As you would expect, you can sort the data easily by clicking on the head of each column and present them in tabular or map form. |
That sort of thing was an inner-city disease, people assured themselves, not something that happened here. |
Not one of them heard another bomb go off or any sort of loud kaboom, so how this came about was a mystery to them all. |
The voice was low and sounded somewhat familiar in that strange sort of way. |
In town for the big day, Roxanne Morrisey describes what sort of country Yalgoo is set in. |
This sort of saving can be made whenever marginal abatement costs are not equal. |
This sort of thing was a common enough practice, for ransoming nobles was a profitable business. |
Why can't football fans have this sort of outlook, and give respect where it is due? |
It is the sort of service whereby it would not matter how much was spent, the demand would not be satisfied. |
Until recently I thought how-to books to be popular, in a lowbrow sort of way. |
However, this sort of overarching perspective only has the propaedeutic function of pointing our attention in a certain direction. |
The radiation of birds from the theropod stem may be an example of this sort of thing. |
It is often used to refer to a sort of social meeting in which it is pleasant to be together. |
Perhaps this is why the twin towers did not inspire the same sort of affection reserved for other New York landmarks. |
That sort of grip is along the lines of the French foil school and has nothing whatsoever to do with 16th century rapiers. |
The same is true with his collection of kakemono, which are hung, along with other pictures, in some sort of rotation. |
It would have been sort of amusing if I wasn't whimpering with pain and olfactory overload. |
In my view the relationship between grip, aerodynamics, and engine power, we sort of shifted away. |
It is the sort of place I might take my grandfather for a rare steak and a bottle of Chateau Neuf de Pape. |
Musically, everything is absolutely fine, in a middle-of-the-road, unexceptional sort of way. |
Okay that was the dumbest speculation I've ever had and you bastards let me say it like some sort of idiot. |
And I am afeared about what sort of photos of me are going to pop up on other people's sites. |
He complained that he could not sort out his private and financial affairs because he had to spend too much time in the middle. |
I rushed into it impulsively, not really knowing the sort of responsibility involved with such a task. |
And Canadians have always had this sort of affection for us and we've always had this affection for the Canadian people. |
At first glance, this seems a rather odd sort of charge to make, but it carries a good deal of weight. |
I could not afford to spend a lot of resources, or hardly anything, on an allegation of the sort of thing that you have just been talking about. |
It's almost like you're getting some sort of cheap thrill by rattling my cage. |
And when we would do funk covers people said we sounded like Jamiroquai, which I could sort of see. |
The climbs will sort it out, so it's not going to be a case of hanging on the flat and ducking and diving in a sprint finish. |
Nevertheless let us accept that astrologers may use some sort of intuition or psychic ability when reading a birth chart. |
Here is something raw, as yet uncompromised, and engaged with some sort of reality. |
They really believed that the people of Killala and North Mayo would fall for that sort of baloney. |
I like RBF because its putting a name to a thing people have been complaining to women about forever and sort of subverting it. |
An Essex butcher, Turpin fell in with the wrong sort and became involved with a vicious gang of robbers who preyed on isolated homes. |
I returned on a February morning to see what sort of training was being carried out. |
If you met me in person, you'd think I was a low-maintenance, incredibly quiet, average sort of person. |
The spacious area was surrounded with lofty walls, whitewashed and cleansed thoroughly, topped with black curved tiles like a sort of roofing. |
Lunch, or dinner as it was called, consisted of soups, pasties or sandwiches, vegetables, and some sort of pastry for afters. |
His voice was low-pitched, self-assured, altogether a man's voice, the sort of man who was master of his own affairs. |
The fox hunters' problem is that, because keeping a horse is a pretty expensive activity, they were always seen as some sort of financial elite. |
We don't want the sort of garden where children can't kick a ball or have to keep off the grass. |
In all of the books she had ever read the main character always had some sort of friend. |
I know you higher-ups like to hide that sort of thing from us, but I can read you like a book, sir. |
It's the sort of acting that's so natural one gets lost in it, losing sight of the actor as an actor and buying the character wholesale. |
That sort of Carnival strikes me as innocent and wholesome compared to what's going on in Germany. |
At the sort of speed you should have been travelling this collision would have been wholly avoidable. |
Now, with your finger, trace a few quick lines in the heap, imposing some sort of visual rhythm. |
Soyinka insists the day Africa is able to sort out its leadership vacuum is the day the continent will finally come of age. |
It's a classic, the sort of conspiracy theory which has fooled gullible people through the ages. |
There are lots of reasons why non-legal professionals may need this sort of ready access to the law as at a historical date. |
Perhaps he has attained the sort of blissful ataraxic state that his characters so long for. |
This is not just the obvious ageing person's whinge because my kids can sort out computer or digital camera problems that baffle me. |
The next chapter will hopefully be up with some sort of readiness and speed. |
It was a wonderful car for wooshing down across the roads of Europe but it proved to be the very worst sort of vehicle for dirt-track roads. |
I'd rather see a law forbidding the practice than trying to sort out ways to allow data sharing without my knowledge. |
By that time, I was in the sort of semi-media business as an agent handling writers. |
Like the derivation of verbs from adjectives the agent noun derivation of one sort or another is quite common in the world's languages. |
I would guess that most people watching this sort of news item do not sit there and imagine the real horror. |
No, they've generally evolved past that sort of aggressive territorial behaviour. |
Members of Parliament hate having this sort of wide-ranging power sneaked past them as much as you do. |
It's this sort of oceanic sonic force that propels the film to its conclusion. |
Now, again, there is a byplay there between the suggestion that the Crown is involved in some sort of subterfuge in this case. |
Yes councillor, it is not beyond the realms of possibility for councillors, highways, and bus company management to sort out some solution. |
Physically I had a sort of knot in my stomach, and as each hour went by that she was missing, it got worse and worse. |
You know, anybody who's gone without sleep, even for just one night, knows that it can really sort of, you know, mess with your head. |
Heavens above, I don't think that expression of view is going to sort of stop communications policy in its tracks. |
But bravo for having the sort of artistic chutzpah to inject New Zealand's art scene with some shameless vitality. |
There was a famous cathedral in Amsterdam that operated as a sort of agora, a public forum. |
I think that very few of the insane are in any sort of position of lucidity. |
Depending on the type of block you are using, there is typically some sort of key that locks one row to the row below it. |
I mean, people singing along to songs, even horribly out of key, is better than groups of people talking loudly in some sort of strange choir. |
There had been a storm, though, I think, and the ship had run aground on an island ruled by some sort of nasty feudal overlord. |
Within reason, that should be their right, and not denied them by the worst sort of mean-minded bureaucracy. |
But that would be a crass sort of opinion to attribute to a wily man like Pilate. |
While no-one can predict the future it is reasonably safe to assume that this sort of incident will not occur again. |
Well it prepares you to discuss these sort of controversial areas in a more reasoned way with your practitioners. |
But a decision was reached in midweek by the runner and her coach, Alan Storey, that she is not in any sort of shape to compete at all. |
You're not suddenly going to tell the world you have a claim on me, or try to hold me to some sort of commitment? |
Packing sheds were constructed for growers to sort and sack the potatoes for shipment. |
It helps if someone holds your hand and sort of walks you through the day, which someone did. |
We are trying to improve the facilities all the time and make the ground more presentable and this sort of thing is just a kick in the teeth. |
Well it looks to be a gunship of some sort so it should have a tractor beam. |
It depicted the five sacred mountains of Taoism in sort of symbolic form, with the five peaks at the top. |
He had that sort of windswept hair and unshaven look that only an artist could pull off. |
I stepped into a pair of slippers that were supposed to look like wolves, but had sort of lost any shape about a year ago. |
The same firm was placed in receivership a week ago after efforts to sort out its modest financial problems failed. |
This is a good option if your lawn has the sort of grass with runners, like kikuyu. |
As we awaited his arrival, the chief of protocol arranged us in a sort of receiving line. |
All animals that could not be made to perform some sort of service to society were completely killed off. |
That sort could drive you nuts trying to guess what they were, where they were coming from. |
We're in the sort of plush Glasgow hotel where waiters scuttle along behind you sweeping up your dropped aitches. |
This is the way things are done here and if this money will stop any sort of revenge killings then it is worth it. |
So the claim that there are conservatives who believe in some sort of absolute liberty is a total straw man. |
Now the sort of response that you are offering is in absolute total contrast to everything that we have heard so far. |
Indeed, were I to find myself in that sort of position, I would prefer for a total stranger to do that to me, rather than a friend. |
That, ultimately, is a recipe for corrupt government, if this sort of thing is allowed to flourish. |
However in practice there has to be some sort of body of people whose daily work is attending to government so we have elections every few years. |
But his peculiar language consisted of a sort of recitative, half-speaking the songs rather than singing them. |
To transform a so-called boring team into a complete total football team, he must be some sort of genius. |
Or there would be a lot of screen wipes of carriages going by at sort of strategic moments. |
He detests the sort of expats who stick only to their own kind, and takes a dim view of those who make no effort to bridge cultural gaps. |
They wanted the artwork on the packaging to be attention-grabbing, and to elicit some sort of reaction in the shopper. |
I have a feeling that if they'd been given half an eternity to sort it out, these two would have been arguing right down to the wire. |
She sort of remembered wearing the camisole and heels maybe once or twice, but the pants and scarf seemed to be brand new. |
It's the sort of night that really gets your heart beating and your pulse racing. |
As for keeping their numbers down, leave it to mother nature, she'll sort out the animal kingdom the natural way. |
It's good that you can leave it with this note to it, sort of button it up with the fact that the re-election went the way it did. |
For want of amusement I decided to have a look-see at what sort of searches were luring you poor blighted souls my way. |
Hey, maybe you're in a movie where your boyfriend is some sort of kinless clone or alien. |
This structure is derived from the melon of other odontocetes, and like the melon, may serve as a sort of acoustic lens. |
This sort of quota is regrettable, but it is the only solution to the crisis. |
Against this sort of attack, nuclear shields and Star Wars weaponry look as irrelevant as the Maginot Line. |
It's the sort of thriller which, as time wears on, is beginning to look dated. |
It was whitewashed and had two bedrooms upstairs and a sitting room downstairs, plus a sort of kitchen and a little scullery. |
In addition, we also have written history and legends to help us sort of piece together the last 3,000 plus years of the Shih Tzu's history. |
Unfortunately, some rocks weather into a sort of brown almost burnt crust on the outside, so that can be confusing. |
With the clarity of hindsight, this sort of jiggery-pokery now seems worryingly typical of WorldCom's way of doing business. |
The persistent rabidness of your brand of criticism is not far from that sort of unhinged loony obsessive hatred. |
It's lovely, you sort of follow a gill that has alders like the River Cover, but almost different trees, small and gnarled and ancient looking. |
I was given a sewing machine so I could make my own clothes and I was given a small loom so I used to weave cloth, I was that sort of child. |
Despite being a Sagittarian, I'm not the sort of person who wants to travel far. |
But do any American governors actually believe in this sort of jingoism, or do they just affect to do so for political purposes? |
A jink, a change of pace and it was to the endline to hammer across balls the sort great headers dream of. |
A good horse is a good horse, regardless of what sort of tack it's ridden in. |
I don't have many racing drivers as heroes because they can do things that I can do, in a sort of way, so I don't really look up to them. |
ThinPrint offers software to sort out print jobs in internet and mobile environments. |
Dyant seems to sort out the black ones while Dynest has best results on the brown jobbies. |
The sort of record that makes you thankful for the existence of the jobseeker's allowance. |
Things moved on and smartened up, then along came a younger sort of female presenter. |
He was the sort of person who would angrily thump the table and shout at the radio during political discussion programmes. |
There are still many people who, like me, consider Florence Nightingale to be a sort of secular saint. |
We then switch to a fellow listening to the music in his car, which is joined to another by some sort of tubing. |
Market pundits will come up with all sort of spurious reasons why shares may or may not continue to climb. |
This is the sort of lack of joined-up thinking that's getting in the way of what disabled people need. |
In this way it can help the owner of a property to get the right sort of windows, joinery or plaster finish on their building. |
The prophetic books, especially, look forward to a return to this sort of paradise after the day of Judgement. |
The furniture is composed of pink and blue plastic, the sort of material only found in fast food joints. |
He has promised to familiarise himself with the Academy and sort out pre-season friendlies as quickly as possible. |
Through this work, he hopes to create a sort of electric shock that will jolt the audience into seeing what hides behind the image. |
It's the sort of story which a humanitarian journalist would cover, instead of, say, microscopically analysing one remark by a candidate's wife. |
So you may as well get used to the idea of assuming some sort of online identity now. |
Sadly, that same sort of shabby treatment has been accorded some of the mystery world's most beloved authors. |
Sorry, this list started off well enough, but just got sort of out of control. |
To see the sort of difficulty that can arise, let us consider addition first. |
I was sort of a journeyman player, played as hard as I could, and was a reasonably intelligent player. |
The whole gang get kidnapped by students indulging in some sort of rag week prank. |
We'll be walking through meadows which contained many wild flowers including meadow sweet, ragged robin and some sort of orchid. |
If you were to put him to a cob mare you would get a slighter sort of foal. |
The sort of mission with massive logistics involved actually is tailor-made for the military, but it also comes with risks. |
It's the holidays, and things are buzzing with human activity, in a usually deserted sort of way. |
I made a hole in a black bin bag and put my head through it like some sort of black, plastic tabard. |
No matter what sort of threat a politician is, usurping free will is pretty bad juju, as least as far as I understand things. |
Hannah picked, noticing how the tone of her voice had taken a sort of offensive taint. |
It is the sort of thing that Jim and I would have fantasised about amid the glorious laughter of youth. |
She used to sort through five pound bags of raisins examining each one for stems. |
The ball flew 60 yards, Ronaldo about 30, after the sort of challenge that English crowds adore as much as a clever flick. |
His rambunctious, charismatic appeal does call to mind the scrappy sort of life force so present in American folklore. |
It's a very common condition, I'm told, but usually they don't leave a whacking great scar across you when they sort it out. |
Changes of this sort would, I feel, help to establish the book as an important authority in this crucial and fast-changing field. |
At times, he seems aloof and distant from them, and his accent is full of mid-Atlantic Euro-twang, not unlike some sort of cheesy disc jockey. |
I seem to remember a lot of guys with cheap macho posturing about killing them all and letting God sort them out, and so forth. |
Arguably, these poorer students deserve some sort of grant towards their living costs. |
Now it looks as if the taxpayer will have to foot the whole bill and what sort of result is that? |
How will this affect the existence of money, and what sort of society might emerge as a result? |
Pat wanted to know what sort of amount we needed and how we'd use any money raised. |
It does not sound like the sort of case the High Court, in the limited jurisdiction of judicial review, would become involved in. |
Adding sticky-back mirror squares at the back of a shelving system of this sort magnifies the space. |
This gave her a sort of freedom that she took advantage of, but did not exploit. |
Because he believes modern-day adventurism of this sort cannot work and is unnecessary. |
But he hasn't yet made the sort of lasting impact with the public that would transform the political landscape to his advantage. |
You must remember that in Europe during those days everyone wore a uniform of one sort or another. |
Deciding that they need some sort of food, they traipse off in the direction of the shop, still giggling to themselves. |
The doctors thought he had been in some sort of a landslide or a building collapse. |
The trade-off in this crisis is not the sort that our globalised politicians are used to dealing with. |
What is less obvious in this sort of reportage is its selectivity or the use of leading questions. |
It would be sort of remiss for us to talk about this without saying, well, these guys just really aren't trained to do counseling. |
In other words, it's the sort of movie that's bound to frustrate some viewers and tantalize others. |
Chinese is a language rich in kinship terms, but the point is that, whatever sort of relative Mr Li was, he was a remote one. |
Thus, one of the things that I've been working on is a sort of metaphysical, mystical energy tantra, where the rush of energy is held inside you. |
Therefore, they recruited the Hmong and the Lao forces to sort of replace the operations for the United States there. |
Fluffy white lapdogs, of the sort seen in the Lady and the Unicorn tapestries, seem to have been the most popular. |
He urged the Ambonese to sort out the problem themselves and asked the Vice President to oversee progress. |
That is the sort of decision that real leaders of this nation have to take, and you have squibbed it. |
Out of over 30 cousins on one side alone, there are few renegades, and any sort of self-reliance is seen as catastrophic, or worse, deluded. |
The gay scene was sort of a safe haven for any sort of social misfit or renegade. |
Not that sort of restless, you understand, but rather restless awake rather than asleep. |
But the sceptic's willingness to renew his challenge at every stage indicates that this is not the sort of answer he is looking for. |
They are very amenable to this sort of treatment and the resulting new growth can be clipped into simple egg shapes or cubes, for example. |
He was the sort of person who was very loyal to his friends. |
What is the point of this thick, colourful book, except as a sort of cultural tea bag for the American market? |
Some cocktail jiggers include a handle of some sort attached to them. |
I knew it would be hard but I was genuinely excited and got a real buzz from the fact the education authority had asked me to try to sort things out. |
The new struggle is the sort that is happening in Iraq, where resources have been taken over and people are struggling to gain back local control of them. |
This sort of ethical perspective has not been given a public airing. |
That's the sort of condescension that really got on his wick. |
But an even more pertinent question would be whether the theses lead up to any sort of tract or treatise concerned with the Holy Spirit and nothing else. |
Please note that I made a contribution after reading the tract, i.e., I too am a hug-a-whale sort of guy. |
When a community is in the grips of a siege mentality, that sort of lockstep friendship may seem appealing. |
We're trying everything we can to sort out yobbery in the evenings. |
Lambert isn't against atonalism, and admires Berg a great deal, but he's against any sort of dogmatism, and the atonalists had become dogmatic even by then. |
There is evidence of religious significance in the buildings, and what is called the temple was the royal residence and served as a sort of acropolis. |
This is the sort of unapologetically practical, comprehensively preventive measure we should be thinking of. |
But he was very friendly in a slightly bumbling avuncular sort of way. |
But in the past few decades, a following of a different sort has flocked to its hallowed halls. |
He's making most people feel safe in an unsafe time and they're willing to put up with rather a lot of shadiness in such circumstances, if history is any sort of witness. |
That husband of hers, still doing the cooking? Saw him on telly the other day. He had an apron on. Seems a rum sort of go. In my day we left cooking to the women. |
The game finished all square after ninety minutes but extra time did sort the two sides out as the home side scored twice to book their place in the next round. |
And I think that what lifted our spirits when it really hurt, sort of grinding on the bike, was to see everything around us. |
My mom is a singer-songwriter, but she was also very depressed when I was a kid, and I feel like I just sort of embodied that. |
It is exactly that sort of sentiment that rankles me the most. |
This sort of junk archaeology is only slightly less ludicrous than alien intervention theories but crosses a more problematic line in its openly racialist intent. |
This sort of access is granted to anyone who has been an active Wikipedian for a while, those individuals generally known and trusted in the community. |
This sort of sustained engagement can short-circuit racially triggered instances of the confirmation bias, wrote Dobbin. |
Seeing as my friend's just gone through the mill, I thought it would be interesting to ask him what sort of tips he would have for others thinking about selling up. |
As fluent with their bodies as with language, they sing, sort papers, go berserk, and snap to attention when buzzers go off, signaling the need to receive of send messages. |
He was a very secretive sort of individual, a very recluse sort of a person, and didn't have much to do with many of the people of this congregation. |
Sources tell me that this autocratic style led to managerial paralysis in the party and that the current leadership are doing their best to sort it all out. |
When Mal could come back each sort of week or weekend with the film rushes, he'd tell me the latest of what had gone on the set, and it was quite unusual. |
Family comedies, by their very nature, usually come beset with some sort of unsubtle message, a fair amount of gloop, and one or two precocious kids. |
Well, I am not the sort of person to encourage illegal activity, but in the face of such wilful neglect and destructiveness, flying pickets would not seem out of place. |
Don't we have a State Department that takes care of this sort of thing? |
Today, when we think of telegraphs we think of electric telegraphs, we think of wires and Morse code and dots and dashes and telegrams and that sort of thing. |
There is, it seems, a certain sort of human pathology, male pathology, to which this appeals, just as serial killers get a kick from their power over the powerless. |
Had the patron saint of repenting harlots seduced him into some sort of cohabitation? |
One day soon, man is going to be able to harness incredible energies, maybe even the atom, energies that could ultimately hurl us to other worlds in some sort of spaceship. |
Nuclear fusion is sort of the Holy Grail of energy production, whereby atomic nuclei slam together at high temperatures, fuse and release a great deal of energy. |
When did you start getting attention from guys, and was that a sort of a culture shock for you? |
It takes a World War, diphtheria and blindness to sort it all out. |
What Jerry wants to be is sort of a rainmaker for urban government. |
Her skin is a sort of tannish color like toasted almonds, sort of. |
You sort of notice perspective and lines and flat planes of colour. |
They are also already more interesting than they usually are, for construing lyric as a sort of thought about matter advances poetics in many ways. |
They are a plain looking, solid sort of shoe with a chunky heel, quite rigid support and come in an infinite range of colours and limited editions. |
So part of the essay attempts to identify the sort of praise and blame that can be practised in a dispassionate and clear-headed way, while junking the rest. |
Its fierce determination in deconstructing the sexual politics that are so often taken for granted in this sort of film provide more thrills than the average Bond outing. |
From the first time I ever met Richard, several years ago, he struck me as the kind of guy who probably needed a good woman to take him in hand, and sort him out. |
Yet, our brain's wiring hasn't changed much, and human survival responses still are triggered by the idea we are under some sort of imminent threat. |
It's cool, in a toned-down bowling-shirt sort of way, but its polyester yarn is spun soft and airy, and subtle mesh vents in the back evacuate excess body heat. |
Those sort of recalcitrants he mentions have been frustrated by the current native vegetation laws since they were brought in six years ago, and some have simply ignored them. |
After a long crescendo, the theme appears on the whole orchestra, fortissimo, in an augmentation, and gives way to a sort of Dance before the Ark. |
She was so worldly and wise, and experienced in the world of theater and beyond, and in the short time I'd known her, she sort of took me under her wing as a mother would. |
If you could intervene with some sort of miracle that would limit her to wee-weeing only two to three times per day instead of fifteen, it would really help me out a lot. |
Ferraris inspired a sort of hushed awe and their owners automatically became members of an elite club that only the very wealthy and well-connected could ever hope to enter. |
White and a pale sort of foamy green swirled together on the walls, and the doors were dark blue, ominous and foreboding pits that threatened to cave in before bad news. |
Even if you don't believe in the cause yourself, you have to admit that this is the sort of thing that makes gentlemen safe abed hold their manhood cheap. |
A car bomb was foredoomed to failure, since winding security roads had been set up outside the gate of the base, and the US military is ready for that sort of attack. |
I should have let it drop and said we'd speak in the morning, but instead I lose my rag and tell her I'm going back to the pub and she can sort herself out. |
People were literally getting serious, serious beating or kickings when they were plasticuffed you're talking broken ribs, punctured lungs sort of thing. |
But in New York, the gifted young sculptor became a sort of society vanguardist whose soigne work was rooted in radical ideas that he made palatable. |
It's possible, however, since we're interested in pursuing the benefits of microgravity we haven't spent a great deal of time on this sort of thing. |
He was portrayed in that movie as sort of being a man who was a lush. |
And jackdaws say they can sort you for whiz, pills and charlie. |
What sort of lunatic performer was this, driven to go on performing the same stunt, time after time, finally without any audience at all, entirely for his own pleasure? |
Now there's an opportunity for getting on all fours in a hard-headed, tough-minded way, with a government which is trying to do the right sort of thing. |
But that sort of rationalization may be better tackled by psychologists than the justices of the Supreme Court. |
He laid his own over ours in a sort of benediction, a blessing. |
I think people have things that are sort of tipping points in their lives. |
I've had sort of passing acquaintanceship with a few of them. |
His last years, lived by invitation in cottages in Sussex and Kent, fed and wined by beneficent admirers, provided a sort of rural coda of tranquillity. |
He was hoping to sort out his life and put his crimes behind him. |
Rather than describing a man's character by attributing various qualities to him, they preferred to exemplify it by saying the sort of things that he might do. |
He sort of saw the handwriting on the wall, that it was going to be the end of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. |
They were carrying canes and doing a sort of tap-dance, minus the taps. |
The Chinese have come to expect this sort of confused reaction, CNS Imports principal Steaven Chen says. |
It's the sort of place that exists in London's adland, in Soho, where you feel you're swimming against the tide unless you're kitted out from head to toe in Prada. |
The substantial plate of rabbit was beautifully tender and came with the sort of gloriously rich sauce that you can feel furring up your arteries as you eat. |
Such objections may be seen as the sort of caviling and gibing that often greets attempts to speak across the divide between science and literature. |
The fruit, as you say, is black, very knobbly and it's a bit like a sort of squat fig with a pointy bit at the end and very, very hard, almost stone-like. |
That's the sort of bad karma that happens to people like that, kids. |
Is my mind goin' on me or am I watching you jibber-jabber like some sort of jibberty box. Jibber-jabber on! Jibber-jabber on! |
Use the 'pulse' button to turn these ingredients into a coarse sort of breadcrumby, dry mixture. |
Unsurprisingly, if modern man is a sort of camera, modern woman is a picture. |
The War Front colt could manage only third at the Curragh, but that effort came against a very promising sort in Shepherd's Purse. |
In game 2, I am again sort of manascrewed, as I am held to 3 lands, 2 Springs and a Mountain. |
Two years ago we were going to Mars, and that sort of didn't happen...and now there's, like, manimal. |
No chance in hell, even if it was a Gurney Eagle engine. The only way you can get those sort of neddies out of a 302 Windsor would be boost. |
Understandably, Simon, 52, might not be up for that sort of wildness, so the boys have a trick up their sleeves. |
Myers, with simple, skillful descriptions of plumage, similar species, microhabitats, and behavior makes it easy to sort them out. |
It is a sort of an alternative Independence Day as 39 states now formally observe Juneteenth as the end of slavery in America. |
What sort of Marxist devotes six years to the perfecting of a novel so remote from the struggle for tomorrow? |
We'd done the critical reading and so could sort through the often rebarbative yet always challenging works we favored. |
And they end up being quite collagey sort of pieces, almost like a revue, a series of sketches. |
But this descriptive commonplace is not sufficient to account for the sort of comportability-predicated integrity we have been talking about. |
They turned out to be the same sort of detritus as everything else. Junk and mathoms and useless geegaws. |
Shipbreaker Able UK has until the Atlantic 'weather window' opens to sort out the ghost ships controversy, says a leading green group. |
Frail smoke of morning in the air and a sort of muffled hum that is not sound but is not silence either. |
The legislative package may be lacking in presentational pizzazz but it sets out the sort of solid agenda which Labour should be doing. |
There was a sort of gormless unstoppability about him that she found rather fascinating. |
Just the sort of place gormy Eugene would pick to hold a family get-together. |
Then I get together with the makeup man and we sort of transfer my drawings onto my face. |
This allows Stemilt to move away from the traditional method of using a diverging roll sizer to size cherries and the human eye to sort fruit. |
The ultracold atoms all fall into the same quantum state, becoming a sort of superatom called a Bose-Einstein condensate. |
The remembrance whereof representing me her visage and Idea so lively and so naturally, doth in some sort reconcile me unto her. |
As a lifelong reader, I have rarely had any sort of compass to guide me. |
Having this sort of supposed unattributable quotes is part of the perks of being leader of the opposition. |
Today, most weddings are followed by some sort of celebration, although not by infares, shivarees, or any similar institution. |
It is also theoretically problematic, risking a different sort of reductiveness or marginalization. |
I'm an internationalist You, wanderer, probably don't know what that is! An internazi is the sort of man you won't find in the Balkan. |
Smith further determined that OSHA did not even have a metallurgist or engineer of any sort look at the correctness of the welding involved. |