The official adds that young boys, too, are not immune from sexual assault by the alp and arbakai. |
This hardly seems to be an atmosphere that encourages a sexual assault victim to follow through with an allegation. |
Most are saprophytic similar to true fungi. v. Sexual life cycle is diplontic, fungi have haplontic cycle. |
Two weeks before trial, Beebe pleaded guilty to a single charge of aggravated sexual battery. |
This progresses to Fox abusing Spinelli at Fox's home, forcing him to engage in various sexual acts. |
Clearly, something other than feminism and the sexual revolution must be at play. |
There was even a weird sexual vibe to the Hillary campaign, driven, as it was, by all that estrogen. |
Dr. Melson says abstinence only training shows no delay in sexual activity. |
American universities have come under censure for failing to adequately protect students from sexual and physical assault. |
All seem to acknowledge that sexual assault is a serious problem that requires campus-wide education. |
It also contains some clunky passages of adultery, temptations of the flesh, and general sexual awkwardness. |
But there's a serious point here, and it extends well beyond the anguishing question of sexual assault. |
It would seem that the line between flirting and sexual harrassment has become quite blurry. |
The bodyworker should explicitly tell the client that sexual touch or sexual stimulation will not be a part of their relationship. |
Society prefers to keep handicapped people in a childhoodlike state, thereby ignoring sexual needs. |
Clinal variation in the size of the secondary sexual character may be due to the effects of the Fisher or the handicap process. |
Coetus without co-existence is demonic. What are you, you man and woman who are about to enter into sexual relations? |
When taking note of the patient's sexual history, the age of first intercourse and the number of sexual partners must be established. |
The company's sexual harassment commission made sure that every employee completed the on-line course. |
After I printed that letter the volume of mail I received from survivors of child sexual abuse curled my hair. |
The sexual frontier that once beckoned to adventurers as unalike as Gianni Versace and Michel Foucault has largely shifted to the cybersphere. |
Some people may identify as asexual for a period and then decide that they are in fact demisexual, or even sexual. |
Demisexuals experience sexual attraction as a consequence of romantic attraction but not independently of it. |
However, the series itself betrays its own lesbiphobia through the discriminatory treatment of the characters' sexual life. |
Classmates remembered him as brash and jug-eared and full of big talk about his sexual experience. |
The affection is unlike anthropophobia, because this is characterized by dislike of men, and decided aversion to sexual intercourse. |
In spite of the apodeictism of these statements, Foucault never articulates a fully coherent position on sexual repression. |
Autonepiophilia is when the paraphilic individual behaves like a child, usually in wearing diapers as a necessary part of sexual activity. |
When I invited women to decide for themselves which rite of passage to talk or write about, I found that only a few chose their sexual awakening. |
And by the way, it also incites some backshot and spanking tendencies during sexual activity for some. |
A balian has to be careful about what he or she eats and about sexual relations. |
What was released was a demon, a balrog of pure sexual energy which had been denied for too long. |
After many more visits and discussions with BDSMers, I began to understand the power play and sexual high that BDSM can bring. |
Child sexual abusers are highly manipulative in their befriending of parents and children and are able to deceive all types of family. |
Just as she knows that she has every right to expect begifting and support, so he knows that he can expect sexual favors. |
This connection between sexual and spiritual impurity had an immense pedigree. |
There long had been a bias among researchers to think of the evolution of sexual dichromatism as driven by changes in male coloration. |
With Strickland the sexual appetite took a very small place. It was unimportant. It was irksome. His soul aimed elsewhither. |
Thus the fraternal birth order effect is specific to male sexual orientation, and does not affect female sexual orientation. |
The other men and even women rode me with their real sexual parts or with godemiches. |
In normal sexual reproduction, whether performed by separate sexes or hermaphroditically, the two functions are generally combined in a pair. |
It was unclear if the blatant display of her body was meant as a sexual advance or some other expression of heteroflexibility or homosociality. |
You don't break up with me then try to holla back at me. So that's when she called asking if we can have a sexual type of relationship. |
The predominant way of finding a hookup or sexual partner would be going online. |
Change 'homophobe' to 'humanphobe' and you'll get the label for all sexual types today. |
If I had learned anything that summer, other than Boy Scout stuff, it was that I needed to be the sexual hunter rather than the huntee. |
His list of sexual contacts was quite long, and included ladies from some of the ritzier establishments of ill repute across the border. |
Mum is going to join the Greens instead. Dad says at least they are all so busy knitting yoghurt they do not have time for sexual scandal. |
So in order to avoid unpleasant side effects like lethargy and sexual dysfunction, most recent trials also gave men testosterone supplements. |
Attractiveness and likeability isn't simply a matter of sexual desirability. |
He was a prize male with the sexual aura of a massive hunk with low hangers. |
The most frequent conflict within human mateships is the conflict between male sexual persistence and female sexual resistance. |
Although it is not clear if their relationship was sexual, Frieda said she believed it was. |
After her death, he arranged a morganatic marriage with Anna in 1757, which made him even more vulnerable to charges of sexual impropriety. |
It is unknown if their affair was ever sexual, although by this point other members of the group were noticing Rossetti and Janey's closeness. |
Harry and Tim are an inseparable pair of macho punks always on the make for an easy sexual score. |
They display significant individual, sexual, age and geographical variation in size. |
Social understanding and equality can neither be nurtured through fear, nor intimidation. Surely this goes for people of all sexual persuasions. |
If the philtrum is long and deep, then these people are very romantic, sexual, lively and friendly. |
Often, the sexual mechanisms inherent in piquerism are ignored during the assessment of sexually sadistic crimes. |
By its nature, that is whether it develops with or without fertilization, simple polyembryony can be sexual or asexual. |
Despite their utility in research, litters produced by polyembryony lack the advantages conferred by either asexual or sexual reproduction. |
She argues that perverse sexual activity constitutes an attempt to restage the primal scene in such a way as to eliminate its traumatic aspects. |
The projectives suggested considerable difficulty with women and a conflict between sexual preoccupation and hostility. |
Thus, pseudosecrets can also become a way of maintaining generational and sexual boundaries in the family. |
In a rape culture both men and women assume that sexual violence is a fact of life, inevitable as death or taxes. |
To make this mid-17th-century rat's nest of love affairs and sexual confusions intelligible for late-20th-century audiences is a job in itself. |
The production numbers of La Cage sparkle, while the comedy is a bevy of sight gags, wildly drawn characters, and sexual rompery. |
The seaswine are almost always seen in troops, especially in their sexual season, which is in the month of August. |
We have heard tales of couples with awesome sextual chemistry, but no sexual chemistry. |
Like their American counterparts, German officials frowned on interracial sexual fraternization. |
Many U.S. states do not protect any sexual minority from discrimination or retribution. |
It appeared to me that this sexual smorgasbord was a way for these women to feel something again. |
Although sexual behavior is not well studied in the order, observations exist for members of both snakefly families. |
Dionysian sparagmos was an ecstasy of sexual excitation and superhuman strength. |
Their reaction to hearing about alternative sexual practices in the abstract is most often amusement, sometimes squickage, rarely moral outrage. |
In addition, many whites view black men as superstuds. The fantasy that they have larger genitals and a greater sexual capacity is widespread. |
God, though suprasexual, submitted himself to a human body with male sexual organs. |
His death is a kind of unbirth, and the imagery that surrounds it is physical and sexual. |
The athletes will encourage students to make a commitment to sexual purity by remaining abstinent until marriage. |
That these men have withstood sexual contact with women and have come away unfeminized solidifies their masculinity. |
Hand to God Sexual repression has been around for centuries, courtesy of all our favorite religions. |
In the U.K., an undesired tongue kiss was disassociated with rape under the 2003 Sexual Offences Act. |
In the USA where lawsuits are the nation's favorite hobby, talking dirty to a woman is called Sexual Harassment and is backed up by stiff penalties. |
Unlike the Campus Sexual Assault Study, the pool of respondents was national. |
Bright male colors are exhibited primarily during sexual and aggressive displays in iguanids, agamids, chamaeleonids, gekkonids, lacertids, and teiids. |
Both said they had an open marriage, having sexual relations with others. |
Here they undergo reproduction by a sexual process, and appear in her venomosalivary gland in a condition ready for transmission to the next person bitten. |
Reproduction in squamate reptiles is almost exclusively sexual. |
To this day Katie thought wistfully of the night in his apartment when his salami had split her loins sending her into a state of sexual ecstasy unmatched in human history. |
But fighting Dworkinism and other forms of sexual conservative politics with a sex-positive agenda can also reproduce the racism inherent in the mainstream gay movement. |
Over at Harvard, students are pursuing a different kind of sexual veritas. |
At his first rendezvous, De Marsay is blindfolded and driven endlessly through the streets, an estranging device which makes his native city a sexual labyrinth. |
Father hunger appears to be a crucial motivational variable in matters as diverse as caretaking, sexual orientation, moral development, and achievement level. |
All fungi for which sexual reproduction is unknown are assigned to the form class Deuteromycota until such reproduction is discovered in that species. |
In addition, there are books on sexercise aimed at strengthening and promoting flexibility in muscles that are purported to be of special significance to sexual activity. |
Unwin's 1940 book Hopousia or The Sexual and Economic Foundations of a New Society. |
Argentine priest Julio Grassi begins 15-year sentence over sexual abuse. |
Some current projects have been watched closely by the media, particularly the revision of the Model Penal Code Sexual Assault provisions. |
Osho died nine years ago after establishing his eclectic brand of hippy-dippy irrationalism, sexual therapy and ancient learning across the globe. |
A sixth reason cited against allowing women in combat is that the presence of women will lead to sexual fraternization and disruption of discipline. |
A jury took less than half an hour to clear Mark John Duckers of breaching his Sexual Offences Prevention Order. |
I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky. |
Hinting at sexual extravagance might have caused outrage and disgust in the mid 1800s, but in the shagtastic twenty-first century, it's a certificate of honour. |
There are also sections on Economics, Religion, Sexual Perversions, and a section for such terms as Murphy's Law, Pollyanna, Catch-22, and yahoo. |
The lawyer for a teenager at the center of Lawrence Taylor's sexual misconduct case says the girl will make an impact statement at the former football star's sentencing. |
Some biographers of James argue that the relationships were not sexual. |
As an author of bonkbusters she portrayed the House of Commons as a Palace of Sexual Varieties. |
Nevertheless, it does appear that many of the processes of mate choice and sexual selection described for bird and mammal leks also apply to anuran choruses. |
Dacryphilia is a non-normative sexual interest that involves enjoyment or arousal from tears and crying, and to date has never been researched empirically. |
Then, denied official presence, this sexual material went underground, becoming again cthonic and the expression of the folk, rather than the establishment. |
The more we invest in a sexual encounter in a particular person, the more loaded the dice in a dating game that we are forever reminded we must play to win. |
Premier Wynne unveiled the edgy new ad at the 2015 Summit on Sexual Violence and Harassment. |
These binucleated forms have one macronucleus functional and another sexual micronucleus which is not functional in the ordinary life processes of the species. |
In early 1975 he declared himself against abortion, claiming that the so-called sexual revolution was part of the bourgeoisification of the masses. |
Zainab Bangura, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, in this area. |
While Ada and her husband Alisdair have had no sexual, nor even mildly affectionate, interaction, the lessons with Baines become a slow seduction for her affection. |
My friend Sharn has a friend in her late 50s who is very keen to maintain sexual relations with her husband, a big boofy bloke, a mechanic by trade. |
Bradford, prompted by comments in Maeve Brennan's memoir, suggests that the poem commemorates Larkin's relationship with Brennan moving from the romantic to the sexual. |
The superficial sexual trigger, honed in the forest and out on the savanna, is why men still duck out of chat rooms and keep going back to the superbabes and vixens. |
Hypocrisy, particularly in sexual matters, is excused on the grounds that hey, nobody's perfect, and at least folks back then felt bad enough to lie. |
Borders are violated by hungering males and famished females, and the ordered animosities of the noyau give way to a saturnalia of sexual adventure. |
The tract was far more political and religious than sexual, but Cockburn found it obscene because it would suggest to young persons impure and libidinous thoughts. |
I've put him on report for both insubordination and sexual harassment. |
Apart from his sexual behavior, the pedophile is typically law abiding. |
But if the sexual urge is continually frustrated, the whole business becomes more truly painlike, and few would choose that condition over indifference. |
Every time I open a Sexual Assault Transferal Centre I always make this point. |
One of the strangest sexual problems occurs with symphorophilia. |
I pushed the thought of my mom out of my mind and reflected on my first sexual contact with George. Oh my God, I just couldn't relive it enough. I was totally blissed up. |
English settlers, in turn, solidly repressed berdachism in North America, although a score of nineteenth-century texts reveal a lack of sexual assimilation. |
This is consistent with theory that predicts a preference for the female mating role after periods of sexual isolation because of allosperm depletion. |
One of the significant features of sexual reproductive health and rights programmes in Africa over the years has been the tendency to projectise them. |
For example, some of the more prudish senders may have averted their attention from the sexual pictures while other more prurient viewers may have intensified their gaze. |
All abuse, whether physical, verbal, psychological or sexual, is bad. |
One day some years ago, at the Sexual Health Clinic where I worked, a woman, recently arrived from Poland, came in asking for the contraceptive sponge. |
The presentation covers the roles of advocacy, law enforcement, prosecution and Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners and covers topics from first disclosure to voir dire. |
A PERVERT who was previously convicted for voyeurism and banned from having a camera phone yesterday admitted breaching a Sexual Offences Prevention Order. |