We want step-by-step guidance on this recommendation if we are to explore it further. |
It fastens to your chest and not only records your heart rate information, but gives you a step-by-step instruction on what to do. |
Also available is The Klutz Book of Knots, a step-by-step manual on how to tie the world's 24 most useful hitches, ties, warps and knots. |
The workshop was tutored step-by-step and was aided by video counselling in overcoming stage fear and fright. |
It was like a step-by-step gilding demonstration straight from a Renaissance painting. |
Get step-by-step instructions for building a cross-compiler so that you can build and develop applications for an alternative platform. |
Almost everything an end user will have to learn is explained step-by-step, with all commands shown in boldface. |
Get started quickly with this step-by-step guide that offers an array of project templates and helpful advice. |
The step-by-step process is clearly defined and easily accessible though our internal website. |
This guide provides your club with a step-by-step approach to determine the needs of underserved children in your community. |
To be effective, the work requires a seamlessness and pliancy that could have been at odds with emphatic articulation and step-by-step precision. |
The manual provides an overview of gainsharing and then takes you step-by-step through the design process. |
You can do the same following our step-by-step painting template, or finish the project as you see fit. |
This step-by-step approach enables an organization to leverage specific third party expertise, minimising both cost and risk. |
Lynch took the lad under his tutelage and gave him a step-by-step programme to craft a reliable swing which would not break down under pressure. |
Women who believe they are in for a reasonable standard of living during widowhood, are to be step-by-step, reduced to penury. |
Focusing on your core allows you to develop and refine your own technique, it is not a step-by-step or paint-by-numbers approach. |
It offers illustrated step-by-step instructions on how to make pasta with tomato sauce, mud pies and rainbow cakes, as well as doughmen. |
Before we get to the recipe for this soup, here's a step-by-step tutorial for using a spiralizer to cut zucchini noodles. |
Our plans come complete with full-size templates and step-by-step instructions. |
The step-by-step recovery plan aims to help people afflicted by natural disasters regain financial balance. |
This practical manual offers a step-by-step guide to the treatment of anorexia nervosa in adolescents. |
As is well known, the resettability of the tuner is one of the most significant problems to be considered in the step-by-step tuner. |
In some ways, it's a well-done film with some strong performances and a comprehensible step-by-step depiction of the Cuban missile crisis. |
The use case document enables you to include a step-by-step workflow for each actor that will use or interact with the system. |
By modelling the transitions in an enoughly continuous way, we construct a step-by-step minimal model of evolution. |
This tour will provide step-by-step guidance through typical project phases, from project setup to coding, managing, and querying your data. |
There are step-by-step instructions to help you if you are a greenhorn. |
These headings will offer a step-by-step guide to the purchase, erection and maintenance of the Farm Fence thus ensuring years of trouble free livestock control. |
It wants to see step-by-step legalisation of undocumented workers and a temporary worker programme. |
The Guidelines, which are recommendatory in nature, contain detailed step-by-step procedures in accordance with the Convention. |
If you get stuck on a blank white page, please use our troubleshooter for step-by-step instructions to resolve the issue. |
This section offers you step-by-step instructions on how to make a claim for payment. |
To help you kick the habit, this information provides you with a step-by-step approach, with tips to help you along the way. |
It's all made easy with step-by-step Internet account activation, on the telephone with a Sprint Canada E-services representative. |
Healthy Beginnings: Healthy Beginnings is a step-by-step guide to pregnancy and childbirth, covering from preconception to immediate postpartum. |
The videos will give you a step-by-step introduction to the most commonly used parkour movements. |
The video uses a step-by-step guide of exactly what the tester will be looking for, and finishes with a sample of how the driving test should be done. |
It complements Part C which provides a step-by-step guide for practitioners who will be developing and implementing Crown consultation processes on the ground. |
The second trend is the step-by-step development. |
The site offers a step-by-step plan on how to organize and deliver a similar eight-week health promotion and education course for veterans and other seniors in your community. |
Since the programmed solutions are both self-contained and step-by-step, you can easily employ them even if you don't care to learn how to create your own programs. |
Make a step-by-step plan of a recipe that you do well. |
The kit includes four detailed, step-by-step booklets to guide co-ops in how to educate their members about preventing and responding to different risks. |
Clearly, there is an urgent need to move from the hitherto widely used step-by-step, sequential approach to marketing to a more holistic, dynamic and non-sequential approach. |
This video is not presentational, and does not give you a step-by-step method. |
Here's a step-by-step plan for a bang-up bash. |
The regressing libido apparently desexualizes itself by retreating back step-by-step to the presexual stage of earliest infancy. |
Each of these functional topics is explained in a step-by-step method that includes brief case studies to illustrate how municipalities are proceeding in concrete situations. |
I recognise that the step-by-step approach is a realistic one: first all non-domestic consumers then domestic later, as a progressive opening, is a more orderly process. |
Hobbyists of all ages will appreciate step-by-step diagrams and easy instructions that come from a professional toy designer. |
The book is intended to guide students, step-by-step, into the intricacies of commentarial reasoning and style. |
The most simple and safe way to write a case study is to communicate your experiences and findings in the step-by-step sequence in which they occurred. |
It provides a step-by-step sequence for planning data collection over time, serving as a 'roadmap' where the answers to questions at one step provide the basis for the questions and information needed at the next step. |
Identifying the critical stages in the step-by-step transformation of tax regimes and financial market regulations which promote private equity buyouts is a necessary element of a trade union strategy for fighting back. |
Otherwise, we are sleepwalking into a surveillance-society, step-by-step and without realizing the consequences: into a society where our fundamental rights and freedoms will be greatly and permanently diminished. |
From Potato Bread to making authentic sourdough from scratch, the step-by-step color photos leave little to guess. |
To find out how to use what-if functions, follow along as this tutorial takes you step-by-step through several problems. |
A step-by-step plan to break from your various technology addictions. |
The approach of the workbook is thorough and straight-forward, taking students step-by-step through the process of using notation software. |
The goal of nuclear disarmament can be achieved through a step-by-step process underwritten by a universal commitment to achieve the complete elimination of nuclear weapons. |
On the far side of the river, we find a fish ladder that enables the fish to proceed step-by-step to reach the upstream side of the dam. |
Both models' video and audio provide guidance on where to place the defibrillating pads and give step-by-step lifesaving instructions. |
Take notes on what you are going to say by making a step-by-step plan. |
The tutorial includes computer screen shots that demonstrate in a step-by-step way how to pre-register, how to log in to a webinar and the GoToWebinar software features that will be used to interact during an LCI webinar. |
The app assists in the creation of intelligent shopping lists, step-by-step cooking instructions, and the fostering of cook-to-cook connections. |
Christina casts doubt upon the veridicality of the step-by-step planning that the group leader encourages at the meeting. |
Complete with Lynda.com training videos, step-by-step tutorials and academic courseware, art students can extend their natural talents and techniques beyond traditional paper and paints. |
Auvi-Q is the first-and-only compact epinephrine auto-injector with audio and visual cues that guide patients and caregivers step-by-step through the injection process. |
It helps users solve equations step-by-step by picking up a term and dragging it to the other side of the equal sign to solve problems one step at a time. |
Yet Community Support and Treatment Services in Michigan has been able to provide cooccurring disorder services by taking a step-by-step implementation approach. |
Those subjects using a serialist strategy tended to proceed in a step-by-step manner, whereas the holists adopted a more global approach to what was to be learned. |
Each step-by-step project includes suggested tools that can help one get the job done, whether a dibber for planting or authentic BBQ smoking bags for the grill. |
Learn how to liquify, create lighting, swap faces and color and more using a fine set of step-by-step tutorials that cover everything about the program. |
Chapters include full-color photographs, detailed technical drawings, sidebars on technical topics, and step-by-step directions for most common tasks. |
The basic idea here is to map the process step-by-step, inch-by-inch, through every twist, turn, office, department, in-box and out-box from start to finish. |
Weaving Freeform Wire Jewelry provides a lovely step-by-step guide to making freeform wire jewelry and covers everything from earrings and bracelets to pendants. |