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How to use spores in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word spores? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
In its simplest form, this is a flour and water batter, providing food and moisture for the yeast spores which the baker hopes are present.
I have been trying to grow walking ferns from spores, with little or no success until this last year.
Over-watered lawns will quickly become mold factories and will shower everyone near them with an abundance of mold spores.
The assumption is that if ricin were weaponized, it would be treated like anthrax spores and dispersed for maximum effect.
During the tests, aerosolized spores were captured with an aerosol sampler and suspended in a solution.
The white kaolin clay has extra fine particles that simultaneously thwart insects and act as an alkaline barrier to fungal spores.
We hypothesized that this was due to wild-type protein inherited by the spores.
These were filled with mature, refringent spores, as observed under the microscope.
Many questions concerning toxicity and allergenicity have been raised about corn contaminated with the spores of this fungus.
Each pustule daily produces about 1000 spores, each of which is capable of reinfecting wheat.
It is one of more than 300 species of wood-boring ambrosia beetles which distribute the spores of ambrosia fungi.
Under these conditions, the overwintering resting spores germinate and can infect plants directly or through the production of zoospores.
It should have been under cover from the end of November, but hopefully the leaf curl fungal spores aren't active yet.
Perhaps more insidiously, insects such as fruit fly can carry spores associated with bunch rots, and mealy bug can transmit leaf roll virus.
More importantly, investigators have found that airborne Stachybotrys spores are highly respirable, and they contain trichothecene mycotoxins.
Wear a medium-efficiency or high-efficiency filter dust mask or respirator to protect against the inhalation of mold spores.
Microscopically, this type of mushroom is easily distinguished by its nodulose spores.
Allergic rhinitis is most commonly caused by grass pollen, but tree and weed pollens and mould spores can also cause attacks.
Patches of adsorbed rodlets were observed on the substrate during AFM visualization of B. thuringiensis spores.
Pollen and spores in the last meal came from ferns and liverwort, which grow in subtropical environments.
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Examples from Classical Literature
At this stage many of the spores assume each a flagellate cilium, and so acquire power of more rapid locomotion.
The cyst in which they lie is filled with creamy substance made up of spores and granule matter.
The spores are of two kinds, as in selaginella, but the macrosporangia contain numerous macrospores.
Every egg cell has some, and every egg that grows to maturity is infected with the plant spores.
This family is divided into five series, according to the color of their spores.
The microscope shows that the gleba is composed of a great number of spores mixed with simple or branched threads.
The spores of didymium crustaceum were sown upon a heap of leaves in autumn.
It is readily distinguished from didymium minus by the much larger and more distinctly warted spores.
In Cortinarius, the veil is composed of arachnoid threads, and the spores are rusty.
The spores are more or less globose, and rough or echinulate, at least in many species.
The spores in Sporidesmium appear to consist of irregular masses of cells, agglomerated into a kind of compound spore.
The spores in this species are exceedingly minute, oblong, and not contained in asci.
The term sporidia he limits to spores produced or enclosed in an ascus, as in the ascomycete.
The colors vary from smoky to fuliginous, olive and yellow, and the spores are ferruginous.
In aspergillus, the threads are simple and erect, with a globose head, around which are clustered chains of simple spores.
Yet a centrosome appears later in the nucleus of the swarm spores and migrates into the cytoplasm.
Steam applied in an autoclave under a pressure of two atmospheres destroys even the most resistant spores in a few minutes.
The apothecia are stalked and black, but of a lighter colour than the mass of spores forming the nucleus.
They are characterized by their principal spores being produced externally, usually in fours, upon an organ called a basidium.
Hymenomycetes, the subdivision of the basidiomycetes in which the fruiting surface is exposed before the spores are ripe.
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