After being locked down for so long it will be exhilarating to exit my cell and to breathe the fresh desert air. |
They've been crying out to be heard for so long, they could scarcely believe someone was there to listen to their stories. |
After being locked down for so long, the hustle and bustle of the kitchen caused my anxiety level to go off the scale. |
But I don't have a pair of scales to check and it's been so long since I did check that I wouldn't know what's a loss and what's a gain. |
Accordingly the current remained in the wires throughout the circuit so long as the main switch was on. |
Because they are so long and carry so much current, the wires store huge amounts of power in the electric and magnetic fields that surround them. |
A player on the taxi squad can be activated so long as a player from the roster is deactivated. |
This is not the wishy-washy spiritualism that insists that it does not matter what you believe so long as you believe in something. |
On October 20th, 1973, the Saudis at last took the fateful step so long feared. |
For those of you who've been with me from the beginning, thanks for the support and so long. |
Lloyd Webber is devoted to Victorian art and cannot resist kitsch so long as it is Victorian kitsch. |
That '50s show was the birthplace of comedians and comedy stylings just as Saturday Night Live has been for so long. |
I wept every night, sometimes so long, that in the morning, my eyes were still red. |
She looked back at Neesha, her eyes reddened with the sadness she held inside of her for so long. |
Once you see the completed bathroom you won't believe it took you so long to decide to redecorate the room. |
We will maintain the necessary military forces in the country for so long as is required. |
The African people are looking to their leaders for the redemption of the continent from what has plagued it for so long. |
Not so long ago I set about rediscovering it for myself, in the company of a Native Canadian. |
Both mainsprings are so long that winding them conventionally via the crown would be unfeasible. |
It really wasn't so long ago that the Labour Party was the working-class party. |
You don't have to know what they stand for, just so long as you can reel them off without choking on all the consonants. |
Even though she didn't need to breathe, Akasha took a deep one to calm the awakening feelings that had lain dormant for so long. |
If only they had walked into the library that day so long ago and met the prince, sitting there in worriment. |
Quite why it took so long for the village to mark this achievement isn't explained on the plaque. |
So why is it taking so long for the fuel cell to become a source of power for the automobile? |
It's been so long since we talked that you can feel the distance between us. |
And it will, just so long as the automakers produce the right vehicles for these markets. |
Within certain limits, so long as the axe had a sharp and usable edge, its shape was all the same to them. |
The tagliatelle had been sitting under a hot lamp for so long that it looked like a mound of bleached bootlaces, only crispier. |
Not so long ago, many people thought that bringing crime in New York under control was pie in the sky. |
I fail to see why a choreographer would think it is a good idea to tackily reveal so much spurious flesh, and for so long. |
The forsaken lands had been her home for so long, she had forgotten how lush and green it was. |
I haven't done anything except costumes for so long that my imagination in that area is atrophied. |
Perhaps he has attained the sort of blissful ataraxic state that his characters so long for. |
It had been years since the last time he fought hand to hand and the rush he was now experiencing made him wonder why he had waited so long. |
He lowered his hand, moving his focus to the paints and pencils and brushes that had been forgotten for so long. |
Somehow, they have feelings of solitude and loss after leaving the working environment they were closely associated with for so long. |
After so long, it is really encouraging to see so many people coming to my assistance. |
And the state tolerated ruffianism so long as disorder was kept at a minimum, and its authority was not fundamentally challenged. |
How is it that things one looks forward to for so long are over so quickly? |
There go four equivalents of carbon monoxide into your blood cells, and there's only so long you can keep that up. |
I don't care what I look like when fishing, so long as I am mobile and, if possible, not too hot or too cold. |
There are few moral limits imposed, so long as what happens is between consenting adults. |
The government maintains that it does not matter who provides the services so long as they are publicly funded. |
People have the right to live how they choose, so long as they do not place themselves or others in danger. |
He insisted that he had problems adapting to society after spending so long behind bars. |
The sad irony is that, so long as he arrogated the country's bear-hunting rights largely to himself, the bear population flourished. |
Everyone here is astounded that I was locked up in the jail's harshest quarters for so long. |
Before the floaters realize it, a sudden storm blows in and it's so dark for so long that when the storm dissipates, it really is night time. |
That Romish, Popeish man of sin The one you loathed so long You gather at his bidding And sing his birthday song. |
Her hair is so long that it frames her lithe body beautifully, forming a stark contrast to her fair skin. |
As Dan departed the Cheltenham stage that he had graced for so long, his son Arthur entered the lists. |
Together they are two mature, cash flow rich markets so long as no one rocks the boat. |
What she remembers most clearly about that afternoon is her mother's anger because Anny had taken so long to wash and dry one of her nighties. |
That post is so long that we're separately setting out this update rather than appending it to that post. |
The fruit is ripe for the picking so long as you can be bothered to pick the fruit. |
She, like the rest of the family, had not expected Belinda to be away for so long. |
It's ridiculous that such a beautiful landmark should be closed off for so long. |
No wonder they've been the preferred lifestyle accessory of artists for so long. |
It had actually been so long since I'd had a real shower, that I accidentally ricocheted the bar of soap around the small shower. |
The lien may be claimed and maintained so long as the article remains in the possession of the lien claimant. |
For so long, many religious conservatives have fought for laws to be passed in the face of a culture that was very libertine and pro-choice. |
British Muslims can peg their alienation solely on Islamophobia and intolerance for only so long. |
We are approached with dozens of cases every year but many don't ever come to a conclusion as the health boards drag the process out so long. |
But I must tell you frankly one of the reasons why this investigation was dragging for so long is that we lacked sufficient evidence. |
Petunias are easy to grow so long as they are in full sun for at least part of the day. |
Imagine doing this every single night for hundreds of people who are all angrily asking why it's taking so long. |
She has now recovered, but I am so angry that she could have died because this problem has been ignored for so long. |
A player respawns as soon as all the enemies are cleared so long as one ally survives. |
As the diary amply reveals, few authors have worked so long with such a heightened awareness of the gap between living and writing. |
To the evident delight of most citizens, the regime which had repressed them for so long was swept away. |
After each trick the hands are replenished to four, so long as the stock lasts, the winner of the trick drawing first. |
His accent is American but there is a slight hint of English from where he has been living in Europe for so long. |
Not so long ago he was watching telly with his eldest daughter, Lois, who has ambitions to be an actor. |
It amazes me that it has taken so long for this matter to come to court, when it has for many years been a contentious issue. |
When I put that in some perspective, it amazes me that I took so long to return. |
The Guru heard of it and advised him that his meditation will not fructify so long as he eats free from the langar. |
Not that they can't make quilts, but it has been relegated to a craft and an inferior position for so long. |
But the trouble with meditation and yoga and your third eye is that it takes so long. |
In any case, there should be no chance of ambiguity, or any other sort of unclarity, so long as the relative clause is properly punctuated. |
The sheet of paper was so long that i didn't bother filling out the 78 boxes but just the one. |
The injury that laid him up for so long, and caused him to wreak revenge was self-inflicted, a result of that desperate lunge. |
Just so long as we don't have to bow and scrape too much we'll do our bit to improve her day, just as she's done hers to improve all of mine. |
You rehearse the works for so long that you can explore the nuances and feel really at home in those ballets. |
But regrettably nothing tangible did come out after so long years of the Board's coming into existence. |
She has done this for so long that she has gotten good at it, perfected her craft of deceiving people. |
The North-South thaw has produced a groundswell of positive sentiment in Korea, bitterly divided for so long. |
These clan names are all expressed in Wyandot, words so long and hard to properly pronounce that they are omitted here. |
Yet it was not so long ago that lasers were deemed a solution in search of a problem. |
Sorry that this chapter took so long, but I was having serious writer's block. |
I was in Australia not so long ago and spoke to a young waitress serving at the table. |
Still, I'm not above pocketing a bottle of Coke on my way out, so long as I'm not being sneaky about it. |
With GM Kevin Malone finally getting his walking papers from the Dodgers, the only question remaining is what took them so long? |
Because some of these emails are so long I have abridged several but provided a link to the full email. |
But it's OK, they passed special rules to let us have thatch in the original style, so long as we put the sprinklers in. |
He had a sure destination now, after for so long of aimless wanderings he knew where to go. |
I have so long been absent from the pages of the Maga. that if I do not make my appearance soon my readers will imagine a total absquatulation. |
Not so long ago, such loud, booming bangs would have sent shivers down the spines of many. |
I'm easy, either way, just so long as we don't have to go back and live in Wales again. |
A real screamer, so long as it is a safe distance from goal, will be ungrudgingly applauded by opposition fans. |
After dealing with it for so long, I really grew to appreciate it, rather than hate it, even if it didn't always warm my heart. |
However, the decay on real xylophones and marimbas is so long that the counterpoint gets muddied. |
Not everyone is going to accept us for our beliefs, but so long as we try to embrace them and let them learn we are in the right. |
Arthur Miller's drama has so long been accorded canonical status that it can easily be taken for granted. |
It was terrifying making such a big commitment, particularly with planning it for so long. |
Now, Health Canada is prepared to accept foreign incorporated registrars so long as the Standards Council of Canada accredits them. |
Waxed kitchen matches are good alternatives so long as they're stored in a waterproof container. |
You have security of tenure as an Assured Tenant so long as you occupy the Premises as your only or principal home. |
It just takes so long to get the help needed but I'm so much stronger now and I know I will get through it. |
Many IT users believe that so long as they keep their password quiet, for example, then their information is safe. |
The old water tower, for so long a landmark in Connolly Park in front of the entrance to North Connacht College, has finally bitten the dust. |
It will take so long because the site has a slope and the ground needs to be levelled. |
I don't feel any better for it today, in fact if anything my body is really achy and stiff probably from lying down for so long. |
Remember, no matter how the scion may seem, so long as there is light in his eyes, there is still hope. |
For so long tennis was a sport that only mattered for a couple of weeks every year. |
Could a bird that is said to be 20 metres across be able to escape detection for so long? |
But this didn't matter so long as you had a conservative elite which was wedded to the principles of liberty. |
I know it's bad for me, that I should be doing stuff, any stuff just so long as I keep active. |
After so long in zero G and light gravity, all four of us were staggering like we had had one to many at a party. |
Your average man on the street, when asked to comment on the fiasco, didn't care about the bank so long as his or her money was all right. |
By the end of the manuscript, the copyeditor's monologue has gone on so long, the anger has turned into rage. |
It does not matter which candidate's name you elect to put your cross against so long as you make your choice. |
He apologised for putting me off so long but asked if I could come over to Manchester the next day. |
Each system has a base unit which enables you to page the handset of a user, so long as they are in range. |
Yeah, I only get to see something about twice a year but they can whistle for my money so long as they promote this animalistic behaviour. |
For Sharon, so long the patron of the settlement project, to utter these words is a tectonic shift. |
The emotions are so raw for so long that you wonder whether you can handle any kind of involvement. |
It will be a bit of a wrench to leave the house the family has had for so long. |
She whispered the words she had been taught so long ago and felt the heat increase, filling her body with a warm glow. |
She will play happily so long as the dolly is within her reach should she desire it. |
Still, one wonders what has kept Faber from producing a paperback edition for so long. |
Principles are not an afterthought to be considered only so long as they do not affect profits. |
So we want to know what kind of whorish things you've been doing to keep his attention so long. |
Like Johnston, who handled the Palmer account for so long, he is a loyal and aggressive employee. |
Markets will continue to be cleared in this way and profits realised, so long as sufficient surplus value is extracted from the working class. |
Having been such a fan of the films for so long, I thought I really ought to see what inspired them. |
He's done well to survive in the wild for so long, although he might have been taken in by a family for a while. |
At one bank, the queue of would-be buyers was so long that the bank was forced to extend its opening hours. |
Tragically, many of these kids claim they have been using keyboards and keypads for so long, the idea of writing with a pencil scares them silly. |
I have not heard an audience laugh so hard and so long in a movie theater in a long time. |
There is only so long you can ignore that kind of behaviour, even knowing that the little blighter has a bowl filled to the brim with tasty kitty treats in the kitchen. |
It is testimony to her courage and persistence that she worked for so long in the face of such adversity. |
Zero Dark Thirty will be remembered as her personal journey and struggle to actualize what for so long seemed impossible. |
He said Jay was anxious and wondering why it was taking so long for the police to arrive. |
The Chinese public had waited so long for their Ping-Pong Spring that they bellowed constant approval of the rout. |
At the same time, he is torn by his affection for the Old Guard, the players who have provided sterling service, but who can only defy Father Time for so long. |
Absurdists can only laugh so long, until the horror paralyzes them. |
Not so long ago, the Chinatown bus industry was subject to fierce price wars. |
It was de-stoning and quartering the dates that took so long. |
Thus a scenario or process explanation which reasonably accounts for what we know at a particular point in time is not a bad thing, so long as we understand its hybrid nature. |
For his eyes betrayed that his mind was fully alert and held all the liveliness and quick-wittedness that had made him the world's darling for so long. |
In other words, the Amami rabbit has been isolated for so long from other rabbits and hares, including the volcano rabbit, that they are scarcely kin. |
Oh, and how did we live so long without a 5-amp jigsaw with five blades? |
Introduced in 1964, GI Joe was the first action figure and proved that companies could sell dolls to boys, so long as they called them something else. |
It takes so long and with so many short stories the cost can add up. |
Overt displays of intelligence are considered just dandy in the art world so long as they are opaque enough to lend themselves to afflatus and jargoneering. |
But the real momentum is being provided by the very corporates who for so long have failed Gisborne by demanding the lowest standards of its winegrowers. |
However, by corollary, the husband had a reciprocal duty to provide a home for the wife to live in with him, so long as she did not commit a matrimonial offence. |
I figured that at least the next time I had to clean the tack it would not take so long because there would not be nearly as much dirt and grime to wipe off. |
I am having this recurring nightmare that I will be stuck in traffic for so long that I will die and my body decompose beyond recognition before anyone notices. |
His neck had a kink from sleeping in one position for so long. |
The wonky lights have been malfunctioning for so long, and so often, a rumour spread in the area that the equipment was, in fact, secondhand when it was installed. |
Did playing such a demented character like Dexter for so long mess with your head? |
Once the book was done, he promised Ina, they would finally take the trip to France they had desired for so long. |
Not so long ago, Neil Young had come up to the tar sands and compared the devastation to Hiroshima. |
My mother's cat, so long terrified by my very presence, appears to be getting used to me, and now does an impressive, fawning wriggle at my feet every time I pass. |
Then United Future came out with an absolutely lame-duck report saying they would be supporting the bill, so long as there was a corresponding reduction in taxation. |
She has avenged the feud for your violent killing with hard hand clasps of Grendel yesternight for diminishing and destroying my people for so long. |
Ground turkey with sweet potatoes and a drizzle of olive oil only tastes good for so long, after all. |
Television income, so long the sport's gravy train, has hit the buffers. |
Blasphemy remains interesting only so long as it retains the power to enrage. |
The history of horrors in the North Caucasus is so extraordinary and so long as to seem almost otherworldly. |
Before adopting the world's norms, we should ask whether those norms protect these rights and liberties, and live up to the principles that have served us so well for so long. |
I've tried to forget the grudges, the painful memories, the resentments I allowed to fester in my heart for so long. |
Jen had been the joy, the pride, the light of my life for so long now. |
Anyway, thanks a bunch to those of you who have still stuck around. I know I'm a pain for taking so long to update, but it's not really my fault, righto? |
How we lived so long without their archives sitting readily at our fingertips is a mystery. |
It isn't so long since we were carrying stories and readers' letters complaining about the state of the railway embankments on the approaches to Bradford. |
And they very much like lissome blonde lovelies with a winning smile and statistics that are undeniably vital so long as we aren't talking about her game. |
Either way it's a splendid three hours of walking, so long as you're happy negotiating some mildly slippery slopes with the aid of a couple of stalwart ropeways. |
But the actual reason Eastern spices were so much valued for so long was that their hot flavours concealed the taste of rottenness in the meat they were cooked with. |
He admires Asante civilisation, but recognises that this kingdom succeeded in remaining independent for so long because it sold slaves in return for European guns. |
Each huge clap of thunder reverberated round the mountains for so long that its noise would be interrupted by the next, causing a continuous rumbling for hours on end. |
In their raging cynicism they were happy to go along with the con, so long as it goosed their own returns. |
Carefully aligning the sights and holding the pistol steady as he was taught so long ago, the child thumbs off the safety catch and squeezes the trigger. |
It's been whitewashed and dressed up and sugarcoated for so long that now it's just a tacky piece of junk on a souvenir stand, painted in red, white, and blue. |
The problem is that many people reverse this idea and argue that so long as we have the smallest mote in our eye, we cannot criticize another for having a beam in his eye. |
Not so long ago the sight of a large, brown, hairy tarantula was enough to inspire fear and loathing in everyone except the most ardent enthusiast. |
The easy answer is to grab a frozen pizza, which is just the thing, so long as polystyrene frisbees splattered in cheap tomato paste are to your taste. |
Few believe these same Cold War hawks actually care about foreign peoples, as they were fairly open about their indifference to human rights not so long ago. |
Titanic Thompson could beat you at cards, hustle you at golf, and bet you on anything, so long as the odds were in his favor. |
Sure enough, there he was, and he was already in full complaint mode as the key went in the lock, giving us a sound telling-off for being absent for so long. |
I starred at him for so long I had to have left scorch marks. |
It's not so long since he was scorned by the scientific establishment after claiming he could produce a map of the human genome faster than anyone else. |
Why did it take so long to imprison the men responsible for this terrible crime? |
Pettitte's departure is one more nudge into the long winter that's been coming for these Yankees for so long, the balloon payment for all the good times. |
And part of the reason that women wait so long is that they falsely believe that IVF is the magic cure all for infertility. |
And credit for that goes to the sublime Jean Stapleton, the actress who brought Edith Bunker so vividly to life for so long. |
Scientists are predicting the demise of the ginger barnet, for so long a characteristic of Scots from Rob Roy to Robin Cook, because of racial mixing. |
In law, it means that a property or benefit has been enjoyed for so long that its owner does not have to prove how they came to own it. |
On the death of Mr. B., the annuity, which he had so long received, fell in. |
The protest centered on the standard defense that canon law could be retained so long as it did not contradict the civil law. |
Ferling argues that the odds were so long, the defeat of Britain was nothing short of a miracle. |
And if he keeps the daughter so long at boarding-school, he'll make her as nesh as her mother was. |
I've wanted to do this for so long, but I never thought I could act it out. |
It is argued by some hunt supporters that no law should curtail the right of a person to do as they wish, so long as it does not harm others. |
I don't know how the errors managed to avoid detection for so long. |
He took so long to complete sketches that its corpse began to decompose and some parts had to be improvised. |
A country can live with this kind of immorality for only so long. |
Shanties continued to be used to some extent so long as windjammers were, yet these were comparatively few in the early 20th century. |
Gordon has shilly-shallied so long that it has, deplorably become a political issue. |
It would be dangerous to rely on memories of events that occurred so long ago. |
Cannibalism itself is not an offence so long as the death occurs naturally. |
The arguments and discussions continued so long that the local policeman came in to call time. |
He argued and hollered for so long that I finally capitulated just to make him stop. |
He had agreed to raise her so long as Claire had nothing more to do with her. |
Others say that the bride will get on so long as she gets to know the family customs, and have no objection to a Japanese girl marrying in. |
It was thoughtless and discourteous to leave us waiting so long. |
Not so long ago, a healthy population of silver salmon could be found in this stream, but their numbers began to decline greatly. |
Worn down by hiding for so long, Garnet, accompanied by another priest, emerged from his priest hole the next day. |
The Circuit Courts of Appeals can interpret the law how they want, so long as there is no binding Supreme Court precedent. |
Or Neptune's ire, or Juno's, that so long Perplex'd the Greek and Cytherea's son. |
Being unemployed for so long and not being able to show people what I can do is soul-destroying. |
Afraid of the Romans, Cole submitted to Roman law so long as he retained his kingship. |
The silence went on so long that it became very uncomfortable. |
And the mirrors' evocation of narcissism lasts only so long as a trope of clever reflexiveness. |
Kippa-wearing officers have replaced the Kibbutzniks, who not so long ago were dominant in the army. |
And by the media who ran interference for so long for the federal Liberal Party of Canada. |
I thought it was high time, now or never, before the light was put out, to break the spell in which I had so long been bound. |
Christmas Day is in our grasp, so long as we have hands to clasp. |
That is the reason, why some say, that the wiseman liveth as long as he ought, and not so long as he can. |
It wasn't so long ago that those areas offered deep talent pools of black baseball players. |
His last novel was so long and incoherent that it was considered undramatizable. |
I don't mind if he stays there, so long as he cleans up after himself when he's done. |
And that is when the Chargers, snakebitten for so long in the playoffs, began their inexorable slide. |
Technology and progress could never become a runaway train in his reasoning, so long as organic humanism was there to act as a brake. |
The small surface stones also provided low stress on the road, so long as it could be kept reasonably dry. |
It's not so long ago that Argentina looked to be in complete control of this match. Now Paraguay are forcing their backs to the wall. |
Doesn't this beg the question as to why it has taken so long to introduce this measure? |
Today the area, so long a secret enclave, is open to the public and is being redeveloped for housing and community use. |
It would be wrong, however, to pretend there will not be a cost to council tax payers who have been treated so rottenly for so long. |
Alternatively, federal courts can certify questions to a state supreme court, so long as the state itself has a procedure in place to allow this. |
He pointed out that no one in this case had directly challenged the Swift regime, which the Court had adhered to for so long in so many cases. |
This Proclamation made all former British laws applicable so long as they did not interfere with the Military Administration. |
I find bathing even daily is good, so long as people are using moisturizers afterward. |
Individuals had rights to land so long as they cleared and tilled them and when the soil was exhausted, they repeated the process. |
The extraordinary thing is she put up with such a second-rate spiv for so long. |
Rome, for so long victorious against its enemies, was now at the mercy of its foreign conquerors. |
Tensions among the Flavian troops ran high but so long as either Galba or Otho remained in power, Vespasian refused to take action. |
How Manchester United's talisman had to wait quite so long to be accepted into the snoozy sponsors' hall of footballing fame is beyond reason. |
He is ready for reform, so long as it does not spill over into politics. |
Thou wilt not be, either so little absent as not to whet our appetites, nor so long as to fainten the heart. |
Safety net enclosures have a larger benefit for safeguarding solo trampolinists, so long as they avoid falling on their head or neck. |
Ruses of war are legitimate so long as they do not involve treachery or perfidy on the part of the belligerent resorting to them. |
Cynolatry is tolerant so long as the dog is not denied an equal divinity with the deities of other faiths. |
For so long as the judging consciousness refuses to recognize his own evil, he remains stubbornly Creonic. |
Captain Semmes soon requested permission to dry dock and overhaul his ship, much needed after so long a time at sea and so many naval actions. |
But Frodo is still wounded in body and spirit, having borne the Ring for so long. |
Most said they didn't care what they might be celebrated for, just so long as they managed to achieve their life goals of reaching celebrityhood. |
It is revealed in the final episode that Sam's coma had lasted so long because he had a tumour of the brain. |
Canoes are generally permitted at and downstream of Glasbury, so long as they do not disturb anglers. |
Tumbes became the first success the Spanish had so long desired. |
For some time, so long indeed as the victories of the great English general cast a glamour over the policy of his friends, Harley continued to act loyally with his colleagues. |
He who has loved quiet, who has so long shunned publicity, must school himself to be cheered and beclapped and huzzaed by thousands every time he lets himself be seen. |
He correctly enough told the farmers of his time, that as fine hoed ground is not so long soaked by rain, so the dews never suffer it to become perfectly dry. |
In Peru, the Spaniards had allowed the caciques to maintain their titles of nobility and perquisites of local rule so long as they were loyal to the Spanish monarch. |
The clothing is believed to have decomposed while in the bog for so long. |
Throughout his life Orwell continually supported himself as a book reviewer, writing works so long and sophisticated they have had an influence on literary criticism. |
In nearly all of the towns the gutters are filled with vegetation, or have been neglected for so long a time that the roadway becomes its own drainage bed. |
Just about anything that will stay afloat can be called a recreational fishing boat, so long as a fisherman periodically climbs aboard with the intent to catch a fish. |
The amazing part of the lignin story is, why did it take industry so long? |
I named this region Australia Felix, the better to distinguish it from the parched deserts of the interior country where we had wandered so unprofitably and so long. |
I was hooked on dope, and hooked bad, during this whole period, but I was also hooked behind robbery. When you're on a heroin run, you stay loaded so long as you can score. |
After fighting for so long, she finally resigned to her death. |
There was a time not so long ago when a company poised to go public would invite a reporter inside to memorialize the moments leading up to the blessed event. |
Furious Brocket, who was wearing an Akubra with a champagne cork hanging from it, was forced to hand over his credit card but he argued for so long he missed his plane. |
In a government office not so long ago, we read an understandable petition from Europeans asking that these 'pepper-potted' people be removed, or they were going to move. |
She explained to us what it all meant, that this was the day for which she had been so long praying, but fearing that she would never live to see. |
On the other hand, though, the possibilities have exercised their overactive imaginations for so long that it is now in severe danger of completely addling their minds. |
They in turn took it from ancient Sumer so long ago that if the connection between cubits and degrees was known in either Babylonia or Ionia it did not survive. |
Mercy first, that God spar'd us, and preserv'd us so long. For without his Divine Manutenency, our strongest Fabrics had fallen immediately upon their very Builders. |
The system backfired on Red Bull in Abu Dhabi though when it overheated due to the grid taking so long to form, and Vettel crashed off on the second bend. |
Mr. Seeger has walked the walk for so long that he has outwalked most everybody who would ever want to beat him up, throw bricks at him or denounce him as a Red. |
Angered, the English king demanded reprisals against the town's citizens for holding out for so long and ordered that the town's population be killed en masse. |
I SEE that the rocket scientists, for so long apparently redundant in so many walks of life, have been re-appointed when it comes to ideas to maintain discipline in schools. |
The study of defense mechanisms will remain incomplete so long as they are regarded chiefly as wardings off, renunciations and negative assertions. |
Figure 3 illustrates the short wave fade-out and the magnetic crochet, both of which endure only so long as the burst of x-rays from the flare continues. |
Anyone arguing against even the most cockamamie idea, so long as that idea is supposed to benefit conservation, is viewed with suspicion, at best. |
Another factor was that the owners of the great landed estates, who had for so long dominated the politics of the county, were in many cases heavily in debt. |
That is the key to why animals like giant tortoises can live so long. |
The upcycle has lasted so long that many economists even doubt the old cycle theories. Others try to label the lull in 1962 and again this year as the downcycles. |
This has often been tolerated so long as people have camped unobtrusively, for no more than one night, and have left no trace of their campsite behind. |
My parents didn't realize that we were going to stay in this country for so long, they felt responsible for keeping me in touch with Japanese values. |
The northern countries took over the place that earlier had been so long and brilliantly been occupied by the old capitalist centers of the Mediterranean. |
As such it would be preserved by God so long as history remained. |
But so long as the water kept flopping and glucking aside me, I was right. |
The same applies if the ship or aircraft has been used to commit any such act, so long as it remains under the control of the persons guilty of that act. |
Because the bathing process took so long, conversation was necessary. |
The extreme dryness of the air is shown by the roofs of the houses remaining so long bright, and by a charge of powder remaining for weeks uncaked in a gun. |
It's not so long ago that the French car maker held the industry sway in the world where supermini magic by the shedful used to be Peugeot's calling card. |