Instead, Giuliani is now focusing efforts on extending his term in order ensure a smooth transition of power at such a critical time. |
The graduate glut is one more sign of how difficult it is for China to manage a smooth transition to a market economy. |
This arrangement had been working well, facilitating a smooth transition of business from Carl Stock to himself. |
He collected seven trophies last season in novice events and has made a smooth transition to clubmen races this season. |
The transmission is geared for power, economy and smooth transition, and is designed to withstand tough working conditions. |
We also hope that China will see a smooth transition of political power this year, with rational, gentle and open-minded people rising to power. |
We will encounter the second obstacle to a smooth transition to democracy in the period between nominations and the run up to elections. |
Bosses say that the switch of rail maintenance contracts to Network Rail will be a smooth transition. |
In an effort to make a smooth transition from politics to pop culture, I'm going to take a stab at compiling a top 10 list of movie villains. |
There should be a smooth transition from community or junior colleges through course articulation. |
Often, when a bishop is close to retirement, a coadjutor bishop is named to assist him and to assure a smooth transition upon retirement. |
This neat device allows a smooth transition between the numerous scenes but the curtain goes up and down like a yo-yo and becomes wearisome after a while. |
We have also been busy sorting and sending files and materials to the new editorial staff and are working closely with them to ensure a smooth transition. |
The proposed stress function is strictly convex, includes compressive states and allows for a smooth transition from a crimped to a fully elongated state of collagen fibrils. |
Feather the edges of the implant to create a smooth transition and minimize palpability. |
We have set up a Hungarian-Polish duologue for a smooth transition, and we are looking forward to a fruitful cooperation. |
The sweet pepper Sublime makes its own smooth transition from green to red. |
Of course, in the short term, the board will have to expend money to ensure the smooth transition of students to their new schools. |
The division will also continue working with DCU to ensure the smooth transition of the POSO sale. |
But for the moment, there is no sign that Mr Wahid is ready to go quietly and acquiesce in a smooth transition. |
Pools should be designed so that there is a smooth transition of flow from the culvert to the natural stream width. |
Given the vast number of cards and devices that must be converted, this timeline will help to ensure a smooth transition for all participants. |
When it comes to resigning, there are certain etiquettes to abide by to ensure success and a smooth transition. |
In order to ensure a smooth transition to the single matching account service, you should agree a cutover date with Clearstream Banking. |
Gliss: The Glissando mode is similar to Normal mode but instead of a smooth transition between each note you actually hear the semitone steps. |
The smooth transition from share to mouldboard and the low-resistance shape make the plough even lighter to pull. |
At the two ends of the hot tape coating, the coal tar coating was tapered for a smooth transition. |
Continuity conditions are no longer imposed as the overlap is sufficiently wide to allow a smooth transition from one polynomial to the other. |
The information campaigns necessary to ensure a smooth transition to the euro were intensified as 2002 drew nearer. |
The relationship between the schools also aims to allows year six pupils at the primary school to make a smooth transition to secondary education. |
The biggest task is the Government's short time-scale, as changes would be in place by 2007 and, obviously, there is a lot to be done to achieve a smooth transition. |
A smooth transition without risk of violence is of utmost importance for Haiti to continue with the reconstruction efforts. |
Without practice at school, a smooth transition from school to professional life is not guaranteed. |
We welcome UNMIN's efforts to ensure a smooth transition of expertise and projects in that field. |
This supports the smooth transition of first nation property tax bylaws from one act to another. |
A period should therefore be envisaged in order to permit a smooth transition to the full implementation of the new rules and procedures. |
The original two-tier collateral framework was adopted by the Eurosystem to ensure a smooth transition to the euro. |
We also work closely with our customers and the community to ensure a smooth transition and to continue to find ways to meet their needs. |
In Ireland monetary policy was geared towards ensuring a smooth transition towards Monetary Union. |
Discussions have been ongoing with the province to ensure a smooth transition. |
Continuing these programs will allow for a smooth transition to Growing Forward and will provide certainty for our farmers and all our partners. |
Use smooth transition words between paragraphs. |
Mary also recognizes that her sons are not currently in a position to buy the business, but she would like to start planning ahead to maximize her after-tax proceeds and prepare for a smooth transition to her sons. |
Augusto plans to remain at AFB until a successor is in place to ensure a smooth transition. |
Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev has praised the caretaker government for successfully organizing a smooth transition to a new Cabinet. |
Before the new standards go live however, the testing team will have spent a month working with FundSERV clients to test and iron out compatibility issues between systems to ensure a smooth transition. |
At any rate, a smooth transition accompanied by a short period of dual currency circulation or not, as the case may be, is impossible without frontloading. |
This section on ethical standards could either come first to signal the central importance of ethical standards or it could come last to permit a smooth transition to the associated and attached code of ethics. |
The more lead time you have to prepare for someone's retirement, the better position you'll be in to ensure a smooth transition and less disruption to your business' daily operations. |
The other idea is that of the ideology of the EU which consists, in your view, Commissioner, in seeing this industry as a relict and China being forced to look outwards as a smooth transition. |
They sought to ensure a smooth transition between the old system and the new, and we have tried to ensure the necessary continuity while being irreproachable in terms of the proper use of public funds. |
To ensure a smooth transition, it was important to develop a comprehensive training strategy and to synchronize the implementation schedule with the introduction of the new information technology system. |
There is a need to ensure the smooth transition of a set of individual measures introduced through the 2003 Act of Accession, namely the measure on semi-subsistence farming and the measure on producer groups. |
It represents a one-time investment to ensure a smooth transition to the new system of administration of justice without hampering its ability to function as intended. |
It must be possible to make a smooth transition from one flight phase to another without requiring exceptional piloting skill, alertness, strength or workload under any probable operating condition. |
The changes took effect in 1996 with shadow councillors elected in 1995 to oversee the smooth transition of control. |
This procedure uses a series of polynomial equations to divide the population in 5 year age groups into single year age groups while maintaining the population total and providing a smooth transition from one age to the next. |
This smooth transition between fragments is called coarticulation. |
Furthermore, links should be established between early intervention services, pre-schools and schools to facilitate the smooth transition of the child. |
It also wants a smooth transition rather than a disruptively abrupt one. |
The challenge is to initiate the process of defragmentation in a smart way at the lowest possible cost for airspace users and relying on appropriate social dialogue structures to ensure a smooth transition. |
The company also assisted PDP in becoming an agent Crown corporation and fully disengaging with respect to service delivery, and completed the smooth transition of Tower operations to Canada Lands. |
Steve Watkins a time served toolmaker joined the Company in 1979 and prior to the takeover was already taking care of the day to day running of the Company which led to a smooth transition. |
Mr. Speaker, on this workers' day, the government should finally look after older workers who are victims of group layoffs and set up a real program to help them make a smooth transition to retirement. |
But a smooth transition is another matter. |
To ensure a smooth transition from the existing Directives to this Regulation, certain exceptions for vehicles designed to fulfil specific social needs should be foreseen in the Euro 5 stage. |
Twice recently we have stored cargo in the morning, then commenced a security patrol, and in the afternoon made a smooth transition to an approach operation. |
In addition, it will be necessary to ensure, at an appropriate time, a smooth transition between the current investigation and a future judicial mechanism. |
The SEPA deadline extension to August 2014 was granted by The European Commission to ensure a smooth transition period to SEPA Credit Transfer and SEPA Direct Debits. |
We want to have a smooth transition when the new owners take control of the company. |