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How to use salt marsh in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "salt marsh"? Here are some examples.

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The Louisiana salt marsh is tidally flooded, and salinity ranges from 0 to 28 ppt.
The bay includes salt marsh, shallow and open water, tidal channels, mudflats and numerous islands, and a freshwater pond.
Marsh vegetation consists mainly of cattail and sedges, with salt marsh cordgrass occurring along creek banks.
At Turkey Point in the sandy berms out in the salt marsh, large stands of the non-native Teesdalia nudicaulis were noted in bloom.
He had ninety-six acres to leave to his three sons, including hayfields in thirty-seven locations, from salt marsh to upland fields.
Coastal migrants can often be found along tidal creeks, salt marsh edges, and mudflats, rarely on sandy ocean beaches.
As a result, several species unique to these wetlands are now listed as threatened or endangered, including the salt marsh harvest mouse and the California clapper rail.
The tidal bore of water in a salt marsh estuary typically involves very little wave action, with slow and steady increases and decreases in water level.
The salt marsh harvest mouse is a small nocturnal rodent that makes its home and all of its meals out of pickleweed, a native plant growing in the salt marshes.
That land was essentially a salt marsh until farmers went in and diked it, and started to cultivate it.
A year later, he won approval in Nova Scotia to perform similar tests in a salt marsh habitat located in Petpeswick Inlet.
The trap site was situated adjacent to a large salt marsh on one side and a cattail marsh and boggy area on the other side.
Estuaries and associated salt marsh communities play an important role in the functioning and integrity of the Bay of Fundy ecosystem.
Similar to rockweed, salt marsh grasses also release nutrients into the coastal waters.
Birders can walk on it, but no artificial structure is permitted either on the sandbar or in the salt marsh between the sandbar and the shore.
In addition, salt marsh ecosystems and dunes provide protection against storms.
You may destroy the salt marsh plants that are the butterfly's food source.
The formation of an Eelgrass bed can actually be an early successional step in the development of a salt marsh.
This observation suggests that pools of methane have formed under the surface of the salt marsh.
To study how a salt marsh recovers on its own, this plot was oiled and left undisturbed.
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Examples from Classical Literature
On the dry salt marsh here is scarce any other plant than salicornia herbacea.
It was raining, the long stretches of salt marsh were windswept and brown and bleak.
Leaving the flat, we struck North-North-East for four miles, and came to a salt marsh about half a mile wide, which we crossed.
It was a piece of upland called by the Indians, an island with salt marsh lying between it and the Hill.
Dana states that in 1845 another earthquake occurred in this district which converted Sindree Lake into a salt marsh.
The Tuckerton Peninsula forms a large expanse of highly inundated Spartina alterniflora salt marsh habitat along the southern New Jersey coast.
They come here to feed on the salt marsh and lowland wet grassland and will stay until early April.
At the west stretched a salt marsh, of great value to a plantation.
And what do you think of that modest leg of salt marsh mutton?
They conclude that livestock grazing of saltmarshes is unnecessary and improper for the conservation of salt marsh breeding birds.
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