A large area was enclosed by a defensive wall with bastions and monumental gates, and the natural sheltered harbour was extended and deepened. |
They throw an annual Christmas party for dozens of pensioners who live in sheltered housing schemes. |
The twins sheltered from the storms by learning the gentler art of batik painting, colouring in the exotic fish between their wax outlines. |
The fire spread after a mobility scooter parked outside their home in a sheltered housing complex was set alight. |
Now the victim has spoken out about the fear dominating the tight-knit community of elderly people in the village's sheltered accommodation. |
Mrs Gallagher was punched and robbed in a daytime attack just a short walk from her home at a sheltered housing complex in Undercliffe. |
In the summer he is sheltered from heat and flies during the day while turning out at evening to enjoy the cool. |
So I looked again and, sure enough, in sheltered water behind a biggish rock there were two creatures. |
These people laid the groundwork for medical rehabilitation, sheltered workshops, and better designed prosthetics devices. |
I have old love letters from old beaux, wrapped up in ribbons, sheltered in shoeboxes. |
Inspired by the success of Danish trout farmers, salmon cultivators found Norway's sheltered fjords ideal for farming salmon in ocean net pens. |
They build up on sheltered exposures of fine-grained, porous pyrite-bearing rocks, such as shale or bituminous coal, after long dry spells. |
Some will go to sheltered workshops, others to employment and a few into higher education. |
The library building will be ripped down and replaced with a block of 29 sheltered accommodation flats and a new ground floor library. |
Disabled workers who work in sheltered workshops have been setting many New Zealanders an excellent example. |
Many times in school, kids had tormented her because of the sheltered upbringing, and she always proudly defended it as necessary. |
Mini-oases of peace occur in harbours, sheltered from the torrential force of spring snowmelt. |
I sheltered behind bales of browned heather, the only place where I could re-fold my map without getting in a flap. |
As milkweed dies, surviving butterflies begin their long, unwavering flights back to the sheltered groves that safeguarded their ancestors. |
The languorously limbed trees droop into the water, often shedding their prodigious fronds, providing a sheltered habitat for fish. |
It isn't reasonable to expect individual small businesses to be sheltered workshops for infirm, slow, lazy or inebriated workers. |
The return route used a short section of the Ridgeway and then the footpath down a sheltered coombe and a short roam on newly mapped access land. |
It's been overwintering in the sun room, but now that it has a larger pot I think I will put it in a relatively sheltered spot outside. |
Wind chill does not affect inanimate objects, nor does it affect people who are sheltered from the wind. |
The soil is particularly rich and is mostly sheltered from the worst weather. |
They bring food for a few hundred people to a place where thousands of people are sheltered. |
The hedge sheltered toads, frogs and voles and the birds were going berserk. |
Pick a spot that is sheltered from strong winds and gets at least 6 hours of sun a day. |
The twins sheltered from the storms by learning the art of batik painting, colouring in the exotic fish between their wax outlines. |
The refugees first sheltered in the caves that riddle the steep limestone hill, later building houses around them. |
This, coupled with leading an isolated and sheltered life, had made it difficult for him to form personal relationships. |
Half-hardy fuchsias and pelargoniums will need to be lifted, potted and sheltered for winter. |
But I think in Australia at the time, people were sheltered from that view, and hadn't evolved particularly. |
If you sell the house at the end of the period, the profits are sheltered from taxes, but the stocks are subject to capital gains taxes. |
Rental income in France is taxable, but can be substantially sheltered by the cost of borrowing. |
Non-exempt letting income can be sheltered by purchasing a rental property in a renewal incentive area. |
The real issue is whether such a transaction should be sheltered from taxation. |
Smart lawyers sheltered the family fortune so well that it still showers funds on successive generations. |
The taxpayer is exempt from late-payment penalties or fines for having sheltered income by moving cash out of the country. |
If this is taken as given, then it becomes more attractive to extract income in a form that can be easily sheltered. |
This post concludes our tour of Horizons Unlimited, a sheltered workshop on the south edge of Emmetsburg. |
He fed us, clothed us, sheltered us, trained us and placed us in decent jobs. |
The clochards in our neighborhood get to spend the night sheltered under the bushes of the empty lot. |
The colleges provide sheltered housing for clergy widows and retired clergy. |
They like heavy, neutral to alkaline soil in dappled shade sheltered from cold winds. |
The central part of the temple, called the cella, sheltered the famous chryselephantine cult statue of Athena, made by Pheidias. |
If it is to be a summer border, full of foliage and flower in a sunny and sheltered spot, the world is your oyster. |
The sun deck at the top of the ship is sheltered on three sides by glass screens and contains a small pool and an attractive bar area. |
In the summertime, its sheltered sun terraces are alive with open air entertainment from jazz bands to children's shows. |
She left the road again and ran until she found another sheltered hollow in the trees and sumac, where she lay down and waited. |
The small plants can be put in a sheltered place by a house wall during winter and moved to a shed or outhouse if the weather gets really severe. |
Cricklade parents are unhappy with plans to build sheltered flats on a green space and play area opposite the town's junior school. |
The Irish Sea has never been balmy, but the sheltered bay in Port Erin caught the sun and meant many happy summers spent frisking in the sand. |
Having led a sheltered sort of life, I've only ever been out for one business lunch. |
A party of 20 went to Abbeyfields sheltered housing in Bath Road, Old Town, to decorate a bedroom, a bathroom, and give the garden the once-over. |
The fuchsia isn't necessarily hardy but it has survived one winter outside and in a sheltered spot near a house wall it may well cope again. |
The photography group go south again for the day, sheltered from the westerly wind to dive a maze of deep, narrow canyons. |
On each side, the bridges are sheltered by flat roofed canopies that extend the length of the station like side aisles. |
The forest itself can be surprisingly sheltered from the nor'westers that rage over the summit of Mount Hutt during spring. |
The islands and sheltered bays provided ideal hiding places for the pirate galleys that plundered passing ships. |
The Red Sea has a prevailing north-west wind, which means that this coastline is exposed, rather than sheltered like the inshore reefs of Egypt. |
The town's location ensures that it catches most of the day's sun and is sheltered from northern winds by sharply rising fells. |
In reality, it is a long, slightly bent collection of broken reefs surrounding a sheltered lagoon towards the northern end. |
Some, however, climbed the low hill that sheltered the village slightly from a north wind. |
Even away from the major seal colonies, many sheltered coves have a resident seal or two. |
The Caledonian Canal was engineered to provide shipping with a sheltered alternative to voyaging around the stormy Scottish coast. |
The museum exhibits are planned in a series of large free-standing glass vitrines placed along the path and sheltered by the undulating canopy. |
Follow the vertical wall on your left and it brings you round to a sheltered bay where nudibranchs and spiny lobsters are to be found. |
The design brief includes 700 homes, ranging from sheltered housing to luxury villas, several shops and a surgery and health centre. |
It is only the very young or the very sheltered who don't realise that evil is repaid even if it is via the loss of peace within our own minds. |
Elderly residents from sheltered accommodation blocks are being temporarily housed in a day care centre. |
I peered outside at fishermen in green quilted waistcoats sat sheltered beneath big umbrellas beside a pond rippled by raindrops. |
Farmed salmon are usually held in nets suspended in the shallow waters and sheltered coves of the West Coast. |
There are beautiful white sandy beaches all over the island and sheltered coves overlooked by pine-covered cliffs. |
Fields of water smack together, foam spitting and curling, but it's sheltered in our cove. |
In a sheltered cove, the small dive boat we are sitting in wobbles slightly on the olive green water. |
Indeed, though the island is only 61 km long, there are 38 beaches in sheltered coves. |
They can be found in the more sheltered coves along the west coast, including those on Achill. |
The best way to get around the sheltered coves and hidden bays is either on a moped or by boat. |
We endured it until midday, then chose to find a sheltered cove to take a cooling dip. |
Be bold and take some time to explore some of the sheltered coves and quiet bays that can be found at a spot near you. |
This includes sheltered workshops, transitional employment, work crews, skills training, and other preparatory activities. |
Finally, satisfied, we launched our silk packet in a corner of the cove sheltered by tall jagged rocks. |
They were started by chalk quarriers a thousand years ago, and have sheltered citizens and soldiers in hard times ever since. |
Within hours, Frost had been sheltered in a hut, where he was given milk and porridge and berries and ale. |
Here there's a nice 1898 Arts and Crafts style house, sheltered by beech copses with kettle nest boxes and carpeted yellow by winter aconites. |
The flooded jheels ensure sheltered feeding and refuge for countless thousands of geese, ducks, storks, herons and waders. |
It's also good in drizzle or light rain, as it is sheltered in most parts by the trees. |
The four-bedroom detached house is set amid sheltered gardens and boasts railed paddocks, stables, a swimming pool and hard tennis court. |
I was actually sheltered during a heavy rainstorm in a stone manor house belonging to a buccaneer. |
Choose a sheltered, sunny spot with a fertile, well-drained soil and sow the seeds in 1in-deep drills. |
During Air Raid drills school children were sheltered in the vast cellars beneath cotton mills. |
The three-acre garden was created from an exposed open field now sheltered by hedges and fences. |
A wader winged away and a rabbit nearly got trodden on as it sheltered under a branch of heather. |
He appears to be somewhat inadequate and has lived a sheltered, reclusive life. |
Those physically incapable of working can be sheltered in state-run homes with the support of the rich and the kind-hearted. |
Researchers have learnt that females give birth in river estuaries, sheltered from the strong winds and waves of the open sea. |
Situated in a sheltered wooded valley, our dive site is protected from wind and acts as a suntrap on this bright morning. |
The River Derwent was brown and high, ducks sheltered in eddies, and little birds flitted from alder to willow to alder. |
They also draw new homes modeled on domiciles that sheltered the nation's first families. |
Fears drug users and ex-offenders could be housed in an old people's sheltered complex in Leigh have been dismissed by council chiefs. |
This is particularly so for sheltered chromosomes without recombination such as the Y chromosome in mammals. |
The work will allow boats and barges to land cargo in bad weather because the planned site is sheltered by the reef. |
The exposed areas will become green with verdigris, while the sheltered ones will darken. |
Pretty geraniums and epimediums provide ground cover and the outer path is sheltered with a seven-metre tall pergola. |
It's at home on bays and inlets sheltered from the open sea, and on lakes and lazy rivers too. |
I feel like I've been kept in the dark over this, either that or I've led a very sheltered life. |
She leads a rather sheltered life, working as a nurse and residing in a state run asylum. |
I've led a very sheltered existence and haven't got a clue what it's like in the real world. |
I'll be the first to admit that I've led a somewhat sheltered life since arriving in Bulgaria last January. |
Alice is in her first year of a B.A., has long curly hair, and has led an overly sheltered life. |
She is in sheltered accommodation but might have to go into full-time residential care. |
The Mexicans in Texas also denounced slavery and disunion and frequently sheltered runaway slaves. |
As I approached, Gregory and Mikhail retreated, moving farther into the sheltered area. |
The central court is conceived as the largest room in the house, providing a common area and a sheltered retreat in summer. |
There are dozens of beaches from which to choose and they are long, sandy and sheltered, with clear, sparkling water. |
Ironically, last year Bolt was sheltered from heated competition at the World Championships in order not to have his ego bruised. |
Because of the prevailing south-westerlies in the exposed Baie de Seine, we stayed in sheltered waters nearer shore until ready to dive. |
The artist has finished what he once called his life's work and now lives in sheltered housing in Manchester. |
The ground rises in hills on all sides, so that every spot is a sheltered nook. |
Police today praised two elderly residents at a sheltered housing complex who sent bogus callers packing empty-handed. |
By the fire doors another couple sat, sheltered beneath the foliage of a large, artificial rubber plant. |
It was more sheltered from the south-west winds, but a dive for experienced divers only. |
Sadly, a strong south-west wind was blowing, so we had to stick to a sheltered site close to the island. |
Sow cabbages, broccoli and other brassicas in a sheltered seed bed or in trays in the cold greenhouse. |
He started to search for a sheltered spot where he could break his journey. |
Also for containers or sheltered, well-drained sunny spaces, the less hardy gladiolus, nerine and Belladonna lily will look exotic. |
It is a very good plant for naturalizing in moist, sheltered, half-shaded locations. |
He would in a short time have unpeopled the whole island if death had not sheltered 'em from his cruelties. |
Explore coral formations, underwater walls and sheltered caverns aswarm with fish of all colors. |
Alternatively, cover the pots with a polythene bag held in place with an elastic band and put out of the sun in a sheltered part of the garden. |
Its parapets, grand staircases and sheltered side gardens are used to great effect. |
The committee now hope to develop a sheltered housing facility following the conclusive findings of the report. |
Interest on bank or building society deposits of 3000 annually can be sheltered from tax. |
A coastal path climbs spectacularly over a rocky promontory and brings you to L' Estagnol, where you will find a sheltered sandy cove. |
Graves in a disused Highworth burial ground could be moved to make way for a sheltered housing project. |
Great Blue Herons inhabit sheltered, shallow bays and inlets, sloughs, marshes, wet meadows, shores of lakes, and rivers. |
Extending for most of the length of the vessel, the deck is nicely sheltered from wind and rain under most conditions. |
Most pressingly, perhaps, refugees had sheltered in this isolated part of Afghanistan for protection and had to be moved to a healthier location. |
How can you have sheltered accommodation where anybody can walk into the building unhindered? |
The asylum-seekers could be seen massed on a clearing made among the cargo containers, partly sheltered by canvas awnings. |
Jake led me to the side of the buildings where we were hidden from the casts and sheltered from the rain by an awning. |
This might encompass some residential care, day care and sheltered housing side by side. |
The one-acre garden belongs to property maintenance boss Michael Egan, who met Alf four years ago while damp-proofing his sheltered flat. |
This is a small city at the head of a sheltered bay, hammered in by the mountains. |
Cowes owes its fame to its small harbour and to Cowes Roads, the deep and sheltered waters that lead to it. |
However, the shore angler in Ireland will always find sheltered waters available when others are affected by tides or gales. |
In our mind's eye we can see the tipis scattered along the sheltered areas with always a few sentinels at the tops of the hills. |
During my dive the current was coming from the east, so we entered the water on the sheltered west side of the Mulberry. |
They will stand as a continual inspiration for the living who look upon them and are sheltered by them from sun and storm. |
We did dinghy drill in the harbour and this usually finished with us swimming around in the beautifully clear waters of this sheltered haven. |
And if there is an unfavourable wind or swell, there are plenty of worthwhile sheltered sites which are also suitable for novices. |
The more calcified ones tend to live in sheltered environments or deeper water, especially the more delicate species. |
This is the mouth of the Pigeon River and is well sheltered from wind and waves for about a mile, until it opens into Pigeon Bay. |
Salutay sticks to the more sheltered east coast, and life takes on a familiar pattern. |
It has fed and sheltered me, and is powerful enough to influence the direction of my art. |
Some live along steep edges of the reef, and others in sandy sheltered lagoons. |
Eventually, your little baby is going to blurt out something foul, no matter how sheltered you think she is. |
Overnight the winds increased forcing us to dive the sheltered side of the islands for the remainder of the trip. |
For example, Old Squaw move to sheltered lagoons along the Beaufort Sea coast. |
Although the weather conditions were unpleasant, the berth was well sheltered and there was excellent access for all cranage and lorries. |
I guess in my otherwise sheltered life that would have to be my claim to fame. |
He comes off very much as a loved but sheltered little boy, with his exposure to his uncle Terry giving him his first real taste of life. |
He explained that growing up under apartheid as a white South African meant a sheltered life, hidden from the actualities of the regime. |
Product of a fairly sheltered life, she begins to experiment with how far she can and should go with boys. |
Unfortunately, we must forge on, following the path along this more luxuriant, sheltered coast, through ferns and sweet-smelling woods. |
Australians need to remember how well off we really are and how sheltered we are from the worse excesses of the world. |
The best metaphor for my sheltered existence is that of a womb with internet access. |
Mountain Quail nest on the ground in dense cover, usually sheltered by a shrub, log, or clump of grass. |
Perhaps I've led a particularly sheltered life, but I don't believe this represents normal conversation for a first date. |
Perhaps the Flight girls, growing up on the Bell Block farm close to the Mangoraka stream, lived somewhat isolated, sheltered lives. |
In case you're totally sheltered, Adam West was the iconic Batman of the 1960s camp classic. |
Moreover, Isaacs continues, actual physical fighting is a rare occurrence in her students' sheltered, supervised lives. |
I don't often think of myself as being a target of bigotry, and maybe I'm a little sheltered. |
The employers' group also took a sideswipe at rising costs emanating from the sheltered sectors of the economy. |
This is a tranquil space which is sheltered by trees and has a vast array of shrubs and plants. |
Those back seats swivel round too, allowing you to open the boot and create instant, sheltered, picnic seating. |
This particular daffodil is a miniature type planted in a sheltered east facing trough fixed below the kitchen window. |
They forage on the ground in open areas, with sheltered thickets nearby for cover. |
Suckler cows with calves will also benefit from early turnout provided the fields are sheltered and dry and you take steps to prevent tetany. |
The front yard of their corner lot is screened only by plantings and a sheltered seating area. |
Back in the sheltered village, we supped a nice cup of tea at the Ramblers Rest and a smart cart rolled by drawn by a pair of grand black horses. |
To the front of the house is mostly lawn, sheltered by mature trees and shrubs, including a copper beech, weeping ash and rhododendrons. |
This means wind sheltered bays in lakes and the backwaters of rivers. |
The park's principle feature is the sheltered Soper River valley. |
There are no surrounding protective reefs or sheltered lagoons. |
At its side is a sheltered cove, just made for relaxing and swimming. |
Biologists exploring one sheltered cove collected about 268 plant species. |
The Bahamas' capital, with its large, sheltered harbour, has swung many times from boomtown to backwater and back again in its rather raffish past. |
So you'd think it would be sheltered from their rapaciousness. |
Mr Bullimore sheltered in a tiny air pocket under the boat, 2,500 km from Australia, suffering from hypothermia, dehydration and frostbite but survived against all the odds. |
Frantically clutching his terrified daughter, Heppell found an air pocket in a basement and sheltered for two hours as the idyllic resort around him was destroyed. |
These scenes also show how sheltered they are from experiencing the world outside their plush self-created one, as the threats are mostly isolated safely in dreams. |
The plan is part of the council's sheltered housing strategy, which includes refurbishing the building and other sheltered housing schemes across the borough. |
They provided an added advantage to Lynn as a site attracting trade, since the fleets offered a sheltered anchorage for ships carrying visiting merchants. |
Using stable sea kayaks, we'll explore a remote corner of this region, search for wildlife in sheltered coves, and watch glaciers calve into ice-choked bays. |
This tough plant will grow in exposed or sheltered aspects and in acid, alkaline or neutral soil of chalk, clay, sand or loam as long as it doesn't get waterlogged. |
Life on board involved early-morning swims, leisurely breakfasts and then short passages between sheltered coves where we lunched and swam for several hours. |
After all, radically purist ideologies need to be sheltered from the vagaries of the world, and they can be expensive to maintain. |
I did this because my entire life was sheltered in a box, and I needed to figure it out. |
In one story in this collection, a sheltered young boy witnesses the abduction of his neighbor and decides whether to intervene. |
Maybe it is the sheltered liberals who are trying to have their Tea Nana and drink it too. |
The baby would have been sheltered under the mother as the adults formed a protective circle, facing outward. |
Whilst the rugged northern coast absorbs a perennial battering from the sea, the southern shoreline is sheltered and calm, with sandy beaches and natural harbours. |
Traders were settled in the valley formed by this hill and the northeastern slope of the fort, sheltered equally from the summer sandstorms and icy winter winds. |
He sheltered beneath the dripping tarpaulin of a news agent's for a while. |
Its sheltered atmosphere is a rest stop for crow-sized cattle egrets. |
This sought to create a much more sheltered place for shipping. |
Le Goulet is the entrance to the sheltered harbour of Brest. |
The area is sheltered from the south by an ivy-covered brick wall. |
As climate alters, the location of these sheltered areas could change. |
Jane Seymour does an excellent job with the deceptively difficult role of Solitaire, who must be a bewitching beauty but also one who is convincingly sheltered and innocent. |
I was young and sheltered, largely innocent of racial politics. |
She's not like us London girls, you know, she's led a very sheltered life. |
This gilded silver casket was made in the form of a Gothic church that echoes the design of both the Ste-Chapelle and the baldachin that sheltered the grand chasse. |
We sheltered under the shade of the massive overwhelming oak trees whose bark was protected from vandalism by vicious spikes forced into the trunk. |
Select a sheltered, well-lit spot with a well-drained soil and dig over the earth to remove all weeds, before raking the surface to establish a fine, level tilth. |
Her small pointy nose sheltered a couple of beauty spots and a freckle, her thin and delicate face was made of white porcelain that looked as cold as her attitude. |
These early ditches had silted up a number of times and at one stage, metalworking had taken place in the sheltered area provided by the ditch banks. |
The shortage of sheltered safe berthing forces commercial craft to moor off in stormy conditions with potentially hazardous transfers in open boats. |
Four streamers of artillery shells blew holes in the plain, and the infantrymen rushed towards them as they cooled, hiding in the holes that sheltered them from the gunfire. |
More than 500 people were sheltered in the Center following the riots. |
A central exploration of these situations has been the creation of nomadic habitations, which are designed to be worn, slept, stored and sheltered in. |
You're too young to understand and you're sheltered from it until you're put on the front lines and you realise that you're surrounded on all sides by people who hate you. |
A shortage of funding means at least four of them, whose handicaps are too severe to allow normal employment, will be unable to continue working in sheltered workshops. |
Prime Minister John Howard this week moved to lay to rest fears that some Bundaberg sheltered workshops that employ disabled workers could be forced to close their doors. |
For more than 100 years concerned citizens have rallied together to provide separate special schools, sheltered workshops and institutional accommodation. |
I knew I wanted to move away from the usual products manufactured by sheltered workshops such as pens and key chains, but I didn't know what I was looking for. |
Or is it just another sheltered workshop which, established with the best of intentions and heavily subsidised, is of benefit to no one except those who work in it? |
Concern sheltered workshops across the country could be forced to close their doors has risen from the federal government's plans to increase payments to disabled workers. |
Matthew started working at the sheltered workshop in about July last year, I think it was, and Rhonda was already working there and that's where he met her. |
In fact, they become the shelterers instead of the sheltered. |
More than 40 elderly residents living in sheltered accommodation schemes in Wickford benefited from a troop of volunteers who spruced up their homes. |
I slid down the bank into a muddy puddle and entered the sheltered area. |
Light slanted through the canopy of trees that sheltered the abandoned field, causing Qiara to shield her face, and squint her eyes up at the sun. |
Pot them on instead and grow them for a few more weeks in a sunny, sheltered part of the garden or cold frame or unheated greenhouse before planting out. |
This is a garden that truly makes the most of its cliff top site while providing a host of sheltered areas within the shelter of aged ngaios and other natives. |
Vegetation is sparse above 1700 m, though various species of vegetable sheep thrive, and South Island edelweiss, gentians and hebes grow in sheltered spots. |
Instead of throwing the buddleia, rose or other prunings away use them as hardwood cuttings and plant in a trench in a sheltered part of the garden. |
It is sheltered effectively by blue gums and golden wattle broken by a palm tree and a peppercorn and it overlooks an olive grove, which yields a steady supply of virgin oil. |
It was at this time of the year that the cattle would be brought down from the hills for the coming winter, to be either sheltered in byres or slaughtered for meat. |
There was a strong nor'wester blowing across the Canterbury Plains so we thought a walk on the sheltered side of the Port Hills would be a good choice. |
Urban gardens are often sheltered from high winds, but the supplier will advise if you need to stake a new tree in the first year while the root system establishes itself. |
The Panamanian-registered Princess Eva has been in sheltered waters in Donegal Bay since Wednesday, after two of its crew were killed in an accident in stormy seas. |
They will grow in most soils but dislike thin chalky soil or wet clay and do best in a sheltered site where winter sun will light up the beautiful foliage. |
If you arrive in your own or a chartered boat, you can drop anchor off the town or, a better choice, in sheltered Tyrrel Bay at the island's southwestern end. |
The courtyard, encased within high stone walls, is a suntrap, and the current owners, who live in the coach-house, make good use of the sheltered amenity. |
The region is an interior lowland sheltered from direct marine influences. |
On the land side, a generous flagged quay runs around a sheltered harbor. |
Poachers had reclaimed it as a hide and then a watercolourist had sheltered in it from a heath-fire because the mud walls were thick as a flameproof blanket. |
Your early-purchased tomato plants can be put into large containers, set into the ground in sheltered parts of the garden or even planted in the flower bed. |
At Churchill an exposed thermometer registered 5.5 degrees F on Thursday morning, equal to 26.5 degrees of frost, and this was in a fairly sheltered position. |
A quiet prayerful atmosphere always prevails at Crohill Mass Rock, which stands in a small sheltered field on the top of Crohill in the townland of Crobane. |
A towering perennial, which takes on a stately ghostliness by late autumn, it needs a sheltered spot away from strong winds, which might buffet the stems to breaking point. |
He pledged to continue negotiations with the Health Service Executive on the issue of extending the centre and provision of special sheltered housing. |
It's the tale of a delicate, sheltered little prince who leaves his castle and ventures into a world with no patience for effeminate and ineffectual aristocrats. |
This small sheltered port boasts its own wine museum and a staggering 35 restaurants for its 2,000-odd population, but there's not a greasy spoon or a chippie in sight. |
In addition to the gardens, there were two grottos with hidden, artificial lighting, that sheltered the new friendship, if not love, flourishing between David and Carrie. |
More than two-thirds of Jack's mature and sheltered garden will disappear this week when builders move in to erect a wall along Anderson's boundary. |
He lives at home with me, but has a job in a sheltered workshop and gets himself to and from work on his own. |
Bruneians lead a comfortable and sheltered life in a country richly endowed with oil and gas resources. |
They then sheltered overnight in bivy bags as they braced the freezing conditions. |
Near the south coast, deep wooded valleys provide sheltered conditions for flora that like shade and a moist, mild climate. |
In the sheltered troughs between highly developed seif dunes barchans may be formed because the wind is unidirectional. |
Salt marshes are ecologically important providing habitats for native migratory fish and acting as sheltered feeding and nursery grounds. |
This occurs through a strategic approach such as structured English immersion or sheltered instruction. |
These typically include sheltered environments such as embankments, estuaries and the leeward side of barrier islands and spits. |
The sheltered strait between Barrow and Walney Island was an ideal location for the shipyard. |
The docks built between 1867 and 1881 in the more sheltered channel between the mainland and Barrow Island replaced the port at Roa Island. |
Dublin's sheltered location on the east coast makes it the driest place in Ireland, receiving only about half the rainfall of the west coast. |
As we chugged along the sheltered side a party of common eider gave wonderful views on the seaweed covered rocks. |
At the Oaks another good turn-out of 71 anglers fished in a competitive match where sheltered conditions meant that the pole could be used. |
Shipbuilding began to take place and the town increased in size with the construction of terraced housing up the slopes of the sheltered bay. |
Some spread could only be plausibly explained by assuming travel though sheltered sea water in fjords. |
It was a long day and everyone cheered when we turned into Oban, nestled in the crook of a sheltered bay. |
By covering the soil with a cloche for a week first, it will be sheltered from more rain. |
It pained Kennedy to see so much resistance, especially among bishops sheltered in a self-righteous clericalism he deplored. |
Cornish pirates exploited both their knowledge of the Cornish coastline as well as its sheltered creeks and hidden anchorages. |
Vulnerable Walter Brown, 73, died in a fire in his flat in a sheltered housing unit in Tullibody, Clackmannanshire. |
The Crescent on Clifford Road is a block of elderly sheltered accommodation. |
These sheltered passengers moving between the trains and ferry in a style more usual in botanical garden glass houses than transport hubs. |
It is one of the less snowy locations in Scotland owing to its sheltered, low lying position in the South West of the country. |
In other parts of the northern Europe you may have grown Skimmia in the garden in a slightly sheltered spot. |
A PENSIONER who went missing from sheltered accommodation in Caithness was found dead on a remote beach at the weekend. |
Now with a penstock in the ground and the turbine sheltered, electricity can be generated all year. |
Wherever possible, they engage in sheltered workshop activities either at the home or in the community. |
I have a son who is mentally retarded who works in a sheltered workshop packaging tools and loading boxes. |
Paul Downs had spent the past 35 years in a sheltered workshop for people with developmental disabilities, training for this moment. |
Sydney has traditionally been the main port, with facilities in a large, sheltered, natural harbour. |
One of the biggest obstacles is families fearing their child will be abused or bullied if they are not in the sheltered workshop. |
Margaret Tumilty raided the accounts of three different victims at The Sanderlings sheltered accommodation in Ryhope, Sunderland. |
Rosemary and sage also look good with silver foliage perennials in the seaside garden, while cistus and helianthemums do well if sheltered. |
Tumilty was a warden at The Sanderlings sheltered accommodation, in Ryhope, Sunderland, which caters for elderly people with medical problems. |
They usually remain free of pack ice in winter, though thin ice may form in sheltered bays, and icebergs are common. |
Williams survived the winter of 1636 by the grace of the Wampanoag chief Massasoit, who sheltered him and gave him land. |
Newport records few days with gales compared to most of Wales, again due to its sheltered location. |
The Aire Gap route is a sheltered passageway, and inhabited along its length. |
Conversely, the port is highly sheltered from the prevailing westerly winds. |
Lower Ventnor and the neighbouring Undercliff have a particular microclimate, because of their sheltered position south of the downs. |
The docks built between 1863 and 1881 in the more sheltered channel between the mainland and Barrow Island replaced the port at Roa Island. |