Looking for sentences and phrases with the word shillings? Here are some examples.
Sentence Examples
Now also operates an internet caf with four computers, charging 10 Kenyan shillings, that's less than one U.S. cent per minute.
Buy a little book ruled for the purpose for pounds, shillings and pence and keep an account of cash received and expended.
She would get a huge joint of beef or lamb for about two shillings and they would put 2lb of sausages in for free.
For 10 shillings a week, plus his keep, Trevor worked on the moor where Mr Middlemiss had moor rights.
He produced three shillings and a few coppers for the purchase of spirits saying that was all he had in the world.
Thirteen shillings weekly paid for board and lodging was the minimum amount on which such a claim for entitlement was allowed in the York Court.
She's wearing a round black hat that she bought for five shillings at a rummage sale.
The meters have universal slots which allow the use of tickeys, sixpences and shillings.
He would ask the beggar man to stay and work and he would pay him two shillings to pick the potatoes, so he made his offer.
The rent was only three shillings and sixpence a week, and a further three shillings and sixpence for a week's breakfasts.
Back when I was a kid we used to put pennies, thruppences, sixpences, and shillings in our money boxes.
She brings us some bickies and cakes and some meat and five shillings on every birthday.
Within about five minutes however I found out that LSD also stands for pounds, shillings and pence.
I wonder what these former opponents would have to say if we were told to change back to pounds, shillings and pence?
Knowing that there were 12 pennies to the shilling, and 20 shillings to the pound, was second nature.
The real total was thirty-eight pounds, nine shillings, two pence, but why fiddle with details?
It will be little different from when we scrapped pounds, shillings and pence and switched to the decimal system.
And who would go back to 12 pence to one shilling, 20 shillings to a pound with no calculator?
The main problem, of course, isn't one of pounds, shillings and pence, it's one of seconds, minutes and hours.
A bold statement of traditional values, in something as close to pounds, shillings and pence as an opposition party will ever allow.
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The entries note the items purchased, the unit price where applicable, and the total price denominated in pounds, shillings, and pence.
Even the fact that there are 2,170 Ugandan shillings to the euro tells its own tale of how wrecked the economy there is.
Granted more than just economic resources go into consumer decisions, but having shillings is one of the most basic.
Usually a two-kilogram tin of both mbuni and cherry go for only five shillings.
He lost a match and noted in his book that he had to part with the princely sum of three pounds, five shillings.
They bet bonbons and other goodies instead of the usual shillings, for no one wanted to lose money during Christmastime.
The loss occasioned by cancellation of hotel bookings and other expenses runs into the billions of shillings.
The shop was promoting gold brooches from six shillings and sixpence, and gilt paste brooches from one shilling.
The book was subscribed in NW England, Yorkshire, and London, five shillings to subscribers.
It was the cheapo model with cloth seats, and we saved a further three pounds and ten shillings hand painting the registration numbers ourselves.
My first job was a paper round when I was 14 which paid the grand sum of around 14 shillings a week.
There were farthings, pennies, oxfords, crowns, florins, shillings, guineas, and pounds, among other divisions.
Prior to decimalization, the pound was divided into twenty shillings, each shilling into twelve pennies and each penny into four farthings.
The wickedly funny show is set in the days of pounds, shillings and pence, tin baths and condensed-milk butties.
He continued writing something in a ledger, balancing columns of pounds, shillings and pence.
The teenager quickly added up the long columns of pounds, shillings and pence, scoring top marks.
I have four shillings of imperial coinage in a little commemorative velvet drawstring bag with a printed label.
Abbott wanted wool-rollers and piece-pickers cut to 25 shillings and all other shedhands reduced to 20 shillings.
On 17 May 1928, a small aircraft, leased at five shillings per mile, took off on the inaugural flight of the Flying Doctor.
Material possessions and the means of measuring them by reference to groats, shillings or florins were forbidden in the Holy Parish.
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No more will the devil's mouthwash flood their coffers with shillings and florins.
So it was that on 15 April, 1755, the two huge folio volumes went on sale for four pounds and ten shillings a set.
The annually supplied forage cap weighed six ounces and cost each soldier between two and three shillings.
In a case heard at Skipton County Court, a railway worker earning 23 shillings a week was being pressed for non-payment of a debt.
Printed on glossy paper and lavishly illustrated with photographs and artists' drawings, it cost no less than 50 shillings when published.
Every woman made her web and bleached it herself, and the price never rose higher than 2 shillings a yard, and with this cloth almost everyone was clothed.
As late as 1742 gilding shillings to pass as guineas was made treason.
Best known as the maker of the state's first coinage, issuing shillings, sixpence, and threepence silver coins in 1783, Chalmers's marked domestic silver is exceedingly rare.
There were twelve pence to a shilling and twenty shillings to a pound.
The cult series' writer, producer and voice will take people back to the days of pounds, shillings and pence, tin baths and condensed milk butties.
He was on the dole and earned ten shillings a week for pocket money.
A Turkish bath cost three shillings and a massage two shillings.
There were twenty shillings in a pound and twelve pence in a shilling.
It is interesting that he introduced the silver crown of five shillings which was the first English coin to have a date written in Arabic numerals rather than Roman numerals.
His pay was three pounds and 10 shillings a week, with board and lodgings.
The British pound with 100 pence, had until recently 20 shillings and each shilling had 12 pence, like our pre-1957 rupee with 16 annas and each anna divided into four paisa.
Bob Cratchit, the clerk who is the father of Tiny Tim and who meekly serves Scrooge, is paid fifteen shillings a week.
The purchase price is listed at two pounds and two shillings.
Soon after, we didn't have two shillings to rub together in our pockets, so even if we could source the scarce commodities, we could not buy them.
A proprietor had noted in 1910 that he had applications for jobs at twenty-five shillings a week from competent reporters of forty and fifty years of age with families.
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By comparison, the rate for a bricklayer was almost four shillings a day.
I had 35 shillings wrapped up in a hankie in my mackintosh pocket.
The more the sheriffs' renders were made in cash, the greater the need for an easily followed but quick method of making calculations in pounds, shillings, and pence.
A drunk might steal shillings set aside to feed the gas meter.
Behind, on a shelf, stands a magisterial cash-register, which looks as if it has been ringing up the pounds, shillings and pence since the dawn of time.
He noticed the bottle of meths had no top on it and told us to be careful because it could start a fire. He made us pay for the broken glass, it cost me five shillings.
Now and then, when luck had favoured me, I had managed to get five shillings for a feuilleton from some newspaper or other.
All day he worked, cutting out pennies and shillings and half-crowns and threepenny-bits.
In 1922,a pint of beer cost five old pennies, while a gallon of petrol cost three shillings and fivepence halfpenny.
England's foremost lutanist received an eye-watering 40 shillings for his pains.
Then they went 18-16 down and I said no, damnit, we are never giving up our pounds shillings and pence.
For Hoddle, who was not an Army officer, half pay amounted to two shillings and fivepence per day.
Cornishwoman Mary, 59, was locked up for taking seafood to the value of eight shillings.
We dined at a French house, but paid ten shillings for our part of the club.
The entertainment of the general upon his first arrival was but six shillings and eight pence.
By the present standard of the coinage, sixty-two shillings is coined out of one pound weight of silver.
Most years saw the rate of two shillings per hide, but in crises, it could be increased to as much as six shillings per hide.
Prior to decimalisation, the pound was divided into 20 shillings and each shilling into 12 pence, making 240 pence to the pound.
Until decimalisation, amounts were stated in pounds, shillings, and pence, with various widely understood notations.
Not being able to play at the concert, C sends D, whom you would have paid five shillings to stay away.
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By this time, Turner's drawings were being exhibited in his father's shop window and sold for a few shillings.
This was to be followed by a simple 10 shillings licence fee with no royalty once the wireless manufactures protection expired.
A few days later James IV gave Thomas a present of 18 shillings on New Year's Day.
Due to wartime taxation upon the British populace, the tax for the average Briton amounted to approximately four shillings in every pound.
Murdoch's replacement was made from dried Cod and was much cheaper than the 25 shillings a pound which isinglass cost.
Australia, New Zealand and Rhodesia also chose ten shillings as the base unit of their new currency.
Aberdare were accused of paying their players 10 shillings a week, as well as free meals and travel expenses.
Out I sallied and spent sixteen shillings of it upon a new palliasse which should go under the straw mattress upon my bed.
The two parish constables already serving for the year were placed under his supervision and paid 16 shillings a week for their trouble.
In Alamannic law, the basic weregeld for a freeman is likewise 200 shillings.
Alamannic tradition is particular in doubling the fee if the victim was a woman, so that the weregeld for a free woman is 400 shillings.
The weregild for a Welshman was 220 shillings if he owned at least one hide of land and was able to pay the king's tribute.
If he has only 1 hide and cannot pay the tribute, his wergild was 80 shillings and then 70 if he was landless yet free.
Three coins denominated in multiple shillings were also in circulation at this time.
Each colony issued its own paper money, with pounds, shillings, and pence used as the standard units of account.
Due to ongoing shortages of US coins in some regions, shillings continued to circulate well into the 19th century.
It had an entrance fee of one guinea and annual subscription of five shillings.
We know all this because a textile expert has found that the royal household paid four shillings for a pair of boots to be made by the royal cordwainer Cornelius Johnson.
He started as a telephonist earning 12 shillings a week, but his rise up the ranks was interrupted by the Second World War when Mr Edmonds served in the navy.
The item used in the cost analysis was a shalloon valued at 35 shillings.
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King Henry VI of England established in 1432 that only owners of property worth at least forty shillings, a significant sum, were entitled to vote in an English county.
It was sold looseleaf for ten shillings, or bound for twelve.
Of this nine shillings was paid for spinning, and nine for carding.
One-and-twenty worn and defaced shillings, however, were considered as equivalent to a guinea, which perhaps, indeed, was worn and defaced too, but seldom so much so.
Later on, when we had a telephone, I heard him place each-way bets for a few shillings, but he was a steady punter, betting every day there was a race on.
In the traditional pounds, shillings and pence system, there were 20 shillings per pound and 12 pence per shilling, and thus there were 240 pence in a pound.
I tramped to a neighbouring market-town, and, late as the hour was, the production of a few shillings procured me supper and a night's lodging in a cheap coffee-house.
Similarly, among the Alamanni the basic weregild for a free man was 200 shillings, and the amount could be doubled or tripled according to the man's rank.
They refused to work for less than ten shillings a week, although by this time wages had been reduced to seven shillings a week and were due to be further reduced to six.
Australian shillings, twenty of which made up one Australian pound, were first issued in 1910, with the Australian coat of arms on the reverse and King Edward VII on the face.
From 1430 onwards, the franchise was limited to Forty Shilling Freeholders, that is men who owned freehold property worth forty shillings or more.
They got the best prices, and he could assure the House that they knew how many beans made five, and how many shillings were in a pound, just as well as the Europeans.
The use of florins and shillings as legal tender in this way ended in 1991 and 1993 when the 5p and 10p coins were replaced with smaller versions.
In 1817, the sovereign was introduced, valued at 20 shillings.
Women who could bear children were protected by a 600 shilling fine while the fine for murdering a woman who could no longer bear children was only 200 shillings.
Coga received 20 shillings to participate in the experiment.
He was paid a rate of 6 shillings, 8 pence per day during sittings of parliament, a financial support derived from the contributions of his constituency.
Priced at five shillings, it was more expensive than most political pamphlets, but by the end of 1790, it had gone through ten printings and sold approximately 17,500 copies.
Australia decimalised on 14 February 1966, with the new Australian dollar equivalent to ten shillings or half an Australian pound in the previous currency.
Under these Acts, all owners of freehold property or land worth at least forty shillings in a particular county were entitled to vote in that county.
Examples from Classical Literature
That's four million, and I should take a royalty of four shillings on wholesale orders.
Already the Duke of St. James began to think of pounds, shillings, and pence.
In the ajuga there were 4000 pesos of gold belonging to the admiral, each peso being worth eight shillings.
If I would not as lief as forty shillings have done with broidery and peltry, then the moon is made of green cheese.
Dutton, having received five shillings, made no objection to this, provided he got back his bullseye later in the night.
That a capitation fee of four shillings per day be paid by each Scholar while he is actually in the College.
On the other hand, if the carucate paid two shillings, its value has been stated in some abnormal fashion.
And every cordwainer that shod any man or woman on the Sunday, to pay thirty shillings.
A fine life thou hast of it with thy silks and thy baubles, cozening the last few shillings from the pouches of dying men.
Three hundred Roman pence, or denarii, amount to about nine pounds seven shillings and sixpence sterling.
After all, why dismember his library for the sake of saving a few shillings on carriage?
This tax was called the scutage, and amounted to three pounds English, or forty Angevin shillings, for each knight's fee.
When I asked the price of a double room, he looked me over, and then he said ten shillings the night.
A common punishment costs the master a rix-dollar, and a severe one a ducatoon, about six shillings and eight-pence.
Found insensible with a bottle of sherry in his pocket, an East Ham labourer was fined ten shillings for being drunk.
I refused fifty-five shillings for her, which was the highest bode I could squeeze for her.
A slab of common free-stone and fire irons which had cost from three to four shillings were thought sufficient for any fireplace.
A fogger who pays out the shillings from his warehouse receives them back again in a few minutes over the counter of his store.
These shillings he takes to the fogger's store and exchanges for tea and other articles.
His tax for ship money was only twenty shillings, but he declared that he would not pay it without a trial.
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The German Government, I ought to explain, exact 129what is called a head tax of six shillings a year from each native.
At present you are compelled to slave away as a cutter for thirty shillings a week.
A gold coin of Japan and the Moluccas, of various value, from 25 to 44 shillings.
A standing cup parcel-gilt of thirty-two ounces, eleven pounds seven shillings, the first of July.
I was paypalling to a friend in Kampala who withdrew it in shillings and sent it to my family in giros.
Get them home for fifty shillings, say There was a deal of gold, and lacker, and varnish about them.
Thank Heaven, she says, hes got somebody thatll be able to keep him when the supertax is put up to twenty shillings in the pound.
The usual payment to the heralds for their largess seems to have been a hundred shillings.
One of them worked in a whitelead factory twelve hours a day for nine shillings a week until she died of lead poisoning.
As certain as your name's Joe Billings The taximeter points at fifteen shillings.
Do you think I'm to be at the beck and call of top-flight lodgers, who only pay five shillings a-week, and that not regular.
Failure thus becoming evident, the taxes were heavily reduced, until they totalled but ten shillings and sixpence a gallon.
When wheat is sold for two shillings, manchet shall wey sixtie shillings, and cheat foure pound.
When wheat is sold for fiue shillings and six pence, then manchet shall wey 20 shillings, and cheat 28 shillings.
When wheat is sold for fiue shillings, then manchet shall wey 24 shillings, and the cheat bread 32 shillings.
He lives as closely as he can, but, as meagerly as he lives, his pounds melt into shillings and his shillings into pence.
In the middle of the century metheglin was worth ten shillings a barrel in the Connecticut Valley.
He maintained his serenity, and calmly calculated pounds and shillings with all the methodic coolness of a banker's clerk.
You must be satisfied with nine shillings, mosh Nichifor, and my son will give you a tip when you get to Peatra.
What would her mother say if she lost the murrey skirt, which had cost six shillings at Bridlington fair?
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You get it put right, and let me have it VOR fifteen shillings, and I'll sign.
If they find anyone guilty of such things, he shall pay a fine of three Wendish marks, that is, thirty-six shillings.
And for each able horse, with a packsaddle or other saddle and furniture, two shillings per diem.
His wages were to be raised to thirty shillings at the year-end, if things went well.
But to see her face as he poured the shillings and sixpences and pence into her lap!
English coal, which in 1912 cost about nine shillings a ton at pithead, costs considerably more than thirty shillings today.
Mr. Pegrom, a platelayer on the line, asked me to give him a cheque in exchange for twenty-five shillings.
Each of those means two shillings that we owe the old gentleman for our prog.
The five shillings were most punctiliously returned from this point, which also we left soon.
When I pay ten shillings to hear you speak I want you to know how, que diable!
A hundred acres were promised for forty shillings, with a quit-rent of one shilling annually to the proprietor forever.
True, it will cost another six shillings, but she recks not of the expense.
I had a piece of reclaimable ground on my own hands which I let for eight shillings an acre.
At the same time the rial of Mary brought sixty-three pounds, and the rial of Elizabeth twenty-one pounds ten shillings.
The rix-dollar is equal to forty-eight stivers, about four shillings and six-pence English currency.
The present value of the rouble is rather over two shillings and one penny.
You go to a theatre, and pay your ten shillings for a stall, and what do you get for your money?
I had my food at the house and my bed in the loft, and a suit of clothes, and three shillings a week, so that I could help Nelly.
When I went to get my rebate I was offered one pound eleven shillings.
This very morning I had to go a clear six miles and only took three shillings.
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To supply the demand, the General Court passed a law for establishing a coinage of shillings, sixpences, and threepences.
The answer was that by pawning some books ten shillings had been raised.
In any slop shop, two shillings would have outfitted him complete as he stood before them.
The mezzotint of Cotton Mather, made in 1727, sold for two shillings.
He suffered me to drop the shillings into his unclosed hand.
We fought on the wrong side, of course, but the sword fetched thirty-five shillings nevertheless.
The stolen currency includes ten-shilling notes, half-crowns, florins, shillings, silver sixpences, threepenny bits and farthings.
Ah Moy had bought him in Sydney from a sailor for eighteen shillings and chaffered an hour over the bargain.
I know I gave you ten shillings to settle this ironmonger fellow.
Perhaps you'd like to spend a couple of shillings or so, in a bottle of currant wine by and by, up in the bedroom?
Servants and small clerks, to whom shillings and sixpences are of consequence.
A clerkship at thirty shillings a week was beneath Freddy's dignity, and extremely distasteful to him besides.
That the subscription be two shillings a term, payable in advance.
So it seems that carolus is one-and-twenty shillings in Latin.
Besides, he was to have five shillings extra for cashing my advance note.
I consider that, with the chenille swallow, it is worth thirty shillings.
I value the Ikon at ten shillings, and the musical box at five pounds.
Each mitayo, or conscript, received nominally two shillings a day.
Gold of the same coin, and of Arabia, at five shillings the pennyweight.
Dilapidated old palazzi, if you will go out of the way for them, are to be had for five shillings a year.
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Twelve-inch red label classics cost six shillings for eight minutes of music.
The curate had recommended rooms in Barnes, and these Philip engaged by letter at fourteen shillings a week.
I had no shillings for respectable or disrespectable boarding-houses.
Besides, she walked on at various theatres where they wanted supers and earned by this when in work from sixteen shillings to a guinea a week.
The sum is sixteen pounds eleven shillings and threepence, sir.
Ten shillings per week to be paid in strike and victimization pay.
He would have eighteen shillings a week at first, a stable suit, a driving suit, a bedroom over the coachhouse, and a boy under him.
For five shillings and the pawn-ticket on a suit he was able to get from a pawnbroker a frock coat which fitted him fairly well.
I find I've got a couple of coats at home, that I don't want, Sam.I meant to have given you five shillings this morning for a Christmas-box, Sam.
His expense account shows a loss of 19 shillings at cards for the evening.
Right sir, heres three shillings and sixpence for a pottle and a manchet.
All of them seem to have the wergild of twelve hundred shillings.
You are not to pocket other people's pounds, shillings, and pence and escape scot-free.
Paying the barber, the cook, the laundress and the manciple amounted to a further six shillings a year.
The rouble is equivalent to about two shillings and a penny.
My account with Mr. Ukridge is ten pounds eight shillings and fourpence.
Where would the like of me get five shillings except by the bounty of the rich and noble?
Who are the people who lose shillings and sixpences by sheer thoughtlessness?
It was a stiff leather purse, with a snap, and had three bright shillings in it, which Peggotty had evidently polished up with whitening, for my greater delight.
I was so softened and forgiving, going through the town, that I had half a mind to nod to my old enemy the butcher, and throw him five shillings to drink.
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When it was discovered that the knacker and tanner would give only a very few shillings for Prince's carcase because of his decrepitude, Durbeyfield rose to the occasion.
If you could kindly mention now, for instance, what nine times ninepence are, or how many shillings in twenty guineas, it would be so encouraging.
Their wholesale price was six shillings, but the retailer would get twelve or more.We have seen both the retailers and also the wholesale manufacturers.
In obedience to the laws, and after turning it over carefully in my mind, I offered Selina Goby a feather-bed and fifty shillings to be off the bargain.
We have seen both the retailers and also the wholesale manufacturers.Their wholesale price was six shillings, but the retailer would get twelve or more.
Philip found himself with eighteen shillings left out of his month's pay.
Jingle, jingle, went the shillings, as handful after handful was thrown in, till, plump and ponderous as she was, they fairly weighed the young lady from the floor.
As things were, my few shillings were taken from me by gypsies.
Some pounds, odd shillings, and halfpence, I think, were mentioned.
The firm was founded in 1883 and produced cartes de visite from six shillings per dozen, cabinet portraits from sixteen shillings per dozen, vignettes or groups.