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How to use servile in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word servile? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
It is this sheep-like loyalty that has turned many a hard-nosed businessman into a servile crony.
Her shrewdly posed independence, which appears to be the opposite of servile deference, is itself deferential.
The better-off refuse payment for services they accept while their victims are so servile and acquiescent that they make no protest.
And his servile easily bewitched audience of clodhopper crusaders will carry on as before.
In the play, the robots, having acquired human emotions, rebel against their servile status and destroy their masters.
I wanted to think this was some kind of dry joke, but 3 years of servile apologetics from some broadcasters prevent me.
When women speak, they frequently challenge the old elegiac poses of the constant lover, a fickle mistress, and his servile devotion.
We buy and sell football players, as if they were servile gladiators in Ancient Rome.
If it is sweet, servile and submissive, a new dog could bully your first dog into a life of fear and despair.
Over 30 percent of MGM's cartoons released between 1946 and 1953 presented either characters in blackface or servile African American maids.
His wife is a disgruntled waitress at the same restaurant who chafes at the servile role her job demands.
Being good at service means that we are servile and demeans our noble island spirit.
Given the uncertainties that envelope them, one cannot blame them for being servile, opportunistic and selfish.
This second figure suggests an alter ego who is critical of the housewife's servile predicament.
Being good at service means that we are servile and toadying and demeans our noble island spirit.
In a celebrated passage the thirteenth-century French jurist Beaumanoir attributed servile status to anyone below the category of privileged townsman.
Each of these explanations is committed to the thought that acting on a desire to be servile can compromise moral agency.
Be servile, serve the system blindly and never ask where it goes, that's the hidden motto behind Western education in general.
Until this happened, the entire outside world thought of Tunisia as a downmarket tourist destination, with a servile attitude towards the west.
This depravity seemed to me more appropriate to the character of a nurse, whose inclinations might be supposed to be more servile.
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Examples from Classical Literature
In the Eastern Hemisphere the African had always been in a servile condition.
Rip still dozed before the fire and wagged a buffoonish tail in servile recognition.
Base hearts it only hardens, making those who were mean and servile, mean and proud.
No matter how servile he may be at home, everyone will kowtow to him abroad.
The servile movement is combined with the bold plans of the Thracian Spartacus.
Aught else than servile obedience in accomplishing the mandates of those in power?
I have said already that the succession of the youngest son appears with merchet, reeveship, etc., as a servile custom.
The tradesman's manner, which to you and me is decently respectful, becomes straightway frantically servile before princekin.
All this was held to be servile and characteristic of villainage.
Now both these are branches of the servile or ministerial art.
What a launch in life I think it now, on looking back, to be so mean and servile to a man of such parts and pretensions!
In her desire to propitiate her employe she is herself almost servile.
There is something servile in the habit of seeking after a law which we may obey.
He was just proud enough to demand the most debasing homage of the slave, and quite servile enough to crouch, himself, at the feet of the master.
They were obsequious and servile and did not presume to talk to their masters as if they were their equals.
I could think of nothing better than to give him a servile imitation of this attitude of despair.
By his servile cruelty he had earned the nickname of the manhunter.
Art so followed is the most servile indolence in which life can be wasted.
The servile spouters in the land are as plenty as summer flies.
Yet though he sat at their feet, it was as no servile disciple.
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