All these figures reflect a loss of the social position of the working class. |
This is a legacy from the days of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, when social position was determined by aristocratic or civil service hierarchy. |
Rank, social position, economic condition have no direct effect on the gradation from the standpoint of caste. |
An establishment figure, he has all the airs and graces of his social position. |
Her successful career and her high social position had not brought her personal fulfilment. |
Politics based upon ethnicity has led to the drastic lowering of the social position of the working class. |
As a result, millions of workers have suffered an unprecedented reversal in their social position. |
Scholars occupied an important social position in the long period of feudal society in China. |
Not all imams are the same, of course, but they occupy a particular social position in their communities. |
My social position really, in the classic Marxist analysis, is I'm an artisan. |
In some cases it seems that mental illness is a factor on the causal pathway between social position and suicide. |
The social position of each individual is fixed by heredity and not by personal qualifications and material considerations. |
One advantage of Rayleigh's privileged social position was that he did not need an academic post to earn his living. |
They have a different social position to ordinary rank and file union members. |
She accepted her social position all right, and it looked like she was using it to her advantage. |
Adjustment for other markers of social position had little additional effect. |
Patrons remained in the superior social position, even if they failed to reciprocate their clients' public bestowals of loyalty and honor. |
What did mere lack of physical beauty matter to one of his faith and denomination, to one of his social position and excessive unctuosity? |
Land holding in rural areas is a major indicator of economic status and social position. |
A potlatch was given by an heir or successor to assert and validate his newly assumed social position. |
Both may have had a spiritual vision, but the formation and social position of the Friars were not the same. |
In the unity formed by the Nordic countries,Lutheranentitiesseetheirtraditional public and social position questioned. |
Stories related to these key events were told and retold, defining the social position of the specific family or lineage in Haida society. |
The most important are education and participation in the labour force, which give them a better social position. |
The groups which social position provides them arms and power are those that can obtain norms are fulfilled. |
He had hoped it would bring him money and social position, but Emily's father ties up her fortune, and Lopez is revealed as an improvident adventurer. |
However, their strong economic and social position is dependent on adherence to the labour laws. |
From the moment of his arrival in England, George of Denmark showed no sign of any inclination to use his social position as a springboard for a political career. |
Such a man or woman is slave to his or her social position and wealth. |
Yes Jamie had a job of being his equerry, but it was more of a social position that would give him connection to better himself in the eyes of British Society. |
Persons of superior ability, he argued, actively seek to confirm and aggrandize their social position. |
The term may refer to a group that is small in number or it may connote inferior social position. |
Hypotheses or suppositions that refer to beauty, truth, genius, civilization, form, social position, taste, et cetera. |
Many rural inhabitants come to the city to seek their fortune and alter their social position. |
Children of their time, they pass from epochs and territories as far from exotic as it is possible to be, into the star system, the famous brand, the trademark that is an emblem of success and social position. |
For the creatural and social man, his social position and his being human generally constitute an elementary role. |
The colleagues whose bacchanalian habits and social position had made them so attractive began to prove irksome, and their insistence on their superior experience and status galled Pepys's pride. |
I myself come from a society in which all young people have opportunities of receiving an education, bettering their social position and improving their lot. |
The work provided an income and improved their social position. |
Another possible way to rise in social position was due to exceptional military or commercial success. |
This social position was contested, particularly by peasants, for example during the German Peasants' War. |
Identity can be expressed in different ways, depending on the reference group, the group's social position, and the individual's place in the group. |
They strove toward riches or social position. |
Chess is much purer than art in its social position. |
She was born to wealth and social position. |
The graves bear witness to one's social position. |
Do we have a vested interest in defending a particular social position? |
Furthermore, more efforts should be exerted in order to resolve many problems facing the status of teachers, mainly concerning their work conditions and their social position, in order to attract young and qualified people. |
Let us learn, then, once and for all, to see a human brother in each person, no matter how greatly he differs from us in his ideas, his social position, his mentality, or his beliefs. |
Darwin's views on social and political issues reflected his time and social position. |
The actors involved in the education field have specific characteristics and a social position conferring different potentials for action and different competencies on each of them. |
The social position of these laboring classes was viewed as ordained by natural law and common religious belief. |
He had no social position to protect, no employer to bootlick. |
A long list might be given of people of good social position, not only Italians or Spaniards, but German or English travelers in the south, who were captives for a time. |