Cuts must be delivered with a light touch, drawing the cutting edge of the blade back quickly in a sawlike motion. |
Using your thumbs and index fingers as guides, gently slide the floss between two teeth, using a sawlike motion. |
These sawlike ridges are made up of equilateral triangles, but often they contain bent and irregular teeth. |
The adults emerge in early September and, soon afterward, the female lays her eggs in slits in the needles with her sawlike ovipositor. |
A few years ago, a dentist I was seeing told me that I was brushing improperly in a sawlike motion and had caused slight damage to the gum surrounding one tooth. |
The heavily serrated blades were sawlike, allowing them to be used for carving and cutting horn, bone, and wood. |
Sawflies, which are phytophagous, lay their eggs in incisions in plants, cut by the sawlike blades of the ovipositor. |
The kit was novel for its scrapers and heavily serrated blades having a sawlike appearance, implements that were essential to the working of wood, bone, and horn into tools and weapons. |