I was hired by timber workers, mining and ranching interests to investigate acts of sabotage against their industries. |
Four months later, in March, Bert Marlow, an engineer at the club, told how Fred's act of sabotage in the bar almost led to it being flooded. |
Power outages, acts of sabotage and general unrest have hampered production. |
Their arrest is only one of an increasing number of arrests in which Germans have been suspected of planning similar acts of sabotage. |
Police are investigating whether a train derailment between Ballan and Gordon was caused by an act of sabotage. |
Iam brought several pounds of plastic explosives and detonation devices with him to sabotage the plant when the time came. |
This resistance could include workplace go-slows, mass sick leaves, industrial and military sabotage, and the non-payment of rents and taxes. |
Every single act of industrial sabotage is being done by the people who formerly ran those systems. |
However, even if you can't pull a sickie, the armchair revolutionaries say you can still sabotage your company. |
Most state-sponsored malware are designed for activities such as data-gathering, cyberespionage or sabotage, she explained. |
Speer moved against Hitler by countermanding his orders and other forms of sabotage. |
The ministry's initial mandate was limited to internal security-the suppression of political dissent, counter-espionage, and sabotage. |
Others unintentionally sabotage their relationships by exhibiting overly possessive, clinging, dependent behaviour. |
A shame since it includes the weapons, sabotage devices and other inventions which undoubtedly frustrated the German forces. |
Some scientist fear a buildup of such materials would eventually sabotage a person's ability to fight off infection. |
Some have accused Stoiber of deliberately trying to sabotage Merkel in a fit of pique at her rapid rise. |
It followed one on Saturday that set a gas pipeline ablaze in the western desert and which Oil Ministry officials said was due to sabotage. |
They trained in the evening in such things as weapons handling, unarmed combat and basic sabotage. |
Clearly, this is a grossly simplified example but it serves to illustrate how such a solution is very open to sabotage. |
When sabotage is directed at co-workers who are on the same level within an organization's hierarchy, it is called horizontal violence. |
There has been no systematic attempt to sabotage or destroy the oilfields, either in the south or the north. |
Improvements in electricity and water supply have been offset by disruption caused by sabotage. |
There have been reports about various attempts to sabotage the candidature of women candidates by withdrawing their nominations secretly. |
This shows that violent sabotage is by no means unknown in the passenger ferry industry. |
Or does it cut you off from sources of internal worth, isolate you, and sabotage your health? |
Violating the rules of on-line etiquette, also called netiquette, can also increase the probability of sabotage occurring. |
Bad taste, botched repairs and smelly dogs will all sabotage your house sale. |
The occasional concessions to historical fact unintentionally sabotage the dramatic punch of the story. |
Six months after Pearl Harbor, U-boats landed eight German marines on American shores for sabotage missions. |
A definite way to sabotage your plan for shredded abs is to give into food cravings. |
In the darkened capacity of the enormous factory, they worked quickly to pull off the sabotage without tripping the alarms. |
There was concern in conducting the online study that sexually prejudiced individuals might attempt to sabotage the research. |
After Colleen claims that Joy tried to sabotage her chances of winning, the meeting turns into bedlam. |
Any sabotage or mechanical failures would cause power cuts in Britain within days. |
This long campaign of leaking, backgrounding and sabotage would be legitimised. |
It may be that Mr. Mitchell assumed that it would relieve the insurers from all risk arising from vandalism, sabotage and malicious mischief. |
No sooner had the lights gone out than there were mumblings of sabotage, some kind of conspiracy, foul play, under-hand machinations. |
In 1963, Sisulu was tried with Mandela and other activists for planning acts of sabotage and revolution. |
The scenarios might involve a simulated attack by terrorists or mock acts of sabotage by insiders. |
Meanwhile, the Communist Party coordinated a complex series of acts of sabotage and other forms of guerrilla warfare. |
Any further delays to the Act should be seen as an act of economic sabotage and all those involved in its creation should be held accountable. |
Clearly, Robinson was now caught between two xenophobias and two discriminatory worlds that helped to sabotage his best efforts. |
Dozens were executed for espionage or sabotage after having been convicted in show trials. |
While the men were trained in sabotage and to kill silently, the women operated radios and broadcast false messages. |
They played an important part in preventing enemy raids, sabotage and terrorist operations. |
All subsequent crimes against the Party, all treacheries, acts of sabotage, heresies, deviations, sprang directly out of his teaching. |
Finally, the negative comments against the English program in St Malo is nothing short of an act of sabotage. |
The unions vehemently denied supporting acts of sabotage and rejected the idea that their members were behind the incidents. |
He is accused of attempting to sabotage the eradication plan by giving rats an antidote to the poison used in the eradication. |
The plentiful numbers of highly explosive targets, like gas tanks and ammo dumps, are strategic elements of sabotage. |
For underwater sabotage missions, each diver can carry a limpet mine to attach to the hull of enemy watercraft or docks. |
During the retreat a guerrilla resistance force was organized to conduct sabotage, operating behind enemy lines. |
Let's say an enemy has invited all your gang to a weenie roast, and you want to sabotage the picnic. |
It appears that industrial sabotage was as much of an art form in Tasmania in those days as legging it is in Thailand today. |
Sickness produces symptoms and collateral damage that disrupt or sabotage health. |
In fact, if I didn't know better, I might suspect that Rove himself is deliberately trying to sabotage the war effort. |
They were prepared to sabotage the Soviet war machine in the event of a Warsaw Pact-NATO conflict. |
There has even been speculation that some rogue elements within the British Army tried to sabotage Stevens' light aircraft last year. |
He commented that this could be interpreted as an attempt on the part of the General Staff to sabotage reform in the army. |
The trainees were schooled in spy photography and sabotage, Morse Code and minelaying. |
There was a sabotage of the oil pipelines a few days ago, now this. |
Police reportedly found evidence of sabotage, but were happy to call the crash an accident when, it is said, they were warned off looking too closely. |
A row of more than 15 bricks, pieces of concrete, metal poles, wooden stakes and a traffic cone were balanced on the track in a blatant act of sabotage. |
Instead, it would rather sabotage the game and try to extort its way to a victory. |
To give an idea of the kind of resistance undertaken, the book tells the stories of some of the groups that worked with Britain to sabotage German facilities. |
Joined by a small troop of men, who sometimes get lost along the way, you must fight to destroy the enemy and sabotage the invasion of the planet. |
Having failed to defeat McCreevy at home, it seems De Rossa is bent on an act of national sabotage by wrecking his chances of securing an influential post on the Commission. |
The chief risks involve the theft or diversion of nuclear material from a facility or a physical attack or act of sabotage designed to cause a release of radioactivity. |
He reported that in September there were 534 acts of sabotage against railroads as compared to a monthly average of 130 during the first half of the year. |
Extra security was also set up along the lines to monitor other signs of potential sabotage. |
My first son was about to be born, and I was terrified that my manifold inadequacies as a man would sabotage my success as a dad. |
Right from the outset, the police cast doubt on the sabotage theory. |
The sabotage attack claimed over 100 lives and left hundreds more wounded. |
The accusations of sabotage are being viewed among workers as a crude frame-up attempt, aimed at creating conditions to sack the crew and bypass the court. |
Most were suspected of draft evasion, desertion, or sabotage. |
Perceiving them as a threat to home front security, local audiences appeared keen to consume reports of enemy alien networks, conspiracies, and sabotage. |
The Stern Gang and the Irgun used terrorism and sabotage against the British government and against lines of communications. |
He had a willingness to propagandize lies and to sabotage not only the truth but governments and individuals in America's undeclared wars. |
Defiance-based paradox is employed so that the family will actively oppose and deliberately sabotage the prescription. |
In spite of the ideological enmity, the Home Army did launch a massive sabotage campaign after the Germans began Operation Barbarossa. |
Each battalion was to choose 3 soldiers who were to sabotage enemy's war effort behind the front lines. |
Prime examples of such sabotage are the events of Black Tom and the Kingsland Explosion. |
In a workplace setting, sabotage is the conscious withdrawal of efficiency generally directed at causing some change in workplace conditions. |
Communist parties were to struggle against the US presence in Europe by any means necessary, including sabotage. |
Poor living conditions led to high rates of sickness, injury, and death, as well as sabotage and criminal activity. |
Outside of campaigning, some activists choose to engage in direct intervention such as the sabotage of the hunt. |
The subsequent investigation determined that the explosion was probably accidental, though sabotage could not be completely ruled out. |
He came into conflict with Paoli, who had decided to split with France and sabotage the French assault on the Sardinian island of La Maddalena. |
Proponents argue that since property cannot feel terror, damage to property is more accurately described as sabotage. |
The factory where she worked was a poisonous mass of incompetence, favoritism, and sabotage. |
During World War II, the Allies committed sabotage against the Peugeot truck factory. |
But the Russian sabotage and provocation operations currently underway? |
The world has been conditioned to expect such brazen sabotage. |
It is suspected that the Moscow fire was principally the effect of Russian sabotage. |
During World War II, British subject Eddie Chapman, trained by the Germans in sabotage, became a double agent for the British. |
From January through March 1944, sabotage accounted for three times the number of locomotives damaged by Allied air power. |
Many active sabotage attempts were against critical rail lines of transportation. |
Receiving their sabotage orders through messages over the BBC radio or by aircraft, the French used both passive and active forms of sabotage. |
Once again, she had let Niffy talk her into another very tricky, highly risky piece of school sabotage. |
The story's based on the memoirs of collotype expert Adolf Burger whose idealistic determination to sabotage things put everyone's lives at risk. |
Morale of the crews was high, no sabotage had occurred at Brest and the crews went ashore freely. |
The Home Army's sabotage operations Operation Garland and Operation Ribbon are just two examples. |
Pipelines can be the target of vandalism, sabotage, or even terrorist attacks. |
The IRA also employed passive sabotage, refusing dock and train workers to work on ships and rail cars used by the government. |
However, one of the most effective uses of sabotage is against organizations. |
Simple sabotage is carried out in such a way as to involve a minimum danger of injury, detection, and reprisal. |
Amioun public vocational school was subject last night to sabotage for the second time. |
A modern form of sabotage is the distribution of software intended to damage specific industrial systems. |
Around 200,000 Spanish troops outnumbered the much smaller rebel army, which relied mostly on guerrilla and sabotage tactics. |
Kidnap, dognap, sabotage, naked bungee jump, sitting in a bath of baked beans? |
They committed sabotage, diverted regular forces and committed numerous atrocities against civilian population. |
This does not imply that the JDP harbors a hidden agenda to Islamize or Middle Easternize Turkey and thereby sabotage Turkey's European vocation. |
They participated in espionage, sabotage and other Fifth column means in their countries of origin, trained and commanded by Abwehr. |
In early 1943 Stromsheim, an explosives expert and an excellent skier, parachuted into his native Norway to sabotage the German heavy water plant in the Telemark. |
Some criminals have engaged in acts of sabotage for reasons of extortion. |
Not helping Rusty's cause is the guard's van, CB, who would rather sabotage Rusty to pave the way for the future in the form of Electra and Greaseball. |
Patients with the bleeding disorder called immune thrombocytopenic purpura harbor antibodies that sabotage production of the platelets responsible for proper blood clotting. |
Whatever you do and no matter how much you are implicated in sabotage acts, you will not stop the change wheel that has already moves forward and will never go back. |
After stag party drama-tics which will see him get himself arrested in a bid to sabotage his nuptial, the Rover's barman makes it to the registry office on time. |
But do the habitual Pynchonesque high finks sabotage the latest novel? |
In addition, over 25,000 acts of more minor sabotage were committed. |
It stressed all should practice their rights according to the constitution, in a peaceful way and without violence, chaos, sabotage and lawbreaking. |
Most of their efforts were centered around crippling Malaysia's economy and involved sabotage against trains, rubber trees, water pipes, and electric lines. |
Economic necessity drove many islanders to take up employment offered by the Germans, taking the opportunity to sabotage or delay works, and to steal tools and provisions. |
The major part of the draining of the Fens was effected in the late 18th and early 19th century, again involving fierce local rioting and sabotage of the works. |
Miles believed that Jeffery gave Hendrix the drugs in an effort to sabotage the current band and bring about the return of the original Experience lineup. |
Susan Yap introduced House Bill 4677, which also declares rice and corn hoarding and profiteering during calamities or emergencies as economic sabotage. |
Fenmen known as the Fen Tigers tried to sabotage the drainage efforts. |
For the IWW, sabotage came to mean any withdrawal of efficiency, including the slowdown, the strike, working to rule, or creative bungling of job assignments. |
The owners of the ship, Gomez Rascon and Christoval Quintero, were suspected of sabotage, as they and their ship had been pressed into service against their will. |
On 1 September 1939, Germany invaded Poland under the false pretext that the Poles had carried out a series of sabotage operations against German targets near the border. |