Sentence Examples
The DVD features the entire first season, 13 episodes, that find the four scamps in every imaginable sort of scrape. |
A retreat into a redemptive enclave of winkingly open-minded post-Marxist scamps, it's nearly pristine in its high-minded tomfoolery. |
You may baulk at forking out your hard-earned cash for these extravagantly self-obsessed, petulant, little scamps. |
The cheating scandal upset Maxwell and Anthony so much that they put salt in his sugar, the naughty scamps. |
Nothing new there, you might reply, you cheeky young scamps, and I'm hardly in much of a position to persuade you otherwise. |
Mr Kipling caught two young scamps scrumping in his orchard. |
We are supposed to think that they're adorably life-affirming, unreconstructed old scamps, but I have never seen a more charmless and conceited bunch. |
Are their children adorable little scamps or perfect little angels? |
While walking home from the bar, he was set upon by a bunch of scamps who stole his hat. |
Examples from Classical Literature
My cherries have all been stolen by those scamps of Gilman boys from the Glen. |
The scamps were in high spirits, seeming much pleased with their haul. |
There is a rotation of redheaded scamps in the title role and in Birmingham it fell to the precociously talented Sophia Pettit. |
Either there were two moons, then, or these strangers were imposters, designing scamps, false deities! |
See Also
Nearby Words
6-letter Words Starting With