Johnny was refusing to eat his Cheerios and was squirming in his chair as his mother tried to feed him. |
I noticed him stealing looks in my direction every few seconds and I realized that my squirming and tapping was annoying him. |
There's really no good way to carry a rifle when crawling on hands and knees, or when squirming to the lip of a ravine. |
Politicians make for an unedifying spectacle when they are cattle-prodded by party policy into squirming and writhing in unison. |
Even the layman can coo over the magnificent ribbed vaulting, an 11 th-century innovation that had European architects squirming with envy. |
The Wolf girl was grunting and squirming, her body wiggling from side to side. |
They were lying utterly still or squirming in discomfort, some cradling injured arms. |
Strapped in their car seats, children make nightmarish passengers, wriggling, squirming and whining. |
She tried to pick him up but he was squirming and twisting to lick her face so much that she had to set him down. |
I lay there on the wood floors of my kitchen, squirming, as my body wanted to run itself against a wall. |
I shouted, squirming and twisting my arm, trying to get it out of his grip. |
Peering out past the bank, I could see our three shapes in the water, twisting and squirming in the current. |
There were tears in the audience too, but also not a little squirming at the emotional pyrotechnics. |
He was a rabid snob and a squirming snake-pit of prejudice, without even the intelligence to realise that other people were as human as himself. |
She knew no greater thrill than coaxing a child from the womb, and receiving it alive into her own hands, wet, warm and squirming. |
The arms of the octopuses were still squirming and moving and flopping in every direction. |
With a pair of forceps, he lifted what looked like a squirming worm out of the jar. |
They might have cheerfully stomped her to death had not the dates sequestered the squirming she-devil. |
I witness the robin absquatulate, first squirming under the open door like a rat might, then out the door hole into the night lit ice. |
She is constantly on the move, leaping up or squirming in her seat when she has a point to make, or a writer to quote. |
Whatever the reason, some lenders are squirming out of deals to refinance home loans at rates below 6 percent. |
The grandchildren hover close by, whispering and squirming bashfully if my glance falls upon them. |
Madam President, despite his twisting and squirming we are probably seeing Milosevic's final moments in power. |
If nothing else, I knew that I would enjoy the spectacle of it uncomfortably squirming through the minefields of its own institutional political correctitude. |
A brief struggle ensues as several officers attempt to subdue a squirming Grant, his hands behind his back. |
In December, he was compelled to sign onto the Ryan budget plan after months of squirming to avoid it. |
The man, however, is like a fish out of water, squirming and writhing. |
One old cod fisherman explains how he came to collect the squirming windfall left by each wave on the beach, for use as bait. |
Schaeffer remembers his father squirming when Pat Robertson talked about burning a reproduction of a nude by Modigliani. |
She slid out, landing in crumpled pile on the floor, squirming to get under the bed, her white, cotton nightgown pressing to her body as she tried to escape. |
As he spoke he plucked a solitary gold-fish squirming and twisting out of its globe. |
I manage to cope with the indignity well, despite the patients and nurses almost wetting themselves with laughter at the sight of me squirming as the needle is inserted. |
By the time he re-enters the room to give his speech, the rows of telegenically arranged children near the podium have been reduced to a squirming, bilingual mass. |
The justice minister of course was six inches from the Minister of Foreign Affairs kind of squirming. |
But one can imagine the very private Cannon squirming at some of Palmer's suppositions. |
Six months is the age of activity, a time when your baby is building muscles and squirming with energy. |
Once more I find myself squirming on the horns of a dilemma. |
When it was time to haul up the nets, they hung like two heavy, squirming pendulums, streaming with water. |
I could hardly keep still, squirming and wriggling all the time. |
Drag and drop living, squirming, talking globs of goo to build structures, bridges, cannonballs, zeppelins, and giant tongues! |
Feeling restless, often fidgeting with hands and feet or squirming while seated. |
Cradle it like a small bird or clasp it tightly like a squirming cat. |
For Sea Form, Bontecou raked wet printer's ink on a primed plastic surface to depict an ethereal, six-pointed star shape that evokes a feathery nest or squirming creature. |
At the net, King handed Riggs a squirming piglet — code for male chauvinist pig. |
By the late 1990s, I was squirming to get back to the classroom. |
Now they can seem to us slightly pathetic figures, forever squirming with distaste, constantly on the qui vive for signs of vulgarity blowing in on the modern breeze. |
In a trail for tonight's interview with Jeremy Paxman, Mr Blair is clearly seen squirming when the Newsnight presenter bluntly asks him if it is okay to accept money from a pornography publisher. |
I chose a squirming little furball with a doggish face and tabby stripes and brought it home as a surprise for Connie, hoping it would distract her long enough for her to reëvaluate the decision she was committing us to. |
Examples of hyperactivity and impulsivity include squirming, fidgeting and turning around while seated, being on the constant go, interrupting conversations, talking incessantly and getting frustrated while waiting in line. |
The result when accelerating hard over any sort of surface is consistent, strong power delivery with no squirming or lurching as power is sent about beneath the floor. |
He would love to call an election before an inquiry into corruption in Quebec's construction industry, which may leave his party squirming, begins in June. |
After ten minutes I get a little anxious and start squirming in my seat, perhaps, and we have to very discreetly cut you off if you go beyond the period. |
Soon each one of us had a squirming, terrified child in his arms. |
Mr Patten, sitting alongside him, must have been squirming when he heard that answer, because in the previous question we heard a great lecture on respect for human rights. |
Mr. Speaker, I watched the Conservatives squirming in the back seats. |
There are 10 million pieces a week of these ten percenters and the Conservatives are just squirming to get up and give more examples of how MPs are abusing these ten percenters. |
Seeing a tiny infant barely bigger than a pound squirming in his incubator, it can be hard to imagine that the same child might one day be president of a multinational. |
First he pulled out the largest one, then each of its ramifications, in a kind of horrible squirming, extracting himself from the corridor of earth where his roots had been sheltered and fed since his early youth. |
In the Krka-Nationalpark upside from Sibenik the eponymous river is squirming the first 10 km through flat country, another 40 km through gorges and 20 km through lakes involved with the sea. |
At length you slowly raise, pulling hand over hand, some horned pout squeaking and squirming to the upper air. |
Netanyahu, despite all his squirming, is no longer the boss. |
That left Mitt in the spotlight, squirming about his tax returns. |
Keyboardist Dave Morecroft was the ringmaster, sonically and visually directing the band through a mine-field of twisting, squirming, jolting and japing contortions. |
Under a microscope we would be revulsed by the sight of many squirming, evil-looking microbes, waving their flagella in a menacing manner and exuding deathly disease. |
The sight of the squirming mass of maggots left me disgusted. |