In my search across the internet, I have yet to come across anyone who fly fishes for squawfish. |
With its large mouth and torpedo-shaped body, the Colorado squawfish is an efficient predator on other fishes. |
Mercury occurred in concentrations above acceptable limits in rainbow trout and northern squawfish from Okanagan Lake and in northern squawfish from Skaha and Osoyoos Lakes. |
When this and other squawfish spawn in the upper Gunnison River, their young are carried downstream by the current and may spill over the Redlands Diversion Dam. |
In Colorado, Indian activists recently got the endangered squawfish renamed the Colorado pike minnow. |
Some species, such as the Colorado squawfish, cross state boundaries and require attention from a regional if not a national body. |
He was fishing for squawfish otherwise known by its new politically correct name, the northern pikeminnow. |