A heartwarming Hanukkah tale of two teens fighting the same rare cancer, whose friendship transcends nationalist stereotypes. |
The idea is that America has become a madhouse, but the film's idiotic storyline and grotesque stereotypes of mental illness undercut its intended social impact. |
Most stereotypes have a very slight basis in reality, but by overwhelming them with an avalanche of complete nonsense any meaning they have will be lost. |
One of the issues posed by this case is whether reverse stereotypes based on age are sufficiently reliable and non-injurious to justify their use. |
The pieces are intelligently chosen, quirky and satiric extracts sharing space with atmospheric and journalistic ones, encouraging the reader to reconsider stereotypes. |
At the same time, widespread beliefs about the mental and physical infirmities associated with advancing age created stereotypes that were reflected in business practices. |
Dogmatic constraints, tactical stereotypes, schematism in place of originality, and the boring repetition of truisms are contributing factors in creative infecundity. |
The pre-service teachers began planning lessons on the Civil Rights Movement, local heroes, Southern values, Confederate generals, and stereotypes. |
The culture, even just a few years ago, is mostly what the stereotypes say they are. |
With deadlines looming, top campaign staff may lean subconsciously on stereotypes about minorities. |
Secondly, it was full to overflowing of hackneyed sexist stereotypes. |
Some words cannot seem to escape their associated stereotypes. |
To put it more technically, this means avoiding statistical generalizations about dance that might contribute to stereotypes and misunderstandings. |
You know, there's those stereotypes of the evil old hag and this and that. |
But as times and tastes changed, it needed a catalyst to move beyond the shopworn stereotypes of cops as either by-the-book straight arrows or rakish, rule-breaking mavericks. |
A lot of my work challenges those mythologies and stereotypes to highlight the fact that all culture is essentially hybrid, and that the notion of purity is null and void. |
I would also confront many stereotypes about suicide, a word that means self-murder, an act that some religious faiths once equated with eternal banishment from heaven. |
It's so nice to see an Aussie film that doesn't dive into the Australian stereotypes of every character, in an effort to pull in the seppo audience. |
Before mentioning these myths and stereotypes, let me explicate a developmental theory, for good theory and science enhance each other for practice. |
Rather than let those stereotypes build walls, I wanted to show people that bodybuilders are so much more than just big musclebound oafs to be afraid of. |
In works of art the instinctual obsessions are expressed through the vehicle of stereotypes, which is why they seem to be intersubjectively communicable. |
When examined with any rigor, the stereotypes circulating about current-day hipsters make no sense whatsoever. |
Only the naive would think that sexual stereotypes have ended. |
Using Clendinnen's private lives to preface this very public one is a tactic meant to stay the hand of presupposition and the stereotypes it holds. |
We all need to combat stereotypes and chauvinistic passions. |
They only serve to reinforce society's stereotypes of who we are. |
Taken at face value, the question seems simple enough but scratch it and the hidden prejudices and stereotypes tumble out of the cupboard like the proverbial skeletons. |
This distinction should not simply be pushed aside without an attempt to diagnose and exorcize some of the lingering cultural stereotypes within it. |
In our heavily mediated world, stereotypes constantly contradict one another, tripping up, mixing up messages into a flow of images and ideas that beat upon us. |
Because of this, it is crucial that research continues in this area so that racial myths, stereotypes and prejudice within New Zealand can be exposed and understood. |
Increasingly, evidence suggests that stereotypes and dualisms around young people's victimisation, and the fears of parents and other adults, need to be dispelled. |
Here was a man who fit our stereotypes of the nice American. |
The actress could have been degraded by the exploitation material, but somehow she punches through the stereotypes and retains her dignity and poise. |
Putting value judgments aside for a moment, generally blaxploitation employs stereotypes regarding black people, exploiting these stereotypes for entertainment purposes. |
We are blinkered by outdated stereotypes and we're reluctant to move beyond them, because at the end of the day we've never forgiven Germany for unleashing Hitler on Europe. |
It has even been co-opted by some who embrace the stereotypes. |
As an agitator of stereotypes, how did you feel about The Birth of a Nation? |
These are all fruitful options to pursue for any atheist interested in challenging the immoral stereotypes we have. |
Is it because the biracial comedians seamlessly slip into the characters and skewer racial stereotypes? |
It follows recognizable formulas and trades on traditional stereotypes. |
If America really wants to help Africa grow with trade and investment, it needs to ditch a number of stereotypes it still holds. |
These expectations may be reflected in stereotypes such as the father who buys a baseball and catcher's mitt for his newborn son. |
He also resisted the vulgar racist stereotypes of the day and wrote about the slave trade with an antiracializing rhetoric. |
These students, along with some faculty, are the non-believers who fit the atheophobic stereotypes that I mentioned earlier. |
Cinematherapy combines a strategic mix of pop feminism and stereotypes, then, as a primary method of appealing to female audiences. |
Those stereotypes of you backwoods gun fondlers being incestuous inbreeders didn't come to be on account of me. |
Western stereotypes were reversed, emphasizing the universal aspects, and introducing modern approaches of social problems. |
Subsequent artwork exhibiting witches tended to consistently rely on cultural stereotypes about these women. |
The study found that stereotypes establish older people to avoid conflict, be less confrontational, and more cordial and patient. |
Like most stereotypes, that of your average microbrewer is now hopelessly out of date, however. |
Don's over-the-top Italian-American accent, wifebeater outfit, and attitudes towards women mean he's a character riddled with lazy stereotypes. |
Yobbos Do Yoga is a fun filled story which mocks stereotypes and cleverly incorporates many traditional yoga asanas in a rollicking good yarn. |
That is, Gomperts confounds antifeminist stereotypes, often arousing ire for it. |
One of the notable features of this book is that many stereotypes and myths get debunked. |
The way people fell free to talk trash about our team on the basis of unfair cultural stereotypes makes me sick. |
But stereotypes and overgeneralizations also can lead to mosque burnings and other crimes, as well as inform or influence US foreign policy. |
Grannen is an album of by the band Frigg that dares to defy modern stereotypes of Finnish music as slow-paced, moody and melancholy. |
The findings overturn some industry stereotypes of smaller companies as local or regional entities that are largely technophobic. |
Read on to see how they are shredding stereotypes with their nunchakus and light sabers. |
Participants indicated they experienced public negativity, stereotypes, overprotectiveness, and misconceptions of blindness. |
Critics mostly disliked the simple humor and twangy country music, and sometimes it was criticized for perpetuating stereotypes. |
Outwardly, these aggressive postmodern women have degendered themselves, and thus escaped from traditional male stereotypes of what is female. |
Asking psychology students to open-endedly describe the sources from which they hear different stereotypes would also be potentially valuable. |
Economist Glenn Loury has developed fundamental insights into the nature of self-reinforcing stereotypes. |
No amount of rugged scenery can make up for such a patronising portrait of islanders as a bunch of couthie, crafty stereotypes. |
But with much better-fleshed-out stereotypes and an elastic moral curiosity that puts both red and blue state attitudes to shame. |
She sets out to denounce the stereotypes, discrimination, and exploitation that Chicanas face. |
Both men and women experience stereotypes and unfair expectations. |
Perhaps these gendered stereotypes, then, are just reflective of reality. |
Sperling analyzes how gender stereotypes and sexualization have been used as political tools in Putin's Russia. |
It is important that we continue to work to irradicate the stereotypes that still exist, especially those that we pass around among ourselves. |
That merely confirmed many of the existing stereotypes about speakers of the language. |
Propaganda images were circulated by both sides, often in the form of postcards and based on insulting racial stereotypes. |
The works confound stereotypes of Japanese etiquette, even as they update the tradition of the anatomically explicit shunga print. |
What is worse, it does so only to affirm sexist stereotypes. |
This use of racial categories is frequently criticized for perpetuating an outmoded understanding of human biological variation, and promoting stereotypes. |
Also worth noticing is that the Grand Tour not only inspired stereotypes among the countries themselves but also led to a dynamic between the northern and southern Europe. |
Feminist critics believe that it adopts archaic attitudes toward women, such as worshiping them symbolically through stereotypes and sexist norms. |
In addition, DEI is planning several teach-ins and symposia during winter and spring terms to raise issues of implicit bias and help people reject negative stereotypes. |
On the one hand, every culture possesses the desire to routinise and ritualise activity, to achieve its stereotypes in thought and action through re-representation. |
There is a popular prejudice that stereotypes speakers as unsophisticated and even backward, due possibly to the deliberate and lengthened nature of the accent. |
The whole package is a trivialization that relies on outdated stereotypes. |
However, comparative register research shows that the old stereotypes about the stanceless nature of academic writing are to some extent accurate. |
In cases where individuating, judgment-relevant information is not available, drawing on stereotypes may improve one's ability to predict another's actions. |
Beliefs about the importance of image, personal appearance, and physical attractiveness in the workplace may reflect occupational and organizational stereotypes. |
Braziel deciphers Dred as drag queen and drag king, exploring the stereotypes of black masculinities and how they can be reconfigured as femininity within the diaspora. |
Examining whiteness teaches us that the myths and stereotypes of whiteness go hand in hand with the myths and stereotypes of blackness, Asianness, or any other ethnicity. |
She was given permission to stage the show by Nottingham's licensing committee after saying she wanted to explode the myths and stereotypes about lap dancers and strippers. |
Children are bombarded by popular media, which might have misogynous or discriminatory undertones so these negative stereotypes need to be clarified. |
In contrast to individuating or modernizing Islamists in Snow who defy popular stereotypes, Pamuk's depiction of hard-line secularists is caricatural. |
Freedom of expression was both a right and responsibility and that this realization was crucial to counter stereotypes and to disempowered racist ideologies. |
Dubai Clad in their bulky uniforms and armed with visible determination, the newly emerging Emirati paramedics are fighting stereotypes every day to save lives. |
Mark Silk argues that even assessments of premillennial dispensationalism have too often relied on stereotypes and resulted in dismissive attitudes. |
The discomfort of intergroup anxiety, however, leads to avoidance and, more troubling, to a reliance on stereotypes as a basis forjudging these individuals. |
This fact is surprising and we wonder how can Spanish people differentiate between Romanian and Romist Do they know Romi or Romanian, or are they based on stereotypes? |
Using a modern and futuristic form of building can overcome stereotypes, such as that underground life that is often associated with poverty and grubbiness. |
The rather arch tone won't be to everybody's taste, but, helped along by some comic stereotypes mocking London's super rich, it makes for a sharp, comedy of manners. |
We might repeat common stereotypes, saying for example that our Minangkabau relatives are stingy, the Javanese are always late and the Chinese are business-oriented. |