Soul Jazz operates both as a label and a retail outlet, sourcing rare reggae and funk cuts and pressing them up on a series of acclaimed albums. |
Today, the difficulty we continue to have in sourcing many Portuguese wines adds to their mystique and allure. |
But the cost of securitization is greater than the cost of sourcing funds in the inter-bank and retail deposit markets. |
Needless to mention the company established its market leadership both in sourcing funds and in disbursement of loans. |
Any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing another person for this same purpose. |
The chef and patissier William Curley, 33, knows all about sourcing the right ingredients. |
I know for a fact that even the private sector is having difficulties sourcing pharmacists locally. |
I use my e-mail nearly as much as the phone now and I find the internet a great tool for sourcing information for our shows. |
Through global sourcing, the company draws materials, components, machinery, finance, and services from anywhere in the world. |
Our services include sourcing property for clients, and sourcing for buyers or leasers for existing properties. |
The challenge now is to continue sourcing the right calibre of employee so that the business can develop and deliver on its expansion plans. |
Various aspects are covered from sourcing stories, to good writing skills and interviewing skills along with media law and page layout. |
They all have complex supply chains, sourcing materials from across the industry and making them vulnerable to the big drug companies. |
He gives them considerable creative latitude while saving money on behind-the-scenes functions such as legal work and product sourcing. |
Moira McCauley has travelled around the Scottish islands sourcing abandoned homes for a strangely chilling exhibition. |
Many small, rural schools are also having problems sourcing qualified staff. |
The benefits for buyers are substantial price savings, plus a traceable and transparent sourcing process. |
This is her way of countering criticism of her books as gossipy, trashy hack-work with poor sourcing. |
There was one famous incident where he was asked for a particular type of doll and he had dreadful trouble sourcing it. |
Laois County Council is currently sourcing a suitable alternative site for the Fire Station. |
Forget the nay-sayers, the ones who talk about profit margins, and the real gainers from this rural sourcing. |
Yesterday, I was sourcing a special kind of duster and drying cloth for a Russian client. |
Any help in sourcing suitable grounds in the general Ballyhaunis area would be greatly appreciated. |
The service ranges from sourcing reliable cleaners, gardeners or plumbers to helping with house moves or booking a holiday. |
The difficulty in sourcing timbers led him to open a recycled timber business. |
At one end of the spectrum is the provision of a children's playground and at the other sourcing a site for a new burial ground. |
A food stylist is usually responsible for sourcing and preparing the ingredients. |
Besides this, there will be more opportunities for direct sourcing of plants overseas. |
Shopping online is great for accessing a global marketplace and offers the opportunity of sourcing bargains. |
Night patrols, especially during the breeding season, are called for but subject to Council sourcing external funding. |
The company is sourcing fabrics on a worldwide basis, and shipping piece goods from country to country for customers. |
Mr Moroko said sourcing raw materials for fabrics from Asia was costly hence the need for Africa to start producing its own raw materials. |
Indeed if ever there was a case for the open sourcing of program code then this is it. |
Isotope-based sourcing relies not only on nuclear physics, but also on Earth science and biology. |
Claire's troubles began long before she got to the point of hiring tradesmen, let alone sourcing suitable fixtures and fittings. |
Automobile majors are increasingly using India as a sourcing base for critical components such as engines, transmissions and gearboxes. |
The key priority for his business is sourcing, adding a layer of complexity to the business model. |
Those undertaking Indonesian law research face the major hurdle of sourcing relevant legal material. |
Activities include sourcing and procurement, production scheduling, order processing, inventory management, transportation, warehousing, and customer service. |
He also restored the inglenook fireplace to its original size, sourcing 2in Tudor bricks from a salvage yard, and reinstated a trap door, the only way to the master bedroom. |
We are sourcing material for a pair of pouffes back in Nottingham. |
We have strict rules and a well thought-out and structured way of working for each new sourcing mission to make sure we never miss the target. |
My background — and you'll find this a little peculiar — is in the apparel industry, denim sourcing. |
Our laboratory teams can help you for any sourcing of rough matter, carry out of new natural coloring matter and scale up for any applications. |
The company's buyers were responsible for sourcing the raw materials. |
Programme design has to be inclusive, allow for sourcing of reductions outside the cap, and incentivize behavioural change outside the industry. |
This concern belongs inseparably to theological existence, spiritual sourcing and practical training. |
The member himself has just attempted to castigate the government for doing sole sourcing to get the equipment quickly. |
What should upcoming designers take into consideration when sourcing materials? |
To optimize these two channels and promote sourcing, the Company works with auto wreckers and dismantlers. |
Taleo provides standard reports and flexible report writing tools for tracking compliance, recruiter efficiency and sourcing effectiveness. |
Alstom aims to reduce the number of its suppliers who are non compliant with its standard of sustainable sourcing. |
But subsequent to its publication this week, the credibility of the sourcing was shredded. |
The Gucci Group luxury brands will thus benefit from outstanding watch-making expertise and will extend their sourcing for timepiece components. |
Here he began to further research the vast gastronomic variety of the country, sourcing his raw materials from local small farmers. |
You will gain the ability to evaluate global sourcing alternatives and to communicate in a cross-cultural context. |
Never be forced to toggle between windows, or cut and paste from one application to another when sourcing online again. |
To facilitate the sourcing of the right product, we offer guidance with regards to the characteristics of each of our products and provenances. |
The trio haunted east coast flea markets, sourcing knickknacks that would adorn the lobby and guest rooms. |
Identify and discuss some critical business and social issues of sourcing from low-cost countries, including child labour and countertrade. |
Wild notions and reality are so often hard to marry, and sourcing a sufficiently loggy cabin in this country is much harder than you'd think. |
Additionally, as IBM started an in-depth change toward modularization of its products, it handed the sourcing of its processors over to Intel. |
The task was a mammoth undertaking, requiring thousands of hours of research, writing, sourcing photographs and planning the events of the day itself. |
Our focus today is on sourcing great assets which are owned by others but are overleveraged. |
It also talks about technological innovations that have stemmed from disasters, such as the geographic information system and crowd sourcing. |
Combine data from the Taleo platform including sourcing, recruiting, onboarding, performance management, and compensation. |
Standards are high, thanks to careful sourcing of local ingredients, and, while this is as far from a local caff as you get, the atmosphere is friendly. |
The module examines low-cost country sourcing both from the point of view of barriers and facilitators. |
Fewer product lines were launched in 2008, and priority was given to flankers or sourcing demands on existing lines. |
Crosby of White Point said that if the process of sourcing local food becomes onerous, he cannot do it. |
That made us think we'll have a travel section, chronicle our own travels and share a lot of photos when we're out sourcing new brands. |
Yet this inevitably requires longer lead times and higher transportation costs than sourcing goods locally – and Africans lose out on the work. |
An ad-hoc survey on international sourcing is currently carried out in 13 Member States. |
There are many other examples of that, such as the CCRA thinking of sole sourcing its entire documentation process to foreign nationals. |
In such cases, consider instead sourcing alternate coverage and assuming the cost for the dismissed employee. |
In addition, joint sourcing and procurement programs could leverage the combined purchasing volume of both companies. |
Manage the sourcing of goods and services to meet internal customer requirements. |
For the choice of its product offering, Carrefour gives priority to local sourcing, creating real partnerships with its own brand suppliers. |
Ruth's main job in the preparation of the garden is sourcing plants which will be used in the display which will be seen by the many thousands of visitors to the annual event. |
Britain has seen sustained real price reductions in sourcing energy. |
Whether you are dining in a no-frills trattoria or a more formal ristorante, owners and chefs invariably take pride in sourcing the best seasonal produce. |
Other news organizations then picked up on the story, sourcing it back to The Times. |
Broadwell occasionally distances attributions by sourcing observations to friends or colleagues. |
I personally took that as a vindication of the care I had taken in making sure I had solid, independent sourcing. |
Some companies have rethought their sourcing strategies and have nearshored the production of some products and services back to a market closer to the firm's home operations. |
The company's philosophy, says director of business development Ron Schlenker, is to take the strategic sourcing mentality and orient it toward product development. |
Whistles said it was committed to ethical sourcing policies and demanded the highest standards from its suppliers, carrying out regular audits of them, including unannounced visits and independent audits. |
Workplace Planning and Deployment Agency is citizen-centered, delayered and mission-focused, and leverages e-government and competitive sourcing. |
Global sourcing is defined as the process of identifying, developing, and utilizing the best source of supply for the enterprise, regardless of location. |
Book now This lively seminar covers the essentials of freelance journalism, with advice from working writers on everything from sourcing stories, to pitching to editors and getting paid. |
In keeping with the company's strong position in world markets, Brenntag is committed to providing value to its customers and suppliers through superior supply chain logistics, single sourcing and value added services. |
At the time, the company, which manufactures Kleenex, already had a sustainability strategy that included protecting some forest, sourcing pulp from sawmill waste, and engaging third-party certification. |
It is a long question regarding the issue of sole sourcing. |
With a greater number of companies selling to, investing in, and sourcing from a greater number of foreign markets, the private sector is more internationalized than ever. |
Transit times, incoterms, rapid customs clearance, sourcing decisions, pipeline inventory, etc. |
The most significant stipulations are tied to movements in the yuan, says Paul McLaughlin, a longtime trade-fair customer from a British sourcing company, Libra. |
Find talent anywhere in the world with multi-faceted sourcing strategy that includes social networking, niche job boards, Internet search tools, and comprehensive sourcing analytics. |
Notwithstanding that point of sourcing, then here the reporter's on-air speculation was inconsiderate, unfair, improper, indelicate and insensitive to do so. |
In sourcing sustainable branches, the architects settled on ocotillo, a Mexican wood that regenerates individual branches as they're harvested. |
At the same time it is very clear that there are differences between different member countries, because there are different sourcing strategies for the companies concerned. |
Going forward, we will be working as a single, centralized sourcing group and will remain committed to communicating with you through this process. |
The opinion of the Scientific Steering Committee of 26 June 1998 indicates that certain restrictions regarding sourcing of raw material for the manufacture of dicalcium phosphate should be observed. |
Our experience in development, careful selection of components and thorough testing procedures give our customers the certainty of sourcing reliable products which meet the highest quality standards. |
For instance, economies of scale in distribution may possibly be achieved by using exclusive distribution, selective distribution, quantity forcing or exclusive sourcing. |
Plug performance management data right back into recruiting and sourcing processes to refine your strategies based on top performer and high potential profiles. |
However, you want to know which vendor has the highest real cost per unit so that you can develop a more efficient strategy for sourcing your components. |
Our dedicated UK Event Hire team is on hand to discuss all of the temporary catering needs for your event, and we can even help you in sourcing additional facilities such as marquees, trackway and generators. |
However, the Commission found that the merged entity would not have the ability to close off competitors from supplies of cane raws, since they would continue to have alternatives to Illovo for sourcing of cane raws. |
Raw material sourcing and the examination of faunal remains by Adler et al. |
Windwards farmers had feared UK retailers forced to temporarily switch sourcing to other regions would I not resume supply. |
I believe this market will be liberated by the availability of straightforward, no-nonsense, online legal guidance systems and by other methods of sourcing legal service. |
Another factor which is likely to affect the relationship between tax regimes and the competitiveness of countries' road haulage industries is nationalistic bias in the sourcing of haulage services. |
Freedom of speech seems to be a very selective tern for Tony Abbott, it doesn't apply to trying to silence people trying to tell the truth in international markets about the sourcing of timber. |
The Gap, with its khakis and white shirts, and the IKEA furniture chain combine large volumes with higher margins and control over their design, distribution and sourcing. |
They are sourcing the ale from Conwy Brewery and already have confirmed stockiest. |
Entering this market means much more coordination in sourcing product, handling of large volumes of berries, storage and transportation costs as well as financial risk management for producers and processors. |
Precut shims play a major role in correcting the alignment condition of rotating machinery. Traditional shimming solutions involve sourcing, slotting and cutting shims to size from roll stock or plate. |
Sullivan's cornucopian sourcing, like the credit-worthy merchant's, is partly a rhetorical move designed to show that she has done her homework. |
Generation MTV in their sensory overload, often with compact running times and orgiastically esoteric in their sourcing, these productions could take the starch out of the most tightly stuffed J. Press shirt. |
Do you have some trouble in sourcing some particular compounds from your usual suppliers, because they are discontinued or resynthesis delays are too long? |
Over the past eighteen months, many of the brands that were sourcing from Hermosa have exerted pressure on the government to remedy the situation. |
These enterprises, which constitute the life line of our economies, are faced with serious sourcing and technology problems which have a negative impact on their competitivity in the globalization process. |
We plan to supply, from India, pumps designed for the mass-market, with the same quality and same service than in Europe, but with the advantage of a best-cost country sourcing. |
Through this network it would be possible to facilitate the buying and selling of technologies, the sourcing of new technologies and new products, and the development of joint ventures. |
Panelists pointed out that addressing the nation's energy crisis goes beyond just sourcing renewable fuels. |
Royal Canin uses ingredients of the highest quality and applies stringent quality assurance and safety parameters to the sourcing and testing of these ingredients, regardless of the channel of distribution of the diets. |
It is necessary to clarify the conditions under which imports from these derogating countries are allowed, and in particular those relating to the sourcing of the products for import. |
They deal with IP management in all its forms within companies, from IP development to component sourcing, manufacturing, wholesaling, retailing and internal corporate use. |
How did you become interested in sourcing ingredients in this way? |
Expanding Givaudan's sustainable raw material sourcing strategy with a focus on naturals by leveraging the company's unique knowledge and heritage. |
Boyd Technologies has launched its Sourcebook material sourcing website at www. |
This performance is due to our product adequacy to customers needs and to our worldwide sourcing strategy, mainly in Cottrell electrostatics precipitators and in bag filters. |
From sourcing to onboarding and internal mobility, a unified talent management system provides significant advantages in reducing time to hire, cost of hire, and dozens of process costs. |
Effective immediately, MBG will partner with Source Loop to provide strategic sourcing services for both existing and new clients. |
By extricating themselves from material production processes and shrinking the workforce, sourcing companies have saved on wage costs and social security expenditures. |
The most commonly used type of yeast for sourcing vitamin D is torula yeast, the name being derived from its biological name, Torulopsis utilis. |
From Africa and Asia to Europe and Latin America, you will learn about sourcing around the world, including NAFTA sourcing in the U. S. and Mexico. |
In the early 1980s, during and after the severe economic downturn of 19801982, a similar frenzy of price-influenced buying, cost slashing and offshore sourcing took place. |
Since 2002, Tom Beaty and his team at Insight Sourcing Group have been dedicated to helping companies reduce cost through strategic sourcing and procurement services. |
InSearch Worldwide is a talent sourcing partner for leading organizations by providing strategic recruitment solutions including executive search and recruitment outsourcing. |
The restaurant, called Dexter's Chargrill and Bar, will apparently be serving an all-day menu with an emphasis on healthiness and ethical sourcing. |
Tesco has unveiled a new oasthouse logo to give Kent produce a stronger identity, as part of a strategy to build up its reputation for regional sourcing. |