There was little to admire in the opening exchanges, the game was a shapeless mass, undefined and indistinct. |
She was at least a head shorter than me, plump, and wore a shapeless black dress with open-toed shoes. |
His sword continued to blaze, its hilt now a shapeless mass of brilliant glacial blue light. |
He includes much by way of circumstantial detail without allowing his central narrative to become shapeless. |
Russia is no longer the land of shapeless shifts and ill-fitting polyester shirts. |
She tied up her hair in a bun and jammed a shapeless felt hat down over it. |
When we ventured into town to visit the souk, my cousin's wife was required to wear an abaya, a shapeless, full-length black cape. |
And I'm not ready to wear elastic waistband polyester pants or shapeless granny housedresses. |
At the beginning of the film, she is a rather mousy secretary, given to wearing neutral colors and a bulky, shapeless winter coat. |
He's slumped on the sofa, the lithe body swamped by a shapeless and shabby burgundy cardigan held together with a giant safety pin. |
The maculae consist of rather shapeless compartments known as the sacculus and utriculus. |
Everyone, including the characters, are better served by the hard bop than this bluesy, shapeless jazz, with its rare but painful false notes. |
Both my grandmothers wore shapeless, listless, grandmotherly dresses with baggy bosoms and they donned sturdy black oxford-type shoes. |
Rather than modifying their ideas to fit their shapeless world, they try and modify the world to fit their precisely-shaped ideas. |
Her hair is hennaed to cover the grey and her figure was long ago permanently shrouded in a shapeless dress. |
Emma's miniskirt formed an incongruous addition to this parade of shapeless sack dresses, zip off trousers and sandals. |
This may look like a shapeless blob stuck to a twig, but it's actually a nocturnal mouse lemur. |
Culture is, of course, yet another of those large, baggy, rather shapeless words which this story keeps stumbling over. |
If you are still using soft ceramics to produce shapeless clay jars or bowls, you are lagging behind the city's latest trend. |
The plain green dress was a good few sizes too big for her and hung off her petite frame like a big shapeless sack. |
Her clothing was shapeless and indistinct, a dark covering that did little more than drape over her shoulders. |
For Sigmund Freud, childhood was a paradox in that one's identity emerges at the very time when one's morals and emotions are shapeless. |
He was still in his work clothes, namely, shapeless trousers and a rugby top that all the staff, male and female, had to wear. |
It was the shapeless figure he had met in his dream, the man standing in the shadows of an ancient and dead coronation hall. |
Laid out on the bed was a long sleeved, shapeless, faded black dress with patches at the bottom. |
I myself wore a shapeless dress that appeared to be yellowing with age, but was actually intended to be that colour. |
When I think of flappers, I picture androgynous gamines in shapeless dresses and waggling beads sipping illegal hooch while the Charleston plays in the background. |
A heavyset woman in the rough shapeless dress of a common country woman came out of the house as they approached, looking rather taken aback by them all. |
Dull, padded beige jackets and shapeless viscose dresses will go, in favour of the sheepskin gilets and long woollen cardigans sported by the rest of the high street. |
She too was dressed in animal skins, a short dress which showed off the outline of her body in a way the shapeless dresses she had worn in the Village never could. |
She was almost embarrassed by the plain, shapeless white dress she wore. |
The new download world will hopefully see an end to those shapeless 20-track CD monsters that seemed to equate quality with amount, as if you weigh music by the kilo. |
She was wearing the most shapeless bag of a dress, more of a cloth sack, actually, and was pressing her books to her chest, humming as she walked to school. |
She looked into the bag and pulled out what looked like a shapeless blob. |
Dave was a twenty-something, lanky-haired, shapeless youth sporting glaring red acne occasionally glimpsed through his stonewashed, open-necked denim shirt. |
So PLEASE do not overstuff these bags making them lumpy and shapeless. |
He wore a torn and filthy yellow windbreaker, gray trousers shapeless from use, and yellow rubber clogs. |
She arrived one snowy day with a shapeless parcel done up in tissue-paper. |
He was special. Just how special was not readily apparent to those who saw him, in his old Beethoven frock-coat or his shapeless orange cardigan. |
We are all framed of flaps and patches, and of so shapeless and diverse a contexture, that every piece and every moment playeth his part. |
The Northern Dimension, however, as was said earlier on, has been criticised as being shapeless and accused of lacking in anything concrete. |
In this approach SEA must be shapeless, so that it can be molded to each decision case. |
His numerous novels are lively, but his later works became increasingly chattery and shapeless. |
The woman caught sight of him as he drifted shorewards, but making out only a shapeless mass, was at first startled, and shrieked and drew back. |
The result is a sort of thick plaster placenta, a shapeless egg, in which the work to be lies hidden. |
Several other shapeless gray forms emerged from the tents inside the camp. |
It might perhaps be represented by the shapeless scribble that anyone can do. |
In the hole, Sheridan saw a dark, shapeless mass, partially covered with snow. |
This approach was preferred to flexible, but shapeless, open loft-like spaces. |
People can nitpick ... but we were going for something a bit more shapeless and ethereal than the usual biopic. |
It was shapeless and somewhat distorted, yet it was highly visible. |
Ricky also increasingly loses herself in the notion of their shapeless afterbirth. |
What humans choose to do with this shapeless primordial stuff leaking through the cracks can often be almost comical. |
New mothers want two hammocks made of soft, shapeless cotton sewn together and viewed only in a darkened room. |
For women attempting to hide the consequences of illicit congress from the world, shapeless dresses only go so far. |
In one scene, a penitent missus in a shapeless tube dress scratches her head and admits to having crashed the car. |
In the pre-spring festival senators and slave owners would put aside their stately togas and kindred marks of rank and don shapeless garments known as syntheses. |
Don't spend another winter hibernating in bulky turtlenecks and shapeless pullovers. |
She had introduced herself to an elderly, shapeless secretary in the front office, but wasn't convinced that the woman had heard her. |
Ann's mother lived this sentence, this shapeless continuous performance, occasionally making random accidental calls, as a fleeting piece of will or inadvertency exerted itself. |
The medieval city of Cairo, with its gray mosques, seems to have developed through a concatenation of vast expanses of terĀ¬rain the color of tarnished gold, as if the shapeless earth still aspired obscurely to assume a shape. |
Clearly, not all men are like cliches from Nuts magazine and want women in skintight clothes, but I would wager that most men prefer it when women wear clothes that fit them as opposed to shapeless sacks. |
A shambling bear of a man with unruly grey locks and a penchant for shapeless black sweaters and straight talk, he is the antithesis of the archetypal smooth Italian executive. |
Fundamentally, the architectonic space should only be considered as a blind, shapeless void as long as colour has not effectively afforded it spatial form. |
For example, Shelves, 1997, with its clutter of studio equipment, has an engaging and active surface where some objects are defined by the cast of a light or dense shadow while others seem almost shapeless. |
The results as revealed by aerial observation, were a repetition of the battle of the Somme, aeroplanes flying low could find only shapeless masses of churned up earth where the enemy's front line had been. |
From a shapeless cloud it became a rotating disc. |
The columns, in a Roman Byzantine style, consisting of superimposed shafts crowned with almost shapeless capitals, are exceptional in Almohad religious art. |
Then he talced his hands, slipped on a new pair of rubber gloves, went to the shapeless thing at the other end of the table, and began to work. |
Without Cowell's verdict of God, the episodes have become shapeless. |
Avoid a broadcloth shirt, in the shape of a shapeless garment with sleeves. It looks colic-y, with the wind bellying it out in all directions as you walk along. |
Inspired by neon advertising signage, the shapeless garment externalizes the body's circuitry and acts as a transformative, all-consuming costume. |