Britain's role in this affair has been at best ambiguous and at worst shameful. |
This is almost universally regarded as a shameful blot on America's history, a cautionary tale of racism, paranoia, and wartime hysteria. |
Alexander felt that the dismemberment of Poland, over which his grandmother Catherine had presided, had been a shameful act. |
The process put us under a lot of stress, and we felt that something shameful and wrong had occurred. |
Her wild, rash and unprecedented bombast was a shameful act of utter disrespect, not only to her constituency but also to the nation. |
It is hateful, shameful and a disgrace to all when it is used unintelligently. |
This particular kind of death makes people skittish, thinking suicide either a shameful or unmentionable kind of death. |
We are prone to desire more than we have, hate those who disagree with us and commit shameful things because of stupidity. |
This is a disgraceful, shameful attack on a student's freedom of speech at such a prestigious institution. |
Many had sacrificed the urgings of their better nature and committed shameful deeds for Stalin. |
But the intense firepower from the opposite side kept me hiding in the trench most of the time, which was quite shameful. |
It's shameful that I'm ignorant of the order of planets from the sun in our solar system. |
He hesitates, looking particularly grave, and finally brings himself to utter the shameful words. |
This story is sordid and shameful, and everyone who was involved in producing it should be ashamed of themselves. |
It is still more appalling that they were responsible for violent and shameful abuses. |
The Italians, naturally enough, don't go a bundle on writing novels and histories about it because it's still pretty shameful. |
And how much distress will it cause to the many children who will be heartbroken if this shameful act is carried out? |
The most shameful element in the production was not the weak choreographic text but the stagers ' spineless indecision about tone. |
What a shameful exercise in valuing the life of a stupid and dangerous oaf over the lives of millions of others. |
It ended without the governor of Minnesota in attendance, because he walked out on the shameful display. |
Plagiarism has almost become mainstream in India now, with even a Times of India journalist indulging in the shameful act. |
I know you've been watching this, you shameful, shallow little telly addicts. |
Elderly people are pushed out of the way and if any remarks are addressed to them, the language is shameful. |
To call the steward dishonest, shameful, unjust, unrighteous, or wicked is too harsh. |
Prominent community members wither and die in silence because the disease is considered so shameful. |
South Africans alone are guilty for this shameful marginalisation of our visual arts. |
Ireland's environmental reformists, the Green Party, have played a shameful role during the campaign. |
Labour's concession to those who try to scapegoat refugees and migrants is shameful. |
Of all the shabby, shameful, disgraceful, despicable political acts, this was as bad as they get. |
The reluctance by our present government to investigate thoroughly and put closure on this matter is shameful. |
Depression is seen by many as something shameful or embarrassing, and it's very easy to internalize that attitude. |
If they knew the nature and worth of religion, they would not debauch it to such shameful purposes. |
When politicians distort the truth in relation to medical issues it is nothing less than shameful. |
Instead, he presents himself, and by extension, the party, as an idealogue and crusader for the values of a shameful past. |
But right-thinking Americans don't believe that being gay is a disability or anything shameful. |
Consider his words, which can be read as an apology for the Court's shameful reasoning in Bowers. |
At one time, a couple living together without being married was regarded as shameful. |
As might be expected, any suggestion of female sexuality or of sexual congress outside of marriage is treated as immoral and shameful. |
I could tell you that I only cry when I'm very sad or hurt, but those are feeble excuses, inadequate reasons for condoning my shameful crime. |
For those of us looky-loos who can't resist such cinematic catastrophes, the film is one shameful delight. |
But as shameful as inaction is, Alberta is expected to set some all time records for a new low. |
The ferocious snarl of the Tyrannosaurus Rex has been replaced by a furtive shameful glance. |
It was a shameful thing for Jim to admit, but he accepted responsibility for what he had done. |
Long winter trousers are here for now so you can hide your shameful peachy skin. |
What was more, I was determined to defy the frigidity of my race, that ancient shameful legacy of inhibition. |
Luckily enough, most of Scotland was spared shameful scenes of bacchanalian excess. |
They alone are guilty for this shameful marginalization of our visual arts. |
As confrontations ensue, a shameful family secret is revealed that will change their lives for ever. |
A shameful catalogue of abandonment, betrayal, sell-out, dishonesty and total breach of trust. |
Everything reinforces the notion that this is a uniquely devastating and shameful crime. |
Saturday will be their first time back at Lansdowne Road since that shameful performance in '99, and they have beaten the British Lions since. |
It's quite shameful that the city hall leaked the information to him before I even heard a whisper of your plan. |
The family was dignified and respectful even of the late senator and his family as this shameful secret was becoming public. |
The shameful cowardliness of the man's commentating is simply unacceptable. |
Personally, I feel cheated if an election campaign does not include a modicum of shameful brawling. |
Contemporary culture, too, showed its shameful face, as foul language and potato crisps in theatres. |
To be weak and shameful is a disgrace severe enough to be punishable by death according to my standards. |
The grammar in that last sentence was really shameful, and it's going to look even worse typed out on a page. |
It's shameful for me and for my family and for my beloved company, and for all of its employees and partners. |
The history of racism in accusations and punishments for rape is sordid and shameful. |
He would never have had to commit this shameful act that was tearing and ripping away at his soul. |
Yes, I think there comes a point where putting a brave face on things becomes a shameful charade. |
Susan felt bad that she had hurt Jason but she quickly held back shameful tears so she could speak. |
Meghan was shameful for even contemplating about breaking up with Shawn even if she saw him kissing Jess. |
What a shameful record for a country that boasts of 800 pictures a year, twice as many as Hollywood produces. |
I never wanted my blog to be a place where I make shameful plugs for products. |
In the meantime, you still have until tonight to submit your stories of shameful misbehaviour. |
He had always urged the Germans to confront the shameful episode of the Hitlerian Era in their history. |
The disaster occurred at a time of year when we have just wallowed in a shameful orgy of over-indulgence and conspicuous consumption. |
The state that is bondslave to the law makes a shameful conquest of itself. |
To talk about napster now feels like a shameful confessional to illicit, youthful activities. |
My summing up of her abysmal and shameful performance is written below. |
I think that money talks in the justice system to a shameful degree. |
The cannibal Cop may end up being saved by his own sick and shameful words. |
Do NOT allow a few sundry Lieutenant-Colonels or Grade Five public servants alone swing for this shameful abnegation of Ministerial responsibility. |
And even more shameful is that I'm not above reverting to the old ways. |
This is a degrading and shameful state which no man or woman should be forced to endure. |
It was just another shameful act of self-preservation from a singularly evil man. |
This shameful case should serve as a painful lesson for those in power. |
It surely however gives a certain type of feller a thrill, dark and shameful though it may be. |
The complete and utter lack of compassion or a clue exhibited by these people is shameful in the extreme. |
This country has a long, violent and shameful history of our system being set up to value white people over people of color. |
They absolutely must boycott this absurd, insane, sickening, repulsive, shameful, and at the same time shame-less circus. |
It is quite possible that his only truly shameful act was his abandonment of his daughter and her mother, not to mention his mendacious behaviour toward my mother. |
This may be shameful, but it's genuinely impossible not to laugh. |
Now such a public display of journalistic hooliganism is shameful. |
However, there is evidence of the shameful goings on at Guantanamo Bay, where cameras have shown us cages not fit for animals, shackles, gags, hoods and blindfolds. |
What is more shameful is what they are covering, essentially human-interest stories, with long stretches of valuable airtime wasted with bloviation on trivial legal maneuvers. |
But to see New York cave to the voices of fear, rather than of reason, is unprecedented, shameful, and wrongheaded. |
This was a stinking rotten election fought under shameful rules. |
The rich subsidizers then perversely declare they cannot possibly expand trade with the poor world because of its shameful disrespect for the environment. |
What could be more shameful, or more pleasurable, in California today? |
The statement of Congress spokesperson about BJP President Nitin Gadkari is shameful, discourtesies and unfortunate and I condemn it. |
What we should be asking is why is a prominent rabbi able to use a mikvah as an excuse to exhibit these inappropriate and shameful behaviors? |
The shameful situation is exposed in an explosive new book, Breadline Britain. |
If you are a self-harmer, it's important to realise you're not a bad person and it's not a shameful thing to do. |
In punishment for my shameful dancing I have agreed to plug the album otherwise the pictures will see the light of day. |
This is a truly shameful vignette of almost superhuman undergraduate arrogance, toffishness and twittishness. |
A hundred years ago, the star-bellied sneetches tyrannized the plain-bellied sneetches in a shameful expression of racial supremacy. |
Mahdism has proved the most shameful and terrible instrument of bloodshed and oppression which the modern world has ever witnessed. |
Children were valued, and according to Tacitus, limiting or destroying one's offspring was considered shameful. |
Zama Coursen-Neff on the shameful fate of hundreds of thousands of kids. |
The Delhi BJP slammed the AAP MLA, saying that it was shameful that an elected representative vandalised shops and threatened traders. |
However, the shameful incident not merely reflected that today's civilised society still has stone-hearted people. |
Why should the disseizin of his soul have seemed shameful to him? |
Shrinking from the conflict, the conflict of the mind between the dread of grief and the shameful guilt of ungrief at the prospect of a new life opening for herself and Mark. |
I think a big part of your problem is that you're trying to cope alone and you're viewing cross-dressing as something shameful that you have to keep under wraps. |
The respect and adoration for Pasha were unusual at the time since public performance by women was considered shameful, and most female singers were recruited from brothels. |
The repetitive attacks against the country and the people while using innocents as human shields make the crime even more shameful, the Mufti said Friday in a press release. |
Contemporary authors severely criticized this treaty, which was considered shameful to the Romans and left the deaths of Sabinus and Fuscus unavenged. |
Priscillian was questioned and forced to make the confession that he studied obscene doctrines, held nocturnal meetings with shameful women, and prayed while naked. |
England betrayed Europe's interests to America in a cowardly and shameful way over the Panama Canal question, so as to be left in 'peace' by the Yankees. |
Became a shameful embarrassing apocryphiar about himself, which I believe damaged him as a man, but he was not like that in Spain nor in China... never in my hearing. |