In simple terms, the deal meant that each team had a 'Home' and an 'Away' coloured pair of kicks to match their jerseys. |
With previous records, inexperienced technicians had interpreted relatively simple information from an oscilloscope and plotted it on a graph. |
The footed bottle case in Plate II represents a slightly later development of the simple box. |
He was the first to refuse a papal coronation in favour of a simple inaugural service, and was liked for his ready smiles and warm personality. |
But they are all in agreement that he is not a simple controversialist just for the sake of it. |
Every woman can be made to look gorgeous provided she takes care of her skin and follows simple techniques of make-up, he reveals. |
The thin foil eliminated the need for a metal shell around the battery, and the electrical leads are simple foil tabs attached to the pouch. |
Follow these simple guidelines, and you, too, like me will be a world famous squillionaire webmaster. |
Tyler's fiction has always danced dangerously close to being a paean to the so-called simple life. |
Her clever collage and striking photographs are, at first glance, simple and beautiful. |
There are other panels with flat planes of tertiary colour, some with simple linear designs. |
One simple problem is that there is nothing funny about the ravages of war. |
It varies in a rather simple way with the length of the sequence of primes in the selected range of whole numbers. |
And instead of the difficult takedown used on the Sigma and Glock, the FN pistol has a simple takedown lever. |
For a midweek meal, you could speed things up by searing the beef rolls until cooked, then saucing them with a simple tomato salsa. |
Develop a simple field map with acreage, crop, and any irrigation restrictions. |
Alarms can be set to different stations or to a simple alarm tone and alarm volume set independently of main radio volume. |
As fast as possible the pupil could execute a simple beat, followed by a straight thrust and a rapid lunge. |
Much of their previous work was either bouncy, drum filled, squawky pop-mania, or simple protracted acoustic meanderings. |
Only intercalating dyes exhibit decay kinetics simple enough to attempt a lifetime-based analytical procedure. |
This cute striped tote is perfect for carrying your lunch to school or as a simple purse. |
They no longer had to worry about a hungry baby, a demanding teenager, or a simple lack of time. |
Try simple track lighting or, if you can, invest in low voltage or mains voltage recessed lighting in the ceiling. |
This simple action is controlled by a complex mass of gears, switches and springs, like you might find inside a watch. |
The warmth from that simple touch and kiss thawed his cold dead heart back to life. |
I was able to sneak away for a little while to watch a team of men assembling an ox-plow and yoke using simple hand tools. |
The simple fact that a military force can strike a massive blow is irrelevant. |
For simple systems like roulette wheels, turbulent fluids, and stock markets, I have a lot of experience with this. |
A simple worm grader, run by an electric motor, separates the worms from the dirt. |
I've done jury service twice and both times there were one or two people on the jury that couldn't follow relatively simple arguments. |
Another simple red is missed and O'Sullivan goes 48 points up with the remaining reds all on the cushion. |
I just don't understand why we cannot get a handle on the simple reasons why it's sometimes difficult to sleep. |
This simple pasta dish combines pork sausages with fresh fennel bulbs in a soft, subtly anise-flavoured sauce for spaghetti. |
So simple supposition was readapted to model reference to common concepts or intentions. |
Teresa was wearing a simple gown of emerald green with a white yoke and a black bow just below her throat. |
Early models were not factory drilled and tapped, but it was a simple matter to do so. |
Not too long ago we did a simple test and shot the same ammo in five different guns. |
Most of the recipes are simple to prepare and follow short ingredient lists. |
A simple hand-held dynamic mic is useful for interview situations and recording a sound at close range. |
I was going to prepare just a simple Lamb Roast Dinner with an apple pie for afters. |
If you enjoy quilting, don't settle for a simple coverlet for the guest room. |
The years 1925 and '26 found him in Vence and Aix-en-Provence, painting still lilts that celebrate simple rural repasts in a quasi-naive manner. |
Or you can build a simple three or four side enclosure out of scrap lumber. |
This saddle has a very simple wooden tree, covered with rawhide and leather. |
A lavender sachet under your pillow or a snack high in simple carbohydrates shortly before bed may also be beneficial. |
The nice thing about forcing Amaryllis bulbs into flower inside the home is that it is so simple to do. |
Our dinner menu includes an appetizer of easy grilled satay and a simple pad thai, both of which are largely made ahead of time. |
Dazzling ingredients, such as liqueur, fresh raspberries and amaretti cookies, are what lift these sweets from simple to sublime. |
This may seem like a simple proposition, but to a man it's like you have asked him to scale Mount Everest without oxygen. |
The language of the book is simple and straight and its fine printing makes it all the more easy to complete reading the book in 24 hours flat! |
Nothing restores my faith in the simple power of reason better than the utterances of a man of God. |
By remembering a simple pattern one can determine the amount of sharps and flats in a major chord. |
To end the evening, serve affogato, a simple but sophisticated Italian dessert. |
Students will build and operate a simple magnetometer using a soda bottle and a bar magnet. |
It caches components, providing a bigger speed boost than that from simple templates. |
The beep can be disabled with a simple click on the audio icon on the taskbar, which brings up the Audio Setting menu. |
Candidates can adopt a few simple guidelines to ensure that they get satisfaction when dealing with recruitment agencies. |
It affixes to the guitar in a very simple fashion, and it is able to be removed in a similarly easy manner. |
Consumed worldwide, this wheaten staple is uniquely versatile, simple to make and always satisfying. |
You might think that bowling is as simple as a lane, a ball, and an approach, right? |
That last one was originally a simple square, which would of course be divided up into four rectangles. |
In brief, Kuznets argued that a simple agrarian economy should generally exhibit low income levels and little inequality across groups. |
It all seems so simple from this perspective. I could get used to this evil genius lark. |
Hamilton looked in control of the next frame until a bad contact on the cue ball resulted in him missing a simple red. |
He then changes into a simple robe, renounces the world, and takes his vows as a monk. |
They are simple and tasteful, as I am not a fan of Christmas decorations in general. |
The history of the knife is an intriguing one dating hack to simple flint tools knapped by prehistoric man. |
And the wonton soup, loaded with extras or not as one prefers, is simple and fine. |
Too many maxims make for too simple a path, bounded on each side by the wit and mental agility of someone else's moment. |
She takes you room by room through the average house, offering solutions that range from simple color changes to wholescale renovation. |
Since he was interested in tools, we showed him a simple lathe in a glass case at the Science Museum in London. |
We can't go for a simple walk without her being tooled up and ready for an easy blag. |
But they may be explainable for a more simple reason, other than the lateness of the hour. |
It is not a grand theory but a simple truth that Hitler was motivated by the human emotion of hatred. |
A practical reason is that text full of minimally simple hiragana strokes looks like a carpet pattern, hard to read quickly. |
Typical usage is a simple trim on a hood or wrap scarf and the fur might just as easily be rabbit as mink. |
An elemental diet is a liquid diet, made up of simple forms of protein, carbohydrates and fats. |
Exotic dishes are explained in a simple way and therefore the recipes are easy to prepare at home. |
It would be an ideal wine to accompany latke, a brilliantly simple and tasty panfried dish. |
We welcome the fact that the initiative is structured to be simple to administer yet provide accessible, relevant and actionable information. |
How was it possible for someone as dumb and arrogant as Heath to make me blush with a simple action or word? |
With just a couple of electronic components that cost at most a dollar or two, you can build simple radio transmitters and receivers. |
Uptime is crucial when running any type of server whether it is a file repository, HTTP web server, or a simple SOHO server. |
It will need simple but accurate budgets and forecasts to check against actual income and expenditure. |
The simple system in which each voter gives a single vote to their favourite candidate can also lead to tactical voting. |
The unusual display highlighted the relief elements in the stylized renderings of a Ferris wheel, a simple house and a self-portrait. |
The domed stupa of Buddhist architecture recalls the simple mound of earth while its gates memorialise the forest cleared for the monument. |
Changes may be as simple as redesigning a cable connection or so complex that the product must be recalled by the manufacturer. |
The door is made with simple but strong half-lap joints, using just a few basic hand tools and a circular saw. |
They also feature a heel lift for reduced lower leg stress on ascents and a simple binding system with a fixed pivot rod. |
Resourceful gardeners can combine a few discarded window sashes and bales of straw to create a simple makeshift cold frame. |
Last night's dinner was nutritious ambrosia and I was reminded how easy it is to make something very simple and tasty. |
One simple conclusion would be that this is a desire for atonement taken too far. |
You can't help wishing real life was as addictively simple as bashing the monsters and hoarding the loot. |
The first meal of the day will usually be a simple thick rice soup with accompaniments of chicken, dried squid, and pickled vegetables. |
The simple solution of putting up a fence at the school solved the problem, and within months had paid for itself. |
To investigate this possibility, a simple system can be designed to generate drip trajectories where the degree of chaos can be tuned. |
There is a huge problem with the simple assumption that your expected annual rate of return is the same each and every year. |
You are just a few simple steps away from realizing your most sacred dreams and goals. |
On a technical level, the look of the film is deceptively simple and austere. |
China's simple defences against flood, needing annual repair and renewal, deteriorated rapidly from neglect and destruction. |
The church plan, vaguely reminiscent of a classical basilica, is a simple asymmetric rectangle. |
Also on the appetizer tip, the sate ayam is a simple dish of chicken satays, with a classic, beautiful tamarind and brown sugar sauce. |
Above all they want excellent service, competitive pricing and simple accounts with no strings attached. |
Lastly, we used tracing paper to flip and copy a simple design in order to begin creating a pattern freehand. |
The program reduces all your authoring efforts to three simple clicks, and when the DVD is ready, you just have to put it into the player. |
Relatively simple processes, such as improving the yield of a machine tool, have short half-lives, often less than a year. |
I suddenly realized how foolish I was acting, scared witless by a simple dream. |
A simple technique to break up the space while retaining proportion to the primary architectural elements is to lay out a grid over your drawing. |
Very striking, the balance between the simple solid color of the kirtle and the elegant trim. |
Some simple diagnostics are functions of the statistics of interest such as autocorrelations and moving averages. |
They are very amenable to this sort of treatment and the resulting new growth can be clipped into simple egg shapes or cubes, for example. |
He had looked at this as a simple ball to be enjoyed, when in fact it was just as much a trial to everyone else as to him. |
His home is a simple ranch house with sheets for curtains and an unattractive brown lawn. |
Moreover, the advantages of practicing simple but effective steps at home are also explained. |
The buildings, ranged along a street, are simple stone structures with only one room. |
I wish that the middlebrow worshippers of the simple would read the nursery rhymes in the light of their original meaning! |
The Apple had a simple keyboard that only had upper case letters and only two arrow keys. |
Unlike most remixes, each track is treated beyond a simple representation or repetition of its original. |
If only my mother had known about such simple measures as adjusting the feeding position and soothing reassurance. |
Sometimes, though, a simple operation can help, shaving off the bits of bone that have overgrown. |
He had only a minimal understanding of my language apparently and so we would have to use simple terms. |
Purcell's first seven pieces introduce various fingering combinations, simple ornaments and key signatures. |
The tone of Boyfriend! is of someone older writing for a younger audience in simple language. |
A simple port scanner can be written in under 15 minutes by a good programmer in a language such as Java or Perl. |
Wood uses the rectangular areas that have been partially plowed to draw added attention to the simple contours. |
It seems clear that the photocyte has substantial local control of its luminescence and is not dependent on external oxygen in any simple way. |
I had put on my simple blue bikini and covered the bottoms with a pair of short khaki shorts. |
The weather station also carries a simple microphone to record whatever sounds are made on Titan. |
On a simple two-wheel drive car, traction control selects the wheel with the most grip in a loss-of-grip situation and gives it more power. |
There is nothing as beautiful as such a simple joy and it truly makes your heart ache. |
The first part of the interior window treatment is the simple beaded keeper-fixed at the top and one side, removable on the second side. |
In the end, Jocelyn adds, nothing is as simple as making steady streams of 8-ft logs. |
Williams cleared up to win the first after King had missed a simple red into the bottom corner. |
On the 25th December after a late, and simple breakfast, we walked along the beach and back into the palm groves. |
She had a knack for teaching people how to enjoy the simple things in life. |
However, we may consider a simple model in which the feather is assumed to be an isolated, flat, rigid object in a uniform airstream. |
We now know more than the simple fact that prehistoric knappers obtained tool stone at the Hatch quarry. |
A rowing fin that oscillates about its root requires slightly different kinematics from the simple heaving and pitching plate. |
My favorite, though, was a simple foie gras terrine, cut in velvet pink slabs, with dense deposits of artichoke and rutabaga in the middle. |
She stood, letting her red, high-collared robes, trimmed with saffron orange, fall around her, over the simple ash-colored dress and boots. |
Perhaps the most convincing explanation of all is the simple fact that liberal states tend to be in relations of amity with other liberal states. |
Each wore a knife, tied around the waist by a strip of plain leather, and sheathed in a simple sheath of the same brown leather. |
The cute fuzzy add-on summons up old movie star allure to the most simple sheath dress and looks equally cute tossed over a tunic top and jeans. |
Some of the matters involved in States wishing to retain controls go beyond the simple issues of ministerial empires. |
Merchants had run dramatically low on supplies, causing high prices on simple things. |
By following some simple rules on DIY safety, many of the most common accidents can be simply avoided. |
They had decorated it in the simple style that Beth so loved, with varnished pine floors and magnolia walls. |
One simple fact shows very clearly the extent to which a genuine cover-up of the truth exists. |
He wanted to break down in front of her and show her how those simple words had touched his soul. |
Keep it simple and, if you can, make the time the week before to have a practice run-through. |
The sheet bend, and in some cases the fisherman's knot, are simple binding knots that can replace the reef knot. |
Sensitivity is enhanced by use of multiple-spring astatic systems, which are more vulnerable than single springs to breakage or simple tangling. |
He is an unassuming moral giant of a man, loved by all those around him and always ready with a reassuring song and a piece of simple wisdom. |
The equipment can range from a simple draw bench for intermittent drawing, to multiple draw blocks for continuous operation. |
The web implants were fairly simple to master, and significantly increased speed of movement underwater. |
Highlights include handy image optimisation, a simple animation process and a powerful image morphing tool. |
One simple mechanism used to avoid an incomplete process of root cause determination is the so-called rule of five whys. |
Rustic country decorating includes the use of natural woods, aged surfaces, rough finishes and simple lines. |
She has rendered the novel in the simple present to get over the problem of switching tenses which sounds alright in Tamil but clumsy in English. |
It's a pretty simple concept, and apparently it applies across the board, no exceptions. |
However, to lay people symptoms of arsenic poisoning would appear at first blush to be a simple case of cardiac failure. |
Of the 286 planes, the majority, were simple moldings like common ogees, astragals, beads, hollows and rounds. |
They're black-and-white striped with a simple red-and-gray star at the top of each one, and they're made of acrylic, so they're not all itchy. |
Clearly, there are plenty of reasons for a simple and affordable low-end system. |
It's often hard to distinguish between real advances, simple improvements on existing technologies, and pure marketing jive. |
Benches of the same dark wood as the overlays, carved with simple whorls and curves, were pushed up against each wall flanking the doors. |
But sports titles, racing games, fighting games and certain types of flying games work better with gamepads, simple joysticks and wheels. |
Every morning before breakfast, comb hair, apply makeup, a dash of cologne, and perhaps some simple earrings. |
We must move firmly beyond a passive politics in which people are simple recipients of policies decided for them. |
She stopped to buy some daisies from the one and only flower vendor, simple white daisies. |
They should still be as simple as possible, but are likely to be more complex than your average read-only news Web site. |
Taking the food out of our packs, and gathering some fresh fruit from a nearby tree, we settle down to a simple and satisfying meal. |
In the last 20 years, large sections of the population have lost the ability to cook simple dishes once served up on a weekly basis. |
The woodwind players are sometimes asked to play ocarinas, those strange lemon-shaped clay whistles with simple finger-holes all over them. |
Some were simple employees who worked for the excellent wages the calling offered. |
Earlier masons, he tells us, produced simple tracery in round windows by piercing stone discs. |
The sugars that Benedict's reagent tests for are simple sugars such as glucose and fructose. |
Also, we are able to utilise him straight away to prevent simple situations from developing into nightmares. |
As a new kind of benefactress, she designs simple but elegant clothing for the working class. |
They composed and recited poems in a fairly simple verse form which relied heavily on alliteration and also the use of kennings. |
The second seems to have a similar simple verticality when seen through the portal, but within the room shows itself to be jointed and angled. |
The yard goods usually had small-scale repeat patterning, often a simple diamond grid, a mixture of thin stripes and diamonds, or small lozenges. |
That is, a jury could return a verdict of simple possession though the charge is for an aggravated crime? |
From her I discovered simple joys like listening for the cuckoo and hearing stories around the fire. |
The model was fresh-faced and rose-lipped, her wavy hair caught in a simple kirby grip. |
He used a simple microscope, although compound microscopes were available at the time. |
Nevertheless, Virgin's prominent brand and cheap and simple tariffs have done the business so far. |
A running toilet can be a simple thing to fix, and water savings add up quickly. |
I recount this simple event not to promote the fact that I am well thought of by a few patients. |
The emphasis is on learning simple words and expressions while building vocabulary rather than grammar. |
How was it that all the clever people of Cambridge had never put him up to this simple rejoinder? |
The Roaring '20s. Ahhh, those were the days when life was simple and travel was an art. |
The simple atom bomb owed its explosive power to the energy released by nuclear fission, or fusion. |
The guts of the phone had been removed and in its place there was a simple red button. |
One color can simply be left plain, while the other can be distinguished with a simple piece of tape or adhesive dot. |
Digital cameras and camcorders are well catered for, with installation wizards and simple editing software. |
In the beginner's class, students take almost no falls except for simple backward ukemi. |
One simple control strategy would be to urgently realign the body position in the next stride using negative feedback. |
We want clean clothes, but within that simple desire lie images of crisp starching, of linen whiter than white. |
Starting with a simple tale of human tragedy, the plot slowly widens to encompass national and international concerns. |
Like much of the liturgical music of the Orthodox tradition, Tavener's music is intentionally simple and even austere. |
Generally, there are large muscle scars, stout dental lamellae, closely coiled, outwardly pointed spiralia, and simple jugum. |
However, I do understand my parents when they speak Macanese, and if required, I could carry on a simple conversation in Macanese. |
Mark Wendland's simple scenery works tidily, and Gabriel Berry's blend of Shakespearean and modern costumes has a macaronic charm. |
The first of these is that the simple form of the verb without any markers refers to whatever time is in focus. |
The simple mache salad alone would have been a better backdrop on which to serve this flavoursome duck. |
Fred and I rarely eat Asian food at home, but maybe this simple recipe will help change that. |
There are some simple tests which Dr. Anselme wishes to administer to you to ascertain your mental capabilities on this particular day. |
A simple elastic model was then used to calculate theoretical admittance for different elastic thicknesses. |
To the question of whether he would take tea or coffee his reply was a simple affirmative. |
It's anything but the simple life for her, because now she's getting a reality check of her own. |
In days gone by we were able to explain wars in simple terms of good and evil. |
She dressed in a simple denim jumper and a new straw cowboy hat with red cowboy boots. |
They were fed on a simple ration of barley, sugar beet pulp, soya and minerals. |
This would go well with a light chicken salad or maybe some simple pork chops. |
The book outlines simple steps that can be taken to maximise money and help reap the rewards in retirement. |
We utilize simple but critical record-keeping to determine what crops give us the biggest and fastest return. |
Another collection is totally natural with natural fabrics like ramie, natural colours such as green and yellow, and a simple cut. |
A very simple way to find out the speed rating of your current hardware configuration is to use a freeware utility. |
The Egyptian's approach to the high sand rampart demonstrated simple ingenuity on their part. |
Only a simple plaque at the graveyard entrance hints at what a remarkable man he was. |
Haig has been criticised by some for his belief in the simple advance of infantry troops on enemy lines. |
Beautiful weavings can be created by students in grades 3-6 with simple cardboard looms. |
This was no simple affair of the heart, but also a decision which entailed delicate political considerations. |
They respond readily to a simple telepathic command, but as you can see, they are capable of independent action and collaboration as a group. |
They can be used in any way celeriac is served and are particularly good with a simple oil-and-vinegar dressing into which a little onion has been shaved. |
This simple yet stylish key ring is the prefect gift for him or her. |
The older parts of the university are all built of the same plain light brown brick rising in columns, with long windows between them, and simple flat roofs. |
Lifeboats are very grim places, with satisfyingly simple rules. |
For those few months it may have appeared quite simple to decipher the good from the bad. |
These stairs were shorter, leading down to a simple square room. |
Grace beams and clasps her hands together as Steven reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small, square package wrapped in simple white paper and a red ribbon. |
I wish most presenters would use a simple on-screen slide show, or old-style film slides, or an overhead projector, or a whiteboard or flip chart! |
A very simple quick mission builder is included, allowing players to practise take-offs and landings, aerial-combat manoeuvring, gunnery and formation flying. |
In the December, '02 issue of GUNS Magazine, we ran a story on the Savage model 30 Favorite including a simple modification to make it into a takedown rifle. |
The priest went on to say none of these villagers could read or write and everything told to them had to be very simple and straighforward so they got the message. |
The house was a fairly simple square structure with only a few rooms. |
Once you are satisfied with your creation, a simple click of the finish button brings up your e-mail software and you are ready to send your pictures. |
That may be because it is the only state in the union which allows a simple 7-5 verdict by a jury to consign someone to death. |
So with no further ado, here are two variations on simple meditation. |
Around her throat a simple gold chain was her only adornment. |
So, instead I'm offering it as simple gift, no strings attached. |
We found that emergency facilities ranged widely from the provision of simple analgesia to that of intravenously administered drugs and full resuscitation facilities. |
The ingredients that go into ice cream are simple and easy to obtain. |
He subsequently led a simple life as one of the New England transcendentalists, writing poems, essays, and two books while trying to earn a living. |
But the researchers involved are quite hopeful that the simple netting technique will be a first step toward increasing the overall numbers of the greater adjutant stork. |
This simple and not too expensive system was installed over hundreds of miles of British main line railways and the lives saved must be considerable. |
If the book were reducible to a thesis, it might be the simple claim that some things exceed our capacity for comprehension. |
They came remarkably close to answering with a simple affirmative. |
The application is not as simple as might appear at first sight and Mr Wright may wish to read the application at Shipley Town Hall before attending. |
The reason for his crippling indecision is simple as it is maddening, especially if you happen to be married to him. |
Piazza Sempione was dominated by crisply pleated skirts and simple shirt-dresses. |
A simple ration based on ad-lib straw with a protein balancer can be fed to young stock and replacement heifers and this will help preserve grazing. |
Used as a simple camera, it renders rich, deeply saturated colors. |
Videos uploaded by some mothers and fathers are less of a reach out than a simple continuation of their quotidian Internet habits. |
The main courses that anchor the meal can be divided into a variety of types in addition to the simple grills and roasts that are as popular in Mexico as anywhere else. |
The adagio finale is textually simple and emotionally complicated. |
I am proud of my first attempt at real Italian cooking for the simple reason that it did not involve opening jars of ready-made sauce and popping garlic bread in the oven. |
They accuse old friends and colleagues of terrible things, even if they do something simple like return a greeting on Facebook. |
It was a simple and appealing narrative worthy of comparison to the writings of Greensboro, N.C.'s native son, O. Henry. |
Just think of how much pain and aggravation a simple cold sore causes you. |
But even Cressy has to dress up some times, and when she does its either a simple white or black long maxi, or a colorful print. |
We take a simple consumption tax and turn it into a complicated nightmare. |
There are some good jokes and the simple story is fair enough as it is. |
These simple maintenance tasks keep your patio planters and window boxes looking their best throughout the growing season and help cold-climate gardeners prepare for winter. |
The simple rectangular front legs of the earlier type, originally a continuation of the arm support, have been supplanted here by cabriole legs adorned with carved masks. |
Joplin was a thin and weedy boy, who seemed to always be wearing a plain white shirt and simple trousers, and the same gray cloak draped over his shoulder. |
He ended with some cogent and compelling logic born of a desire not for revenge, but simple justice. |
Another questionable procedure was the practice whereby a simple majority vote of the court would decide the fate of the accused when the final judgement was rendered. |
They do not perform actions, and their movements and modifications are not caused by motives, for the simple reason that they have no minds with which to perceive. |
London, Ontario, for the simple reason that my partner has a tenured university position here. |
Speaking of grandma, The Wireless Joey is so simple she can install it herself. |
The Portuguese townscape packs in tremendous particularity, using just a simple palette of white walls, earth materials, and gently composed traditional forms. |
A very simple parallel can be drawn between actualisations of an enthusiasm for modifying cars and actualisations of an enthusiasm for computer gaming. |
Dancers must be in place by 1pm for a simple run-through and then the world record-breaking attempt will begin, with 10,000 people simultaneously dancing The Siege of Ennis. |
There was too much, it was too strong and it detracted from the simple perfection of the winning kaiser roll, grilled onions, tomato sauce and barbecued Kransky combination. |
Most weatherizing tasks are simple enough not to require permits. |
From this offbeat narrative experiment, Greendale weaves a story of good, simple townsfolk under assault from authoritarian governments, corporations, media and so on. |
Consumers must assure themselves that a high standard of knowledge will be passed on to them, in simple and understandable terms, by an expert qualified to do just that. |
Somehow throughout my childhood I have taken on this simple traditional superstition, accepted it and have woven it into the workings of my own life. |
In addition, he frequently appears to be sidestepping awkward questions by the simple expedient of behaving as if you have asked something completely different. |
Composed of one or more curves, angles, kinks or any combination thereof, the tail is created by a simple recessive gene which breeds true in any bobtail-to-bobtail cross. |
The tabard was sleeveless, showing the white long sleeved shirt that the person wore under it, the end of which tucked away underneath simple iron gauntlets. |
This porting effort could be as simple as a recompile, link and run, or it could require changing some assembler code from one platform to another. |
Each Corinthian soldier wore a simple coat of chain mail beneath a set of light plate mail, complete with a helm that was adorned with a small plume of pure white fur. |
This simple recipe for asparagus with ginger, garlic, coriander, and fenugreek hits the perfect note. |
Even the simple act of reading a newspaper is fraught for you. |
A simple sheath dress or suit with gorgeous shoes and accessories can also save you from maxing out a credit card for a one night only outfit and be appropriate too. |
He advanced from simple stomach movements to leg and groin stretches, one legged squats, lunges and myriad exercises aimed at strengthening the middle of his body. |
By the simple expedient of asking a public official about a rumor and recording the fact that he didn't comment, the AP and countless newspapers have propagated the report. |
Just modifying arms from a simple over-the-head reach for eight counts to a single, alternating arm jab and punch can change the entire look and feel of your routine. |
There is also a simple way to find the reciprocal of a continued fraction. |
The missions are generated using a twenty-digit alphanumeric seed code, which, with a little simple reckoning, leads me to over 1031 possible combinations. |
Charles is 52 and a great-grandfather, which in terms of simple mathematics is quite a feat. |
Almost all mutants were found to behave as simple Mendelian recessives. |
Based on simple limit equilibrium and an elastoplastic interface shear relation, pull-out test results are predicted in terms of the relative interface bond resistances. |
He could have designed a rusticated flat arch for the herms to carry, or even a simple Tuscan entablature without metopes and triglyphs, but instead he chose the Doric. |
The wings of these tiny insects are simple hair-fringed struts. |
Some say the simple solution for an aftermarket company facing an increase in raw material prices would be to raise their pricing to cover the increase. |