Everybody's making comebacks nowadays, but Soft Cell have more to offer than nostalgia. |
Soft flecks of light winked off the frames of his gold-rimmed glasses and the heavy gold ring in his left ear. |
Soft breathing came from the recesses in the walls, where the mattresses were. |
Soft fabric sensors could monitor vital signs such as body temperature, pulse and breath rate. |
Soft or silken tofu can be used for dips, spreads, sauces and sweet dishes. |
Soft cheeses such as Brie, feta, and Camembert may have bacteria that can cause infections. |
Soft off-white colours and pastels, chubby pillows and billowing curtains take the edge off a late night nursing or a restless bout of colic. |
Soft plywood for indoor use is bonded in a hot press using urea and formaldehyde resins. |
Soft drink bottlers and fast-food chains frequently use games as a consumer promotion. |
And 17 years on, Soft Cell are back, with an album to influence a whole new generation. |
Soft and spicy, with aged wine characters and flavours of muscatel raisins. |
Soft moss grew on the earth in places, and the roots of creeping plants branched out haphazardly here and there. |
Soft interventions form part of the normal to and fro of bilateral and multilateral relations between states. |
Soft tannins and lots of fruit make this quite an unusual and mellow Chianti. |
Soft and chewy with an intense filling of baby bok choy and shiitake, these little pillows taste overwhelmingly of the colour green. |
Soft revolutionists are close to the tender-minded position of the rationalist. |
Soft mechanical noises were the only warning as valves opened pressurized tanks of corrosive acid. |
Soft cheeses such as Brie, feta, Camembert, and Mexican queso fresco may have bacteria that can cause infections. |
Soft talk or big stick, carrot and stick, accept the velvet glove or face the mailed fist. |
Soft fruits like avocados, bananas, berries and papayas can be pureed and mixed with extracted juices. |
The company plans to use the show as a platform to launch the new soft drink. |
Soft and very pale brown, they resembled lengths of wash leather when fresh. |
Soft plastic mouth guards, or occlusal splints, may be needed to prevent damage from trauma, as in sports injuries, or bruxism. |
Soft scale is another insect that sucks sap and makes its host plants sticky with honeydew and the associated sooty mould. |
Soft music would now be heard on the background, and happy and cheery voices as well. |
Soft stud shoes must be worn and the studs are available at the Castle Hume Golf Club Shop. |
Soft water, on the other hand, may taste salty because sodium salts are often used to rid the hard water of minerals. |
Soft flesh is no match for mortar shells, rocket-propelled grenade fragments and shrapnel thrown out in all directions by roadside bombs. |
Soft hydrophilic contact lenses, made of flexible plastic are larger and cover the entire cornea. |
Soft colours such as lilac, rosy pink, light green and silver create a light-hearted effect. |
Soft tissue ependymoma may develop posterior to the sacrum and coccyx or anterior to the sacral region. |
Soft lighting, copper tones, a spiral chandelier and an Art Deco bar create the ambience to make this a lounge lizard's paradise. |
Soft lenses for daily wear have a very short adaptation period and are available in various tints and bifocal designs. |
Soft pastels, worn underneath jackets or blazers, will be popular, along with cream, and teamed with flashes of bright colour. |
Soft bands are made out of silks, satins, ribbons, cotton, rayon and various forms of stretchy materials. |
Soft drinks, traditionally speaking, are for making hard drinks more drinkable. |
Soft flavoursome potato dominated the centre of these chipped potatoes, which were marginally fatter than standard French Fries. |
Soft bodies are manufactured from strainable cotton or velours material and can be washed off damp. |
Soft modernity implies philosophical issues and critical examination of traditional beliefs. |
Soft ringlets had been pinned up fashionably atop her head and a white veil embedded with pearls hung from beneath. |
Soft corals sway with the current, while schools of striped and spotted groupers, angelfish, batfish and lionfish dart between them. |
Soft gray leaves give it its name, cotton lavender, also known as gray santolina. |
Soft corals and gorgonians reach out from the overhanging sides, while shoals of fish swirl in the shade. |
Soft goatskins and sheepskins were laid out so the fighters didn't damage each other any more than necessary. |
Soft creamy caramels, vanilla and white chocolates are the lighter hues that are in big demand. |
Soft microenvironments could be selected during the process of gelation as inert particles migrate through the forming gel. |
The brow pencil in Soft Brown is a delicate colour and blended well when it was brushed. |
In 2001, the duo anonymously released a single called Soft, which sampled Chicago's deathless 1976 number one If You Leave Me Now. |
Soft candlelight from the hallway played upon the slumbering girl, shining on her hair, and lancing off her stark, milky-white shoulders. |
Soft golden lamplight illuminated the windows as the travellers eventually reached their destination. |
Soft cheeses are often coagulated using rennet, a natural enzyme, rather than with microorganisms. |
Soft blue bell-like flowers are formed loosely in a spike that emerge from the center above the leaves. |
Soft clinking noises could be heard as the tiny currency strips hit the bottom and continued to fill even after a few minutes. |
The clegs were in good form tonight, and they were proving annoying so I sprayed on Skin So Soft. |
Soft lighting minimizes lines and wrinkles and gives your skin a bit of a glow. |
Soft red winter wheat and corn used were produced on farms in southeast Virginia and obtained from a local grain dealer. |
This also develops other soft skills, such as teamwork, while promoting motorsport and engineering. |
Tamil consonants are presented as hard, soft and medial in some grammars which roughly corresponds to plosives, nasals and approximants. |
She had worn a soft, sheer malmal sari to sleep in for the night. It clung to her body, enticing his eyes. |
The does emit a soft pheep to call to their fawns, whilst an injured deer will emit a screaming wail. |
The sea is the habitat of over 1,000 invertebrate species, and 200 soft and hard corals. |
His first wife, Patty Mucha, who sewed many of his early soft sculptures, was a constant performer in his happenings. |
Alabaster or mineral gypsum is a soft mineral that is easy to carve for smaller works and still relatively durable. |
Hydraulic action and abrasion are what erodes the soft rock and the water to fall down to the river bed. |
Today, a soft version is sold under the same name which follows an entirely different recipe. |
One of the more controversial international issues surrounding the Netherlands is its liberal policy towards soft drugs. |
Roger White, CEO of soft drinks group A G Barr is a local lad who went to Dumfries Academy. |
To prevent desiccation of plant tissues in a terrestrial environment, a waxy cuticle covering the soft tissue of the plant provides protection. |
In the Early Minoan age these were formed of soft stone and ivory and show particular characteristic forms. |
The seals of the Han dynasty were impressed in a soft clay, but from the Tang dynasty a red ink made from cinnabar was normally used. |
The firm first commercialised their drink using this new name in 1948 once government SDI consolidation of the soft drinks industry had ended. |
It is also the third best selling soft drink in the UK in July 2013 the merger collapsed when terms could not be agreed. |
In its purest form, it is a bright, slightly reddish yellow, dense, soft, malleable, and ductile metal. |
It is a soft, malleable, and ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. |
Lead is a neurotoxin that accumulates in soft tissues and bones, damages the nervous system, and causes blood disorders. |
The use of lead for water pipes is problematic in areas with soft or acidic water. |
Hard water forms insoluble layers in the pipes whereas soft and acidic water dissolves the lead pipes. |
Other widely used zinc alloys include nickel silver, typewriter metal, soft and aluminium solder, and commercial bronze. |
A soft, white, lustrous transition metal, it exhibits the highest electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and reflectivity of any metal. |
Silver is an extremely soft, ductile and malleable transition metal, though it is slightly less malleable than gold. |
The wool is soft and may have kemp and black, grey or red fibres, which makes it attractive in tweeds and upholstery. |
They have very soft, insulated underfur, which is protected by an outer layer of long guard hairs. |
Goethite as a mineral is a relatively soft iron based material, which increases the chance of physical damage to the structure. |
Mussel shells carry out a variety of functions, including support for soft tissues, protection from predators and protection against desiccation. |
The shell is usually crushed and the soft parts extracted and put on a hook. |
With the pottery established, Billingsley sought to produce a soft paste porcelain. |
The high temperature needed to produce perfect pieces made Billingsley soft paste method difficult to fire. |
There all the learn'd shall at the labour stand, And Douglas lend his soft obstetrick hand. |
Silk has a smooth, soft texture that is not slippery, unlike many synthetic fibers. |
Still, Welsh wanted to show he was not going to choose soft opposition and began a series of bouts against serious contenders. |
Doufuru has the consistency of slightly soft blue cheese, and a taste similar to Japanese miso paste, but less salty. |
Since that piece is flat, unbraced, and usually made of soft wood, it is much weaker than the belly of a violin. |
The erosive force of the ice moved across the land, removing the soft sandstone and leaving behind the harder rocks. |
There was Olive, a soft drowsy girl who didn't like me because I called her Olive Oyl. Even after I was made to apologize she didn't like me. |
Under pressure, water is forced out of peat, which is soft and easily compressed, and once dry can be used as fuel. |
It is seen most commonly in soft water or blackwater river systems such as those mimicking the Amazon River basin. |
They choose beaches with soft sand because their softer shells and plastrons are easily damaged by hard rocks. |
Many waders have sensitive nerve endings at the end of their bills which enable them to detect prey items hidden in mud or soft soil. |
Initially, organisms such as sharks and hagfish scavenge the soft tissues at a rapid rate over a period of months and as long as two years. |
Initially, moving organisms, such as sharks and hagfish, scavenge soft tissue at a rapid rate over a period of months to as long as two years. |
Launched in 1872 it was the first soft drink to be produced in Portugal, and remains very popular to the present day. |
Lobes originated as result of ice following shallow topographic depressions filled with a soft sediment substrate. |
Another unusual feature among rabbitfishes is their pelvic fins, which are formed from two spines, with three soft rays between them. |
Bottom trawling on soft bottoms also stirs up bottom sediments and loading suspended solids into the water column. |
The fossil is nearly complete and includes tufts of fur and imprints of soft tissues. |
Each horn contained a glass ampule of electrolyte which would connect an open circuit if an ampule was broken by bending the soft metal horn. |
Because it originates as a soft, sticky tree resin, amber sometimes contains animal and plant material as inclusions. |
Be careful not to oversteam as food will become soft and mushy, and remember to keep your pot covered throughout the process. |
Two of those sank in deep water, and 12 more became bogged down in the soft shingle beach. |
In some areas, the beaches consisted of a soft clay that could not support the weight of tanks. |
Hammond bought a tan Toyota Land Cruiser, which had been converted into a soft top convertible by a previous owner. |
Highly sweetened soft drinks are widely popular, and sugared beverages account for nine percent of American caloric intake. |
The recipe says to beat the cream until it forms soft peaks. |
Two shafts of soft daylight fell across the flagged floor from the high barbacans. |
The red, mostly merlot but with dollops of cabernet sauvignon and cabernet franc, is berryish, beefy, concentrated and soft. |
The dancer wears a long, soft drapery, which is never lifted to her ankles. Agility and apparent bonelessness are her characteristics. |
Above these shales we find a light, soft sandstone, sometimes of conglomeratic or breccioid structure, in moderately thick layers. |
A light sand or a soft brush-down with wire wool is often enough to clean up the wood while preserving its character. |
The sound of it was scarce louder than the hiss of the rain, a multitude of soft bubblings and squelchings. |
So every time he walked near the defendant, he hummed out a soft little bzzzt, like the sound of an electric charge going through wires. |
When I started this journey, I was a Castrophile with a soft spot for the Revolution. |
They attempted to make the house childproof by covering all sharp corners with soft foam. |
Outside there was the soft patter of summer rain and the sky was pale with the rising, cloudwashed sun. |
Certainly it's lots easier to be Mary in a brown serge and clumpy boots than it is in the soft, fluffy things Marie used to wear. |
The horses went at a good pace on this soft grass, and soon the two footgoers called out to us to stop. |
Cider in Japan and Korea refers to a soft drink similar to Sprite or lemonade. |
Purple bonnets fringed soft, pink, querulous faces on pillows in bath chairs. |
The body of the comb-jelly is soft like that of the jellyfish, but the plan of structure and the organs are somewhat different. |
Such mills are used for comminuting relatively soft materials, such as fruit and vegetable matter. |
His conspiratorial whispers were soft, but that just attracted more attention. |
Some of the breads are thin and crisp, some are crackerlike, and some are soft and pliable. All are delicious. |
The tiny mouth is uttering the most satisfied of crowings, and her eyes have that pure, soft expression never seen except in baby eyes. |
Dewey infantrymen passed out soft drinks and small favors to gawking visitors and gave every 200th visitor a door prize. |
Former Turkey goalkeeper Rustu Recber flapped at his first Delap throw but was given a soft free-kick by referee Antony Gautier. |
Refrigerating the dough between rollings and foldings also makes the dough easy to handle and prevents the butter from becoming too soft. |
A soft, distant foom. The lights blinked, then faded. Foom-foom-foom! Explosions, one after another, rocked the tunnel. |
No hardbody, Maria's was a soft, squishy middle, probably from a few too many whipped cream indulgences on shift. |
A hard launch is technically simpler than a soft launch, but produces a large backblast. |
In Europe, soil conditions were often too soft to support the weight of heavy traction engines. |
Soy flour is often added to bread as an improver. It helps the dough texture and can make the bread quite soft. |
I could hear the soft whir of the inclinator and, along with it, my great-aunts' delighted soft laughter. |
But when I spoke about it he just smiled and shook his head, and started whistling to himself kinda soft. |
But soft, what light through yonder window breaks...? It is my lady, O it is my love! |
The instrument had to be soaked in water for a short time so the languette became soft again. |
The surgeon lased the elongated soft palate, cutting off the excess tissue and stopping the blood flow in one swipe. |
Their pain soft arts of pharmacy can ease, Thy breast alone no lenitives appease. |
The fishermen looked at Malcolm, who compared to them seemed incredibly soft and lily-handed. |
In other instances a long bush of soft metal was fitted in the after end of the stern tube. |
There are two types, one being the traditional definition, called hard cider and the second sweet or soft cider. |
I've always thought I was too large for a soft, musical name like Louise, too untidy. |
In the last few years, soft fruits such as strawberries have become a new and rapidly expanding area of the agricultural economy of the county. |
The only evidence of decapitation was a line around his neck and his skin was still soft and fresh, as if he had been sleeping. |
The soft furnishings of these rooms, although luxurious, are more modest than the 1820s originals, both on the grounds of modern taste and cost. |
Our common Marsh Mallows have diverse soft, hoary white stalks rising to be three or four foot high, spreading forth many branches. |
With his soft voice, he was sometimes shouted down or excluded from discussions. |
He tossed the chunk of soft wood in his hand measuringly, then, humming something utterly tuneless to my ears, set to work. |
From the late 1960s, it became common to divide mainstream rock music that emerged from psychedelia into soft and hard rock. |
Pooh videos, soft toys, and other merchandise generate substantial annual revenues for Disney. |
Chelsea are additionally funded by Abramovich via interest free soft loans channelled through his holding company Fordstam Limited. |
At the 11th hole in the afternoon someone accidentally trod on Ray's ball, pressing it into the soft ground. |
The relay was sponsored by Cadbury Schweppes, a major UK confectionery and soft drinks manufacturer. |
Others have synthesized soft and hard power, including through the field of smart power. |
This is often a call to use a holistic spectrum of statecraft tools, ranging from soft to hard. |
The sweet, firm apples turned out to be the perfect foil for the soft, minerally oyster. |
There were stretches of fine, soft grass on the cliffs and great patches of camass and buttercups. |
Popular opinion was with Disraeli, though some thought him too soft for not immediately declaring war on Russia. |
The taxes would be implemented on goods that harm the human body for example fast food, tobacco products, and soft drinks. |
In the same way, precipitating minerals can fill cavities formerly occupied by blood vessels, vascular tissue or other soft tissues. |
They can cause damage to trees by tearing the bark and eating the soft cambial tissue underneath. |
In winter, the fur on the back and flanks is long and coarse, consisting of bristly guard hairs with a sparse, soft undercoat. |
A soft covering known as velvet helps to protect newly forming antlers in the spring. |
The sika deer is a highly vocal species, with over 10 individual sounds, ranging from soft whistles to loud screams. |
Large prey, such as moose, is killed by biting large chunks of flesh from the soft perineum area, causing massive blood loss. |
Most species have strong legs and long toes which are well adapted to soft uneven surfaces. |
The waxwings are a group of passerine birds characterised by soft, silky plumage and unique red tips to some of the wing feathers. |
Young apple trees are also prone to mammal pests like mice and deer, which feed on the soft bark of the trees, especially in winter. |
The nutlike seeds have straight embryos, flat cotyledons, and soft fleshy endosperm that is oily. |
Amphipods are abundant in soft sediments, eating a range of items, from algae to other animals. |
It is home to 70 hard coral species, 36 soft coral species, 500 species of fish and hundreds of invertebrate species. |
The first dorsal fin has a single spine and 9 to 11 soft rays, while the second has 38 to 43 soft rays. |
Few of the specimens that are recovered are complete skeletons, and impressions of skin and other soft tissues are rare. |
Most of these distinctive portraits are cropped closely around the subject's face and are in soft focus. |
From the late 1960s it became common to divide mainstream rock music into soft and hard rock. |
Lignite, often referred to as brown coal, is a soft brown combustible sedimentary rock formed from naturally compressed peat. |
The words mollusc and mollusk are both derived from the French mollusque, which originated from the Latin molluscus, from mollis, soft. |
The visceral mass, or visceropallium, is the soft, nonmuscular metabolic region of the mollusc. |
In classifying fossils, however, other features must be used, since soft tissue glands and many other features are not visible in fossils. |
The eastern edge of the bay is formed from soft red and orange cretaceous rocks that are rapidly eroding. |
The sharp barbs on the end of caterpillar hairs can get lodged in soft tissues and mucous membranes such as the eyes. |
As they ripen they soften until reaching the ripe state where they are red or orange in color and slightly soft to the touch. |
Knapping was done using antler batons, hardwood batons and soft stone hammers. |
Local soft drinks such as Almdudler are very popular around the country as an alternative to alcoholic beverages. |
A Florentine mosaic is a familiar instance of work in pietra dura, though the ground may be soft marble. |
Delectable soft, pillowy rolls, filled with a sweet nutty mixture or fruit, these are like tea cakes and are great for breakfast or tea. |
Learning to make a pinch pot is a great way to gain some experience with manipulating soft clay. |
Militarism is sometimes contrasted with the concepts of comprehensive national power, soft power and hard power. |
A central, main division in polytheism is between soft polytheism and hard polytheism. |
Hobbes' hard primitivism may have been as venerable as the tradition of soft primitivism, but his use of it was new. |
Camels have outer guard hairs and soft inner down, and the fibers are sorted by color and age of the animal. |
Then the soft tissue would be cut through, thus exposing the bone, which was then sawed through. |
She was redolent of violet sachet powder, and had warm, soft, white hands, but she danced divinely, moving as smoothly as the tide coming in. |
The local limestone is relatively soft when freshly cut, but hardens with exposure. |
Soft glints of moonlight reflected off broken glass pieces and onto their black coats, and I watched them for a minute, their muscles rippling under their skin. |
Soft tissue is elevated from the pubis, and the periosteum is incised. |
Soft and cuddly, our Cherry Stone Pillow Bear can be heated in an oven for a soothing source of warmth, or chilled in the freezer for a cold pack. |
Soft drinks, fruit juices, and mineral waters are widely available. |
Soft focus and an airbrush can do wonders for your appearance. |
Our Soft Grain Strong White Bread flour is a special mix of white flour, kibbled rye and wheat blended to give uniquely textured bread, pizzas and yeast pastries. |
Soft tissue injuries are usually the result of a motion type injury. |
Soft toys and dolls play an important part in first role-play games. |
Soft and light, the sari is woven on specially designed looms. |
Soft tissue infection is an acceptable, if not expected, complication of piercing, but high ear piercing often results in auricular perichondritis. |
Soft corals such as the sea fan are both its feeding ground and its food. |
Soft rustling from outside broke his trance and forced him to his feet. |
Soft and plentiful aromas of blackberry with side scents of spice delivers ripe blackberry fruit with silky supple tannins and hint of bitter chocolate on the finish. |
Soft shadows will create more realistic lighting effects, since this type of shadow more closely resembles shadows in the real world, and cast both an umbra an a penumbra. |
Ninesense was lead by sax player Dean, whose long association with Soft Machine paralleled a solo career that mixed post bop, free jazz and rock influences. |
Soft contact lenses and clothing may be permanently stained. |
Soft corals, upside-down fish, barracuda, sweetlips, blue-spotted rays, grouper, lionfish, shrimps and sand-eels have each staked out their own sectarian neighbourhoods. |
Soft and natural made from the most futuristic materials possible, this year's trend gives way to the super modern as well as the modernized return of the sixties classics. |
Soft shell helmets or head protectors currently do not have the biomechanical capability to prevent concussive trauma and hence cannot be recommended. |
Soft scale is mainly a problem on indoor plants, especially citrus plants and weeping fig, and is also a problem on bay trees and many other plants. |
Soft carpets and fabrics convey a sense of warmth, intimacy, and privacy. |
Soft sounds of crashing waves and passing cars were piped into the room, creating a melancholy soundscape that contrasted with the exhibition's visual flamboyance. |
Windings are wires that are laid in coils, usually wrapped around a laminated soft iron magnetic core so as to form magnetic poles when energized with current. |
This last aspect is an example of the recently developing exploration of the possibilities of sustainable coastal management by adopting soft engineering techniques. |
Flosses are soft, and grey from the female and black from the male. |
In addition, the soft coral type dead man's finger is found here. |
The measures are so called either from the occasional presence of a soft, sooty coal, which is known in Devon as culm, or from the contortions commonly found in the beds. |
The ossicles are surrounded by a relatively thin ring of soft tissue, and then by four series of jointed plates, one each on the upper, lower, and lateral surfaces of the arm. |
However, a novel form of cutaneous anthrax, termed injectional anthrax, that is characterized by severe soft tissue infection has been recently described in heroin users. |
Direct percussion with a soft hammer was likely used for accuracy. |
It is too soft to be used for structural elements or weapons, except for the fact that it is exceptionally dense, making it ideal for sling projectiles. |
Adjacent phytochoria do not usually have a sharp boundary, but rather a soft one, a transitional area in which many species from both regions overlap. |
Puri is a soft, puffy bread, and papadam is round, crispy, and chiplike. |
They thanked him and bade him good-bye, and turned toward the West, walking over fields of soft grass dotted here and there with daisies and buttercups. |
Originally they were carved through tuff, a soft volcanic rock, outside the boundaries of the city, because Roman law forbade burial places within city limits. |
Britvic Soft Drinks is taking the plunge into water with a re-launch of Pennine Spring. |
You'll be lucky to find a soft one as they are popular as crunchy bits of a plate of rujak, the mixed fruit platter with the chillified peanut sauce. |
English occultist Dion Fortune was a major populiser of soft polytheism. |
A soft feather pass is easier to receive and control over a hard pass. |
The feathers lack the tiny hooks that lock together the smooth external feathers of flying birds, and so are soft and fluffy and serve as insulation. |
Young girls lie bedded soft or glide in their dreams, with rings and trousseaux, bridesmaided by glowworms down the aisles of the organplaying wood. |
This gives a good soft clipping effect and a good fuzz sound. |
They wrapped tight cloth straps around the heads of newborns to shape their soft skulls into a more conical form, thus distinguishing the nobility from other social classes. |
Combine baking soda and castile or liquid soap to form a frostinglike consistency to use as a soft scrub cleanser instead of a sink, tub, and tile cleaner. |
Soft stool, intermittent diarrhea, and abdominal cramping persisted, along with proctalgia. |
Initially, moving organisms such as sharks and hagfish, scavenge the soft tissues at a rapid rate over a period of months, and as long as two years. |
Fell backwards into a soft, though rather waspy and beey, bed. |
Soft tears again bedewed my cheeks, and I even raised my humid eyes with thankfulness towards the blessed sun which bestowed such joy upon me. |
I have the tools for catching the bus, just not the nerve. Soft suicide I can do. Take some pills, no problem. But never do I succeed that way. |
Princes Soft Drinks have their main factory south of the A650 at Tong Street. |
From Japan, the concept of serving raw fish as a meal with rice was introduced, as was soft tofu, setting the stage for the popular dish called poke. |
Accompanied by the Soft Machine and the Who, it marked Pink Floyd's first significant tour. |
Soft rock was often derived from folk rock, using acoustic instruments and putting more emphasis on melody and harmonies. |
Their media break came when outperforming Soft Machine, Yes and Family at a concert in Berlin, but they continued to play on the continent. |
Soft options such as beach nourishment protect coastlines and help to restore the natural dynamism, although they require repeated applications. |
Soft tissue features, being known through reconstruction only, leave some space for variation. |
Soft power is a country's cultural and ideological appeal. It is the ability to get desired outcomes through attraction instead of force. |
Multiparous Soft, membranous area of ventral prosoma dark colored, rub marks present on opisthosoma indicating previous amplexus. |
Mussel shells usually open when cooked, revealing the cooked soft parts. |
Occasionally, unusual environments may preserve soft tissues. |
Interliant is a registered trademark and INIT Solutions Suite and Soft Link are trademarks of Interliant, Inc. |
There was a great big furry fuzzy Papa Bear, and a middle-sized fuzzy furry Mama Bear, and a tiny little Baby Bear with fur as soft and feelsome as velvet. |
Soft tissue reattachment devices, commonly referred to as bone anchors, are used primarily for reattaching tendons and ligaments onto bone. |
Lead is soft and malleable, and has a relatively low melting point. |
There was a neat hat-and-umbrella stand, and the stranger's weary feet fell soft on a good, serviceable dark-red drugget, which matched in colour the flock-paper on the walls. |
Your government has been accused of going soft on the Naga and Kuki agitators who blocked two national highways for 121 days last year over the Sadar Hills districthood issue. |
The Tayside and Angus area is a centre of production of soft fruits such as strawberries, raspberries and loganberries, owing to the mild climate. |
There is a new sky trail with a soft play above the ice rink. |
Art Nouveau is characterized done by soft, curved shapes and lines, and usually features natural designs such as flowers, birds and other animals. |
Armpits are soft and tender and highly nickable. And sure, guys have a lot of face to shave, but that acreage doesn't compare to shaving two whole legs. |
Differential erosion occurs as the river can erode the soft rock easier than the hard rock, this leaves the hard rock more elevated and stands out from the river below. |
On his long, gaunt body, he carried no spare flesh, no superfluous beard, his chin having a soft, economical nap to it, like the worn nap of his broad-brimmed hat. |
Alcan has expanded its Artist family with new Artist Soft Bevel and Artist Roll-on offerings. |
Subjects were generally seated against plain backgrounds and lit with the soft light of an overhead window and whatever else could be reflected with mirrors. |
He looked for a bell but there were just the wires hanging from a hole so he tapped on the glass of the sidelights. They gave soft and soundless in their lead muntins. |
The sight of her old neighbourly depredator shivering at the door in tatters, the very oddity of his appeal, touched a soft spot in the spinster's heart. |
That theater's a multiscreen movie complex now, but it used to house an in-the-round stage with fat, soft, fall-asleep seats and lots of garish red carpeting. |
The gold, both in the quartz and mullock, is very fine, and, owing to the soft and ferruginous nature of the stuff, specks can but very rarely be seen during working. |
Here he lay down on a place soft with culm, to take his contemplated rest, and, before he was aware of it, sleep had descended on him, overpowered him, and bound him fast. |
Meanwhile Raffles rejoined me, with a covert-coat over his blazer, and a soft felt hat set carelessly on the curly head he shook with a smile as I passed him the decanter. |
Then there came a mellow noise, very low and mournsome, not a sound to be afraid of, but to long to know the meaning, with a soft rise of the hair. |
The soft rubber allows them to expand when they are heated up, making more surface area on the pavement, therefore producing the most amount of traction. |
Soft fibers were also prominent, with microfiber leading the way in a number of new designs. |
A wrinkle in the cloth of time, a cry of soft caress and fragrant dreams to weld the metal fabric souls in blends so held in high regards across the lands and sky. |
Soft and hard-covered books and talking books for adults and children will be available. |
She wuz soft in her complexion, her lips, her cheeks, her hands, and as I mistrusted at that first minute, and found out afterwards, soft in her head too. |
The program opened with three more traditional tap dances, Chvala's A Cappella and Soft Shoes and Clayton Schanilec's A Hundred Dead Dollars. |
Means of exercising soft power include diplomacy, dissemination of information, analysis, propaganda, and cultural programming to achieve political ends. |
Joseph Nye is the leading proponent and theorist of soft power. |
Soft tissue lead stores are readily mobilizable, whereas bone lead is not, since bones take 15 years to remodel. |
Vettel stayed out on soft tyres until the penultimate lap, doing better lap times than Webber and overtaking Mark when he pitted, to finish fourth. |
Soft key buttons receive a change in this update and it is a rather, a surprising change. |
It has a unique Soft key for access to Vodafone live and and an integrated Digital Camera. |
Furniture frames are solid wood, Northern Soft Maple, and domestically produced. |
These treatment options include the Pillar Procedure, Laser Tonsillectomy, Coblation of the Nasal Turbinates and Soft Palate Coblation. |
Soft tissue has a much smaller chance of being fossilized, and the preservation of soft tissue of animals older than 40 million years is very rare. |
Soft ticks have mouthparts that allow them to hold fast to their host, as hard ticks do, but they do not secrete cement. |
In addition, they commonly squeak along a range of tones from high, abrupt pain squeaks to soft, persistent 'singing' sounds during confrontations. |