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How to use snaking in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word snaking? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
It's quite impressive to see all the cars and trucks snaking down the hill and past the end of my road.
If the thought of cables snaking across the living room is too much to live with, this virtual-surround system offers salvation.
Despite the snaking fingers of electricity jolting through it, the Eye of the Universe felt just as cool as a bowling ball, and equally as heavy.
Rising from the coal rich plains of Shanxi Province, the mountain is accessed by a snaking road which makes the ears pop at every turn.
Soon a small column of figures appears on the horizon, snaking down an embankment in the glittering morning light.
Saul's bilious colors, snaking black lines and bulbous forms contribute to the painting's forceful tension.
The manager's upbeat mood reflects that of the people in the queue which is slowly snaking its way towards the ticket office.
We saw monkeys swinging through the tree-tops and a long black serpent snaking menacingly over branches.
First came the excitement of the snaking I-beams and a hint of the shape to come.
Guitarist Charlie Davis III is fond of playing snaking countermelodies and aggressive leads with his guitar covered in trebly distortion.
On either side, a couple thin tendrils of hair were left, snaking down to her shoulders.
I got there in plenty of time. Queues were snaking through the turnstiles and I have to admit that I was getting some funny looks.
There is no music floating up the stairs, no sound of splashing water, no tendril of cigarette smoke snaking its delicate way towards the bed.
The viewscreen became whole again and the back screen was once again white with red lines snaking across it.
He did not seem too concerned with the tiny rivers of blood that were snaking down his body, and settled down against the hard rock wall.
Although well trodden, the route was far from straightforward, with steep, snaking climbs.
The first stop is an infinite queue snaking along a drab purgatorial waiting room.
High praise is due to our server, who made light work of snaking his way through the thickets of humanity.
Unseasonal rains have turned the wheel ruts into snaking rivers and the going is hard and heavy.
Before them the land was reasonably flat, a single road snaking through the grass and disappearing into a wood not far away.
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Examples from Classical Literature
In a few minutes the stout chain was snaking its way down through the blue-green ocean.
The long, snaking hose filled and plumped out with snappings.
Leaping on the old man he took him by the shoulders, snaking him.
The snaking track might take up acres and acres of rich land.
He crossed the floor with slinking, tigerish steps and snaking body.
Portions of the set slid sideways to reveal a building's interior, a stairway snaking its way up to the mansard.
Saw the world while snaking on my belly through the South Pacific.
Parakeets hide in the grassy tussocks, and northern rockhopper penguins weave past slithery tendrils of sea kelp snaking in the water.
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