Offshore, breakers swelled in the whitecaps and then crashed in the shallow water, strong enough to body surf for twenty yards. |
Broad expanses of open sand undulate, sweeping up into steep mountains or falling off into lakes, ponds, and shallow quagmires of quicksand. |
His breathing was rapid and shallow and the sorrow and weariness in his eyes were very apparent. |
Short, shallow fetches prevent major whitecaps on small bodies of water, and a leeward shoreline always is within reach. |
One summer day, I spent several idle moments beside a still, shallow creek near my home, trying to goad the water striders there into flying. |
The depth at the shallow end could have been kept at a level to play water polo, certainly not in excess of four feet. |
Spawning takes place at night in June and July when the fish move into shallow weedy water. |
The skeletal remains were in poor condition, probably as the result of soil acidity and the shallow depth of many of the burials. |
So it does have something to do with rejecting modern culture as being empty and shallow, you can quote me on that. |
The west bank is more sandy and shallow with weed growing, and the opposite bank more rocky and deeper. |
The vessel's shallow draft and water jet propulsion give it tremendous flexibility and maneuverability over conventional ship forms. |
This is limiting my choices and is a very shallow approach to relationships. |
Oriental weatherfish, which are native to northeastern Asia and central China, prefer still or slow moving, shallow waters with mud bottoms. |
Extensions for the standard and jumbo boxes are available in several heights, including a 6-inch standard box for shallow installations. |
As he stepped back outside, Blair was there, laying a hand on the body to steady Jim's balance during the short walk to the shallow grave. |
On the shallow side of the bridge we found the C gun turret, its barrel pointed slightly down towards the deck. |
At some quintas, grapes are still trodden by foot in shallow stone troughs. |
The orebodies were accessed through several adits and a few shallow shafts. |
Unlike kelp and other seaweed, sea grasses are descended from terrestrial plants, which adapted to shallow non-rocky coastal waters. |
A critic or a cinegoer can sit in judgement on a film and say that a subject is shallow. |
They are light seaworthy craft without a keel which ride large ocean waves and skim up shallow rivers. |
His breath came in quick, shallow gasps as anxiety and panic welled up inside him. |
I know you've been watching this, you shameful, shallow little telly addicts. |
I submerge straight away to get out of the slosh and follow a compass bearing over the shallow kelp and into the Ore Stone. |
Prepare the Jell-O according to directions on the packet and pour into a shallow bowl. |
Arranged in a radial pattern, the stone arches are crowned by a shallow domed roof clad in panels of green pre-patinated copper. |
The rake or dethatcher will create shallow grooves in the soil which will catch the new grass seed that you spread. |
Perch, pike and walleye tend to look for shallow, weedy lakes because the oxygen level tends to be a lot higher. |
The shallow soils are derived from fluvial gravel overlain by multiple ash deposits and aeolian dust. |
My breath was again coming in shallow rasps, and I could feel my pulse rate slowing. |
Inside the shallow part of the labyrinth if he so wanted to see his prize, but not where some Rune could waltz in and find him. |
Then you walk across the beach towards the fishing boats anchored in the shallow cove. |
Farmed salmon are usually held in nets suspended in the shallow waters and sheltered coves of the West Coast. |
We will be wading some very big flats hunting big bones in very shallow water. |
Sculpted of polyurethane resin and acrylic paint, the tableau rests on a shallow platform about 23 feet long and 14 feet wide. |
At one point, we rounded a blind corner and startled a gigantic grizzly sow and her cub as they crossed a shallow, rocky creek. |
Once in the water, the upswept bow and flared sides allow it to handle waves while the shallow arc bottom provides stability. |
Because of the very mountainous terrain and the need for very shallow radius curves, most of the route will be in tunnels, with consequent heavy civil engineering costs. |
These staunch proponents of raunch and roll have delivered a fairly entertaining album, if you can get by the shallow lyrics and not entirely original nature of the music. |
There was a loud splash as the anchor fell into the shallow waters, dragging a large rope tethered behind it and slowing the boat as it bobbed upon the waves like a toy. |
In early April 1949, the petite 18-year-old barfly was found in a shallow grave in the desert of southern New Mexico. |
My chest was heaving painfully, and my breath was coming in shallow rasps. |
Then the water was shallow enough to stand up in, and he waded in towards land, his dark wool hose streaming with water and the linen wrap about his wound wet through. |
On the arid plains of northern China, the depletion of shallow reservoirs has forced people to sink wells into aquifers more than 1 km below the surface. |
This was done in stacked, shallow raceways, a system that had been used previously with turbot and spotted wolfish, but never with halibut previously. |
Men cross the river at shallow points with herds of animals while women tend the fields in colorful dresses. |
The wreckage of the airbus A320 has been located in relatively shallow water. |
The horses slithered down the shallow bank and onto the glassy surface at a rapid trot, but the black was mistrustful of the insecure footing and jibbed skittishly. |
The effect is most prominent at shallow depths, where the light field is usually asymmetric, due to highly directional and intense solar radiance. |
At 17, a careless dive into shallow water left her a quadriplegic. |
You can then make shallow impressions on the surface of the ash. |
Secondly, we are all aware that we should try kit out in shallow water before gradually building up our depth and experience and undertaking more adventurous dives. |
Hull mounted sonar is employed in addition to the towed array, as the towed array can't work in shallow depth and during maneuvering. |
Barrier beaches form in shallow water and are generally parallel to the shoreline, resulting in long, narrow estuaries. |
At the mouth of the lough are several small rock and shingle islands which are breeding areas for terns that feed in its shallow waters. |
The sandbanks and narrow channels did not present much difficulty to the Dunkirk frigates or the local shallow draft cargo ships. |
What was left was mostly shallow and up to today suffers from serious silt problems. |
Most species live in relatively shallow waters from the low tide line to 100 meters, while others prefer much deeper water. |
They live in shallow water, which can also be slightly brackish, and feed nocturnally. |
Cells reaching deeper water or the shallow seafloor can then rest until conditions become more favourable again. |
The adults usually inhabit shallow lagoons, feeding mostly on various species of seagrasses. |
Mature turtles spend most of their time in shallow, coastal waters with lush seagrass beds. |
Near the coastlines, the green sea turtles live within shallow bays and protected shores. |
The shallow entrances to both the Black Sea and the Red Sea may account for their absence. |
Despite being deep diving beaked whales, they are known to come, play, and rest in shallow waters in small numbers. |
The shallow lagoon waters in which gray whales reproduce are believed to protect the newborn from sharks and orcas. |
They feed in shallow littoral waters on herring, flounder, hake, anchovy, codfish and sculpin. |
In shallow water, active volcanoes disclose their presence by blasting steam and rocky debris high above the ocean's surface. |
The Cretaceous was a period with a relatively warm climate, resulting in high eustatic sea levels that created numerous shallow inland seas. |
For instance, if there is a deep area that can not be reached because it is surrounded by shallow water, the deep area may not be shown. |
Both species prefer deeper marine areas and species that live frequently or exclusively in coastal and shallow water areas. |
Whales and dolphins who live in pods may accompany sick or debilitated pod members into shallow water, stranding them at low tide. |
The soils of Sardinia are largely underpowered, shallow and therefore not very productive for agriculture. |
Set in a shallow, amphitheaterlike depression, once a gravel pit supplying material for the Thruway, it covers 11 acres. |
However, this was a shallow field of operations, whereas in Banija and Kordun it was significantly deeper, and there were problems there. |
It's aimed at people who want.... it's aimed at silly, trite, shallow doofoids with more money than either brains or taste. |
The garden, curiously enough, was a quarter of a mile from the house, and the way to it led up a shallow draw past the cattle corral. |
The seasonal succession of algal species in the epipelon of shallow, mesotrophic pond Bezednik with special attention to diatoms is described. |
Huge populations of the sea duck, common scoter, spend winters feeding in shallow waters off eastern Ireland, Lancashire and North Wales. |
Since then, a shallow sea has almost continuously existed between the uplands of the Fennoscandian Shield and the British Isles. |
The NADW is fed by a flow of warm shallow water into the northern North Atlantic which is responsible for the anomalous warm climate in Europe. |
First small ocean basins opened and a shallow gateway appeared during the Middle Eocene. |
He returned up the Lena until it became too rocky and shallow, and portaged to the Angara River. |
The shallow sills are obstacles to the flow of heavy salt water from the Kattegat into the basins around Bornholm and Gotland. |
Men in shorts and navy Jacky Howe singlets were building a causeway across the spill of swift, shallow water. |
Fukuda cares deeply about policy issues. He worries that Abe is a bit shallow on policy matters, and a bit knee-jerkish in his populism. |
Their origin can be traced back to the early Gulf of Mexico, when the shallow ocean had high rates of evaporation. |
As with other waves, the wave tends to break in shallow places and near the bank, and flow smoothly in deep water. |
In Gondwana, England and Wales were largely submerged under a shallow sea studded with volcanic islands. |
Today, they are found primarily in military use for amphibious operations, search and rescue vehicles in shallow water, and sporting vehicles. |
They can also be chartered for a wide variety of uses including inspections of shallow bed offshore wind farms and VIP or passenger use. |
The longship had a long, narrow hull and shallow draught to facilitate landings and troop deployments in shallow water. |
Sea water was pumped into shallow ponds, producing coarse salt when the water evaporated. |
The terms tourism and tourist are sometimes used pejoratively, to imply a shallow interest in the cultures or locations visited. |
The front accommodates over 130 shallow niches of varying sizes, 73 of these niches contains a statue. |
The magmatic masses are moving at shallow depth in the western part of the Gulf of Pozzuoli. |
Sometimes they would add additional defence by placing sharpened sticks in a shallow secondary trench outside the stockade. |
New Providence's harbour could easily accommodate hundreds of ships, and was too shallow for the Royal Navy's larger vessels to navigate. |
Another geological definition, the seam outcrop definition, only includes areas where the coal seam is shallow. |
The fibular condyle projects laterally and possesses a shallow notch in the midposterior part. |
The Bf 110 usually used a shallow dive to bomb the target and escape at high speed. |
The first detonation, codenamed Operation Hurricane, occurred on 3 October 1952, in a shallow bay on Trimouille Island. |
Geologists assess a fault's age by studying soil features seen in shallow excavations and geomorphology seen in aerial photographs. |
In particular these huge sharks seem to favour the warm, shallow waters surrounding Pladda. |
This variation in the two areas along with the differences between volcanic areas and shallow seas gives Ireland a range of soils as well. |
The castle stands on a shallow tip projecting into the Firth, alongside two beaches, one of sand, the other of pebbles. |
Although it has no emergent cays or islets, some parts are very shallow and the water breaks on them. |
The island has one shallow harbour with a launch ramp accessible only by small longboats. |
Major shallow water bodies submerging parts of the northern plains are the Celtic Sea, the North Sea, the Baltic Sea complex and Barents Sea. |
The soils vary from sandy, sandy clay and clay to shallow young soils of mainly murram or gravel. |
However, time and tide has washed broken pieces of ships' pottery and glass bottles into shallow waters and onto beaches. |
Each, except the south west chamber, has shallow limestone sillstones at its entrance. |
In the shallow crust, where brittle deformation can occur, thrust faults form, which causes deeper rock to move on top of shallower rock. |
As with North America and Europe, Gondwana was largely covered with shallow seas during the Ordovician. |
In North America and Europe, the Ordovician was a time of shallow continental seas rich in life. |
In Guilin, China, cormorants are famous for fishing on the shallow Lijiang River. |
Their historic range included shallow waters of the Bering Strait and Kamchatka, and as far south as Japan. |
Mating is thought to occur in early summer and birthing in late summer, following the female's movement into shallow waters. |
The shallow Fender Valley, between these ridges, was carved out by a large glacier. |
Coralling is a method where dolphins chase fish into shallow water to catch them more easily. |
The fishermen typically stand up to their knees in the shallow waters or sit in canoes, waiting for the dolphins. |
Most eels live in the shallow waters of the ocean and burrow into sand, mud, or amongst rocks. |
Some stocks migrate in large schools along the coast to suitable spawning grounds, where they spawn in fairly shallow waters. |
The station is in a shallow cutting, a fact obscured at the front by a hotel building, but which can be clearly seen from the other three sides. |
It is roofed at the crossing by a wide shallow dome supporting a drum with a second cupola from which rises a spire of seven diminishing stages. |
Walruses prefer shallow shelf regions and forage primarily on the sea floor, often from sea ice platforms. |
The first land plants probably evolved from shallow freshwater charophyte algae much like Chara almost 500 million years ago. |
When humans drive motor boats over shallow seagrass areas, sometimes the propeller blade can tear out or cut the seagrass. |
However, most areas with significant natural sea bottom disturbance events are in relatively shallow water. |
The ship's shallow draft was intended to help her traverse the shoals of the Arctic straits. |
The benthos in a shallow region will have more available food than the benthos in the deep sea. |
Human impacts have occurred at all ocean depths, but are most significant on shallow continental shelf and slope habitats. |
The United States Navy even used specialized Mechanized Landing Craft to sweep shallow harbors in and around North Korea. |
Biogenic gas is created by methanogenic organisms in marshes, bogs, landfills, and shallow sediments. |
The wide but shallow reservoir was built from 1837 to 1845 to provide water to the Miami and Erie Canal. |
Small mines were developed for use in rivers and lakes, and special mines for shallow water. |
These elongated bull boats were capable of transporting two tons of fur down the shallow waters of the Platte River. |
The shallow, warm water is an ideal habitat for many small organisms that build carbonate skeletons. |
They will also wade into shallow waters, hoping to pin a slippery salmon with their claws. |
Especially in warm climates, shallow marine environments far offshore mainly see deposition of carbonate rocks. |
Coral for example only lives in warm and shallow marine environments and fossils of coral are thus typical for shallow marine facies. |
Such erosional material of a growing mountain chain is called molasse and has either a shallow marine or a continental facies. |
Telebasis salva is found in shallow waters containing palustral vegetation. |
The water body needs to be either shallow enough, or have a shelving margin in which it can wade. |
Fish, amphibians, small mammals and insects are taken in shallow water with the heron's long bill. |
It frequents scrubs and bushes with overhanging branches close to shallow open water in which it hunts. |
The nest is a shallow depression or scrape on the ground, often in cover, with a scanty lining of plant material. |
The nostril is situated in a shallow depression within a large nasal scale. |
The most common type of bark is smooth grey in young individuals, developing shallow longitudinal fissures with narrow ridges in older trees. |
A particular problem was the division of the river into two shallow channels by the Dumbuck shoal near Dumbarton. |
The Black Sea is connected to the World Ocean by a chain of two shallow straits, the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus. |
The waters of the Agulhas Bank off the coast are quite shallow and are renowned as one of the best fishing grounds in South Africa. |
In the early Jurassic due to powerful marine transgression, water broke into the present area of the Gulf of Mexico creating a vast shallow pool. |
Despite this, the Caribbean Sea is considered a relatively shallow sea in comparison to other bodies of water. |
In shallow water flora and fauna is concentrated around coral reefs where there is little variation in water temperature, purity and salinity. |
Large, shallow earthquakes on subduction zone interfaces are the largest types of earthquakes. |
Such slabs may have steep dips at relatively shallow depths and so may be associated with unusually deep trenches, such as the Challenger Deep. |
Barrages of shallow nets floated by long buoys can be used to ward off algea drifts, depending on wave height and current. |
Peck looked peaked to Williams. He was pale and appeared to be breathing in shallow gasps. |
It is found mostly in shallow waters and further offshore in most parts of the world, especially in temperate waters. |
In contrast, deep water benthic species, are in orders that include many related shallow water fishes. |
West Indian manatees prefer warmer temperatures and are known to congregate in shallow waters. |
These species of turtle can hide from predators in shallow water, where they lie entirely submerged except for their eyes and nostrils. |
The shallow southern end of the bay is used for evaporation ponds to extract salt from the sea water. |
Vernal pools are a type of marsh found only seasonally in shallow depressions in the land. |
They can be covered in shallow water, but in the summer and fall, they can be completely dry. |
Playa lakes are a form of shallow freshwater marsh that occurs in the southern high plains of the United States. |
These landscapes were once covered by glaciers, and as a result shallow depressions were formed in great numbers. |
Before it was drained, much of the land was under a shallow brackish sea in winter and was marsh land in summer. |
Waved maritime heath grows over shallow podzolic soils which are underlain by Hercynian granite. |
The geology consists of Hercynian granite with shallow podzolic soils on the higher ground and deeper sandy soils on the lower ground. |
In October, 1972 a fire on Kittern Hill burnt though the shallow peaty soil to the granite. |
As waves near an island, they are slowed by the shallow water surrounding it. |
The ship is also designed to have a shallow draft and can sit on the seabed when there is insufficient water. |
This shallow soil structure makes downland ecosystems extremely fragile and easy to destroy. |
This term is specifically applied to shallow marine sediment, that contains noticeable quantities of rounded greenish grains. |
The harbour is very shallow in places and has extensive mud flat and salt marsh habitats, as well as muddy and sandy shores and seagrass meadows. |
Interglacials are identified on land or in shallow epicontinental seas by their paleontology. |
The Arctic ice cap formed, drying the climate and increasing cool shallow currents in the North Atlantic. |
Early in this period the pinch is shallow, while later on it becomes more prominent and the mouth protrudes from the lamp's body. |
If the bones were placed in urns, these were often covered by a shallow bowl or a stone. |
During that period, some 240 million years ago, the area was a shallow tropical lagoon. |
It would be preferable in view of the shortage of ammunition to blow her up in the shallow waters of the Plate and to have the crew interned. |
The ard's shallow furrows are ideal for most cereals, and if the seed is sown broadcast, the ard can be used to cover the seed in rows. |
It is used for shallow tillage, normally with a tang share, in dry, stony soils. |
With the caravel, Portuguese mariners explored the shallow waters and rivers as well as the open ocean with wide autonomy. |
Being smaller and having a shallow keel, the caravel could sail upriver in shallow coastal waters. |
They left that island on 21 June and were guided to Brunei, Borneo, by Moro pilots, who could navigate the shallow seas. |
However, there are also extensive shallow shelves, noted for their marine life and corals. |
The plateau slopes eastwards from the massive, rifted escarpment along the coast of the Red Sea, to the shallow waters of the Persian Gulf. |
It contributes to the tourism sector owing to its clear shallow waters along the coasts in the southern region and the Kra Isthmus. |
The seas around Bahrain are very shallow, heating up quickly in the summer to produce very high humidity, especially at night. |
Because of the flat terrain, there are areas where rivers pool due to shallow depressions. |
The delta of the Tumbes river is shallow, and when the tide is low, little sandy keys show up, which get covered by mangrove vegetation. |
They were deposited when the region was warm and tropical, later when it was covered by a shallow sea, and later still when it was a desert. |
The opening and the gorlo of the sea are rather shallow, with depths about 50 metres or less. |
As a shallow tropical sea, its waters are a breeding ground for tropical cyclones. |
At that time a large, shallow lake occupied the centre of what is now the Gulf. |
Australia and New Guinea remained connected in this way until the shallow Torres Strait was last flooded around 8,000 years ago. |
The sediments to the west of the Ural Mountains are formed of limestone, dolomite and sandstone left from ancient shallow seas. |
Lobes originated as result of ice flow following shallow topographic depressions filled with soft sediment substrate. |
He sailed up Lena until it became too rocky and shallow, and then journeyed westward through the steppes inhabited by nomadic Buryats. |
These are mostly in deep water, but locally have also been found in relatively shallow water. |
Submerged macrophytic vascular plants are mostly absent, except in some shallow bays along the shores of Lake Baikal. |
Its root system is generally shallow, so the plant is dependent on soil moisture. |
The islands are located in the shallow Venetian Lagoon, an enclosed bay that lies between the mouths of the Po and the Piave Rivers. |
Venice is built on an archipelago of 118 islands formed by 177 canals in a shallow lagoon, connected by 409 bridges. |
A shallow pseudoumbilical depression is discernible close to the free edge of the columellar callus. |
These terms originated from the common layouts of the shallow drawers called type cases used to hold the movable type for letterpress printing. |
The state's rivers are generally small, short and shallow, and few are navigable. |
Early fire fighting systems used sprinklers supplied by water captured on flat roofs in shallow tanks. |
An installed tubular rivet has a head on one side, with a rolled over and exposed shallow blind hole on the other. |
In 369 AD, General Huan Wen of the Eastern Jin dynasty connected the shallow river valleys of the Huai and the Yellow. |
The road was constructed by excavating a wide, shallow trench below the level of subsoil. |
When roots are too shallow, trees are susceptible to windthrow and erosion. |
Although the lake is natural, in 1902 a shallow weir was added to what is probably a glacial moraine to maintain the level. |
The drainage of the bottoms south of the Arroyo Colorado is inadequately provided for by broad, shallow depressions between the resacas. |
Dalehead Tarn is a shallow pool providing a popular stopping place for walkers. |
Although prominently named on Ordnance Survey maps, Beckhead Tarn is a small shallow pool with a bed of peat and submerged flags. |
Below Threefooted Brandreth on the eastern slope, sitting on a shallow saddle above Mere Ghyll is the Litt's Memorial. |
A significant effect of its shallow depth is that for all or most of the time, it has no thermocline. |
At first sight, the defining feature of a mere is its breadth in relation to its shallow depth. |
Earthquakes are generally restricted to the shallow, brittle parts of the crust, generally at depths of less than twenty kilometers. |
Cold pyroclastic surges can occur when the eruption is from a vent under a shallow lake or the sea. |
Some intrusive rocks solidified in fissures as dikes and intrusive sills at shallow depth and are called subvolcanic or hypabyssal. |
The female chooses a nest site, where she scrapes a shallow hollow in the loose soil, sand, gravel, or dead vegetation in which to lay eggs. |
Ruffe will leave the deep dark water where they prefer and journey to warmer shallow water for spawning. |
Generally, cutting axes have a shallow wedge angle, whereas splitting axes have a deeper angle. |
The rounded hill tops are millstone covered with shallow soil or peat above 400 metres. |
These mines were shallow shafts or adits that exploited the coal seams where they outcropped. |
Quarries in level areas with shallow groundwater or which are located close to surface water often have engineering problems with drainage. |
Arctic air can be shallow in the summer, and rapidly modify as it moves equatorward. |
They are not seen again until they arrive as larger juveniles in shallow coastal waters, where they dine on seagrass and algae. |
The acorns, the largest among the oaks, are semispherical with the cups extremely shallow. |
The king was neither so shallow, nor so ill advertised, as not to perceive the intention of the French king. |
If you modify that, you'll modify all the shallow copies of the header that points to it. |
I told him once he's so shallow that the best he can manage is a single entendre. The funny thing is, he liked it. |
When a subcontinental plume hits such a thin spot, the result would be voluminous shallow magmatism. |
Martin Blagborough had to settle for second, while Bob Haigh fished waggler shallow for third. |
The advected airmass, however, remains too shallow to produce any typical summer thunderstorms of meaningful intensity. |
Unlike other tortoises, the western swamp tortoise feeds and breeds in shallow swamps in winter and aestivates in summer. |
Sow seeds of perennials including hardy geraniums, achilleas and alstroemerias outside in shallow drills. |
Ringed by coral reefs and shallow lagoons, the islands of American Samoa are about 1,800 miles northeast of New Zealand. |
The shallow, weedy lake covers almost 30-square miles of Yellowhead County in western Alberta. |
The anterior chamber was formed but very shallow because of forward displacement of the iris and lens. |
Seven bodies were found on Tuesday in shallow graves in the Riyom area, around 30 km south of Jos. |
Tundra The arctic hare and The arctic willow Spanning the Arctic arctic fox sport has shallow roots so Circle, the tundra is the white coats. |
Place the red snappers in a shallow dish and pour over the Thai Red Curry Sauce, making sure the whole fish are covered in the sauce. |
Because of the ships' negligible draft, the Vikings could sail in shallow waters, allowing them to invade far inland along rivers. |
Several especially shallow mudflat areas, such as the Wadden Sea, are now popular among those practising the sport of mudflat hiking. |
This is an early type of dredger which was formerly used in shallow water in the Netherlands. |
Lophelia reefs are also present in the Norwegian trench and they are known from the shallow waters of many Norwegian fjords. |
The larger shallow sand and stony reefs have been equipped with light signaling in modern times. |
Fish can be negatively affected by docks and retaining walls which remove breeding habitat in shallow water. |
However, upon entering a shallow, gently sloping shelf, the surge cannot be disperse, but is driven ashore by the wind stresses of the hurricane. |
It is made up of very extensive salt marshes, major intertidal banks of sand and mud, shallow waters and deep channels. |
On the other hand, the orbits of water molecules in waves moving through shallow water are flattened by the proximity of the sea surface bottom. |
A wave breaks when it runs into shallow water, or when two wave systems oppose and combine forces. |
In shallow water the base of the wave is decelerated by drag on the seabed. |
For intermediate and shallow water, the Boussinesq equations are applicable, combining frequency dispersion and nonlinear effects. |
The high sea level in the Mesozoic era flooded most of these continental domains, forming shallow seas. |
Lobes originated as result of ice following shallow topographic depressions filled with a soft sediment substrate. |
At night they move into shallow waters to feed, and during the day they bury themselves in the sand. |
Whenever these Viking ships ran aground in shallow waters, the Vikings would reportedly turn them on their sides and drag them across the shallows into deeper waters. |
The anaconda is found in shallow waters in the Amazon basin. |
Fjords with a shallow threshold this deep water is not replaced every year and low oxygen concentration makes the deep water unsuitable for fish and animals. |
The coastline and adjacent waters support highly productive marine ecosystems such as fringing coral reefs and shallow beds of coastal and estuarine seagrasses. |
Dredging is an excavation activity usually carried out underwater, in shallow seas or freshwater areas with the purpose of gathering up bottom sediments and widening. |
This machine is mainly used in harbors and other shallow water. |
Before the steam engine, pits were often shallow bell pits following a seam of coal along the surface, which were abandoned as the coal was extracted. |
In the current study, we demonstrate that fossorialization can evolve repeatedly even within a single genus and at a relatively shallow time scale. |
The Kattegat is a rather shallow sea and can be very difficult and dangerous to navigate, due to the many sandy and stony reefs and tricky currents that often shift. |
The soils here are volcanic and shallow, but with rich organic matter. |
Despite their marine adaptations, most sea snakes prefer shallow waters nearby land, around islands, especially waters that are somewhat sheltered, as well as near estuaries. |
It lies between the coast of northwestern continental Europe and the range of Frisian Islands, forming a shallow body of water with tidal flats and wetlands. |
The shallow draft enabled them to navigate far inland in shallow rivers. |
This effect, which typically happens in the shallow areas around beaches, and often only in pockets of water, is exaggerated by the large sheltered tidal reach. |
Continental shelves teem with life, because of the sunlight available in shallow waters, in contrast to the biotic desert of the oceans' abyssal plain. |
For example, shallow depths are directly influenced by the local temperature of the air, while deeper waters are less susceptible to changes in air temperature. |
Varying depths along a wave crest cause the crest to travel at different phase speeds, with those parts of the wave in deeper water moving faster than those in shallow water. |
During the Cold War, submarines repaired at Mare Island Naval Shipyard were tested in the shallow waters off Point Reyes following shipyard repairs. |
The continental shelf is an underwater landmass which extends from a continent, resulting in an area of relatively shallow water known as a shelf sea. |
She was a fast, lightly armed ship probably intended for shallow water, small valuable cargoes, bringing messages, sending provisions, or privateering. |
And in very shallow water, the shallow water equations can be used. |
During the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, this part of Eurasia was covered by shallow seas that formed the northern margins of the Tethys Ocean. |
Parts of the continental shelf extend far into the bay, resulting in fairly shallow waters in many areas and thus the rough seas for which the region is known. |
The high sea level and warm climate of the Cretaceous meant large areas of the continents were covered by warm, shallow seas, providing habitat for many marine organisms. |
Breathing air is primarily of use to fish that inhabit shallow, seasonally variable waters where the water's oxygen concentration may seasonally decline. |
It was still too shallow for the turtle to swim, but it used its four flappers with so much effect against its two assailants, as to give them a thorough shower-bath. |
In very shallow waters, they can be gathered by hand or with small rakes. |
Walruses live mostly in shallow waters above the continental shelves, spending significant amounts of their lives on the sea ice looking for benthic bivalve mollusks to eat. |
They are usually formed in warm, supersaturated, shallow, highly agitated marine water intertidal environments, though some are formed in inland lakes. |
Walruses do not often dive very deep, as they feed in shallow water. |
Its head's ventral surface lacks the numerous prominent furrows of the related rorquals, instead bearing two to five shallow furrows on the throat's underside. |
They roost and loaf communally on beaches, sandbanks and in shallow water. |
As the population grows, it's also highly possible that more whales would start using rivers or river mouths, shallow estuaries, smaller inlets or bays. |
Even in these barren areas, greatest densities are found in shallow water. |
Large, shallow coastal embayments can hold salt marshes with examples including Morecambe Bay and Portsmouth in Britain and the Bay of Fundy in North America. |
The bay is rather shallow with many sandbanks and rocky outcrops, and was notorious in the past for shipwrecks, especially when the wind was from the east. |
While deep water limpets have been shown to have the same elemental composition as shallow water limpets, deep water limpets do not show crystalline phases of goethite. |