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How to use shameful in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word shameful? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Britain's role in this affair has been at best ambiguous and at worst shameful.
This is almost universally regarded as a shameful blot on America's history, a cautionary tale of racism, paranoia, and wartime hysteria.
Alexander felt that the dismemberment of Poland, over which his grandmother Catherine had presided, had been a shameful act.
The process put us under a lot of stress, and we felt that something shameful and wrong had occurred.
Her wild, rash and unprecedented bombast was a shameful act of utter disrespect, not only to her constituency but also to the nation.
It is hateful, shameful and a disgrace to all when it is used unintelligently.
This particular kind of death makes people skittish, thinking suicide either a shameful or unmentionable kind of death.
We are prone to desire more than we have, hate those who disagree with us and commit shameful things because of stupidity.
This is a disgraceful, shameful attack on a student's freedom of speech at such a prestigious institution.
Many had sacrificed the urgings of their better nature and committed shameful deeds for Stalin.
But the intense firepower from the opposite side kept me hiding in the trench most of the time, which was quite shameful.
It's shameful that I'm ignorant of the order of planets from the sun in our solar system.
He hesitates, looking particularly grave, and finally brings himself to utter the shameful words.
This story is sordid and shameful, and everyone who was involved in producing it should be ashamed of themselves.
It is still more appalling that they were responsible for violent and shameful abuses.
The Italians, naturally enough, don't go a bundle on writing novels and histories about it because it's still pretty shameful.
And how much distress will it cause to the many children who will be heartbroken if this shameful act is carried out?
The most shameful element in the production was not the weak choreographic text but the stagers ' spineless indecision about tone.
What a shameful exercise in valuing the life of a stupid and dangerous oaf over the lives of millions of others.
It ended without the governor of Minnesota in attendance, because he walked out on the shameful display.
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Examples from Classical Literature
To remain where he was was certain death, and a shameful, pusillanimous death to boot.
All his shameful perturbation vanished, a trifling thing before the great perturber's presence.
But you are fitted for society, and it is shameful to have you exiled from it.
The natives of the Gold Coast and many other African tribes regard it as a shameful offense to cohabit during gestation.
Forsooth this is a shameful custom of a lady, and if I had not a great matter in my hand I should fordo your evil customs.
The abominable and shameful peace had been signed, the wretched commune crushed.
How shameful that men of influence should mislead and miseducate the public mind!
The author forgot that Truth is a naked lady, and that nudity is always shameful, unless it points a moral.
Now this seemed to the men of Veii a shameful thing, and one that was not to be endured.
The scene was so shameful that I could scarce bear to look upon it.
Darcy's shameful boast of what misery he had been able to inflict gave her a keener sense of her sister's sufferings.
Prayer provides a means of repentance and is a restrainer from shameful and unjust deeds.
There's nothing shameful, deviant or weird about either of them.
She saw them foully drunk, staggering off to their shameful assignations.
It would have been shameful to fail after spending so much time and money, when everyone knew that you could do well.
Nor can piety itself, at such a shameful sight, completely stifle her upbraidings against the permitting stars.
Never before had there been so shameful a display of the white feather.
Besides this refutation of sproat's shameful trick there were many others.
What shameful pimping to the whiffling understandings of the timid!
His secret was a shameful one, and he could not bring himself to divulge it.
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