For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. |
In his portrait of Jesus, Mark emphasizes both Jesus' sonship and his forsakenness. |
Second, there is no greater happiness possible than the heavenly blessing of Divine sonship in Jesus, the SON of God. |
In the transfiguration the announcement of divine sonship is flanked by sayings of the necessity of the cross. |
The acceptance of sonship, co-operation with the indwelling Adjuster, is the price of evolutionary survival. |
His sonship is tested here as surely as in his initial testing by Satan. |
We are the ones who, pa r t icu la rly by Fa it h, decide to accept sonship w it h God, a nd from that moment, that sonship becomes real. |
Your Adjuster is the potential of your new and next order of existence, the advance bestowal of your eternal sonship with God. |
Instead, they emphasize clearly three contentions in the mystery of the sonship of God. |
Among the northern nations that overwhelmed the western Roman Empire, belief in divine sonship was general. |
The Daynal order of sonship is not an organic part of the local or superuniverse administrations. |
Let me put it like this: the church is his beloved child, the embodiment of his Spirit of sonship. |
In the beginning is the Word' who is God, Life, the Light of men: everyone is linked to his lost divine original sonship. |
Concerning Jesus' mission, there can never be a more effective mortal bestowal for showing us the Father and demonstrating sonship with God and brotherhood with man than that of the Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon. |
Adrian strongly opposed Adoptionism, the doctrine of the dual sonship of Christ, and condemned the teachings of Archbishop Elipandus of Toledo, Spain. |