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How to use salvage in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word salvage? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Use the crop tool to salvage something usable from your obscured photo, and the enlarge wizard to blow it up to a reasonable size.
She hit a second-serve ace to save the first and a backhand winner to salvage the second.
He tried to salvage a silver cup embellished with antique gold medallions but threw it back at gunpoint.
The salvage pathways combine adenine with a pentose to alter the adenosine nucleotide pool inventory.
The last example invokes an Afrocentric royal African lineage and past in order to salvage a self-esteem beaten down by oppression.
With the ship run aground and the bow well out of the water, these would have been easy to salvage.
For some reason I still felt a need to salvage some dignity, so I ran like the wind.
In the case of rehabilitation or remodeling, LEED points can be earned through salvage and reuse of materials.
It took her a few days to clean and cure the skins properly and salvage enough to do anything useful with them.
Given its lowly valuation, a growing number of brokers believe that the car salvage specialist is a sitting duck for a predator.
Nelson liked to salvage a few lifeboats from defeated French ships for this very purpose.
It took four hours for 17 firefighters and officers to control the inferno and carry out salvage work on the 15 by eight metre room.
Desperate digging against the rising water level managed to salvage a tiny fraction of its priceless mosaics, now displayed in Gaziantep museum.
Then, I can salvage some dignity by pretending I'm a cool artsy type who wants to be alone in a bar instead of a loser whom nobody loves.
I've assured and reassured him a hundred times that this isn't true, but then, there's only so much you can say to salvage a hurt ego.
If that happens, a few years will not be enough to salvage the country's sagging economic power.
Japan has conveyed its desire to salvage the ship from where it lies in the East China sea, but China has yet to agree to the request.
A number of attempts were made to salvage the ship but when they failed she was dispersed using explosives.
The locals attempt to salvage its cargo of thousands of cases of whisky and outwit Home Guard Captain Waggett and the excise officers.
Despite the interference of souvenir seekers and vandals, they managed to salvage most of the ship's machinery.
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Examples from Classical Literature
He had skimped for six months to salvage enough money from his allowance to make a down payment on the telporter suit.
As it is, take something home from the architectural salvage lot and sell it on eBay.
Amongst these in all cases are found claims for salvage, wages, bottomry under certain restrictions, and necessaries.
True, all the salvage appliances, so the Admiral had said, were at Cherbourg.
I fetched the water bucket and started to salvage what I could of the cargo.
A couple of my harebrained kids have come up with an idea that makes sense and looks like it might salvage a lot of lost water.
Pride and hope had inspired the crew at razee to salvage the Conomo intact.
If an apprentice is a salvor, he, and not his master, is entitled to the salvage.
The motion was carried unanimously, as the one remitting the claim for salvage had been.
Tell the claim agent there wont be salvage enough to fill a waybill.
In Orchard, players must dig in to salvage their granduncle Fred's orchard from its horrible state of disrepair.
In the meantime, growers are trying to salvage whatever they can and stave off further devastation.
With this technique, I have also been able to salvage many eardrums that had not healed with tympanoplasty.
From the hut made of salvage starts the regeneracy of the land.
The following report will quantify all material salvaged as well as provide comparisons to estimated salvage potential.
Always glad to pick up a derelict, may be a chance for salvage, you know.
A pretty piece of salvage, he reflected, if he could land her on Mars.
The directors voted you three hundred guineas as salvage, and you refused them.
Also did he turn over the eight hundred dollars in bank that was the long-saved salvage of his wrecked fortune.
Davila also found a wallet-sized address book in a satchel in his father's car, which was in a salvage yard.
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