Oftentimes it is corporate reasons, such as copyright, that cause material to slide down the memory hole. |
Your baby won't know how to swallow food at this stage, but with luck some of the food will slide down your baby's throat. |
And I did get to slip and slide down the snowy chutes that make the trail so great. |
Her boots slipped several times and forced her to slide down the other side of the housetop. |
I feel a hand slide down my arm and fingers intertwine with mine, and I look over to see Amanda standing beside me. |
He hissed and clenched his fists so tightly I saw a trail of blood slide down his palms. |
You walk where you can, scramble over rocks, wade and swim through pools and in places you slide down natural flumes. |
She just kinda looked at me as though I was crazy to think she would slide down that thing again. |
There we find the foundation of Mandela's first school, still carved in the furrowed soil, as welt as a rock he liked to slide down as a boy. |
It was always such a relief to get back to Auntie Lizzie's so we could use her eiderdown quilts to slide down the stairs. |
And there are fears that a big slide down from here could send the real economy into a double dip. |
A dribble of ketchup slide down her chin and threatened to stain her t-shirt, but she scooped it up just in time. |
They clambered up the jagged stones and tried not to slide down on spiky ones on the ways down. |
The tears were the silent burning kind that slide down your cheeks like hot wax down a candle. |
It was a favorite vantage point from which many of them had watched many other Bath Iron Works ships slide down the ways. |
He took a swig of wine, set the wineskin aside and made to slide down under the cloak to sleep, but Kieran caught his arm. |
Yet instead of bringing the country up to the standards, they slide down to the lowest common denominator. |
The sun began to slide down toward the west end of the sky as they were setting up targets for their archery contest. |
He remembered how he would take Mina to the hotels to trash them or slide down the long stairway banisters. |
But on the descent it's beauteous, because you can slide down it like a skier. |
He drank a shot of brown liquid quickly, feeling the burning sensation slide down his throat. |
Potted miniature palms and gilded accents adorned the sinuously curving handrails, just beckoning for a slide down. |
Then we'd go find trash can lids, and eventually real sleds, and slide down into a pile of snow. |
Getting there was as wild and uncomfortable as any slide down a slippery slope can be. |
It looked like another slide down the slippery slope of mediocrity for the Woodman. |
To erase the distinction appears to have been a moral gain, rather than a slide down the slope. |
It felt like part of a long, long slide down that slippery slope of obsolescence. |
Sighing, she slide down the tree she had been leaning against and packed a snowball, idly throwing it into the stream in front of her. |
She felt her tears slide down her cheek, as she felt her heart break in two. |
The mattress finally budged and began to slip and slide down the remaining 10 steps, finally landing in a big pile at the end of the staircase. |
I swallowed my peanut butter slowly, letting it slide down my throat as I regarded the collection of books that sat before me. |
Gone are features such as the haptic sensor and slide down keyboard. |
Be assured that I will continue my apparent never ending cycle, struggling to push my rock up the mountain only to watch it slither and slide down after nearing the peak. |
It will be a moment of deep sadness that will, unless some bowlers of similar calibre are unearthed soon, herald Sri Lanka's slide down the world rankings. |
She had arranged for him to slide down the fireman's poles, go for a ride on a fire truck, squirt water from a fire hose and just hang out with the firefighters. |
When you jump, you don't simply jump, but you float into the air and slide down objects with a flinching animation only associated with sloppy programming. |
He watched her with concern for a time, sighing inside as he saw the walls slide down around her, her eyes guarded, as if she had drawn the shades on the windows of her soul. |
The slippy grass led many of the runners to slide down the fell on their backsides rather than attempt to negotiate the seriously steep incline on two feet. |
The hours tick by but by late afternoon, the first of the wildebeests slide down the steep bank and into the river. |
And the initial anapestic foot of the second line seems to slide down after the discovery in the first line that not trochees but iambs are afoot. |
Now, George, grease it good, an' let hit slide down the hill hits own way. |
Conversely, if the warp is spread out, the weft can slide down and completely cover the warp, giving a weft faced textile, such as a tapestry or a Kilim rug. |