Use the crop tool to salvage something usable from your obscured photo, and the enlarge wizard to blow it up to a reasonable size. |
She hit a second-serve ace to save the first and a backhand winner to salvage the second. |
He tried to salvage a silver cup embellished with antique gold medallions but threw it back at gunpoint. |
The salvage pathways combine adenine with a pentose to alter the adenosine nucleotide pool inventory. |
The last example invokes an Afrocentric royal African lineage and past in order to salvage a self-esteem beaten down by oppression. |
With the ship run aground and the bow well out of the water, these would have been easy to salvage. |
For some reason I still felt a need to salvage some dignity, so I ran like the wind. |
In the case of rehabilitation or remodeling, LEED points can be earned through salvage and reuse of materials. |
It took her a few days to clean and cure the skins properly and salvage enough to do anything useful with them. |
Given its lowly valuation, a growing number of brokers believe that the car salvage specialist is a sitting duck for a predator. |
Nelson liked to salvage a few lifeboats from defeated French ships for this very purpose. |
It took four hours for 17 firefighters and officers to control the inferno and carry out salvage work on the 15 by eight metre room. |
Desperate digging against the rising water level managed to salvage a tiny fraction of its priceless mosaics, now displayed in Gaziantep museum. |
Then, I can salvage some dignity by pretending I'm a cool artsy type who wants to be alone in a bar instead of a loser whom nobody loves. |
I've assured and reassured him a hundred times that this isn't true, but then, there's only so much you can say to salvage a hurt ego. |
If that happens, a few years will not be enough to salvage the country's sagging economic power. |
Japan has conveyed its desire to salvage the ship from where it lies in the East China sea, but China has yet to agree to the request. |
A number of attempts were made to salvage the ship but when they failed she was dispersed using explosives. |
The locals attempt to salvage its cargo of thousands of cases of whisky and outwit Home Guard Captain Waggett and the excise officers. |
Despite the interference of souvenir seekers and vandals, they managed to salvage most of the ship's machinery. |
I later discovered that Ruud van Nistelrooy had pulled back two goals, to salvage a draw, which is a good away result in the Champions League. |
In the last minute of injury time Ireland closed a one-goal deficit with Germany to salvage a draw. |
He hit two sixes and 15 fours in an unbeaten 105 to salvage a draw for his side on the final day in Cape Town. |
The comeback was not be a winning one as Penrith added a fourth goal to salvage the draw. |
It needed an inspired performance by goalkeeper Shay Given and a much more defensive and conservative second-half performance to salvage a point. |
Smit Marine, which is running salvage operations on both ships, has been both airlifting fuel off the Sagitarius and burning it off. |
A salvage operation was underway to find the helicopters' black box flight recorders and weapons. |
A salvage operation is trying to save the most important works, including an antique carpet from the main hall. |
The technical details of its salvage are one of the truly great stories of deep-sea salvage operations. |
Should you find the entire sub floor to be too badly damaged for salvage, it will be best to lay new one. |
The reward for such assistance was a generous salvage payment based on the percentage of the value of the saved cargo and boat. |
The Crown or the owner of the property pays this salvage payment, or the finder may receive the property instead of payment. |
Caspofungin, the first of the new class of echinocandins to be released, has been approved for salvage therapy of invasive aspergillosis. |
One of the most reliable places to get genuine Volvo parts at a discounted price is a salvage yard. |
They developed a design built around a dump truck with a burnt-out cab, sourced from a local salvage yard. |
New options for salvage treatment may narrow the gap, if one exists, between single and tandem autotransplantation. |
Terry rails against Jack's indifference and desperately tries to salvage some kind of relationship from the tangled chaos. |
Crews have covered the roof with salvage tarpaulin to protect the house from the weather while repairs are made. |
Mr Wood was rushed to Rochdale Infirmary and paramedics, police and three fire appliances, with an emergency salvage tender, attended the scene. |
In any case, a need to salvage some profit saw Rocca and Heather turn the returned bagels into bagel chips. |
In the end, it took an absolute scorcher from Stephen Ferguson in the dying moments to salvage an ill-deserved draw. |
Fortunately, the vast majority of marine assistance cases involve towing, not salvage. |
They have taken over key positions there and are scrambling to devise a plan to salvage the business. |
The Aggies have been far less competitive than they were last year and are scrambling to salvage something positive out of this season. |
Purine salvage pathway allows interconversion of bases, nucleosides and nucleotides. |
However, as indicated above, the salvage pathway to thymidine nucleotide synthesis is especially important in the preparation for cell division. |
All 130 passengers got off safely, and a salvage job removed some of the machinery to safety before the ship began to settle. |
By October the next year all salvage was abandoned and she became a total loss. |
At Miami, Carlos Delgado hit a pinch-hit grand slam to cap a six-run fifth inning for Florida to salvage a split in the four-game series. |
Training opportunities are also grasped, from the routine business of minehunting to casualty-handling, salvage and firefighting. |
If that is done it can work an economic miracle and salvage long traditions that have served generations of people. |
I did manage to salvage quite a few of the ideas but tossed about 40,000 words of total bilge. |
The attacking vehicles had been blasted apart, so there wasn't much left to salvage from them. |
Lawsuits can slow Forest Service efforts to salvage log burned areas or thin unburned ones, but he grossly exaggerated it. |
A friend of his managed to salvage four of them from the rubbish skip and returned them. |
The best approach is to make use of a team of multidisciplinary professionals who are committed to limb salvage. |
Whiteread cast them from two mortuary slabs which she had bought from a salvage yard in Hackney. |
The Bulls have shown bouncebackability this season but Peacock is tiring of the need for regular salvage jobs. |
Furious winds and snowstorms halted the salvage operation on Friday, but gave way to clearing skies yesterday morning. |
The wreckers hauling in salvage nets look like fishermen at first glance, but closer inspection reveals the traces of a shipwreck. |
The patient was then given one cycle of salvage chemotherapy consisting of vinblastine, ifosfamide, and cisplatin without any response. |
An original butler's pantry, too decrepit to salvage but architecturally intact enough, served as a model. |
But the die-hard footie fan took it on the chin and said at least he could salvage something out of the day. |
The synthesis of nucleotides from the purine bases and purine nucleosides takes place in a series of steps known as the salvage pathways. |
The other difficulty in using architectural salvage is that it doesn't come in standard sizes, and your builders won't like that. |
Combining the strengths of the giants along with a magical melody from Link's ocarina will yield a chance for the salvage of the world. |
Her agent wanted to salvage her career, and capitalize on the duo's on-screen and off-screen chemistry. |
It really is time that city hall stepped in to try and salvage the situation! |
You could continue to the stern and pass over a salvage hole towards the sternmost pair of 6 inch guns. |
By early June, with the plan seemingly stillborn, he began to search for a compromise that could salvage the linchpin of his program. |
While Punjab was able to salvage a bronze in the men's section, the women faded away with a fourth place finish. |
He had got carried away while attempting to salvage his business and his marriage. |
He charged that the underwater ceramics were excavated and treated unprofessionally by the salvage companies. |
In intraoperative cell salvage all shed blood is suctioned to a storage system, and heparin is added to prevent thrombus formation. |
Fortunately, experts have managed to salvage a number of priceless relics, including a huge hoard of Ancient Greek gold in Kerch. |
All 130 passengers got off safely, and a hurry-up salvage job removed some of the machinery to safety before the ship began to settle. |
Operations this season were to make a clean job of it, and salvage was small. |
Flash forward to the present day as we meet a rusty group of salvage experts who think they've hit pay dirt. |
But last fall I had to slice some 6-inch I-beams at a salvage yard and yearned for more power. |
One fire engine and a specialist salvage unit, which carries flood related equipment, attended the incident. |
All that we can salvage in the present is the memory, like Gretta's, of moments or events that are inevitably irretrievable. |
A hope that one day, the dusky, beautiful God of the cowherds and the shepherds would salvage her callously broken dreams. |
While architectural salvage was a condition of the eventual consent for demolition, the distinctive cowls have disappeared. |
But gluing and frapping will usually salvage a paddle with a diagonal split, and someday that may save your trip. |
Civilian frogmen from Furness began a search almost immediately and a salvage team was called from Barrow. |
This is not a defeatist attitude but one which I feel will salvage something from the wreckage. |
But even they can't entirely salvage the mixture from a gradual descent into mediocrity. |
From 1782 to 1788 Dutch banks loaned nine million guilders, which helped salvage American finances. |
Extending the conclusion of losing battles, engagements and fire fights can salvage some benefits in the greater campaign. |
The beams pulled them in closer until a dull thud sounded throughout the thick hulls of the salvage vessels. |
So I went to the Web to find the source, hoping I could then salvage my reputation by persuading the journal to print an addendum or erratum. |
The salvage plan calls for a further 1000 to be brought ashore before the next attempt at refloating the 15-thousand ton vessel takes place next Wednesday or Thursday. |
Had he returned, he could have leveled the navy yard's support facilities, thereby destroying the Navy's industrial capacity and setting back salvage operations. |
Those behind the find are now reported to be planning to drum up finance for a major salvage operation this summer to raise the 85 ft long, 112 ft wide craft. |
Sen. Mary Landrieu did everything she could Monday night to salvage the shards of her bid for a fourth term in the U.S. Senate. |
If the insurer exercises the option to replace the automobile or pays the actual cash value of the automobile, the salvage, if any, shall vest in the insurer. |
So I tried to salvage it by dumping in more icing sugar, but the icing sugar was lumpy and old so I ended up with slightly thicker chocolate watery slop with white chunks. |
The salvage team took emergency action to block splits below the waterline as an estimated 1,000 tonnes of water flooded the vessel's lower car deck. |
When the helicopter arrived, the salvage team was dropped onto the ship's heaving decks as a safety precaution to ensure that the towline was properly secured. |
None of this is to say that the wreck and salvage of the costa Concordia should have received less attention. |
Only vehicle manufacturers, through their agents and dealerships, are to sell spares which means an instant end to auto jumbles, or salvage yards. |
None was in good working order and one had been smashed up in an accident, but Chris was able to salvage the only left-hand driver of the trio by cannibalising the other two. |
However, a salvage yard can be a goldmine, especially if you are not the type to pay more than you need to and you like to work on your car yourself. |
A salvage operation was already underway last night, while an aircraft was expected to fly over at first light this morning to check for signs of fuel leaking from the hull. |
Only Key West, the last link in the chain, had anything like a town, its fortune based on selling salvage from ships wrecked on the reef that shadows the Keys. |
It looks as if the hull was broken open for commercial salvage of the copper in the motors, and perhaps the torpedo tubes were salvaged from the bow at the same time. |
The party had been arranged in honour of Tim Hayter, a New Zealand specialist diver who had been working on salvage operations in the Straits of Jeddah. |
It was a negligent accident that cost more than 30 lives, including a salvage diver who perished working on the wreck. |
Two full hotels on Giglio port have been rented entirely for two years for the salvage crews and the command center. |
Why are there not temporary collecting bins provided throughout the area to facilitate the salvage of this valuable commodity, and save quite a lot of land-fill space? |
It may be that the plane reached the site as a result of salvage or scavenging from a more wealthy site in the neighbourhood which had been abandoned. |
Because of the difficulties in some salvage operations, salvors may tell you they do not know what the cost will be but will instead make a salvage claim afterwards. |
There are no boilers, no engine and no remains of auxiliary machinery or steam pipes, just a big gap in the middle of the wreck left by some long-forgotten salvage company. |
Fortunately, a salvage unit was available, at a fraction of that amount. |
All other openings in the submarine's pressure hull have been sealed, presumably during the salvage attempts, so this is the only opportunity to go inside the wreck. |
The most telling and haunting part of the wreck is the Royal Australian Air Force roundel that has faded with time and was torn in half during a salvage attempt. |
Using salvage steel from the towers, the agency will simulate the force created by the airliner striking the building to see how the I-beams behaved. |
He also restored the inglenook fireplace to its original size, sourcing 2in Tudor bricks from a salvage yard, and reinstated a trap door, the only way to the master bedroom. |
When he was released, back on the streets of the ghetto, without much formal education, seeking to salvage his life, he found a saving grace in art. |
It was used along with several crash boats to salvage wrecked planes. |
While others escaped through the aft escape hatch, no one survived from the forward part of the wreck, so this hatch was most likely opened during subsequent salvage. |
Attempts to salvage the ship were hampered by thick fog on Saturday night and the bad weather continued yesterday morning, French coastguards said. |
Based on maritime law hundreds of year old, salvage was established to encourage ship owners to abandon their schedules and help those in trouble. |
The rescue boat attempted to salvage the smaller vessel yesterday. |
Redhill and Old Coulsdon managed to salvage a draw on Sunday after North Kent failed to get the one run needed off their final ball to win the match. |
In order to salvage the wood, huge tracts of upland forest were clear-cut. |
Rather than handing it more taxpayer dollars, it should liquidate this railroad and allow private companies to salvage the potentially profitable routes. |
A pure or merit salvage award will seldom exceed 50 percent of the value of the property salved. |
The other band members agreed, and the idea came about to salvage the footage shot for the TV production for use in a feature film. |
Giving up on the North, the British decided to salvage their former colonies in the South. |
Montanans would get the green light to salvage road kill for consumption under a bill headed to Governor Steve Bullock's desk. |
Theodoric was able to temporarily salvage some of his realm with the assistance of the Thuringians. |
Tugboats were drafted in from the ports of Dublin, Liverpool and Plymouth to assist with the salvage operation. |
Examples include quarrying, salvage, and farm work as well as trafficking, bondage, forced labor, prostitution and pornography. |
Civilian uses for submarines include marine science, salvage, exploration and facility inspection and maintenance. |
Army Air Forces plane, known as the Maid of Harlech, but hope eventually to salvage the wreck. |
Ship chandler and stevedore services are available, as are diving services for hull cleaning, underwater inspection, salvage, etc. |
On 23 January 2007 further details of the forthcoming salvage operation of both the ship and its cargo were released. |
Aside from the main salvage operation of Napoli, a local salvage firm was appointed to clear up the beach and remove the containers and flotsam. |
At the same time the salvage firm erected fences on the beach to prevent public access. |
An Escherichiacoli system expressing human deoxyribonucleoside salvage enzymes for evaluation of potential antiproliferative nucleoside analogs. |
Private salvage operations, including attempts to drain the lake, are now illegal. |
Typically, the ship and the salvor will sign up to an LOF agreement so that the terms of salvage are clear. |
A smaller number of cases related to smuggling, principally brandy, and to salvage rights for ships wrecked on Scottish shores. |
His plan was to break up the wreck of Royal George with gunpowder charges and then salvage as much as possible using divers. |
The gray fox turned in included 30 from hunters, seven from trappers, and nine from salvage. |
The Manx government, the Tynwald, has spent pounds 980,000 of the pounds 1million budget set aside for the salvage bid. |
The vessels which travel the straits are required to pay beaconage, salvage and health fees. |
The goal of the salvage may be to repair the vessel at a harbour or dry dock, or to clear a channel for navigation. |
The refloating of ships stranded or sunk in exposed waters is called offshore salvage. |
During cleanup, the couple managed to salvage an interesting cast-iron piece that was turned into a unique wall sconce in the water closet. |
In this type of salvage, vessels are exposed to waves, currents and weather and are the most vulnerable and difficult to work on. |
Commonwealth Disposals Commission which concerned a contract for the rights to salvage a ship. |
The term harbour salvage refers to the salvage of vessels stranded or sunk in sheltered waters. |
Such vessels are not normally subject to the same deterioration caused by marine and weather conditions as offshore salvage vessels are. |
Critical analysis of salvage radical prostatectomy in the management of radioresistant prostate cancer. |
In addition, unless the vessel to be salvaged is obstructing navigation, then there is no need to work as swiftly as in offshore salvage. |
A new technique for hemodilution, preparation of autologous platelet-rich plasma and intraoperative blood salvage in cardiac surgery. |
When property is lost at sea and rescued by another, the rescuer is entitled to claim a salvage award on the salved property. |
Wreck removal focuses on the removal of hazardous or unsightly wrecks that have little or no salvage value. |
The salvage of a vessel that is damaged but still afloat is called afloat salvage. |
Clearance salvage is the coordinated removal or salvage of numerous vessels in a harbor or waterway. |
The aircraft came to a stop in the soft sand, the crew egressed and the fire was extinguished by the OLF crash and salvage crew. |
The boy on the rake went to and fro, up and down across the stubbled field, trying to salvage every wisp. |
Salvors performing high order salvage receive substantially greater salvage award than those performing low order salvage. |
It would be a rare case in which the salvage award would be greater than 50 percent of the value of the property salvaged. |
Mino-Lok is an antimicrobial solution designed to salvage and sterilize infected central venous catheters in bacteremic patients. |
More commonly, salvage awards amount to 10 percent to 25 percent of the value of the property. |
Prior to a salvage attempt the salvor receives permission from the owner or the master to assist the vessel. |
In pure salvage, there is no contract between the owner of the goods and the salvor. |
Triple therapy with a proton pump inhibitor, rifabutin, and either amoxicillin or levofloxacin has been proven effective as salvage therapy. |
If another vessel offers a tow and the master or owner negotiates an hourly rate before accepting then salvage does not apply. |
In 1942 the 1,787-ton Ravenspoint was sunk in Gibraltar harbour by a limpet mine but salvage teams soon refloated her. |
Posaconazole as salvage therapy in patients with chronic granulomatous disease and invasive filamentous fungal infection. |
The proposed salvage team comprised 30 Venetian mariners and a Venetian carpenter with 60 English sailors to serve them. |
At least two other salvage teams in 1547 and 1549 received payment for raising more guns from the wreck. |
Berlino Grand Barcelona Casino Samsara Suite Atene Theatre Samsara Spa Watch video of the salvage operation for FREE at www. |
A major factor in the resistance of cells to antifolate cancer treatment involves nucleoside salvage from the extracellular media. |
Using a recently invented rubber suit and metal diving helmet, Deane and Edwards began to examine the wreck and salvage items from it. |
For example, a user can acquire a disk, salvage a disk image for files, and catalog another disk all at once. |
The choice fell on the salvage vessel Sleipner, the same craft that had been used as a platform for diving operations on the Vasa. |
The exception to that rule is in the case of treasure salvage. |
He immediately scheduled corrective surgery, hoping against hope he'd be able to salvage some days afield at the tag end of the '02 archery season. |
Prostate gland lengths and iceball dimensions predict micturition functional outcome following salvage prostate cryotherapy in men with radiation recurrent prostate cancer. |
Stet is sympathetic and believable, and the emotional connections he forges with the owner of the salvage yard, a gruff but caring Viet vet, and with his sister are affecting. |
They organised the evacuation of children, established centres for those displaced by bombing, and operated canteens, salvage and recycling schemes. |
The leisure navigation and sporting activities on the river have given rise to a number of businesses including boatbuilding, marinas, ships chandlers and salvage services. |
The Admiralty initially declared that there would be no attempt at salvage, that the sunken hulks would remain where they were, to 'rest and rust. |
Rosyth and nearby Charlestown were major centres of shipbreaking activity, notably the salvage of much of the German fleet scuttled at Gutter Sound, Scapa Flow. |
Domestically the Ospreys' did salvage some pride, avoiding becoming the lowest placed Welsh region, by pipping Cardiff Blues to fifth place in the Celtic League. |
Strenuous efforts by the Royal Navy to salvage the badly damaged battleship during the summer of 1906 failed, and in 1907 it was decided to give up and sell her for scrap. |
The team labored until September 12 to salvage the Padre Island treasure. |
The legal significance of salvage is that a successful salvor is entitled to a reward, which is a proportion of the total value of the ship and its cargo. |
In the Early Modern Period, diving bells were often used for salvage work. |
Pasley's diving salvage operation set many diving milestones, including the first recorded use of the buddy system in diving, when he ordered that his divers operate in pairs. |
Offshore salvage may provide only a short window of opportunity for the salvage team due to unusually high tide or inclement weather for instance. |
In this form of salvage, the main focus is on the rapid removal of goods and may include deliberate dissection, disassembly or destruction of the hull. |
When the vessel to be returned to service is commercial, the salvage operation is typically driven by its commercial value and impact on navigational waterways. |
Legal disputes do arise from the claiming of salvage rights. |
The 1910 Brussels Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules with Respect to Assistance and Salvage at Sea reflects the traditional legal principles of marine salvage. |
The identification of the ship led to significant public interest in the salvage operation, and caused a great demand for the objects which were brought up. |
They scraped a livelihood from fishing, farming and salvage. |
Consequently, salvage law applies only to the saving of property. |
In an ideal world, every meeting of salvor and salvee would result in a freely negotiated contract for salvage services priced at a competitive level. |
Anything from dishwashing to salvage, from spud-bashing to coal-heaving. |
And WAC founder Paul Garnault says that pleas for financial assistance from the Welsh Assembly Government, which would salvage the tour, have fallen on deaf ears. |
She underwent left salvage modified radical neck dissection with sacrifice of the internal jugular vein and sternocleidomastoid, with preservation of the accessory nerve. |
They also gave themselves a chance to hault their series losing streak at seven if they can salvage a four-game split with the Astros by winning tonight's finale. |
He initially walked free from Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court in June last year after a legal technicality led to the salvage firm operator being acquitted of the charges against him. |
The solution is cell salvage at the hands of anaesthetists attending such emergency surgical procedures, and reinfusion of salvaged autologous blood. |
Although early reperfusion is essential for myocardial salvage, it induces reperfusion injury, which reduces the benefits of myocardial reperfusion. |
In previous challenges they have built a land yacht, a marine salvage system, which raised two Minis from the bottom of Stoney Cove, a walking machine and a dragster bike. |
Adrian Rochet put the little-known visitors in front after 14 minutes and it took a 40th minute equaliser from Markel Susaeta to salvage a 1-1 draw. |
Earlier, Lieutenant Commander Armand Balilo was quoted in reports as saying the favourable weather had made it possible for salvors to complete the salvage operations on time. |
This greatly mitigates damage as opposed to the multiple insurers that must be consulted and perhaps find their own salvors and conduct their own salvage sales. |
Indeed, the company used to have a large salvage yard for many years, but eventually transformed it into a traditional lumber yard run by a third brother, Jim. |