These sculptures are at once highly crafted and naturally formed, skillfully manipulated and sloppily organic. |
Bhim, our Nepalese boatman on the sweep oar, skillfully hauls the raft around so that we hit the wave bow-on. |
Many of the critical essays skillfully blend pertinent close readings with wider cultural background. |
Taoists skillfully built temples that conformed to the contours of the land. |
Curried Vidalia-onion fritters, lightly battered and skillfully fried, come with a sweet-sour tamarind dipping sauce. |
Glumly, Ichiro nodded as he struggled with his iron bonds even though he knew they had been done too skillfully to let him escape. |
The telepic also dealt skillfully with the common issue of longtime friends as would-be lovers. |
And the tinkle of kora and the woody tones of the balafon xylophone are skillfully combined with the sounds of an Egyptian orchestra. |
Logan also skillfully incorporates illustrative primary source texts into each of his chapters. |
But meanwhile, with marvelous artistry, he skillfully carved a snowy ivory statue. |
The Tangka, barbola and sculptures of Regong Art feature refined craftsmanship and skillfully blended vibrant colors. |
In this case, the Buddha and the bodhisattvas very skillfully condensed the teachings into a very concise form. |
After returning to a defiladed position, he skillfully rescued and evacuated a wounded officer. |
Historians and politicians skillfully crafted the narrative of an active middle class who had heroically waged the revolutionary struggle. |
Her fingers danced skillfully on the taut strings, creating an intricate melody. |
Hendrickson skillfully incorporates relevant readings that bear on whether or not WPR requirements were met. |
In Sadness, these two threads are delicately and skillfully woven together to create an elegant and intensely moving documentary. |
On this magnificent necklace, worn by either a young woman or man, the beadworker has skillfully played with colors and geometric shapes. |
Rozema skillfully orchestrates all of these elements together, and the result is a richly textured, entertaining and impressive debut. |
However, the Trouts have skillfully created a spectacle as beautiful as it is thought provoking. |
After blurring the lines between good and evil so skillfully, this ending comes as a somewhat hollow conclusion. |
Overall, the storylines are engaging and skillfully intertwined, and the acting well-done. |
They wielded a pistol in each hand as calmly and skillfully as a butcher wielded a cleaver and had spare ammo clips around their waists. |
I noticed how he paled and saw traces of fear in his eyes even if he masked them skillfully. |
She skillfully uses ethnohistorical methods to demonstrate that although changes occurred, essential values persisted. |
In fact, the artist has skillfully coordinated his composition and palette, adding a sense of order and harmony to the realistic transcription. |
Alice de Souza has dealt herself a winning hand and she has played it skillfully. |
Rey and his crew skillfully brought the boat to a near-standstill, pointed into the wind and on the verge of stalling out. |
In another, Cabot has skillfully set the stage for a new beginning that promises even more to come. |
He skillfully uses the books under review as a springboard for reassessing a variety of intellectuals, Victorian and modern. |
The helmsman skillfully navigated the ship towards the enormous docking bay doors which engulfed the view screen. |
Still, the stories seamlessly and skillfully intercut, and the film retains a hypnotic coherence. |
The jackets are skillfully constructed, whether impeccable blazers or little jackets with bouffant sleeves. |
Like some libertarian Pontius Pilate, he washed his hands of any responsibility, skillfully uncoupling the role of the executive from execution. |
Likewise, editor A. Shreekar Prasad has skillfully interwoven the three plot lines and the film unwinds with great lucidity and no jarring notes. |
His campaign skillfully spun a web, not of political opinion, but of beliefs and feelings. |
Two lads with notably large feet and broken shoes dance skillfully while a slovenly, fat woman picks at her guitar. |
How skillfully the timetable must be worked out, and how unwaveringly its edicts must be carried through, adds up to the fine art of railroading. |
The film builds suspense in a skillfully organic manner, then never pays off. |
Durso skillfully gleans her story from both primary and secondary sources, portraying a woman who rebelled against established societal norms. |
No hand, skillfully placed or not, is going to catch all the aerosol content of a fifty mile an hour cough. |
It was an elite, skillfully and ruthlessly controlling demoralized and apathetic masses. |
He looked them over, awe and curiosity registering on his face before he skillfully masked his emotions. |
And they perform far more skillfully in soccer, lacrosse and softball than they do in basketball. |
In the early 1970s very thin leaf gold was skillfully implanted on rhodochrosite to make spectacular faked specimens. |
That was an example of having a specific humor idea and neatly making your point by skillfully editing the news clips of the day. |
Instead of static, talking-head interviews, all are skillfully supplemented with stills and clips, and are indexed by subject. |
This is romantic comedy skillfully rendered with a light touch and complete with a colorful cast of characters. |
But it is refreshing, and a relief, that it can walk the tightrope of its own controversy just as skillfully. |
The title of the piece was Open Letter from a Writer to the Military Junta and it skillfully attacked the dictatorship with an arsenal of reason, facts and moral certitude. |
At the opposite pole to divine magic is the type that is playful and deceitful, thanks to which charlatans skillfully produce effects that stupefy ignorant people. |
She skillfully uses patients suffering from neglect due to parietal lesions to explore a number of central questions in the study of spatial representations. |
The commentary, from many national, ethnic, and gender perspectives, helps to skillfully cut away facile associations and simplistic modes of naming. |
But a persistent critic could argue that this showed how skillfully the participant, the caller, and the hidden accomplice had devised the deception. |
Classic Sancerre ingredients all coming together skillfully with sharpish gooseberry fruit rolling along a mineral path leading to a flinty finale. 5 Stars. |
Connie tried pumping her for information on what Hardwick wanted, but she evaded the questions so skillfully that Connie realized she was in a different league. |
The children skillfully dodged him as they dashed out the door. |
Milanich skillfully blends the archaeological, ethnohistorical, and historical literature to provide the reader with a clear understanding of Spanish Florida. |
Speaker Nancy Pelosi drives her chairmen hard, cares about the issue, and approaches its politics skillfully. |
Fanciful miniature fruits and leaves interpreted in carnelian, agate, onyx and rock crystal are skillfully fashioned into opulent bracelets and chains. |
A helping of free PR, all while skillfully avoiding the exorbitant day rate of British fashion model daisy Lowe. |
But then he very skillfully and decisively throws Carrie overboard to protect the agency. |
The director moved her sometimes space-challenged charges skillfully, eliciting overall an antic tone that brought a kind of unity to the often frenzied goings-on. |
Gil took weeks to build a monologue, skillfully turning the words on their head. |
Capt Yost continued the approach, skillfully aligning the aircraft with the runway using right rudder and fanning the speed-brakes once the landing was assured. |
She tackles weighty subjects with a naive sensibility and faux-innocence, but skillfully avoids dumbing them down. |
The little Lama skillfully scoots patients to the medical and base camps. |
Choi surrounds her lovers with a throng of skillfully rendered supporting characters. |
Staying focused on what's important has ensured her success as she skillfully avoids the trials and tribulations of the pressures that surround her. |
In a professional manner and with gentle humour, he guided us skillfully through the history, and the technical and practical requirements of playing a musical saw. |
He failed to notice the fact that I was now in a position to injure him, and I took advantage of that fact, skillfully kneeing him in the nether regions. |
Then factor in guard impacts, reverses, soul charges, quick rolls, wall attacks, and staggers and you can imagine how hectic a fight can get, if played skillfully. |
Moreover, it is one in which I continually live, even when skillfully and unproblematically dealing with everyday things. |
The ambilevous child is unable to use either hand more skillfully than the other, but is equally awkward in the use of each. |
The section on the patristics skillfully and succinctly handles material which for most beginning students is highly complex and turgid. |
With that accomplished by 1871 he then skillfully used balance of power diplomacy to preserve Germany's new role and keep Europe at peace. |
Hermes argued so skillfully that he ended up buried under a heap of pebbles, and this was the first cairn. |
Escher skillfully convey the illusion of infinitely repeating forms and the strange properties of hyperbolic planes. |
At our moral best, we skillfully extemporize in response to each other with the aim of harmonizing interests. |
Gasper handles it all skillfully and with language that makes the reader want more. |
This must be the first Canadian opera to feature a musical saw in the plot and score, skillfully played by percussionist Beverley Johnston. |
He had said he would, but had dawdled skillfully and was still unfitly in bare feet and the shabby garments of a weekday. |
Magnar Breivik skillfully links these two composers within the school of musical functionalism in the study presented in this volume. |
Whereas the Sublime Porte initially turned a deaf ear to Mgr Hubaysh's Lebanism, the Maronite Church used the latter to skillfully forge an alliance with France. |
Pitchforked to Ashiana from London's popular Mint Leaf restaurant recently, Rane has skillfully blended traditional Indian flavours with European techniques. |
Edward Wakeling's notes and commentary skillfully construct the contexts and characters of the intermural debates for which these pieces were mitten. |
A warring bloodhunter detected it and skillfully arced his sword through its spinal column before it could return to follow through with its attack. |
The British skillfully negotiated with the village leaders on the island Rhun to protect them from the Dutch in exchange for a monopoly on their nutmeg. |
Director and cowriter Robert Kenner skillfully interweaves the story of Big Tobaccos fifty-year campaign of deception with the ongoing drama of climate-change denial. |