You could hook up with someone else, but that would be adultery and adultery is wrong. |
So when you get back to work, you're not only drunk but your tongue feels like someone scraped it with the dull end of a razor blade. |
The board also established new jobs for seasoned construction pros, including someone to jump-start its stalled and troubled school projects. |
Your Honour has an outstanding reputation as a jurist and someone who has already made a significant contribution to the law in Australia. |
He writes his employer to say that he wants someone removed from his hiring committee. |
It was such a great day and I had a warm glow inside as I watched the events again from someone else's perspective. |
He continued looking around for a moment, then nearly jumped out of his skin as someone tapped him on the shoulder. |
For example, when we see that Emily owns a cat, is there any doubt it will jump out at someone for a cheap scare later on? |
No matter how safe a driver you are, you can be taken out by someone else's bad driving. |
Can someone care to explain what are the differences between a trench coat, a rain coat, a macintosh coat and a walking coat? |
The tone of Boyfriend! is of someone older writing for a younger audience in simple language. |
There is actually someone on the show who looks the dead ring of her, no joke. |
Thus, the 15 minutes of fame for someone who takes herself way too seriously is extended, and another classic ad campaign jumps the shark. |
And, perhaps because the routine is the same every day, time seems to be whizzing past as if someone had overwound the clock. |
Her fingers looked as if someone had beat on them and they were welted and lumpy and bent at uncomfortable angles. |
Brian grunted as someone jumped him from behind, almost losing his balance and falling over. |
As someone with body-image issues of my own, I can't in good conscience send innocent women into the buzz saw that is your cruel gaze. |
When someone opens the door it hits the door jam and sets off an alarm that will scare them away and wake you up. |
He said since the trial someone had tried to ram his car and force him off the road. |
I don't see him getting hit, but I do see him bungling an order to take someone out, and getting himself killed. |
When you receive junk mail from someone unknown, these people may be the culprits. |
But what if the doctor does not want to treat someone because he or she thinks that they would be an inadequate parent? |
All the cats are desexed, vaccinated and wormed, and they make a great companion for a family or for someone living alone. |
It is often little use trying to explain to someone the theology of suffering when they are in the midst of it! |
It was a magnificent shot, worthy of someone ranked higher than 56th in the world. |
Now, instead of paying to have someone else mill their wheat, they add value to their crop by grinding and bagging it themselves. |
And if following Jesus' example will help someone eat better, we say, amen! |
It may sound like the voice of someone readying themselves for a downward swing in work, a shift into the slow lane. |
I mean, this is the United States of America, and who am I to tell someone they can or cannot serve their country? |
It's a new experience, living with someone who's a better cook than me, but one I could get used to. |
I just hope this jogs someone else's memory, because he may have asked others for directions. |
Rob can tell that teenage hoodlums who raid his store are stealing for someone else because of the records they turn over when caught. |
One had taken a camcorder from someone and proceeded to smash it to pieces. |
If someone raises your big blind and everyone folds, you're getting 3.5 to 1 on calling the raise. |
When we found someone to explain our situation, we were at first told to jump the queue, and then told that we would not make our flight. |
I know someone who erects TV aerials around the local area and he's raking it in. |
Almost everyone here knows someone whose child is struggling with drug addiction. |
The public demands that someone is held to account for these things no matter who is at fault. |
While someone pulled the rope down the mast, which came through some jammers, another crew tailed the rope around the winch. |
She took a chair beside a disheveled looking woman who was most likely a writer and waited patiently for someone important to arrive. |
I don't need to have someone in authority over me telling me what I can and cannot do when it comes to my religion. |
Fisher, too, says that, at 47, he has been told he has the health status of someone 20 years his junior. |
You take your useless junk and list it, and if someone wants it, you send it to them instead of putting it out with the trash. |
I'm aware that when I go places there isn't someone with me holding my hand. |
The water wheel axle shaft still turned and made a squeaky noise but Don could hear the footsteps of someone on the floor above him. |
So it was a good thing that someone was surprised as she was also, but what about him? |
They want to punish someone to show all the world they will not be put upon. |
He got the job by default when the first choice dropped out, and even then it was only through the intervention of someone important. |
I miss feeling adventurous and having fun ideas that I want to try out with someone special. |
At one of my past jobs, someone always left a copy of the newspaper in the toilets. |
It is unlikely they would be lenient with someone they view as a recidivist. |
I was curious after someone suggested that foul language would keep away readers. |
That's funny, I thought to myself, you must be mistaking me for someone who is remotely interested. |
What is not arguable is the fact that Martin actually killed someone and that this had to be punished under the present legal system. |
Well, I never saw a good one, although I did have one experience where someone put a radio tape on of an interview that was allegedly me. |
It's no fun going after someone who has no experience on television but a really smart statesman and politician like him, you bet. |
From someone as sharp as Morrissey, blunt sarcasm is enormously disappointing. |
Does the Registered Architects' Board have to employ someone who understands tepee building or Mongolian yurts? |
And here I was hoping to keep you company in this huge lonely palace, but you already have someone to entertain you. |
You accept that someday your parents will die, but I never saw myself as someone who'd get divorced. |
If the animal keepers find someone teasing the animals, they warn him or ask him to leave, they claim. |
How was it possible for someone as dumb and arrogant as Heath to make me blush with a simple action or word? |
If someone believes they can leave their body and travel the world and the millions of different astral planes, they will. |
If somebody is going to have an affair, they will do it whether or not someone tries to flirt with them. |
Please, whatever you do, don't just wait for someone else to make the first move. |
I learnt that someone from my past who I thought liked me in fact hates my guts with a passion. |
As someone with almost no talent for languages at all, I can testify that the program at Macalester was tailor-made for the study of Russian. |
In observable characteristics, Saturn depicts someone who is characterised by austerity or seriousness. |
Can't you just buzz off and bother someone else that's dumb enough to listen to you? |
Whoever their trailer was, he was both foolhardy and not very experienced at shadowing someone across a desert. |
She stretched again and yawned, nearly jumping out of her skin when someone knocked on her door. |
I stopped singing suddenly, nearly jumping out of my skin when someone put their hand on my shoulder. |
An alert Sailor called for someone to summon the corpsman and then he dropped to the deck to close off the blood loss by use of a tourniquet. |
So how then did the cited unmentionables, including a prized photograph of the buxom lady at age 22, become interred with someone else's bones? |
A crowd gathers and someone asks the girl what she has said to enrage her brother so. |
If someone thinks a vehicle has been taken unjustly, he or she has to apply to the police. |
I will be placed in the position of needing to teach somebody to be able to have someone to practice with. |
Still, it looks like a good business opportunity for someone with an immediate need for huge amounts of ready cash. |
Another adjustment might be to rearrange office furniture to create extra space for someone using a wheelchair or an assistance dog. |
If someone takes the seat next to you, please move up a bit so they aren't hanging off the end. |
For we mothers and fathers often wish to escape the terrifying job of being responsible for someone else day in, day out, for 18 or so years. |
He said he had not addressed the remark to the inspector but to someone beside him. |
Her skill at passing herself off as someone else would have shamed even James Bond. |
The first year they took someone in, he expected free accommodation for the rest of the summer. |
You are fortunate enough to have someone to move in with who loves you and can provide shelter. |
We can delegate the authority to train and bring up our children to someone else but never the responsibility. |
As soon as someone tries to squash me into a position of submission I will react and deal with any consequences later. |
Just because someone knocks on your door, phones you or stops you in the street is not good enough reason to change your mind. |
Hope and relief filled me, but were almost immediately squashed as someone kicked me in the ribs, and I found my face pressed against the floor. |
It helps if someone holds your hand and sort of walks you through the day, which someone did. |
We managed to get hold of someone at the company in order to explain to us how this concept works. |
The skipper and another person jumped into the water as someone cut the lines to the boat, setting it adrift in a 10-knot breeze. |
What's the correct, polite thing to do when someone breaks wind in your presence? |
For someone who holds such a powerful position in the NHS, it's striking that he's no older than the average hospital registrar. |
He chose journalism as a career because he wanted to travel and wanted someone else to pay for it. |
Denise said the accident happened after she had been putting Cameron to bed in his own bedroom and someone knocked at the door. |
Hey is it just me, or is her hair ludicrously overdone for someone who just kicks around school and Ramsay Street all day? |
You'd go into one office and it's perfect, like someone just left to go to the bathroom. |
If anyone can help, they will get the satisfaction of helping someone from a less advantaged background. |
They'd have to hire someone to sit me in a wheelchair and push me around all day. |
While it's great to spread your wings, taking a chance for someone other than yourself often has limited success. |
Is there someone in the wings who, in case you don't run the company, will run the company? |
It's all fun until someone chews a squeaker out of their Bush or Kerry pet toy. |
Of course, someone had to file a lawsuit, which serves only to elevate this already overblown subject to new heights of lunacy. |
Once you go into court and testify, you may contribute to someone being put into prison or turned free. |
Where else would you see total strangers letting someone else use the bathrooms in their house? |
Don't pick up someone else's instrument and start noodling around on it without permission. |
Nothing squelches arousal like the terrible feeling you get from lying to someone you love. |
It was, for someone who had grown up with rock and folk music, immediately recognisable and attractive. |
There are probably three great albums in here, but in itself it is too long for someone with my short attention span. |
The experience of someone talking to her when no one is around is what is called an auditory hallucination. |
When I listened to the Carson tapes, I heard someone talking to the already convinced. |
It's not unusual for someone to arrive at the service with court documents that need to be actioned quite soon after the appointment. |
I feel as if a day of my working life or living life has been taken away by someone who is a jobsworth. |
It is entirely possible that someone has a reasonable opinion, deriving from conscious thought. |
Apparently, if you're at risk of harming yourself or someone else, you can be put away. |
Farmers who want to employ someone to shear their sheep will have to seek permission from the Government's divisional veterinary manager. |
Just today I heard from someone who came to see me in my office just exactly how awash with cash Government departments are. |
If you know of someone who is thinking of purchasing a rabbit at Easter, let them know it's a bad idea. |
Poor Aunt Barb didn't know the frequency, and so she jiggled in vain until someone heard her cries for help and came to the rescue. |
Frankly, I'm astonished that there's someone else out there who'd stretch to five pounds for it. |
Struggling to keep her wayward fringe at bay, Hailey meandered away from the beach blind as a bat, until she bumped into someone or something. |
Looking at Dorrie alone in her sitting-room, you wonder how someone so slender and gentle has carried the burdens life has weighed her down with. |
You will soon develop quicker reactions and a sixth sense for when someone is going to do something unorthodox. |
My dad moved to the door and I heard him talking to someone right outside of it. |
Next on the list is a wedding cake, we've got something special in mind, we just need to find someone who can make it. |
He was weak, the runt of his litter, and yipped whenever someone got too close to him. |
She didn't think Jamie was the type to sit hiding in some motel room when someone was out to kill him. |
Someone in prison is still able to contribute something to society whereas someone executed cannot. |
It could be Kazakhstan, the web's available there, wherever someone could access the world wide web. |
You just know this one is going to end up with someone going to intensive care in traction. |
If you are someone that is easily swayed by advertisements, try to give them a wide berth. |
I think it was a school joke or a prank to make you think that there is someone that knows who you truly are. |
When prompted, you either say the phone number or speak the name of someone in the phone's address book. |
I didn't care what happened to anyone and rather hoped at least someone would die a horrible death. |
Why is it that people in this state are so quick to judge someone strictly on their accent? |
I don't like the idea of someone being hounded by anonymously sourced allegations in the press. |
We wait while she buzzes someone and tells them she has an emergency out front. |
He says he tried to reach someone on the phone for elaboration, but had no luck. |
The third method calls for your practicing with someone not as good at judo as you are. |
Perhaps someone with the time and technical know-how will construct a website for progressive tactical voters. |
The songs would have to be coached by someone who knows the song style and is fluent in Hungarian, a difficult language. |
But it's common sense that welfare states then need someone else to support so many pensioners. |
I can sing well enough, especially when there's someone around to make the music for me. |
The film doesn't necessarily need Jason Mewes, but it needs someone who's funny. |
I think it must be someone who wants us out of the area or has a grudge against us but we're not moving anywhere. |
To be honest, if someone came into the loos and asked politely to jump the queue, I would rarely refuse. |
I didn't have very much time to think into this though because suddenly someone jumped on me, knocking us both backward. |
But the data basically show that most people are willing, in a pinch, to impose higher taxes on someone else. |
No one becomes a decent human being without the love and caring of someone who truly values their worth. |
It's not like they're books someone would normally want to read for light reading! |
But it's funny to hear someone saying something so out of kilter with popular opinion and also I think quite a necessary thing. |
In their rush to smile for the cameras, someone apparently bumped a decimal point six places to the right. |
Along a stretch of one road someone has draped strings of little lights in loops and whorls on a line of trees. |
Similarly, if someone develops a mental illness that forbids them from owning guns, the courts can find out if the individual owns weapons. |
Every time you use a supermarket loyalty card, or switch on cable TV or access your favourite website, someone somewhere is monitoring you. |
My head feels like someone set off a bomb in it, and I'm wobbly on my feet, but at least I don't feel sick. |
I think my Nokia problem stems from a wobbly disconnect that I attempted when I noticed someone had sent me a 2.5 MB attachment. |
I was wide awake yet my conscious brain was refusing to accept that someone unseen was touching my face. |
For a while, his brain was swollen so he hung his head like someone with a real bad headache. |
If someone does not believe in all of this, can they call themselves a Lubavitcher? |
As someone who classes themselves as widely read on the occult area the only thing I know is that I don't know enough. |
We should not be giving special treatment to someone purely on the strength of their spending power but the reality is that we have to. |
When a big issue is on, do we want someone who might be prepared to fudge the realities of truth in order to meet his or her own ends? |
Gwen do you want a brother who will most likely bring shame to your family or someone who cares? |
In days gone by it was a refreshing experience eating at someone else's house. |
Normally, that ought to be a sure sign to someone like me that I really ought to forget about it. |
But they had only gone a few miles down the road when someone realised that the door to the luggage compartment on their bus had opened. |
Another road is to wait until someone else has produced wealth, and then to seize it by force and violence. |
The remaining plinths which held the monument have large indentions in them as if someone went at them with a hatchet. |
Just my luck that someone would be there filming when I'm all fat and pimply. |
At one house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door. |
Also, I lucked into a few things that helped me cope, that maybe someone else in a similar situation could benefit from. |
It's easy enough to see how someone who doesn't know Latin could fail to realize that certain plural endings go with certain singular endings. |
Can someone tell us what commonsense reasoning the highway officials are applying here? |
Wherever we rounded the corner we'd find that someone had subtly rearranged the scenery. |
This is especially important if someone else has keyboarded the final copy of your review. |
The crisis is still unfolding and the first thing the keyboard warriors do is seek out someone to blame. |
Because I have learned the hard way, if you think someone is disruptive, reasoning with them is pointless, debating the issue is pointless. |
As someone who spent eight years doing drug research, I can tell you that we're not going to be able to even make reasonable guesses. |
I'm appalled that the Republican party would use as its keynoter someone who was once a proud segregationist. |
If you hire someone who has a good reputation and track record, then put your faith in him or her. |
Helping emergency vehicles get through that two-way street could mean aiding someone you know or love. |
I mentioned this to someone at work today and they looked at me as if I were a space alien. |
By the time Scott finished reading the script, he was won over by its humour and by the chance to play someone he'd never played before. |
You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please. |
In itself this can be a little irritating if you're trying to wind someone up. |
In a nutshell, if someone comes up to you and winds you up, you don't have to become annoyed, and reply in kind. |
So for someone who is broke, with low morale, can you see how easy it is to become homeless? |
The Prime Minister has come out in support of Dr Hollingworth's decision not to sack someone from their employment despite enormous impropriety. |
Can someone kindly explain to me what all the recent fuss is about on the freedom pass issue. |
There is not a sound, apart from the faint wheeze of someone playing a harmonica. |
But even if someone does come at me, I think I'm playing well enough that I can hopefully hold them off. |
The floors had stopped squeaking, and there was the sound of someone walking on the boards that didn't squeak. |
There's barely a happy moment to be found, with Cole either recovering from heartbreak, overcoming betrayal or kicking someone to the curb. |
Whether you are a carer, a fundraiser for research into illnesses, or someone who always kicks the tin and donates, your efforts are appreciated. |
Let us picture a small, comparatively weak, nation, governed by someone who commits any number of atrocious crimes to stay in power. |
Although I'm not a huge jazz fan, I loved the fact that you're never out of earshot of someone playing a trumpet or some other wind instrument. |
No two actuaries would ever calculate the same transfer value, which is why you need someone to ensure you are not losing out. |
Ministers are also concerned about the growth of identity theft, in which criminals assume someone else's identity to gain financial advantage. |
Just because someone is a baby, a little kid, a mere youngster, doesn't mean they're not worthy of protecting, does it? |
I'd rather get within ten feet of someone who lives in township or a shanty town, because there are a great many of them. |
For the time being, kiddo, why not relax and enjoy being with someone who's more experienced? |
At present, those guilty of forcing someone into marriage can be prosecuted for kidnap, false imprisonment or rape. |
Civil disobedience of this kind will not land someone in jail, although delinquents will suffer from a high interest penalty. |
It is obvious that a new law is needed making coercing, aiding or abetting someone into a forced marriage a criminal offence. |
The only way someone would be able to tell it wasn't a full-grown woman by her voice, was by the way she shaped her words. |
It's just that it may not always be appropriate that we give someone 20 minutes or half an hour of airtime. |
Usually, someone will greet you at a reception desk and show you where to go. |
To grow a sport, it takes someone who is nuts about it, pushing from the inside. |
Even if someone force-feeds me Valium, even if I chase it with vodka, even if I'm punched in the face before takeoff, I remain petrified. |
This is actually the fourth call this week from someone who has found a kindle of kittens abandoned somewhere. |
If someone says the man's name in the comments, is the team legally in the poo? |
Wilkens, the NBA's all-time winningest coach, is at his best guiding a group of veterans eager for someone to point the way to the promised land. |
If you're getting a queasy feeling about lunching, dining or having coffee with someone you've met on the job, there's probably a reason. |
Father killed the fatted calf that we were saving in honor of someone who deserved it, not that son of his. |
There is something depressing about a lifestyle casualty, someone whose boozing and smoking bring about the actuarially predictable consequences. |
If you are caring for someone receiving a disability or attendance allowance, you may be able to apply for this. |
If someone is unable to be attentive to the needs of others, they cannot be trusted with land. |
I need a keeper, someone who can make me nice meals and make sure I eat properly. |
Think of how a kind word spoken at the right time, or a special card sent to someone lonely or hurting can lift their spirits. |
It was kinda funny to watch someone else and wonder if I look that harassed on the average Saturday. |
Or whether there was someone out there more expert in illustration than I who might be able to turn it into some kind of logo or badge or button. |
Too many maxims make for too simple a path, bounded on each side by the wit and mental agility of someone else's moment. |
We fear that someone talking in another language is talking about us, putting us down. |
David agreed to be interviewed by Ron and was delighted to listen to the wise words of someone with so much experience in the game. |
When someone shakes a soft drink can before opening it, then pulls the tab, the contents spurt out. |
It was always cold, and I used to stir risotto in there by myself and wish someone would come visit me. |
If I planned to blow us all to kingdom come, would I tell my secret to someone wearing epaulettes? |
A man took an LSD tab from someone at a party although he did not want it, so as not to let himself down before his peers. |
For someone typecast as hot totty in action pictures, the role of Laticia is a gift. |
He believes the problem started when someone armed with a Stanley knife took to cutting tyres. |
He knows Sarah would do anything to get her hands on someone she is attracted to. |
As a writer, he comes across as someone who feels that by trumpeting loudly about a taboo subject he is breaking down social barriers. |
And when you do it to discredit someone who is telling the truth it's a cover-up. |
Yesterday someone in the IT dept brought me up a yucca plant to look after. |
If you want to do a reorder, you have to go to them or pay another tape charge with someone else. |
About 14 weaner piglets escaped from the farm when someone cut a hole in the fence of their enclosure. |
He's about to replace a blade on the jigsaw when he hears someone shuffling up the gravel road. |
Anyway, I can't just go to some tennis court with my racquet and balls, I need someone to play with and that's why I need a club. |
It's not like you have to share the office space with someone who's views don't jibe with yours, so what's the point? |
Even as someone who makes a living by being comfortable with sexuality, I admit, it's not always easy projecting your inner sexpot. |
Then he leaned forward with a wide smile and slapped a high-five on the hand of someone sitting across from him. |
Anyway, I'd better get back to annoying someone who's just bought a digital camera. |
Barbara Smith, who runs a local taxi firm, felt it was time someone got weaving and organised a class herself. |
Sentencing him, she said Margerum had lashed out in drink at someone who had done him no harm and said he could have left his victim blinded. |
Then, I saw a lottery ticket that I think someone had tacked up on the wall. |
It's just about the most perfect picture of someone in the act of blogging I've ever seen. |
Usually we'd have a half of beer, but on this occasion someone suggested a glass of sherry, because it dried you out. |
But then again, I suppose it's not something someone says to you every day of the week. |
Once you assign someone the status of minority racial group, normal rules no longer apply. |
I went in afterwards and the next thing I knew, someone looked at their watch and it was half past two in the morning. |
Everybody is athletic enough to make that last-ditch tackle or cover that gap when someone is a bit tired. |
Before you buy the clothes off the racks at the store, someone decides to put them there. |
We lived because someone made holes with a machine gun, though they were shooting low and still more died from the bullets. |
The death of someone at the age of 101 is, when all is said and done, hardly a tragedy, and hardly unexpected. |
In retrospect, I wish I'd got someone at the other end of the room to call me when he set off. |
Are you simply repeating someone else's propaganda in pursuit of a quick buck, and I use this term advisedly. |
There is no way that the chief adviser to the president is going to be someone out on bail. |
This year, I'm transcribing these rants in case someone somewhere might want to read them. |
Probably someone was rapped over the knuckles for not observing the difference between the two concepts. |
They were more concerned with working out the reasons why it hadn't been their fault and why someone else should take the rap. |
It's not normal for someone my age to be surrounded by her parents, but it's nice to have them take care of me at the end of the day. |
When you suspect someone is trying that hard to shock, it's difficult to get even mildly aerated. |
He is a class act and someone who will undoubtedly be there when the whips are cracking. |
Help your friends move, invite your folks to live with you, go out of your way to help someone with their homework, and so on. |
A recent radar trap in our area caught someone who was driving at 104 mph in a 60 mile limit. |
The last thing he remembered was gasping with pain when someone sprayed an aerosol mist in his face as he left a crowded elevator. |
An Evening Press survey this spring found that traditional starter homes were now out of reach for someone on an average York salary. |
They are also useful to have around if you are tailing someone and want to remain unnoticed. |
Have you suffered a loss through bereavement and feel you could do with someone to talk to? |
The last time I heard similar themes in an interview, someone were earnestly explaining the concept of astral flying. |
For someone with such an affinity for the natural world, it's not surprising to discover that another passion of Baxter is conservation. |
Sometimes motorists will give a lift to someone not knowing that the individual is carrying illegal items. |
It's even less fair to airbrush a 60-year-old celebrity and present her as someone who's managed to avoid the ravages of time. |
She made it very clear how unpleasant it was for someone of her status to be confined on a ship with ordinary starsailors and astrogators. |
Whenever I hear someone declare their whiteness, I paddle furiously in the opposite direction. |
We read about someone who does evil deeds and is of wrong view, and who has an unhappy rebirth. |
Executives would issue denials, lash out at critics, and rush someone to the offending supplier's factory to put out the fire before it spread. |
The white-out breaks to a view of Mount Columbia, then the mist closes down again like someone raking dry cotton balls over our eyes. |
If you wish to reach someone in particular, here's a list of people involved with the production of the newspaper and this site. |
For someone who has always been a fan of high alpine meadows, it seemed a cruel irony to be dragged from sleep by a cowbell. |
She sensed someone moving very quickly after her before she was hit from behind and had her bag snatched. |
If someone did try to destroy us we'd detect it on radar before we were hit and could send a blast straight back. |
It's a miracle that someone wasn't killed or seriously injured when the raceway gates banged open shortly before 7 a.m., said those caught in the crush. |
For example, that might mean that they employ someone who is working on the project, or fund someone to attend a conference or pay for some service such as Web hosting. |
I forced my way through to her and someone took off her oxygen mask. |
It'd been a while since someone had the audacity to yell at him like that. |
This is not someone who views the way ahead with gloom and despondency. |
Steven's heard raced, of course someone would have mentioned this! |
In 1975, sesame street became the first children's program to feature someone with Down Syndrome. |
My Co came over to introduce me to someone who is hoping to beCome a Corporate client and went in for a hug. |
Well, it was actually his idea, which he glommed off of someone else. |
They're not putting on an act or trying to be someone they're not. |
I would never put him down as someone who could kill another human being. |
His topical humour will no doubt render this recording dated in a few years, but for someone who was weaned on comedy albums as a child this one hits all the marks it should. |
But consistently through the studies, participants attributed the elicited trait to the speakers, even though these speakers described someone other than themselves. |
Women don't want someone that bores them with predictability, who allows them to control him, who isn't a challenge, and who is a weak-minded wimp. |
I was about 13 when I first heard someone strumming an acoustic guitar. |
If someone is less flexible or unwell, more emphasis would be placed on working the energy lines with acupressure rather than stretching the body. |