The veins extend perpendicularly from the thrust fault across the skarn and pinch out in overlying rhythmically bedded limestone. |
The andradite crystals are part of a large skarn deposit that was once mined for iron ore. |
The portion of the skarn where the rainbow garnets are found is essentially a coarse-grained aggregate of pure andradite. |
It would seem that these extremely rare specimens were created when gold mineralization was overprinted with later skarn mineralization. |
I discovered light-colored skarn mineralogy when I climbed the hill looking for prospect pits. |
Grossular occurred as greenish-gray to pale brown semitransparent dodecahedral crystals to 8 mm and also as a granular material making up a high percentage of the skarn. |
No skarn or tactite ores have been reported from the district. |
The skarn is exposed along a steep mountainside that is gullied along its base by several small, intermittent streams that flow into a beautiful, boulder-filled river. |
For scheelite-dominated deposits, there is the formation of marbles and locally extensive tremolite, silicification, and the development of extensive skarn and hornfels zones. |
The skarn hosts large phlogopite, diopside, apatite crystals and uraninite crystals. |
Copper mineralization is mixed secondary chalcocite and chalcopyrite in the upper portion, and chalcopyrite in skarn at depth. |
Hedenbergite and ilvaite skarn mineralization is common within the massive sulfide zone. |
The sets of minerals of this skarn include quartz, calcite, grossular, augite, and gypsum. |
The report stresses the potential of the pyroxenite contact which should be investigated in more details to for skarn or pegmatite related REE mineralization. |
We are now confident to proceed with a maiden resource estimate on the Copper Canyon skarn and the results also confirm numerous other skarn targets on the concession. |
The most mineralized sample consists of red apatite in a skarn zone. |
The Popelogan North and South zones are hosted by a skarn formed around apophyses of the Popelogan granodiorite stock and related dykes and sills intruding Silurian limestone. |