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How to use shacks in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word shacks? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
From here, the village looked quiet, a group of shacks surrounded by the green of the forest.
In Cairo, Egypt, the rooftops of countless buildings are crowded with makeshift tents, shacks and mud shelters.
By the late 1880s many Ojibwa lived in one-room log cabins, frame cabins, or tar paper shacks rather than in wigwams.
In tents, shacks, log cabins and frame dwellings, pioneers gathered together for protection.
The streets are a hodgepodge of cheap housing next to restored buildings, interspersed with tumbledown shacks.
These people live in tumbledown shacks which they share with whatever animals they may have.
The dominant grey of the shacks gives the area a dull, monotonous appearance, aggravated by the absence of trees.
We barreled along, past wooden shacks slanting in on themselves, ruins of fishing villages that dated from the days of the czars.
Mogadishu is a town in ruin, damaged buildings, tin shanty shacks, piles of garbage and burned-out vehicles in the streets.
Although most of the inhabitants stay in shacks, they clearly take pride in their environment.
As late as the 1930s, the area around the portes d' Italie, Choisy and Ivry was a no-man's land dotted by Gypsy caravans and shacks.
In the western town of Ghansi, hundreds live in shacks made of plastic and cardboard tied together.
So those earliest families that settled used scrap wood, often cast-offs from construction, to build little shacks.
In Cape Town, the superhighway to the airport passes row after row of cardboard and tin shacks.
The residents live mostly in palapas, rough-hewn shacks made of strapped-together poles.
We follow the sandy road that was once the sea and pause by a huddle of weather-beaten shacks.
They smiled as they talked about the two homes, the ice plant, and the 16 shacks that were all gone.
Away from the gleaming skyscrapers, China's cities are ringed by run-down shacks, with festering heaps of garbage by the roadside.
Open drains, piles of uncleared garbage, filth and pitiful shacks are everywhere.
These shacks are made of cement, unlike their cardboard and corrugated iron counterparts in South Africa.
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Examples from Classical Literature
The buildings turned out to be a few single-story administrative shacks clustered around a check-in point.
That's one of the shacks over there and the other one he uses for a cowshed.
There were only the rudest kind of shacks, which served for houses, stores and hotels.
By the shacks and the Chinks' truck-gardens to the Athabasca saloon.
In his time he has built shacks, kept a country store, and run a saw-mill.
All those shacks I saw only a month or so ago dotting the lakes are already put in storage, the summer cottage for many a spider.
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